What people are saying about "The road"
The road
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The Phantom Insider
about 13 years ago
Those poor mushrooms...
over 13 years ago
I never understood what's so fun at raising levels by killing billions of innocent mushrooms... that's probably why i never play rpgs
Mason Thunder
over 13 years ago
Speaking of MMOs, I've been playing a free one, which is a super customized version of Ragnarok Online. Its so awesome.

You guys should check it out, if you're looking for an MMO Fix.

over 13 years ago
Something about this comic made me think Maple Story.

over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79613]@Marc[/url]: fungucide
Teddy Roosebelt
over 13 years ago
The shrooms they are ded!
T Chicken
over 13 years ago
Listening to They Don't Care About Us by Michael Jackson.
Stab them! Grind them! Make em Mushrooms stew,
All I want to say that Engie Doesn't care about them.
over 13 years ago
@Dean Ray Johnson:
...just bring us back, too!
over 13 years ago
@perv tentacle-san:
That's his fetish
over 13 years ago
"Dat Armor" :E
perv tentacle-san
over 13 years ago
You really like dual dagger female rogue, don't you ?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79613]@Marc[/url]: "mushroom carnage!" Great, now I've got that goddamned song stuck in my head. Africa, Mexico, Sicily, Tijuana, India, Osaka, Indonesia...
over 13 years ago
Ah a mmo thingy. I play open sandbox mmorpgs with no levels but skill advancement =/ Currently hooked on Dawntide.
over 13 years ago
@Dark Storm: Watch the World of Warcraft episode of South Park.
Dark Storm
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79574]@Neon[/url]: thanks now i have something to think about :3
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79615]@AK[/url]: I think MMOs in general.
over 13 years ago
what game is this referencing? maplestory is far from new so I really doubt it's that...
over 13 years ago
mushroom carnage!
over 13 years ago
For MMORPG I would like to have a reliable friend to share the account so we could advance much faster in the game. It's like if your friend were a bot leveling for you, just that it isn't a bot.
The Fabulous Nigger Jew of Death
over 13 years ago
The only thing you're doing wrong is playing a shitty grinding MMO.
Angered by noobs
over 13 years ago
DFO > Maplestory.
over 13 years ago
When I see others that are so high level even though the game just came out. I think to myself:
How to kill that which has no life?
over 13 years ago
Good thing there is DDO where all levels have nice quests.
over 13 years ago
I agree with Bad Karma. I just think *I* am doing something wrong if I'm lvl10 and everyone else if lvl30.
over 13 years ago
Tenacious D - The Road

First thing I thought of.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79499]@Serathis[/url]: both indeed, allthough the gender is male. Well, at least it's not an male elf cleric...
Bounty Hound
over 13 years ago
I know how you feel.Just started to play a new mmo named Bounty Hounds.Saw it in open beta and said it was my chance.. I entered a squad were three was already a guy with a max lvl char and was manking a 2nd one..FML
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79499]@Serathis[/url]: both...
over 13 years ago
This is your road engie-tan and when you walk it , you walk it alone.
over 13 years ago
Mushrooms bleed apparently. That elf... boy or girl?
over 13 years ago
Reminds me of all the F2P MMO games available nowadays. I'm always playing one of them... Your other MMO related comic about what you see when you look at one is relevant here. "Kill 15 for quest reward" "Wiki says nothing of interest here". It's just so hard NOT to do that...
over 13 years ago

Don't mind me...
over 13 years ago
So true.
Same in TF2 actually. I am like full covert in blood since i carry so hard and at our spawning area are 3 Engeneers just using there teleporters, farming achivements or trading the latest hats.
Fuck it there are so less really good servers around.
The Most Interesting Man In The World
over 13 years ago
I dont always play MMORPGs, but when I do I miss 80% of the content.
over 13 years ago
"Gee, I hope nothing happens to all those jelly filled, mushroom cakes I made."
over 13 years ago
Is this Maplestory?
over 13 years ago
For me hasting through the games just to stay level with your friends is a major fun killer. Roleplaying and actual appreciation for the content suits me way better.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_79444]@gnomekins[/url]: Looks like Nexon's new one, Dragonest, all I can think of.
over 13 years ago
What mmo is this?
over 13 years ago
i play a alot of MMOs but i rarely get to the end in any of them, exploring and roleplaying has always been what interessts me rather than boring endgame content
Bad Karma
over 13 years ago
Funny, when I'm level 10 and I see a level 30, I think "They're doing something wrong"