This will be way too cute. But I don't like cute things in MMOs. But I know people who do.
Andrew Hall
over 13 years ago
Kung fu pandas were in Warcraft III before there WAS a Kung Fu Panda movie. Pandarens are awesome. If WoW had actually kept the focus on lore faithfulness they would have been in it earlier, and I might be playing WoW now, instead of having ditched Azeroth for Madrigal (i.e. Flyff) long ago.
over 13 years ago
Tonight's feature story, Jack Black is, Pandarian Pokémaster, with his faithful Dickachu, fighting against his rival, Jackie Chan as Master Pokémon Turnament ruler, Sha Chen,
How will this end? Gotta catch em all!
over 13 years ago
I'm guessing no WarCraft IV? :(
over 13 years ago
In the WoW wiki, an article about pandarens was existing long ago, nobody read it?
(sorry, my english sucks)
un lapin
over 13 years ago
Pandaren Pokemon trainers is the first thing in a long time that actually made me consider starting to play WoW. Color me intrigued.
over 13 years ago
Why is everyone freaking out about this? Pandarens have been around since WC3 and provide a unique flavor that belongs solely to Blizzard. I've been wanting to play a Pandaren since WoW came out and now I'll be able to. Who cares if they look silly? That's the only thing wrong with them.
WoW Lore Matters
over 13 years ago
Isn't it a problem that anyone would think there won't be a WC4 because of WoW? If WoW hadn't happened we would have been left with Frozen Throne a great setup for future games just like BW. Arthas had kicked everyone's butt, it was a great evil ending, but WoW literally killed Arthas.
over 13 years ago
well i don't think there will ever be a warcraft 4 and if there is it will belike a century after WoW so they can just take the general lore and begin anew
Marika Oniki
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87116]@taytay[/url]: Heh, right. Because, y'know, next to anthropomorphic cow druids, blue spacegoats with crystal gods, and waif-like bloodelves dual-wielding massive two-handed great-swords (to name a few examples), Drunken Fist pandas would be downright /silly/.
WoW Lore Matters
over 13 years ago
It matters because the WoW lore screws up the setting for WC4 which will take the lore seriously Unfortunately Blizzard couldn't think of any good way to make WoW satisfy their players without fucking the lore. SC2 they just had bad writing which is a human mistake but WoW on purpose fucked the lore
Ex-WoW Player
over 13 years ago
WoW is just a game. Stop treating it so seriously. I quit it because the new changes they're offering don't suit my tastes and I was getting a little tired of the same old song and dance. I moved on. Anyone else truly moving on should move on too. Stop feeding the trolls.
over 13 years ago
>drunken panda fighters
wow, and people trying to justify this.
over 13 years ago
Just found Nerf Now on TV tropes.
over 13 years ago
well pandas rulez and are there since war 3 they even have some lore who explains about pandaria...a that was years ago... soo yes if you rage about pandas = being a kid XD
lore is available
over 13 years ago
pandaren have been part of the lore for years, the worgen is a bit of a stretch but arugal did alot of experimentation, who knows what he could have caused. the vanity pet combat was to give pet collectors something to do, and to give people a reason to buy the pets. alien demons kind of in lore.
over 13 years ago
"No, you are the only person ever to play Warcraft 3. "
You are too young to have played that awesome game.
I remember the pandaren from warcraft 3.
over 13 years ago
No, you are the only person ever to play Warcraft 3.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Its all well and good knowing that there is a fair amount of lore behind the Pandarens, but the fact is that a lot of people who play WoW don't actually care about the lore/know very little of it, and will obviously see this as copying Kung Fu Panda, and will probably never take this seriously.
Blizzard is funny
over 13 years ago
name of next expansion : rape of the perv tentacle-san
over 13 years ago
Is funny but yea is weird to see china themed game and pandas O_O after cataclysm but cmon,,,,stop with the rage..but well haters gonna hate isnt? XD
over 13 years ago
wow finally the panda comic cool! haha pretty funny too but mmmm kunfu pandas? i mean pandares have been there since W3
Gamestop Guy
over 13 years ago
... You guys do realize the Pandarens have been a part of warcraft far before WoW even existed?
Cill Brosby
over 13 years ago
Yo DR S. It's been fucking ages since we had a WoW comic, AND it was the time to make one as pandaren just got revealed.
Stop QQing fcking moron and go get a fcking job instead of whining what comic comes out
Jo makes great comic, I'll enjoy them no matter the subject.
sdtfu moron
over 13 years ago
In like the pandas I hate the pokemon, that's preety much my opinion on the expansion
over 13 years ago
I hate wow for the fact that the lore is so f-ed up now....
over 13 years ago
Where is new character? I am most disappointed.
over 13 years ago
Well, if you took the time to read the Blue info (which sounds like you didn't, BTW,) they moved from a major plot enemy (Deathwing for Cataclysm,) to the orignal premise of WoW: war between two factions. As long as there's new places to explore, and new things to kill in new and exiting ways... :3
over 13 years ago
Lore can start anywhere, but the Pandas were introduced as a joke, and it is well known that Blizzard likes to run with its jokes in games.
As a friend put it, a Wolpertinger expansion would make more sense as they are referenced more. Honey I Shrunk the Kids type fun.
over 13 years ago
Jo, you REALLY need to get off the WoW crack and focus on other games mate.
over 13 years ago
I love how people think that pandarens are something new to WOW... if you were attentive enough and did enough exploration you could find lot's of stuff about them since even since VANILLA WOW... for example, you could find Chen's Empty Keg (the panda hero from wc3) and start a quest with it.
over 13 years ago
I love how to some people "the lore" begins at WC3.
over 13 years ago
Pandaran as a race aren't weird at all considering wc3 lore. The 'bouncy' racial trait, however, makes it hard to take them seriously even if you liked them.
over 13 years ago
Warcraft Lore in my book reaches to Warcraft 1 & 2.
After that point it is some mixed up shit, like in Marvel and DC Comics with all their "Alternate Universes".
Try Age of Conan (fuckin blood everywhere and decapitation + tits) or Warhammer Online (one long strange gruel trip) for example.
over 13 years ago
How can you take WOW serious? Really?
I played it a few years myself because I was "forced" (fuckin friends playing some fuckin game)
It is one big fluffy cartoon - even the darkest an most "horrible" areas look like some of these REALLY cheap costumes and gimmicks you can get for Halloween.
over 13 years ago
Come on, if anyone played the bonus campaign in WC3:FT they will know that pandarian existed in the lore of Warcraft, i dont know why some people critics this when they put werewolves in WoW and they were not in the lore before. Please dont whine and play.
over 13 years ago
I have no problem with Panderan, a long time joke/Easter egg in the series, getting the spotlight. What I DO mind is 'pok-ah-man'! I even play Black Version and I find this addition to WoW It's like they're cutting crack with MORE crack.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86977]@Nuckel[/url]: Titan.
over 13 years ago
I remember someone joking about how FFXI's "Wings of the Goddess" storyline was copying WoW's Caverns of Time dungeon storylines. A lot of this sounds like "Treasures of Aht Urghan", except in the Far West. Had big PvE stuff like Besieged, and had a pet battling system called "Pankration".
over 13 years ago
Yeah, I heard they already existed back in WC3. Feels like the Jarate, a joke that become a real part of the game.
But asian-themed giant pandas with a new martial-arts based class? Totally Kung-Fu Panda.
I know there's already fanart about it on some furry websites...
Obi-Fran Kenobi
over 13 years ago
"It gets wider, but not deeper."
You have my pen, Josué.
over 13 years ago
Stop flaming Robots! They are a totaly legitimate Race for WoW and should have been added a long time ago. Like Shark-Men, Mummys and of caurse Lo-Pan.
over 13 years ago
It's like people treating gnomes like a joke race when they were introduced at the same time as goblins in the Warcraft series (i.e, before playable undead and night elves).
Besides, kung fu panda blatantly ripped off Pandaren (came out later).
over 13 years ago
Protip, the Warcraft game that brought us playable pandas also brought us playable undead, playable night elves, hunters, howl of terror, silence, black arrow and life drain. (All big jokes on behalf of Blizzard). In fact, there is a face on the Warglaive model of WC...
over 13 years ago
I have always felt the warcraft series is at its best when its not trying to be serious. So I think this is a good move actually
over 13 years ago
Will Blizzard ever stop supporting WoW and spend resources to invent a completely new franchise? I'm still hoping...
over 13 years ago
Pandaeran Brewmaster was a Tavern Hero in Warcraft 3: The frozen Throne, so it's not like a panda race is altogether new to the Warcraft world.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86966]@Serathis[/url] When trained enough, gold from the Auction House.
over 13 years ago
So, what will you call non-combat pets in the expansion?
over 13 years ago
I remember the battle pandas from WC3, thought it was half joke, half easter egg back then.
The fact that they're adding these things into the game... it's either some serious shark jumping or a clever new direction. If the developers don't take the game seriously, why should you?
over 13 years ago
I like how you went with the pokemon pets joke and not a Kung Fu Panda one. Mainly cause blizz created the pandarens in Warcraft 3 and, well, ya cant really make a joke about ripping something that they already made.
over 13 years ago
Good think you did not make a joke about how they stole the idea from Kung Fu Panda. Because that would indicate you do not know anything about the lore. Now it just indicates that you know it very very poorly.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86886]@Merrena[/url]: They were in the books before that.
over 13 years ago
It seems like WoW has shifted its focus from serious plot and lore to more of a fun-simulator with a Warcraft theme that you can screw around with, explore, and have fun in.
And you know what? That's great.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_86886]@Merrena[/url]: LOL, someone obviously hasn't played War3. Pandaren came into existance wit hteh release of The Frozen Throne. Long before April Fools 2005.
over 13 years ago
Some sort of ancient style robot-golem thing would be interesting... but what do I know? I don't even play WoW!
over 13 years ago
The ren in Pandaren is 人 in chinese meaning "man"
That's mean they are "Panda Man"
over 13 years ago
More Engitan fanservice! :O
over 13 years ago
WoW has plot?
over 13 years ago
JackOat, the brewmaster is the Monk Tank. I guessing... drunk style tanking!!! I cant wait to see drunken dwarf masters. :D
over 13 years ago
I wish the new class was Brewmaster instead of the monk ):
over 13 years ago
It's Pandaren, not Pandarians.
I take offense to it since I spent most of my early childhood in a War3TFT clan called "The Pandaren Brethren Clan" or TPBC. lol. Shit was fun.
over 13 years ago
They were introduced as an April Fool's joke for Warcraft 3 and when people showed lots of interest in them they created the lore for them.
over 13 years ago
What most people don't seem to realize is that Pandarians are a part of the lore. They just bitch and whine that Blizzard pulled pandas out of their asses when they have been their the whole time.
over 13 years ago
MMOs are shit and the only interesting looking one is Guild Wars 2
over 13 years ago
Yeah, after Guild Wars 2 comes out, that's the game all the kiddies are going to flock to after WoW gets boring.
over 13 years ago
The thing is, with Warcraft III (didn't play I or II, so IDK about those), there is a Neutral Hero Unit you can get called Pandaren Brewmaster. So it's not a huge leap for there to be an entire race.
Hell, I don't pay attention to the lore much, so for all I know, maybe it's been canon for a while.
over 13 years ago
Your comment speaks the truth, nerfnow, but I doubt most kids these days will see past much since it isn't giwd warz too.