If how many games a place like steam has = breast size. There is only so big breasts can look, before they stop being something that is nice to look at for me.
Denilson Sá
over 13 years ago
"She obsesses about your private information because she cares."
And sharing is caring.
over 13 years ago
If library size is bust size, I shudder to think of what Steam for mac would look like.
over 13 years ago
how about impulse tan? she started off so sweet and innocent.. and then gamestop bought her..... i can't imagine who horrorterrors have burrowed into that once sweet child's mind. o_o;
over 13 years ago
Origin, I once thought you would be good, but my love with steam will be forever. I am sorry, but I will never forget you and never shall be with you.
Your friend:
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88258]@Zach[/url]: I don't use facebook... I hate social media bullshit with a passion.
I do buy video games. And I shouldn't have my private info made public as part of the act of buying a video game.
over 13 years ago
Who cares about boob-size? She's a goddamn ginger! Gimmie!
over 13 years ago
Oh please add GOG-tan! Also BYOND-tan! And please don't make Steam-tan all freaky, she looks great (:
Though granted, she could have looked liked anything and I'd still like her.
over 13 years ago
so theres no differnce between uploading something by yourself to facebook and origin uploading everything it wants?
over 13 years ago
To all the people who replied to me, do you go on Facebook? Because it does the exact same things that origin did.
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan vs Origin-Tan. My head think dirty things. VERY DIRTY THINGS.
need more nameInternetStore-tan
Boob size based in the number of games? Not enough room in the comic strip
over 13 years ago
It isn't cheating if I was never really on your side. /spycheck
over 13 years ago
Origin is absolutely better in bed (BF3) than Steam at the moment, but where do all the guys run to after they shot their load, the fun is over and there is not much to talk to each other?
Right - home to their sweet loving wife that care for them always (Steam) in their cosy big house (Library).
over 13 years ago
If boob size is equal to library size....
Origin is like a AAAA and Steam is a GG.
over 13 years ago
How will Battle.net-tan looks like?
over 13 years ago
So if Steam and Origin are women? Masturbation would be downloading the game with out their services.
Oh any one getting Nathen spencer Bionic Commando nes vibes.
over 13 years ago
"I was surprised with the good reception of Steam waifu so I decided to enlarge the host.
Boob size is related to the size of the game library. I need to make Steam's chest bigger now."
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87591]@Ravenhull[/url]: Err, Blizzard actually has a pretty decent amount of games, especially if you count the games they did before they were known as Blizzard Entertainment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blizzard_Entertainment#Titles
over 13 years ago
Steam tan = perfect as first drawn
Well, her hair color could be "Steamier" xD
But that's all really.
over 13 years ago
you cant have deathstars on a woman's chest.
its against the laws of nature.
over 13 years ago
Amount of games = Bewbs size
That's the most perfect analogy I have ever read
over 13 years ago
If bust size is related to game library, does that mean that Blizz-tan would be near flat chested... but looking like she could break you like a toothpick (based on size of their influence)?
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan is perfect as you last drawn her.
Admiral Mudkip
over 13 years ago
I think in the next comic, Steam-tan's chest will be MASSIVE.
over 13 years ago
The Humble Bundles would be like having a boobjob. They boosted my gamecount to 112.
over 13 years ago
I'd rather having Steam AND Steam-tan...
Steam ftw; 'nuff said
over 13 years ago
For some reason I imagine the actual games in this scenario would be babies.
over 13 years ago
So how busty would Steam-tan be for me? My library currently has 47 games.
over 13 years ago
Thanks Vulpis and Badger now i have to wipe my history
over 13 years ago
hot Steam/Origin action!
Still though.
I like where this is going.
over 13 years ago
Oh! If this concept is going to continue, is Impulse-tan next?
over 13 years ago
If you do it based on available libraries, the next time you draw Steam-tan all three panels will be filled with a rather small Steam logo stretched across the gigantic tits that Steam-tan will have.
Captain Chaos
over 13 years ago
@A casual observer: I imagine GoG-tan would be pretty nerdy looking.
over 13 years ago
I see a Steam-tan vs Origin-tan catfight in the near future. And probably also a Microsoft Security Essentials definition update labeling the Origin installer as a trojan :P
over 13 years ago
@Trolling Nerd: That's the flattest Jo can draw.
The Badger
over 13 years ago
One can only hope, Vulpis. One can only hope.
over 13 years ago
So basically, we can expect Steam-tan to end up looking like something drawn by Doug Winger?
Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
If game library is the boob size, Origin's boobs need to be non-existant.
over 13 years ago
Origin's vision is augemented.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87520]@Zach[/url]: Origin asks you 'now', but when it launched it was scanning your computer without asking, and scanned a larger range of files. EA only toned it down to reasonable levels when they were caught red handed via their ToS (or was it EULA, one of those) stated that they had to right to do it.
over 13 years ago
Não se esqueça da Desura-tan, Jo! Imagino como ela se parece :)
over 13 years ago
Ele joga Battlefield 3 em um notebook? Que grana... Falando nisso, o único motivo de eu ter Stean é que TF2 é free. Pq o resto dos meus jogos são todos da Skidrow :)
An Evil Penguin
over 13 years ago
Its ok it only took me 12 hours from reciving my Battlefield 3 disk to actually being able to play it! -_- Also anyone else think that using a website to launch the game can only end in tears?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87520]@Zach[/url]: The only other company I know that does/did (haven't checked in some time) is Blizzard with their Launcher for WoW.
Believe it or not, but people like keeping what is theirs to their own. I would like to play Poker with you though.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87520]@Zach[/url]: wait which websites do this so I can stick them on my white list.
over 13 years ago
People completely overreacted to the scanning thing. Many programs/websites do similar things, and now they ask you before you install if you want them to do it. People were just looking for ways to get mad at EA.
over 13 years ago
I prefer redheads.
But still STEAM, every time, forever. Treats me kindly, encourages me to love my friends, kisses my boo-boos, and has never hurt me. I need that security in my life, y'know? Not just a cheap, faceless fling like it would be with Origin.
over 13 years ago
There is all ready wii-tans and Wii mote-tans. They are brilliant. "STOP THROWING ME AT YOUR ****ING WALL!" 360-tan looked kinda odd..Very high tech but she looked like she couldn't move much... I remember there is a PS3-Tan somewhere.... Feel free to make console-tans dude. I love em.
over 13 years ago
Steam is hotter
Mister Bubbles
over 13 years ago
pffffffff he cheated on Steam-tan for that?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87494]@Roam[/url] what about PS3-Tan?
over 13 years ago
I think you got a real hit here Jo, keep up this arc!
over 13 years ago
I wonder what Desura-tan would look like. (Used Desura to download "The Stanley Parable")
over 13 years ago
And where is M$ Live?
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan : Sultry, doting, ample boob.
Origin-tan : Insecure, hidden creepy-side. Always trying to one-up others.
Wii-tan : Fun, active, childish. The Knives Chau of the tans.
over 13 years ago
I like how Jo portrays both -tans accurately! Also, if were basing our Steam-tans based on our steam library, I think my Steam-tan would be a B. I don't have that big of a library.
over 13 years ago
Is it just me or does she look an awful lot like Gozer the Gozerian from the Ghostbusters movie?
over 13 years ago
Hm. So if everyone had their own Steam Tan, and have a lot a games. Mine would be at..*Counts* Double H by now.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87460]@Kraken[/url]: That would be so hot. And so very accurate.
I kinda like Origin-tan too though, damn you gingers and your alluring colors!
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroesWantRedHeads, also /FieryRedhead
over 13 years ago
Butch Origin is fucking BUTCH.
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan: I have Morden Warfare 3! And this night he is all my!
over 13 years ago
Next strip requires loading Origin while Steam is running in the back-ground. Oh the scandal! More points for Steam-tan.
over 13 years ago
"L-look, Origin, it's not what you think! Team fortress and I, we've been friends for ages! I still like to keep in touch!"
over 13 years ago
But GOG is actually younger than Steam.
She should be some kind of hippie chick that doesn't care about DRM and kinda like the weird stuffs.
over 13 years ago
@Random Internet Person #13242452: *h85s*
Random Internet Person #13242452
over 13 years ago
*expects Good Old Games -tan to be a middle-aged but very relaxed, friendly and easy-going gal*
over 13 years ago
Dammit, I prefer leg to breast meat though. ¬_¬
over 13 years ago
Glados will judge you Origin.
over 13 years ago
Big game libraries are overrated.
over 13 years ago
"need to make them bigger now"
90% of nerfnow fans: Hell yea! :D
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87421]@Er[/url]: 360-tan will obviously suffer from heat flashes and will demand monies. PS3-tan will have security issues and a "premium" upgrade. Wii-tan would be mostly motion controls and shovelware. TF2-tan would just be a hat shaped like a woman.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87420]@Lokken[/url]: yeah no
Also fanboys up in here.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87420]@Lokken[/url]: say whut?? i'm running win 7 64x and it loads up and launches bf3 just fine for me. hrmm sorry but i do have a weak spot for redheads. origin waifu all the way. now i wana see what xfire waifu looks like (probably old and unkept.) btw whats up with all the little squares?
over 13 years ago
I like Origin-Tan's look, in that she looks like a good character, but is very easy to dislike.
But I still want Xbox/PS3/Wii Tan, TF2 Tan and Gabe Newell Tan (you know you want to).
over 13 years ago
The thing is, Origin doesn´t work on Windows 7 - way to go EA!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87412]@Software2[/url]: I see no problem with this.
over 13 years ago
Gingers? No wonder I hated origin so much.
over 13 years ago
Jo, Steam has THOUSANDS of games. If you based her size on her library, that's all you'd have in the comic...
A casual observer
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87403]@Caspian[/url] - that, or maybe Good Old Games (gog.com)
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