No matter how many times you die or how long you play, every kill is a victory, every step further than your last is cause for celebration, and every death is just another chance to learn from your mistakes.
over 13 years ago
The answer, engie-chan, is this:
Because we really, really WANT to!
over 13 years ago
Yeah guys, im kinda addicted to this game right now... Every time u kill a boss, the sensation of power is overwhelming!!!
over 13 years ago
After cutting your way through hordes of zombies and demons, dodging traps and ambushes, and defeating that boss after dozens of deaths... A bonfire.
It's not just a checkpoint. It's a bastion of safety amongst the rest of the monstrous world hell-bent on your death.
Good work.
over 13 years ago
Thank god, now where is mah rite?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86025]@DM1293[/url]: So what you're saying is that real men are masochists.
over 13 years ago
Real men play DOOM/DMC/God of War/Gears of War/Halo/Every game with a difficulty setting with the difficulty cranked up as high as it will go.
over 13 years ago
More silent old school comics plz.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_85680]@Anonymous[/url]: Perhaps this'll explain the joke:
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_85680]@Anonymous[/url]: Sometimes he just wants to say how he feels about something. Not all the comics he make are jokes.
over 13 years ago
Where's the joke
Why is there no funny
over 13 years ago
Needs more Ninja Gaiden. I've only managed to beat the first one on the XBox on Ninja Dog which is unlocked from dying too many times on the first level.
over 13 years ago
I have completed All the Halo games (minus Wars) on Legendary and they were never near Vanquish on God Hard.
It is unbeliavable how hard it is, with some areas which i got through as much because of luck as skill.
over 13 years ago
Fable franchise.
The Group
over 13 years ago
@ Zacsi:
It need to be said we gangbanged your mom
And she liked it
Nerfnow trolls
over 13 years ago
When I played Halo: CE I died as much just in the FIRST LEVEL.
...Then again when I became better at playing it I could do with just maybe 10 deaths per level.
over 13 years ago
I really hope they will release it to the PC eventually. I would so buy this game.
over 13 years ago
After I played Vanquish on God Hard I am tempted to call them easy.
In the rather short span that Vanquish is I died 192 times before I even reached the last boss and I still havent beaten it. It is simply ruthless.
over 13 years ago
Games have difficulty levels for a reason. Use them. I double-fucking-dare you to call for example Halo's Legendary modes easy. Or ME's Insanity setting.
over 13 years ago
No more needs to be said.
over 13 years ago
Personaly I play multiplayer the most because AI rarely is able to give enough of a fun challenge.
over 13 years ago
@I remember the bad old days: If Tyrian gives you the ability to win with the right weapons and tactics, then is that not a "hole" that lets you win? It may not be a physical gap in an attack pattern, but the idea is the same: people like fighting something that's difficult. Nobody likes impossible.
over 13 years ago
I like both hard and easy. I bought both Skylanders and Dark Souls and I been playing both of them. There both very different but I love them both. I am glad both are being made.
over 13 years ago
Concordo, Dark Souls, assim como Demons Souls é para poucos, mas o desafio compensa no final. Joguei o Demons Souls só ano passado e adorei, gastei uma semana encima dele pra terminar. Ja encomendei meu Dark Souls, deve chegar hoje ou amanha =)
I remember the bad old days
over 13 years ago
Touhou is beatable because the enemy leaves holes to let you win. Tyrian is beatable because the right choices of weapons and tactics overcomes the enemy despite there not being any gaps in the fire. I felt much more accomplishment from one than the other. I also only saw the end to one of them.
Great Biotic Wind
over 13 years ago
Well, I can almost hear the emo kids: "Oh, Dark Souls is so dark and cruel. Like the world."
over 13 years ago
For those wanting a hard game, go get Vanquish. Sure the first play through may not seem hard, but it will unlock God Hard.
How hard is god hard? Well let me put it like this. I am currently on the last boss and in order to get there i died 192 times.
over 13 years ago
Jo is kinda right. Just look at Dead Island. What happens if you die? Nothing.
over 13 years ago
I feel bad for knowing exactly what the second panel is about.
over 13 years ago
I love hard games, makes it worth playing
over 13 years ago
when I'm reminded of hard games I always think of touhou, god damn bullet hell
T Chicken
over 13 years ago
Did you guys know that the last panel look like one of the Minecraft painting?
over 13 years ago
Huh, when did that T-shirt link go up?
over 13 years ago
Now would be a good time for a transition to a Dwarf Fortress comic. :)
over 13 years ago
Battletoads and superman 64 were my mountains and i still don't know why i played them
over 13 years ago
Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain.
over 13 years ago
lol[url=#user_comment_85475] @Imperfected[/url]
over 13 years ago
Oh Engie, I'll show you the fun of playing with something so hard...
over 13 years ago
Brings back memories of Castlevania. SO FCKING HARD DAMN IT JUMP!!!
over 13 years ago
<3 dark souls. Beat it without dying once on my second playthrough
over 13 years ago
Nintendohard is the way to play.
over 13 years ago
I'll be honest if you played demon souls and beat it and are a gamer who actually thinks and excels at games you won't have trouble. I beat the game in like 3 days because of the choices I made in the game
over 13 years ago
Disappointed we have not seen new character again yet.
Random Fan
over 13 years ago
I do like a good challenge. I rather have a fair well made challenging game like Super Meat Boy than play a very easy game.
I need to beat Ninja Gaiden.
Filthy Casuals
over 13 years ago
Dark Souls isn't that fucking hard, jesus christ people keep exaggerating