All i can say about the dental floss is this:
over 13 years ago
bah engy has no style
over 13 years ago
But I liked her bodysuit, hope the next one will be better :L
over 13 years ago
The Axis
over 13 years ago
♫You beat good ol' Jo
You 're feeling pretty cool
You 're getting new clothes
and... something something oooh♪
Okay I suck at this... get a pro if you want
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_82459]@Grug[/url]: Well she does wear it on a regular basis.
over 13 years ago
@ Grug
Everybody's a critic
over 13 years ago
"Uniform" implies regularity. something that multiple people are wearing. I think you mean "Costume" or "Outfit".
over 13 years ago
Jo, now that I've heard you in the podcasts, I read your author comments in your voice.
over 13 years ago
Idea for Engi-tans new bodysuit:
Cammy Whites Leotard.
over 13 years ago
Anectotally: it would seem the bastard clover-spawn of the fourth channel have extended their reach further into the spider's web. Reacting with tact and decorum is passé; the 'style' of the hour appears to be seeing a molehill and describing a mountain range instead.
over 13 years ago
Freud had a field day, and the world has yet to recover from it.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Sometimes leaving a game when you're losing just means you're not having fun and would rather spend your time elsewhere.
over 13 years ago
Hahahaa mathieu got pwned.
Indeed, unless you see him rage on chat, he didn't rage. When I played TF2 (out of time anymore, my skill level has gone to -20 lol) and had a losing streak, I just left. Sometimes, the team just sucks, better off and go elsewhere. Or just leave the game and go outside
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
I play with Jo all the time and he never gets mad when there's no victories. Leaving when you're not having fun isn't rage quitting, it's deciding you're fed up not having fun for the day.
over 13 years ago
"don't change the team who is winning"? Yeah, whatever Jo. I've played against you in TF2 before. Care to recall what happened? You ragequit because your team was losing, So I guess the inverse of that statement is true as well.
over 13 years ago
Autoclave, the tentacle is "himself", that's how he decided to put himself in his comic.
And I for one approve of a dental floss bikini.
over 13 years ago
Dear NerfNow artist, all this tentacle monster is getting stale. I've created an account just for this to express my dissatisfaction.
Can we please have something else? Don't get offended but I heavily dislike this character.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_82346]@RoderickBR[/url]: Princesses have the law for them to do the job.
Engies have a sentry for them to do the job.
over 13 years ago
What about creating a small set of uniforms for each female character to change around as you like?
pervert tentacle-san
over 13 years ago
tentacle-san is a pervert
over 13 years ago
But Jo, what about the other engie? The one with the long curly hair? D: I miss her too.
over 13 years ago
Could be worse. Last time Mario suggested an attire change, Phoenix had to defend him in court.
over 13 years ago
Have Jo ever drew himself fully from the bottom? I wonder where does his tentacles stem from, though I can think of something that rhymes with tentacles..
over 13 years ago
Owwww now I get it. I thought that Jo is sewing using dental floss as strings for the fabric. Derp.
over 13 years ago
At least Mini Medic is getting plenty of practice with how many injuries Jo is getting lately.
over 13 years ago
@Denilson Sá: clearly you miss that this is engie-tan(2) #1 and not Engie-tan(2) #2 who plays on the computer all day or Engie-tan(2) #3 who hangs out with the Team fortress 2 gang. Then there Mini Engie-tan(2) #4.
over 13 years ago
Let me just say what alot of people are probably thinking: NOOOOOOooooooo........
Denilson Sá
over 13 years ago
She had different clothes on comics 535, 530. Maybe in other comics too (I didn't check them out, but I checked a lot of them). Of course, I'm not counting some themed costumes or bikinis.
Cruel Armpit
over 13 years ago
Oh, I get it! He wanted to make strings :D
over 13 years ago
This joke makes even more sense in portuguese, where dental floss and thongs have the same name (the name of the bikinis based on the fact they are mostly strings). So you can pretty much imagine the outfit he was planning to do.
over 13 years ago
Silly Jo! You should have suggested Band-aids swimsuit!
over 13 years ago
When are we getting a new arc?
over 13 years ago
1st!!!!! FIRST!
over 13 years ago
The fourth panel is Jo screaming in pain from having pins jammed in his "eye"
over 13 years ago
Oh yea, cool comic anyways...
over 13 years ago
Is that Jo's sewing look?
over 13 years ago
dental floss, the new fad in ten.... I just realized those pins aren't in a pincushion... ouchies.
over 13 years ago
Wow, I didn't mean to make this comment but this rarely happens to me...
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