And people wonder how I can be a hardcore gamer and have never played WoW.
over 13 years ago
Not a panda
over 13 years ago
Guild wars 2 that way --->
over 13 years ago
Pokemon with a subscription.
over 13 years ago
Cill Brosby
over 13 years ago
fuck fucking retards.
It has been repeated one million time that what China didn,t like about Pandaran was them depicted in Japanese armor, because China hates Japan (with reason).
So. STFU with your bullshit. China is fine with pandaren as they are now.
now ima gonna go fap
over 13 years ago
Blizzard - making games the Valve way...
over 13 years ago
I'm still waiting for the reveal that the Pandaran update is another elaborate joke.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
pro tip, if you ignore WoW players and play games that dont start with three (MW3 for example) you will no longer care for them as they are lost to the human impulse of "oooo i wanna be a fagget and get it cause no one else will have it"
over 13 years ago
@Stefan Markovich: The funny thing is that China will not put pandas in the game. They threw up a huge fuss when it was put into Warcraft 3. On top of that, China is behind on the expansions already and they had to filter out skeletons and the like. I'm not sure what they will do with this Expansion
over 13 years ago
Yeah.. I can't wait 'till Guild Wars 2 comes out
over 13 years ago
WTH is going on here? Jo didn't make a Pandaren strip, Chris&Mike didn't make a Pandaren strip, DUDE!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86692]@Mewt[/url] thats because southshore is destroied, theres nothing but blob creature and weird goopy sh*^ every where...thank god i stopped playing....
Blizzard. You gotta admire them. Now with fucking ridiculous pandas, they will take over the rest of the world. Now i know why they opened up new forts in China. WoW is a business and they're damn good at it.
I have to admit tho, Valve's sense of acquiring money through hats is also commendable.
over 13 years ago
The new stuff in the next expansion is such an slow ball for everyone to ridicule.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86741]@Daniel[/url]: AQW?
over 13 years ago
Jealousy is a cruel mistress it seems, judging by these comments.
over 13 years ago
4 expansions.. soon.. to soon..
over 13 years ago
Paying to play a game monthly? Pfft.
*spends another five dollars on two keys.*
The Previous Guy
over 13 years ago
Next they'll start selling pet accessories, is my guess. How much money do you think the Wow-serfs will scrounge up to pay for a Catloc with a peg-leg, or a top hat, or a set of tiny vestigial wings?
over 13 years ago
If you are only JUST realizing after ten years that Blizzard's WoW MMO has more money-making schlock than a game ever should have the rights to sell, then I have no pity for you. You should've read the signs the instant they were asking you to buy the hardware AND pay the monthly subscription.
over 13 years ago
Sad, but true. They don't seem to be trying anymore.
over 13 years ago
tired of paying? Pirate servers for everyone!!!!!!!!
over 13 years ago
World of Warcraft: Just let me die with dignity....please?
over 13 years ago
What exactly is a "Dosh simulator"?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86692]@Mewt[/url]: That's because Southshore doesn't exist anymore, it was destroyed by the Forsaken when Cataclysm was launched. The entire Hillsbrad area is Horde based now.
over 13 years ago
Lol I don't know how you can keep on plyaing mmos,i came to the conclusion that you don't progress at all in them.There will always be another expansion or new map that will make you grind for a few rounds of glory than get your arse kicked.And ofc you gotta grind to get there and to get gear..
over 13 years ago
If I may paraphrase Mr. Plinkett:
"Blizzard and Valve are like Spielberg and Lucas...THEY'VE GOT US BY THE WALLET. GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF MAI ASS WALLET!"
The Weasel
over 13 years ago
We need to pay deeper!
over 13 years ago
TF2: Hat simulator
Killing Floor: Dosh simulator
WoW: Pet simulator
over 13 years ago
So WoW is like TF2, only instead of hats it is pets.
They have world pvp though. Then again, no one raids Southshore anymore from what I hear. Haven't played since 2006.
over 13 years ago
Now I'm stuck trying to imagine what a Catloc would sound like.
Captain Plannedit
over 13 years ago
It's a similar argument to cars.
Except cars are useful
over 13 years ago
Indeed blizz has been stupid with the blizz store...I WANT PLAYER OWN HOUSES!
over 13 years ago
Blizzard is fail as far as WoW is concerned. Paying for something on top of paying monthly on top of actually buying the damn game...seriously wtf blizz you should be making enough off subscriptions bets would be better plus the useless crap they add in
over 13 years ago
ddo <3
over 13 years ago
But some of those things only make them money LATER. Pets make them money NOW!