What people are saying about "For Science"
For Science
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about 13 years ago
Also, has there even been any evidence that the Zerg have demonstrated feedback? Because that's ya know,kind of needed before making such a lofty claim. I also doubt feedback would work that way either since if they can do that then they are lobotomised monkeys for not doing similar to the Overmind.
about 13 years ago
Yeah I guess Star Wars also has to wait another hundred thousand years before it can fight 40k as well with that logic. Since it took place long ago and all that, I guess you have to...

Waaiit a second.......
about 13 years ago
Though if the zerg took feedback off the HTs (which wont be affected by the hive minds psionic blocking thing because the energy is internally generated) then a single feedback would destroy the hive mind as it holds all the energy of the tyranids
about 13 years ago
We can't really make a fair comparison

Sc2 is around the year 2503

Warhammer 40k (the one with tyranids) is around the yera 40,000

Meaning the zerg hvae another 37500 years to develop and grow before fighting the tyranids
over 13 years ago
yea, zerg is not even the top of their own universe... fking terrans op as shit..................
over 13 years ago
Anyone notice / remember the old Magic the Gathering TV ad he is parodying?
over 13 years ago
The Zerg appear to be one of the Tyranid 'forgotten fleets', appearing well before the events of 40K. They'd be reabsorbed by the Tyranids.
over 13 years ago
i thing.... the tyranids win,
over 13 years ago
The tyranid biggest creature is the hydraphant.
The zerg biggest creature is the ultralisk.

The tyranids wins of course
over 13 years ago
@whomever mentioned the swarmlord

Already have. NP then force the swarmlord to kill itself.
Steven Robinson
over 13 years ago
(Now a member) By comments, I mean the author's comment under the comic.
Steven (Not a member)
over 13 years ago
I like the Portal 2 reference in the comments!
Len K.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Oh shit, you just opened an age-old can of worms.
over 13 years ago
Beat that.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_89276]@Heyyou[/url] Whilst Kerrigan is a potent psychic, it was more her strategic potency and control over the swarm that led them to victory. Are you trying to say that nids are weaker cause even though they have more psychers they have still been held back??Strength of nids is not just in their psychers.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_89260]@DT[/url] Zergs won only because they got ONE psyker hybrid, nids got THOUSANDS of those.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_89239]@Heyyou[/url] What exactly do you mean by lose in this context?How many campaign missions did I beat a NPC zerg? Bout the same number of DoW2 missions were nids lost id imagine. You know nids have been held off in every one of their campaigns that we know of...
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_89230]@DT[/url] And how many times did zerg lose before that? You know before they got out their super Queen, which nids could produce in hundreds if they got hands on her.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_89214]@Heyyou[/url] At the end of brood war the zerg simultaneously defeated the toss,mengsk's and the UED forces. After this she CHOSE to go on a holiday. Its said within the game that if she chose to keep attacking she would have won the war easily.
over 13 years ago
Nids just need to kill Kerigan and they have special nids for these kind of things, unlike zergs who are known for getting defeated by all the starcraft races.
over 13 years ago
And what facilitates the synaptic link? Is it magic? Is it just psychic? Well yes but there is something unique to the nid biology which allows the hivemind to control them,if not it could control the other races. Can anyone come up with anything other than a synapse organ?
over 13 years ago
The Hive Mind doesn't use an organ to communicate with the swarm. Synapse between the gaunts > warriors > hive tyrants > norn-queens > hive mind is all they need. So unless you plan to kill the norn-queens in the center of the hive fleets you cannot sever the hive minds connection for long.
over 13 years ago
@Spess mehreen
It doesnt matter what tech the imperium has that they have forgotten about...if they dont know how to use it how will it help them?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88917]@Wes[/url] Burrow move with some roaches till the infestor is in range? Overlord drop on top of it? Infestors are incubators of various disease so they should be able to handle it. It only takes one 0_0.Shutdown the organ that links to the hivemind and were good to go.But there is still that warp field
over 13 years ago
Psychers(40k) pull energy from the warp/hivemind to fuel their powers. Psychics(SC) generate their own power. So warp hazards, shadow in the warp dont affect the zerg. Also there must be some organ the hivemind uses to communicate with synapse creatures. NP could learn to shut that organ down.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88851]@myshoescramp[/url] Tyranids have spawned more synapse creatures than lings sure. But after every invasion they are recycled by their hive ships. In this way the synapse creatures dont reproduce as fast as lings.
over 13 years ago
Isnt this fun?
@Newcron Guy
According to the 40k wiki they have brains after 4th or 5th ed and there are lots of 'hints' that they have brains in 5th ed. As for phage cells it would be a constant evo race between the cells and the parasite.
over 13 years ago
@Radical Inquisitor: Starcraft originally was meant to be a 40k RTS GW pulled out at the eleventh hour and Blizzard being a small company had to use what they already had made to make a game to stay afloat

GW even has made a passing mention at times
over 13 years ago
in a straight up match lorewise we all know nids would win, since 40K being 40K jack up everything to eleven...

devour a planet? a system? nah, devour whole sector more like it... plus zergs don't exactly have much in the way of space faring fleet that can match the nids roaming splinters.
Radical Inquisitor
over 13 years ago
FYI: Blizzard has shamelessly copied from Games Workshop and admitted they based the Zerg on the Tyranids, thanking GW for not suing them. WH40k has been around since 1987.

Xenomorphs would be consumed. Flood/Borg would be an interesting scenario. And while on Star Trek: How about Species-4872?
Len K.
over 13 years ago
I'm a SC2 fanboy.
Tyranids beat Zerg in every possible way.
over 13 years ago
So, Ruin, are you talking about the main fleet that isn't even in our galaxy and might not even exist? I doubt that it will defeat something it can't fight.
over 13 years ago
Probably the tyranids. Especially if we're talking the full might of the tyranids (for those of you who aren't 40k savvy, the ones you use in the official tabletop are just parts of scouting fleets. You don't want to see the main fleet).
over 13 years ago
Didn't anyone play SC2? In-game it is stated that Zerg evolve because their weaker cells gets destroyed by something(i played it a year ago) while Nids make what they need to destroy their enemy. Zergs lost their main stronghold to a planetary asault. Nids, they are still a threat.
over 13 years ago
Watch, next strip is gonna have Lolizerg and the Tyranids working together or something.
The Book of Web
over 13 years ago
Now throw some flood and Xenomorphs in there. Maybe some Metalman Waifus, the borg as well, and the magog.
over 13 years ago
Tyranids >>>>> zerg

sorry SC whores but totally true
over 13 years ago
No matter if the Swarm of the Zerg defeat and consume the Tyrannid hive, or the Hive fleets devour the worlds of the Zerg, the victor will absorb the essence of the vanquished and create a new, deadlier threat posessing the strengths of both.

Whoever wins, we loose.
Anonymous Primarch
over 13 years ago
Oh the guard? God no. Those guys get slaughtered by the Tyranids. Though, when the Tyranids don't "black out" an area, they can do pretty well.
over 13 years ago
and let's think about this .. Nids hands down strip worlds to the rock. the sheer destructive power would overwhelm zerg. Now we have the new threat in sc2 wich reminds me alot of necrons and their superiors (bio version anyways)
over 13 years ago
back to the nid vs zerg and how sc may be inferior tech to 40k .. everyone brings up how advanced protoss is and how under tech marines compared to them are. Are we forgetting the Eldar? They can use gateways to walk between worlds. fleets that make protoss look like dingies in a kiddy pool.
over 13 years ago
Ive outmicroed thors with mutalisks, Ive outmicroed phoenixes with mutalisks, I would outmicro those nids got. For my true love, Kerrigan (before she lost her blades, of course).
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_89004]@peffi[/url] Rofl, yeah right... I'd pay good money to watch an Assault terminator with a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield slaughter his way through a Battalion of Terran marines. It would be absolutely Hilarious.
over 13 years ago
@Anonymous Primarch: I assumed by Imperium of man soldiers you meant guard. I keep forgetting marines are still beholden to the empire. Every 500-700 years. As for the guard flak armor it is much better. The materials to make it are better and its strength is much better.
Anonymous Primarch
over 13 years ago
Nah, I meant that power armour was developed over a long time. Message limit n' all, I can't explain much. Flak armour is terrible, barely better an modern armour if I recall.
Marneus Calgar
over 13 years ago
You now can replace Captain Titus.
over 13 years ago
@Anonymous Primarch: Do you mean it was developed that logn ago or it was made through that time span. Because imperial flak armor is an alloy from imperial 40k era metals. Same name different animal.
over 13 years ago
The Codex Astartes has told me enough about hentai to know where this is going.
Anonymous Primarch
over 13 years ago
Zerg on their own god damn planet, the victor is obvious.
Anonymous Primarch
over 13 years ago
Eh, Imperium of Man = Trained soldiers with armour developed over maybe 30,000/25,000 years? (Excluding post crusade time and Age of Strife, albeit the Mark VIII armour was made.) and the Terrans are a bunch of jail-birds in pretty low-tech armour with assault rifles. And those jail birds BEAT the-
over 13 years ago
@blue nova: The nids have mobile fleets with spawning chambers(5 planets worth of them), massive biomass storage, and much more. Zerg need to colonize you say but nids don't.
over 13 years ago
@blue nova: have spawning pools for the invasion. When they invade they make outpost nests to spawn more nids but they pack all that biomatter up and take it back to the ship before they leave. They don't stick around after all the food is gone they LEAVE. Nids have an autonomous hive fleet.
over 13 years ago
maybe the marines in warhammer are just sissys compared to the ones in starcraft and zerg actually need to fight :P
over 13 years ago
And then the Terran come in and pwn everything.
blue nova
over 13 years ago
it pretty much boils down to high produciton of weaker zeranids +a weaker army of zerg vs slower production of tyrazerg + a large army of stronger tyranids would make a interesting show or at least that how i see it.
blue nova
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88990]@hormagaunt[/url] yes but the zerg can sustain themself on a dust ball of a planet.there weaker because they don't consume has much so have less energy but it also there strong point as it allows them to continuously increase there number and production.
over 13 years ago
To those who say that Zerg hold planets and Tyranids consume them.

Zerg as well do consume planets. They extract the resources, eat and evolve.
Tyranids extract resources, eat and evolve. They do it faster and better and they move on.
over 13 years ago
So, you are going to pit a lolizerg with a cutenid? Is that what you're going to do, Jo? If so, I will lose any respect for you :3
Captain Obvious
over 13 years ago
Tyranids win
over 13 years ago
besides the fact tyranids and zerg are one and the same... ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!
over 13 years ago
@blue nova: Last i checked the fleet invaded, at all biomass on the planet, and left it as nothing more than a rock by the time reinforcements showed up to the planet. They don't colonize planets because they are a nomadic species. They carry the factories with them in space and on the ground they
over 13 years ago
We will because our swarmy alien invaders are weakened fighting each other?
over 13 years ago
They haven't said if the Dark voice is a Xel'Naga or not but it does seem likely. Odds are though he knows the Great Devourer and they play poker every tuesday and brag saying that their plan is better.
over 13 years ago
Wait a minute...

If we have nids in SC2 we have Shadow in the Warp
If we have Shadow in the Warp we have the Warp itself
And if we have the Warp we have daemons.

over 13 years ago
2 Buttman

I think the Great Devourer would be able to destroy Zel'Naga

Where is my holy-freakin' bolter?!
over 13 years ago
To the guy who said all the nids have to do is kill Kerrigan... If she dies EVERYONE loses. Got to remember that. But yeah, Captain Falcon wins.
blue nova
over 13 years ago
@ varrick that what i was saying zerg has the advantage sense after consuming most of the resouces on a planet they can still manage to grow and expand on that planet afterwards.the planet basically becomes a large factory+instantaneous communications makes them better then tyranids imo
over 13 years ago
You guys are all wrong. In a fight between 2 similar alien races the winner would, is and always will be Chuck Norris.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88907]@GoldFish[/url]: I think the hive mind; being an enormous alien entity that nullifies and renders useless ALL psychic abilities. Meaning nids VS a psyker/psychic/whatever would end up eating them as they crumble in pain while the hivemind rapes their mind from the warp.
over 13 years ago
@blue nova: Zerg don't starve after devouring a planet they move on to the next one with the biomass from the previous planet stored with the rest. Zerg hold planets; nids devour planets.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88907]@GoldFish[/url] In terms of that, maybe. But in terms of weapons, armor, psychic ability and combat expertise the Imperium IS far more advanced.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88907]@Goldfish[/url]: Actually the Tyranid have two methods of FTL travel First they have bioships that manipulate Gravimetric forces to the point where they can pull along entire fleets of tyranid ships at FTL speeds. Some tyranid ships have also been known to be capable of entering the Warp.
over 13 years ago
Zerg are cheap ripoffs of Tyranids. Tyranids would totally win.
over 13 years ago
Goku would win.
over 13 years ago
This IS porn!
over 13 years ago
Tyranids hands down!
blue nova
over 13 years ago
tyranids eventually starve to death on there old planets. zerg don't they continue to expand in a planet even after consuming everything on it. and have the ability to share info instantaneous allowing them to turn that 1 new dna sample they found into units on all there planets at that very moment.
T Chicken
over 13 years ago
Eat Venom Bomb! Zerg!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88874]@NewcronGuy[/url] The massive artillery units are too far away for a neural parasite, and big assault units move too fast for an Infestor to keep up with. And anything that looks at the hive mind goes insane, even Librarians (who are stronger psychics than Kerrigan or Nova).
Simple Logic
over 13 years ago
Depends: If theres only one Korean, its just a matter of which side he will take.
s2 Dark Souls
over 13 years ago
Wtf 100 comments and this is barely out oO

You guys should go back to porn. =)
The Great Squark
over 13 years ago
Let me put it this way...

The Tyranids have already consumed an entire galaxy. The Zerg have nothing on that.

Unless you buy into the idea that the 'Nids are running away from some even greater threat. In which case... I don't even want to think about what said threat is.
over 13 years ago

Or we can take the idea that the nids would rape the zerg and make stronger offsprings? :P
Spess mehreen
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88907]@GoldFish[/url]:w Who knows what kind of crazy tech the imperium has/had but simply dont know how to use anymore, due to the knowledge being long lost. As I understad Starcraft lore, We know about all Protoss technology.
over 13 years ago
Zerg and Nids are about equal in terms of adapting to new threats, but the Zerg have FTL capability and the Nids don't. But, the Nids have firepower at least an order of magnitude above the Zerg.
It boils down to Kerrigan vs. Nid Hive Mind for me. Dunno which would be stronger, though
over 13 years ago
In this contest, over the setting of several planet-scale conflicts, my vote goes half to the endless Tyranids, and half to whatever hellspawn would come from the 'Nids evolving from the consumed Zerg DNA.
over 13 years ago
Kick his ass, Zergling!
over 13 years ago
Also Gene stealers.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88795]@Divenity[/url] "The Imperium of Man is far more advanced than the Protoss" AHAHAHAHA- Wait, that wasn't supposed to be a joke? Oh, you poor, deluded thing - The Imperium still considers fusion reactors to be advanced technology. The Protoss... don't, to put it mildly. As for the issue at hand...
over 13 years ago
I stand by that assimilation of the zerg would grant nothing for the hive mind. Because the zerg are weaker(lets call them proto-nids) they lack the strength and value of assimilation. So Nids + zerg =/= royally boned. Still royally boned but thats the Hive fleet talking as it devours the planet.
over 13 years ago
It's our time to rise and shine cuz we know it works! Try as you might to run and hide! Nothing can stop...the Zerg!
over 13 years ago
Honestly I'm more curious what the nid's warp shadow would do to the hive mind of the zerg, it possible that the warp shadow alone would cut the link between zerg and the overmind, if that happened, well it wouldn't even be a contest.
over 13 years ago
The Lil' Ripper Who Could vs. LoliZergling? HNNNNNGH
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88873]@daed4[/url]: the whole of evolution?
over 13 years ago
Tyranids would win and Zerg could do nothing about it.
Your average librarian is stronger than Kerrigan in terms of psychic powers so that ain't gonna do much and zerg units are all inferior to Tyranid's counterparts to such units.

Also bio titans.
over 13 years ago
Zerg are smarter than Tyranids are, but Tyranids are a hell of a lot stronger.
over 13 years ago
@ RIP 13242452: Tyranids eat each other, the biosphere of the planet, the oceans, the atmosphere, and all the good stuff in the soil, leaving behind just a barren lump of bedrock. Zerg are fussy eaters by comparison.
over 13 years ago
Tyranids would win. Aside from HORRIBLY outnumbering the zerg, the nice test subjects at stardestroyer.net have spent a long time calculating things like 40K weapon yields. Suffice to say, they're FAR higher than Starcraft yields. Tyranid ships can stand up to gigaton-yield broadsides. Zerg can't.
Random Internet Person #13242452
over 13 years ago
The main reason the Tyranids seem like they'd win at first glance is just cause the Warhammer universe is full of horribleness and death; the Starcraft 'verse.. we only know about Earth and the Koprulu Sector. Who the hell knows what's beyond..
Random Internet Person #13242452
over 13 years ago
As for the "Tyranids eat their own, Zerg need minerals!", well, quite a few Zerg units consume others (Defilers, Kerrigan herself come to mind), so that's just a gameplay thing, both sides can do it. Point is; WH40k actually changed their 'Nids to be MORE Zerg-like after SC came out.. so.. uhm..
Random Internet Person #13242452
over 13 years ago
Stalemate. Tyranids have the numbers advantage, but they consume and destroy; the Zerg consume and populate. A Hive Cluster is essentially a single living organism; a world like Char is basically a planet-sized Zerg. And such heavily infested planets can fight back, as the final chapter of SC2 shows
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88845]@DT[/url]: Hierophants have the Warp Field special rule, which represents pretty much having a force field around you. As for brains, fluff-wise the only major organ nids have are slave/master/independant nodes IIRC (see 3rd ed codex). And once again, the parasite would still have to survive the phage cel
over 13 years ago
Since when science=sex?
over 13 years ago
40k is always more epic than anything else, if its not, its not 40k. So the answer is pretty simple...
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88845]@DT[/url]: well, the Tyranids have taken over billions of worlds and each invasion has had hundreds or thousands of Synapse creatures to co-ordinate the hoards then I think that leed to a lot of Synapse Creatures. and mind control? who do you think has a stronger mind? the answer is the Hive Mind.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88820]@lyrken[/url]: because in this comics, the zergs look cuter ^^
El Duende
over 13 years ago
Tyranids will lose the first fight, absorb some Zerg DNA, mutate, then strip whatever world the Zerg were in down to a lifeless rock and move along.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88843]@NewcronGuy[/url] Psychic shields for heirophants were not mentioned on any of the 40k sites I read so can't really comment. Where did you read about it? At least synapse nids have brains according to the 40k wiki. Zoanthropes even have exposed brains on their model.
over 13 years ago
Also, would mind parasites even work on nids? Nids don't really have brains and their blood is made of acid and phage cells (pretty much a virus deadly enough to kill off space marines). I doubt the parasite would survive 1 second, much less 15.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88815]@DT[/url]: Could they even mind parasite a hierophant? Those things have a pretty high level psychic shield surrounding them at all times. You'd have to be able to crack that with the parasite before you could take it over.
le Fag
over 13 years ago
People need to remember that tapping into the neural network of the 'nids usually results in massive headsplosions for the unfortunat peeker. Using any psycic powers when the 'nids are around is a very bad idea, if you read the 'nid fluff.
over 13 years ago
The Terg were inspired by 40k Tabletop's Tyranids, or if you ask some, a ripoff. So definitely Tyranids.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
im just gonna keep this simple and say, they both lose to the end of the universe
over 13 years ago
That's quite easy, nids will win that. They're far larger while having a massive spacefleet and being capable of pretty much dropping anywhere on a planet when they damn well please.
over 13 years ago
Mark my words, this will end badly...
over 13 years ago
Tyranids easy! I don't understand how anyone can vote for the zerg.
over 13 years ago
Yay more zerg comics.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88814]@myshoescramp[/url] I dont see how you can prove that 1st statement. Id find it funny if the swarmlord showed up, lost its motor control to a NP and then stabbed itself to death with its bone swords. Nasty those bone swords. I hope you can find better shoes.
over 13 years ago
the BIGGEST advantge for the Tyranids is that they've been around for a ludicrous amount of time, the Zerg haven't even been around for 100.

numbers and experience figting more varied foes is something the Zerg could obtain if given the chance but for now, no move will change the end result.
over 13 years ago
The Tyranids have more Synapse Creatures than the Zerg have Zerglings and the hive can bring about the conciousness of its most powerful Tyrant from across the Galaxy where ever it needs to be.

now if the Zerg had 40,000 years to develope, that's another story.
over 13 years ago
@Tyranid Guy

What I can say unambiguously is that NPing a heirophant would be quite a big deal...and if a lone infestor can control a planet cracking capable mothership then I reckon it can control a bio titan
over 13 years ago
@Tyranid Guy
Good points, but unfortunately to argue any further requires info we can't possibly have. Does the parasite have the full weight of the Overmind/Kerrigan behind it?Does the parasite merely control movement which would make the hive mind control irrelevant?
over 13 years ago
This seems like a perfect excuse for some drone on jeanstealer action
Tyranid Guy
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88788]@DT[/url]: Well, two issues, if the Zerg control a normal Tyranid, that Tyranid lacks the mental capacity to control other Tyranids. If the Zerg attempt to control a Synapse Creature, that parasite is going to get crushed by the weight of the hivemind as a whole, probably overloading its little brain.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88706]@Lawrs[/url] The Imperium of Man is far more advanced than the Protoss and the Terran of starcraft... And the Tryanids absolutely wreck them... You "proof" is an example from one universe, while ignoring the fact that Tyranids do the same thing, only they are better at it.
over 13 years ago
Tyranids consume galaxies and kick the shit out of Space Marines, who's combat armor, weapons and vehicles are far FAR more advanced than anything in the Star Craft universe... and the Zerg get beaten by a small group of nobodies in shitty combat armor. Tyranids win, no competition.

over 13 years ago
tyranids would asimilate their gene structure and incorporate it to theirs.


I NEVER EVER EVER WANT TO SEE A HIVEQUEEN-CARNIFEX HYBIRD ... or a .. Ultralisk-hierophant hybird.
over 13 years ago
I think in a battle between the two, any side "winning" just creates a stronger organism on the whole. Both sides would consume and incorporate the useful genetics/life forms of the other, the only stipulation would be that the Zerg have somewhat of an end goal, where as the Tyranid just devour.
over 13 years ago
Im enjoying trolling. [url=#user_comment_88761] @Ed[/url] There are no more cerebrates for the lictors to play with unfortunately. Although if Kerrigan was killed the nids would definitely win. I think BobisOnlyBob is ultimately right though.
over 13 years ago
@Tyranid Guy
Im theorizing here but if you took control of a synapse creature then at worst the zerg now controls a portion of the nids through the synapse creature; at best the synapse creature is made to kill itself. Thats a pretty huge factor to consider.
over 13 years ago
Obviously they would all sit around a bonfire and have a nice Marine barbecue. <3
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88761]@Ed[/url] NP can target massive units, they didnt go through with that nerf. Besides I'm more comparing fluff than in game stuff. If you can take control of a significant portion of your enemies troops 15 seconds is a long time. And you can always force the victim to kill itself at the end.
over 13 years ago
I agree with what somebody here said, that after so and so long they'd just merge into one massive faction and fuck us all over royally.
over 13 years ago
Ling VS Ripper? Unless the ripper's only one of a swarm, that's hardly fair. Now a Zergling VS a Hormagaunt would be closer and while we're at it, why not pit a Hydralisk against a Ravager? That'd be an interesting fight.
over 13 years ago
On the skirmish level, Zerg. On the campaign level, Tyranid. On the campaign level allowing for mutation and adaptation on both sides, a bloody and long-term stalemate that devours a million worlds.
over 13 years ago
The two would homogenize and become nearly indistinguishable as they rapidly evolve, mutate, and create new units and biomorphs to counter one another. Neural Parasites and Synapse creatures are enhanced on both sides to better control the swarms and hive-fleets. It all comes down to stronger minds.
over 13 years ago
Zergs populate planets, Tyrannids consume them and are backed by an entire hive fleet that coud as well go back to the previous galaxy they consumed.
My bet is for the Tyrannids.
Tyranid Guy
over 13 years ago
Personally, I think Tyranids would win. Little surprise there. Zerg are very adaptable, but the main issue is that their mind control would fail if there were a Synapse Creature present. Additionally, whoever brought up Tyranids needing Biomass, where Zerg use Minerals, that's included within
Tyranid Guy
over 13 years ago
the realm of "Biomass". The scary thing about Tyranids is that they don't simply scour the planet of dirt, plants, etc, they'll devour coal, iron ore, carbon-based materials, anything they can break down and refine into use for biological processes. It's why they also get away with eating armor.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88752]@DT[/url] and if you follow the patches, then Neural Parasite doesn't work on Massive units. Plus it eventually fades off. But a Lictor could eat a Zerg cerebrate and learn everything that it knows.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88751]@USAF_Son[/url]: Tyranids don't need an air force. They'll just flood the skies with "happy balloons"... ... the same happy balloons that Zerg's "kabloomy" Scourges are based off... But if they need one... look up Harpies, Gargoyles, and the 'nid section of forgeworld.com
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88752]@DT[/url]: No, you'll actually need to mind control the Norn Queens (up in orbit) for that. But it'll probably ruin the "radio tower" enough to screw up the Tyranids.
over 13 years ago
Wait! Since the hive mind uses synapse creatures to control the nids, would a well placed neural parasite on a hive tyrant allow the zerg to control entire hive fleets??
over 13 years ago
It's probably just me, but I'd pay good money to see an Ultralisk duke it out with a Carnifex.

It's probably just me again, but are the Hydralisk's six claws compared to the Ravener's six claws just a coincidence?
over 13 years ago
I demand a loli hormagaunt. Then we can let the two get it on. For science.
over 13 years ago
As a person who spends a crap tonne of time reading sc and 40k fluff (off the various wikis naturally.)I'd say that at first the nids would have an advantage through numbers, but through infestation and mind control the swarm would eventually win.
over 13 years ago
Zerg probably have a better aerial force than Tyranid do, too. I don't know if Tyranid even have flying units other than Gargoyles. Their hive ships and fleets are much bigger, on the other hand, so superior numbers would probably win out in the long run.
over 13 years ago
A Zergling may hold up against a Ripper or Hormagaunt, but throw Termagaunts into the mix and Lings are screwed.
As far as planet-scale attacks, though, Zerg can actually throw together a planetary defense pretty well. I've never known Tyranid for that, unless I'm missing something.
over 13 years ago
As a fan of both Starcraft and 40k... Zerg wins, no doubt. They're more adaptable, led by a sentient entity, their evolution is accelerated like nids, and they don't need biomass to create more of themselves, they use the very minerals inside their planets.
over 13 years ago
Nids. They consume the Zerg biomass and create a biomorph that counters the Zerg.
over 13 years ago
Nids win,they simply make nids that counter zergs. According to SC 2 zergs are evolution based because only the strongest survive so it is gona take them a long while to develop an effective warrior against nids and time is one thing you don't have when facing nids.
over 13 years ago
Tyranids. They devour galaxies, nuff said.
over 13 years ago
watered down versions of the 40k armies. Thus the more powerful, advanced, and larger force would win out against the smaller, weaker, and poorer adversary.

To think the zerg would win is simply a biased statement.
over 13 years ago
Nids assimilates too

where do you think those damn giant psychic artillery brain comes from? Yeah, they assimilate those pointy ears good...

i dunno what's gonna come out if they assimilate a lolizerg though...

wait... on second thought, i am not sure if i want to know
over 13 years ago
Nids all the way. Nids have a larger force, more coordinated force, deadlier units, and are the blueprint for the zerg(the particular nugs known as nids are a variation of the pre-starship troopers bugs). The Anything in the 40k universe would destroy the SC counter part because they are essentiall
over 13 years ago
Nerf Now, Tackling the Internet's more important issues; One day at a time.
over 13 years ago
I reckon they'd just merge into a new super race of doom bugs.
over 13 years ago
Well, I don't know about Tyranids, but when zerg run into a nasty race, they just seamlessly envelop them into their race (drones have the DNA of every zerg creature inside them). So if the Tyranids are stonger, the zerg just become Tyranids. So they both win? IDK, we loose though, I'm sure of that.
over 13 years ago
Proof: they can take out a race that is far superior in technology and totally rush and own them.
The zerg have shown that even at ridiculous odds they can own ie the final zerg mission in brood war where the zerg base has to defeat 3 armies at once
also Zerg assimilates
Khârn the Betrayer
over 13 years ago
One on one? That would be interesting. The ZERG against the Tyranids?! Come on, the nids have already defeated or eaten at least one other galaxy. The Zerg seem to forget what there doing if there leader gets killed off and, they can't seem to keep space rednecks off their home would.
over 13 years ago
I'd say anything less than a synapse creature on the Tyranid side and the Zerg would win.
over 13 years ago
Dont forget the Flood. And the Xenomorphs.
I'd throw in the Borg for good measure, too.
over 13 years ago
Zergs for sure. Tyranids don't have a tvtropes page named after them.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88658]@Dribblecup[/url]: Last I checked there's still a valid theory out there that the Tyranids were kicked out of their own galaxy by something worse. Therefore, there's nothing to say that they've eaten galaxies. [url=#user_comment_88675] @SimpleLogic[/url]: Does that look like a 2nd edition ripper to you?
over 13 years ago
Time for a Death Battle. Tyranids would win easily. They can destroy an entire planet in 100 days. They eat their dead so they never stop unlike zerg who need minerals/V-gas. The Tyranids have artillery/assault/armor units that larger than the Uberlisk. And Tyranids have Lictors for Kerrigan.
nobody in particular
over 13 years ago
Clearly, the older brother would reach out, arms, extended, to embrace his long-lost little sister, and the universe would be overwhelmed by the love and d'awww and life as we know it would cease in one galaxy-rending hug.
over 13 years ago
Tyranids win on the whole.
Now, a zergling vs a gaunt or a carnifex vs an ultralisk? I'd pay to watch that.
over 13 years ago
'Nids of course. No question. Was there ever really any doubt?
over 13 years ago
Well, I like SC better than WH40K is because WH40K hits the level of 'too much' for me to enjoy. so Tyranids would likely win if it's 'entire race Vs entire race' unless, of course, we have the queen of blades on the Zerg side and she figures out some way to screw with their mind.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_88671]@Iceholder[/url]: Duh, Orks. Everything is OP in Warhammer.
over 13 years ago
In this case Zergling vs Ripper?

That is a good question
over 13 years ago
Tyranids came first.
over 13 years ago
Deadliest Warrior Nerf Now style, or Mythbusters Nerf New style?
over 13 years ago
Meh. I'd prefer Orcs vs Orcs vs Orks.
over 13 years ago
What happened to Steam-tan?
The Stuff of Nightmares
over 13 years ago
Neither would win, but humanity would lose. They would come together and they would be terror squared.
over 13 years ago
Poor poor tricker-treater, she made a bad choose knocking on that door down the road after mobbing the sap dressed as a Terran.
Joe Momma
over 13 years ago
Oh god, Porkins, pull up!
over 13 years ago
'nids have eaten galaxies. Definitely them. But this match probably won't be TOO one-sided.
over 13 years ago
I got my money on the 'nids. Biovores, Carnifexes, and freakin' ZOANTHROPES. Not to mention the 5th ed stuff like the Trygons and crap.
over 13 years ago
First! wow, I love this.