Rather have the smuggler ship, because the other types on the Republics side come with catches. For troopers, listening to a commander telling you to go out to die. For jedi, if players keep to the rules, they don't get laid
For smugglers, we work for the creds, being good or bad is not set for us
over 13 years ago
Jedi pimpmobile...enough said.
over 13 years ago
No comment on the AWESOME Imperial Agent ship? Makes me sad.
over 13 years ago
I wonder how many people are familiar with this...
But Engie2 expression is perfect!
Teddy Roosebelt
over 13 years ago
Poor Alien
over 13 years ago
I'll be flying my Sith Interceptor and shooting you out of the sky. Wait, what? ...You can't do that? Hmmm...
over 13 years ago
... after this the salesalien go into the funeral business (and probably nobody here will get what the hell I am referencing because I'm old)
over 13 years ago
Engie-tan has TFC weapons (the railgun) because this is taking place a long time ago.
over 13 years ago
@The Wizard That Didn't Do It: They all look the same to her.
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
over 13 years ago
The best part? He's not the one that sold the ship to her. :b
over 13 years ago
Ever play GSB? More ships gratuitously blowing each other up.
I've been saying Lucas needs another Space flight sim. It's been a long time since X-Wing/TIE Fighter and it'd be fun to up scale that to capital ship combat as well. If they based it on some newer books, Legacy of the Force perhaps.
over 13 years ago
Engie shot first.
over 13 years ago
wah! what are we gonna do on the bed?
Doc Lithius
over 13 years ago
Whoa. You like Star Control? Hot damn! That series gets so little recognition, but it deserves so much!
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
Since I will go for a Sith Marauder or a Jaggernaut, I'm starting to love my own ship
over 13 years ago
Dude, if you love ships in games so much... and you were a fan of X-Com: UFO Defense... did you not play X-Wing or TIE Fighter in the 90s at all? Epic. Games. Epic. Ships. (as in every damned ship from the Rebellion and the Empire... or close enough, at least!)
over 13 years ago
@O.o nope. I use a different alias for gaming and anime/manga.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_80089]@Dante[/url]: I played HiSec, this may had been my mistake. :)
over 13 years ago
Endured EVE? Ouch, thats harsh :P
In all seriousness though I hear where you are coming from. Glad to see you gave it a shot though.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_80054]@Aurum[/url]: Do you perhaps go on the mangastream forums? I believe i've seen some1 with your exact name on there o.O
over 13 years ago
I just noticed something... people make moe versions of everything, even Star Wars ships. But I still haven't found a moe version of Jar Jar Binks even though his clumzy nature would be perfect for a moefication. Will you accept the challenge Jo? After all you turned many zergs into loveable girls..
over 13 years ago
Hey you in the beta too? Wanna group up?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_80054]@Aurum[/url]: You're kidding me D: I havent even gotten one :( I guess the force hasn't been with me.
over 13 years ago
I wants invite. :(
over 13 years ago
Damn Bioware is throwing SWTOR Beta invites out en masse. My 5th invite so far.