What people are saying about "Heavy is Pretty"
Heavy is Pretty
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Teddy Roosebelt
over 13 years ago
Is This the end of the arc?
over 13 years ago
She isn't using the ubersaw because it'd be to effective. A normal bonesaw probably hurts way, waaay more. The heretic needs to pay for her misguided ways, and the currency is pain!

On the fat/muscular argument, I think the term would be "stout".

MiniMedic: Do Not Want!
over 13 years ago
Wow Jo is into Yaoi now.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79452]@Truth[/url]: I'm pretty sure she's been playing this for at least a couple years now. Surely she would have gotten an ubersaw drop.
over 13 years ago
I'd hit that.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79409]@Kered13[/url]: Because she hasn't earned the Ubersaw yet. She's still new at this, remember?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79409]@Kered13[/url]: I've never bothered with the Ubersaw. If I want more Uber, I heal something, not stab an enemy with a needle. Hell I stayed with the Bonesaw until the Amputator came out. Same weapon, bonus healing for allies when taunting.
over 13 years ago
Why is Mini-Medic using the bonesaw? Everyone knows the ubersaw is better!
over 13 years ago
*drooling* oh wait there's more to the page? Weeeerrrreee????!!!!
over 13 years ago
That Other Guy
over 13 years ago
could be that in that situation she quickly had to throw something up as a result of Jo's non-cooperation.
Ze Spy
over 13 years ago
This frenchman's beret sure is popular.
For some reason, I want HWG to NEVER be fixed.

Also, I thought the girl couldn't draw, according to the strip we saw when the tentacle who want to take over the world received his Diablo 3 key.
over 13 years ago
Where the updates?!

over 13 years ago
Cool that mini-medic just wants her friend to be the way he is.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78974]@FaN[/url] A purely FAT guy couldn't carry a minigun, much less while running.
P. Diddy
over 13 years ago
Fuck yo heavy, nigga
over 13 years ago
that was a great my little pony friendship is magic episode yesterday
over 13 years ago
I like how I read every single one of these up to this point
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78875]@Dusk[/url] >>>>> Humanize- >>>>> Euthanize- Fix'd.
Cynical douche
over 13 years ago
Do you use Google translator to write descriptions or something? I'm just asking :/
That Guy
over 13 years ago
Normal heavy and that guy could always become individual people, would be quite funny if that one were to become a real jerk in the end.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78947]@Fangirl[/url] Heavy is not muscular, Heavy is FAT!
over 13 years ago
Heavy is far too muscular to be a bishonen - I know these things.
What he -is-, is -hot-. I support these upgrades 300%.
over 13 years ago
Hope your move goes easily!
over 13 years ago
@>:D: I highly doubt that.
over 13 years ago
All your fetish are serviceable to us.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78871]@11monkeys[/url]: I think the term your looking for is Humanize.
over 13 years ago
Ponys can be put in cloths, wich can make them look sexy, even if being naked isn't.
Also, you can always huminificate (I got that wrong I guess)...
 Platypus
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78844]@ki[/url]: No, that's just Pony Porn. Which is not fan service. Pony's looking teasingly sexy is not an easy... if you're "most" people. I'll avoid the F word I thinks, yes :P
over 13 years ago
Didn't it used to say "Everybody is critic." before?
over 13 years ago
What if the heavy wants to look like that?
over 13 years ago
your moms a pony

pony fanservice exists

it's twilight sparkle growing a male organ on rainbow dash and getting it on

troll on
Not Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
@Trolling Nerd: They always get bigger, since thew bigger tits swhe has, the bigger a fanbase Jo gets.
 Platypus
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78798]@TheVampirate[/url], Us "Troll Now" are connoisseurs of Fan Service. M/F, F/F, M/M, if it's fan service it's good. Ponies are not fan serviceable, first problem is they are already naked so there's naughtiness.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78798]@TheVampirate[/url]: The internet has not been fully assimilated yet. Ponys are quite new.
U MAD engie-tan ?
over 13 years ago
Engie-tan lose the cute war against mini-medic.

Now FIX heavy !
over 13 years ago
Zombie heavy, yaoi fangirl engie, uke scout and now bishoen heavy.
over 13 years ago
I'm surprised that there were more people up in arms against Pony comics yet there is virtually no one with a problem with yaoi/bishi comics.
It's just a phase
over 13 years ago
Mini-medic is about 8yo. When she gets a little older she'll be ok with Bishonen Heavy. Also:[url=#user_comment_78583] @PyrosNine[/url] ++
over 13 years ago
Heavy in this comic is like Mini-medics daddy, in other words he's great the way he is. During her teenage years that thought might change.
over 13 years ago
mini-medic looks strange there,like if she was stretched too much
over 13 years ago
Entire team is not as sexy as me.
over 13 years ago
Sexyness (Heavy action slot)

On activation, the heavy becomes sexy for 4 sec. All enemys nearby are forced to look at him and are unable to attack.
over 13 years ago
Don't know how much anime you watch Jo, but the little Medic always reminds me of Utao from Kamisama dolls.
Drawing Hat
over 13 years ago
Improve drawing skill by 100%
Improve bust size by 10%

-50% damage penalty
No random critical hits
Cannot be crit boosted
over 13 years ago
@real russian - Tell that to engie =P
over 13 years ago
So HWGUY was turn into a zombie leaving his old medic friend and the blu spy the only remaining folks who know about blu pyro's and sniper love affair.
over 13 years ago
isn't a medic supposed to be in charge of fixing biological beings? engie's an inanimate object kind of girl.
over 13 years ago
Uhm... when did Engie learn to draw, anyway? During Jos "Diablo 3"-Phase, she was said to be barely able.

Or was it just because all she had was a few hours and crayons?
real russian
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Jo is hat?
over 13 years ago
Mini-Medic is cute!
The Hat
over 13 years ago
Oh no, they're on to me.
over 13 years ago
@Trolling Nerd: Of course, Engie is in charge of the art now.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78636]@Truth[/url]: The hat is an enchanted hat that gives the user a bonus at drawing. That's why engie-tan drawing improved so much since the last time. It is not the artist, it is the hat!
over 13 years ago
And Skwisgaar guest stars as heavy...
over 13 years ago
That hat is amazing. It can apparently be worn by any class (or species, for that matter) and perfectly resizes and shapes itself to best suit the wearer.

Spill it, Jo. How much did you pay Mann Co. for it?
over 13 years ago
she mad
over 13 years ago
Mini-medic! TERRORIZE!
over 13 years ago
mini heavy
Wealthy Hobo
over 13 years ago
Yeah, he's handsome, and it's good art. But THAT DON'T FIT MAH TF2! DO NOT WANT!
Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
Is it just me or did Engietan's boobs get bigger?
over 13 years ago
It feels kind of Milestonish, with all the characters from different arcs popping up and interacting together.
over 13 years ago
Bishonen Heavy needs more images and eventually needs TF2 MOD.

"CRY SOME MOAR....into this soft, downy pillow, milaya moya!"

And then he gives you a back massage!
over 13 years ago
i bet the old heavy could take this girly version of heavy down in a heartbeat
over 13 years ago
Oh I don't know... new heavy would have a new fanbase, for sure.
over 13 years ago
That Heavy is a Bloody Lich King!
over 13 years ago
New Heavy is worse than Zombie Heavy :(
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
I'm not sure whether to support or shun Bishonen Heavy. Thus, I'm going to refraid from taking a side.