What people are saying about "Rewarding"
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over 13 years ago
s'long as there are two people on the planet someone is gonna want someone death
over 13 years ago
why did the comic changed????? O_o JOe.....XD
over 13 years ago
Why did the comic changed?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_92211]@Nerflater[/url]: CHUCK TESTA
over 13 years ago
I just realised, the pun is that the warrior was asking the vampire about it, and then it turns out he wasn't asking about reciving a quest, but rather killing him. You are now more confused, yes?
over 13 years ago
See, even the artist isn't afraid to kill a panel for a reward.
over 13 years ago
Was that 3rd panel always different...?
over 13 years ago
Failure to give me magic items is grounds for immediate heel-turns, betrayals, double-crossings, and/or joining the other side with your head on a pike for them.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_92167]@Nuckel[/url]: It was just the quest giver guy standing there from the Knight's perspective with the Knight's arm holding a Wanted poster of the quest giver guy in the strip.
Hey Jo
over 13 years ago
Have you ever read the webcomic over at amazingsuperpowers? There's a hidden extra panel for every comic. Copy them, because there's no reason to let the original 3rd panel fade into oblivion.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Except the Tuskarr from WoW. They just ask you to kidnap their enemy's kids.
over 13 years ago
Hm, in panel 3 I would have expected a question mark on the quest giver rather than an exclamation mark since the trade is not fully over yet. Though it's not like WoW is the only game in existense... Oh, and what was changed in that panel? Didn't get to see it before, was it something naughty? xD
over 13 years ago
The knight wouldn't be able to draw his sword from his back, his bracers would make it too tiring to swing his arms for long, the shoulder bits would get caught on doorframes, and everyone should stop having dreams.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_92135]@Shtorovchan[/url]: They are always too busy standing on that spot.
over 13 years ago
I'm wondering about something else: If their enemies/wild animals give them so much trouble, why are they asking other people to do it for them? Can't y super vizard kill a couple of dragons by himself?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_92100]@Nerfnow[/url]: Is that a union or a lobby? ;)
over 13 years ago
Oh come on, the last panel was good!
over 13 years ago
I changed the last panel... reason? Of course it was because the association of NPCs complained instead of just me not being happy with it. :)
over 13 years ago
Uh,, 3rd panel changed? Why?
over 13 years ago
Dracula there was a man who lived by his words. For all 5 seconds of it.
One of the best strips made for this site.
over 13 years ago
That's why I liked the original Gothic and the sequel - while killing was in many cases AN OPTION, but not always the ONLY OPTION. Sometimes, you could just steal something - or go hunt an animal. Or diplomatics in any form.
Today, you only got to choose between "magic/bow'n'arrow/sword"
over 13 years ago
WoW takes the cake with you having to torture prisoners, kidnap younglings after you slew their parnets/caretakers in front of them and just slaughter the sentient(!) younglings of other races (whelps are sentient).
over 13 years ago
Jo sure seems to like editing/changing the panels of the comics these days. LOL!
over 13 years ago
I like how two of the photo notes are now irrelevant.
over 13 years ago
So any one got the original version of this comic?
over 13 years ago
Comic was changed. Did this happen before?
over 13 years ago
Artist, sappin the endin'
Havoc Blitzkrieg
over 13 years ago
This pretty much sums up a stereotypical mercenary in a nutshell... and I Love Mercenaries
This'd be interesting
over 13 years ago
Imagine an MMO you begin able to get quests with everyone and slowly find your place in the world by accepting more and more quests with different sides.

And it would carry over to pvp! And so on and so forth.
over 13 years ago
...Did the comic's second panel text and ending just change?
over 13 years ago
Hey, the third panel used to be the armor guy looking at a bounty with Lex Luthor's head on it... what happened?
over 13 years ago
At least these are uncommon in CoX. And when you do get them, they're usually given a good reason: you're beating info out of the enemies.
over 13 years ago
@The Lectrical Lectricanman!: Dun dun DUN!
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one who saw the armored guy and the bald guy as Vile and Sigma from Megaman X at first?
over 13 years ago
@The Lectrical Lectricanman!: Spah sappin mah comic!
The Lectrical Lectricanman!
over 13 years ago
Im pretty sure I just read this five minutes ago and there was a different ending. >_> <_< something sneaky going on here.....
over 13 years ago
Play shin megami tensei imagine online and chat with some demon and become friend with them.
over 13 years ago
That bad then when I instantly think of Vanguard when that happens? There were three ways of killing enemies? Stab them! Stab them in the face! , use the environment to kill them (influence via killing. :B a pack of other NPCs like wolves to head that way and maul him) or Diplomatically? Weird huh?
over 13 years ago
Unfortunately, given how many D&D groups descend into "Screw diplomacy, kill everything" (or so I hear) this ain't gonna stop anytime soon.
over 13 years ago
Speech is for fallout's game. I finished the 3 and new vegas killing just 10~15 persons the rest is using speech. Serious Just kill, we have aproblem with billion of live things one less one more have no interference
over 13 years ago
This comic is subpar, we have to kill it.
over 13 years ago
"Oh hey, I thought that picture looked familiar."
over 13 years ago
Burn! Maim! Kill! Repeat!