Yepp boycotting origin so i'm getting bf3 on my xbox360. by buying the game from origin/retail store means i'm condoning such exclusivity to their drm platform... which i'm not.
over 13 years ago
Yet another good looking woman in this comic. I would like steam a lot better, if steam was more like. Buy more then one game on it? No, get in a relationship? Hell yes to the relationship!
over 13 years ago
Steam my love, I will never cheat on you, we both have our problems, but together we can work them out
Your lover:
over 13 years ago
Now here's a chick where spending lots of money is a sign of a healthy relationship.
over 13 years ago
I bought it in a retail store just to give EA less moner. True story.
over 13 years ago
I approve (of Steam).
over 13 years ago
Because I live in Germany and their general terms and conditions mean shit here.
I give the whole thing a week and Origin will be on a short leash here in Germany.
And there are also ways to hide your stuff from Origin.
But please tehdumb1 - spread your asscheeks a little further for mighty EA!
over 13 years ago
You sir have no clue of anything.
Origin can datamine you when they want whenever they want - but you would like them to shove an analprobe in your ass, I bet you would be cumming like hell as obedient and naive as you are.
Oh and yes - I bought BF3. Why?
over 13 years ago
To all the people who say theyre not getting BF3 because of Origin:
Your loss on one of the best titles to be released this year. Origin isnt the piece of shit you guys have been brainwashed to believe.
And to those who have played the BF3 Beta: the game plays very differently.
over 13 years ago
The only reason Steam-tan has to get mad at me is my occasional flings with Impulse. Steam-tan knows it's just for GalCiv so she's never called me on it, but I'm thinking of ending things completely since Gamestop starting pimping her.
Then there's GOG, who is also kinda hot, in a MILF way...
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan screwed up SOTS II release. I am not happy!
Steam-tan is definately suprisingly cute ;) Did not know gray-hair and the green shirt with apron combo could work so well!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87373]@SRG[/url]: Except indie != free often, even moreso depending on your definition. Humble Indie Bundle is awesome though.
@Kast[/url]: 'Cuz she's a scorned robotic AI. How could you. You murderer.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87228]@Temperjoke[/url]: Well what country IS he from? Judging by the name I'd say something like Brazil, but no clue actually. It doesn't say anything helpful at the about section or on DA either.
over 13 years ago
we all do...
Demand pinup of Steam-tan somewhere in the future.
over 13 years ago
Steam - Tan for life! :D
over 13 years ago
@fuck it: Mainstream games think like banks nowadays,
better pick up indie games best ones are the free kind.
over 13 years ago
If steam is really a female, dam that would be awesome.
Well shit, rule 34 INCOMING.
fuck it
over 13 years ago
fuck origin fuck mists of pandaria fuck blizzard fuck ea, fuck namco, fuck capcom, fuck steam, fuck valve, fuck nintendo, fuck microsoft fuck sony, fuck them all.
I'll go play scrabble and stop gettin shafted and i won't miss gamer qq
s2 Steam (Dark Souls FUCKING RULE)
over 13 years ago
I won't buy BF3 simply because it is on Origin. Tested it while the beta was open. Couldn't even play with one of my mates (bizarre squad / messages bug).
So, hope EA stops with the QQing.
over 13 years ago
I want more Steam-tan. I want more of new character.
Haven't cheated on Steam-Tan yet.
over 13 years ago
Just do what I do when it comes to Battlefield 3, shortcut it through steam. I bought bad Company 2 on origin for $5 and shortcut it through steam. Steam overlay works, Origin doesn't.
over 13 years ago
I wanna see more of Steam-tan.
over 13 years ago
Steam-Tan.....I haven't cheated on you
*hugs steam-Tan and gets burned*
love hurts............
over 13 years ago
Cept EA would be the stalking psychopath planting wiretaps and listening devices in your house. Steam will always take you back. :P
over 13 years ago
"Look, it's not my fault! You don't have Old republic or Mass effect 3! A...A guy has needs, you know!"
Admiral Mudkip
over 13 years ago
BF3 will fail hard because it's not on Steam though.
I dunno if I pictured Steam-tan with overalls though.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87322]@Bob[/url]: Would that mean XBoxLive-tan would always be asking for money?
over 13 years ago
For a minute, I thought that Steam-tan was the dudes mom scolding him or something.
Also, draw tans for every digital distribution service.
over 13 years ago
Origins = BF3 Only
Steam = Success
over 13 years ago
*Obligatory comment about Steam-tan and and witty pun about steam and her hotness*
...Waaaait a minute!
over 13 years ago
The funny thing is that the dude looks exactly like me o.o"
over 13 years ago
I always imagined Steam to be a hot blonde and H sized cups lol.Y'know,one steaming hot babe!
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan y u do 1$ = 1€?!
over 13 years ago
I nide to add a note one of these days and just write MINE on the whole comic. That way no one else can, hehehe
over 13 years ago
...dat steam...
over 13 years ago
If it WAS on Steam, what do you think how much of a multiple of zero people would betray Steam for Origin?
over 13 years ago
Mais comics com a Steam-tan! Eu gostei :)
over 13 years ago
Considering that agreeing to Origin's EULA means EA is free to datamine your computer without confirming what info they're taking, and you also waive your right to take them to court for any reason? That'd make Origin-tan a controlling psycho-bitch destined to fuck him over, likely for money.
over 13 years ago
Steam makes Origins look like butt. Who would use it instead of... this delicious new -tan?
over 13 years ago
steam can no worry, origin can't do a shit
and battlelog is like facebook humped origin and they have a retarded mutant baby
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87230]@Vanguard[/url]: and even then, I run impulse through steam.
Minecraft says "Not on steam!" Don't care. It's running through it. ONLY exceptions to this rule.
Origin keeps crashing my download, so I was forced to download BF3 from "La bahia pirata"
Origin suxxxs!
Mister Bubbles
over 13 years ago
Steam-Tan......ohhh yeah
over 13 years ago
i want Steam-tan as permanent character on NerfNow
and more things...Coff...coff
over 13 years ago
I have too many one night stands with
over 13 years ago
I wish I knew how to quit you, Origin!
over 13 years ago
Does Steam work at Starbucks? o.O
over 13 years ago
Steam-tan you are my only love. For 8 years now you filled my live with love and games, I will never cheat on you.
over 13 years ago
Steam knew at the beginning that we were going to have an open relationship.
over 13 years ago
If it's not on steam, I won't play it.
Simple as that. No exclusive will ever get me off steam. (bf3 doesn't matter to me)
over 13 years ago
Steam and I have a much more amiable relationship. I sometimes buy games on other services yes (Galactic Civilizations II is only available on Impulse!) but I let her know about it, I put them on her list so I don't hide anything.
over 13 years ago
I swear, the only reason I ever talk to Impulse is so I can play my copy of Sins of a Solar Empire. She means *nothing* to me.
Steam... I love you...
over 13 years ago
Steam, the daughter of Gabe Newell.
over 13 years ago
I know he's corrected them now, but remember for the future, the author's first language is not english, so please give a little leeway and be nice!
over 13 years ago
Funny. I was having a similar conversation yesterday...
over 13 years ago
Hats are NOT FREE!!! Well at least some of them or someone willing to give you with no costs. Otherwise, you need a premium account to get hats
over 13 years ago
Don't worry Steam-Tan, i'll always love you <3
... Ok yes there WAS that short fling i had with Onlive, but i swear I’m better now! Plus she showed me so many games i can play on you, like Evil Genius!
And to be fair you DID get hacked that one time... I’m sorry... i love you <3
over 13 years ago
Steam is my one true looooove~
Awesome Rye
over 13 years ago
the raw emotion in the last panel really speaks to me
over 13 years ago
I would never cheat on you Steam-tan!!
over 13 years ago
Heh, I never was so faithful to Steam. I got some games on Impulse before it got bought by GameSpot and became annoying. Not touching Origin, though. That'll probably mean that I won't be finishing the ME trilogy, but it probably won't be that cool anyways.
over 13 years ago
I am very happy with steam and never want to replace it.
over 13 years ago
I felt guilty the first time I bought stuff on Origin. Sadly, I'm paranoid enough to think that future EA releases might only be available on Origin... Like ME3. Hopefully, it won't come to that, but I'm just trying to cover all my bases.
over 13 years ago
steamtan's hair needs more silver, she looks like a 68 year old mother sans the wrinkles (and a better chest of course)
Screw EA
over 13 years ago
Screw EA Origins, I like how people get up in arms about them stalking you after you download it and all it takes is a slight rewording and BF 3 to get people to use it like tools.
over 13 years ago
Yeah different, I can't wait to see if EA pulls another trick with Origin.
Luckily to me, it doesn't store any truly good games so I don't have to use it.
over 13 years ago
Awww... I would never cheat on you, steam. Some occasional retail stuff doesn't count, right?
over 13 years ago
The grey hair might be a reference to the Steam platform as being the only one the market for such a long long time. It could be a message that Origin is finally here to as a decent extra player. If anything, I hope Origin makes Steam a better product through serious competition.
over 13 years ago
y u no tentacle?
over 13 years ago
Enjoy your stalkerware.
over 13 years ago
I love Steam-Tan. But now we need to up the ante. We need a FPS Tan, a Valve-Tan and EA-Tan.
And most importantly, a Gabe Newell-Tan.
DO IT, you know you want to.
over 13 years ago
@Magic Missile: Hah, you stopped at Dragon Age 2? EA stopped getting my money when they absorbed Westwood and then shut down Earth & Beyond.
I can't forgive them for what they did to Command & Conquer, E&B, and Dark Age of Camelot.
"What a flawed man sees, his hands make broken." -Dak'kon
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one who realize that Steam-tan is already cheating him with around 2M-4M other players each day ?
over 13 years ago
GoG for life. They have Duke Nukem 3d. Steam or Origin doesn't.
Magic Missile
over 13 years ago
After Dragon age 2, everything with EA logo on it gets no money from me.
Grey Acumen
over 13 years ago
I can't believe I was the first to do this:
"C'mon baby, why do you have to get so steamed up over this?"
over 13 years ago
He has since fixed them, read the earlier comments to see what it used to say.
over 13 years ago
Steam is kinda hot.
over 13 years ago
man she had a sweet orange box back in the day...
over 13 years ago
So wait, thats like cheating on one woman because the woman you're cheating with can tear out your optic nervs and cut out your temporal lobe and you think its a good thing?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87142]@yuGios[/url]: Her model I think is straight forward. Dressed like a store clerk and the hair is white/grey which is what steam looks like coming off of water... clouds. She just might be the most direct personification done in this comic to date.
over 13 years ago
Thought Steam person was a starbcuks clerk for a bit. But I like how everyone gets a person version.
Steam person isn't like Origin person, which will spy on you, read your journal/diary and give you nasty viruses.
over 13 years ago
I just love this comic, for whatever reason. Poor cute Steam-tan, I'd go exclusive with her.
Zak Canard
over 13 years ago
I know you "hate that bitch EA" Steam, but you used to be the best of friends. Please make up, you're ruining my chances of a threesome with the two of you.
over 13 years ago
oh hey look, it's the grammar natzi convention. also: i like steam-tan, hope to see more of her.
over 13 years ago
That cheating bastard! I'd never do that to you, baby. You are the only girl for me!
over 13 years ago
Like I said, though, I only hate what they've become. They used to be a good company that put out quality stuff and knew what the customer wanted. Nowadays, though... I think they've got a bunch of trolls in charge. Them and Acti-blizz.
I weep for them.
over 13 years ago
I really wish I could just boycott EA and be done with it. I hate what they've become. Unfortunately, EA grabs everything it can. EVERY. GOD. DAMNED. THING. Hell, I didn't even notice that a LOT of my games have the EA logo on them until I actually checked them out.
over 13 years ago
you made steam a human chick just how the japanese make human versions of the consoles and the operating systems
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_87143]@derp[/url]: Actually everything is spelled correctly. Grammar isn't as easy, especially if it's not your native language.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
You take all the effort to draw these things, but people still have to spell check it for you. Come on man, it only takes one more minute of your time.
over 13 years ago
I agree with you on not wanting to use Origin. I'd rather Securom, Punkbuster, or GFWL, than Origin.
Her grey hair might actually be an anime styling. The first example which comes to mind is Tomoyo Sakagami, who is a school girl, aged 16 or 17, in the anime Clannad.
over 13 years ago
woohoo battlefeild 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but srysly i counldint play on luanch day cuz EA dicided they wouldint let me
over 13 years ago
I think it's more a play on the image of Real-life steam being a gray-white colour, and the thing's been around for awhile.
Besides, We don't wanna mix her up with Engies or Shep, right?
over 13 years ago
Why is Steam portrayed as an old woman? o_o
over 13 years ago
Still makes me sad EA never really supported Battlefield 1943. They never finished the PC port, and they could've made a killing on extra maps.
over 13 years ago
Intentional or mistakes?
"I didn't saw you last night" (I didn't see you last night)
"How you played it?" (How'd you play it?)
"Going back to EA arms??" (Go back to EA's arms??)
Exclusives is subject to Internet grammar.
over 13 years ago
Great comic, Jo, but... aaaaah, the grammar!
over 13 years ago
I plan on holding back a liiiitttle bit longer in the hopes that EA was just being a dick and didn't want any of the first week sales to be steam sales.
Fingers crossed. I really, really don't wan't to use origin. I hear it's worse than early days stream.
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