I actually like snipers and enjoy sniping. Despite what most people think, sniping isn't supposed to be active, it's supposed to be supporting your team by picking off things like MG emplacements (and not running around with dual SMG's spraying around the map proclaiming yourself to be a 'pro').
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_95698]@PixelRey[/url]: Yeah, plus you don't complete any map objectives by doing so.
over 13 years ago
@Trolling Nerd I'm feeling the same...
Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
btw if any one is interested ...do check out the dota 2 trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cSFPIwMEq4
over 13 years ago
from left drow ranger , windrunner ,sniper , lina and enchantress :P
over 13 years ago
On TF2 Sniper is my second best class. Blame Unreal Tournament's rifle which was so OP and useful. In fact, next time I play with a friend, I'm going to snipe only the people who aim to attack him.
over 13 years ago
I hope the next one isnt going to be about dota >_<
corporal grif
over 13 years ago
hes right you know the sniper is not only one of the most skilled characters he also has the best acsent and i like his back story hey theres an idea do a story on snipers family.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
I pretty much hate snipers in any game. Sniping encourages camping in a corner instead of running around and playing the game. Its especially starting to annoy me in MW3, where a shot from ANY sniper rifle ANYwhere on your body is an instant kill. Dying from a bullet to the toe is pretty annoying.
over 13 years ago
Since I need more backstabs in BF3, I approve this message.
over 13 years ago
I don't think Jo hates snipers. They are just *puts on glasses* such easy targets.
Nando Rock
over 13 years ago
Snipers when they hit the shots, they are heroes and companions, the problem is that only 70% misses the shots ...
over 13 years ago
@The Lord of Nightmares: Oh right, I had no idea they'd borrowed Lina for DOTA so wondered what you were talking about. Looks like they got most of her best moves too, although presumably Giga Slave would have been a bit overpowered.
voice from the depths of internet
over 13 years ago
About Swift Scout?
The Healer
over 13 years ago
Need more HW Girl and medic
over 13 years ago
@Cyclone Duke: Lina Inverse? She looks nothing like her. ;)
over 13 years ago
i want more female sniper... just like the one in the begining you know....
The Lord of Nightmares
over 13 years ago
Ack! I mean second from the right!
The Lord of Nightmares
over 13 years ago
I feel saddened that more people may be able to identify the second from the left as Lina Inverse than her namesake.
over 13 years ago
On a side note. Why is there a lipstick stain on the gun's barrel. Did one of them try to act sexy and do something with it?
over 13 years ago
The next comic is so gonna be about scout XD
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
For that rare sniper that takes down that heavy knowing he will get sniped, we thank you for letting us push.
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
Dark Ranger, Windrunner, Sniper, Lina Inverse, Enchantress.
over 13 years ago
I really thought that this strip was gonna take part on Team Fortress 2, but still the girls are sexy (Especially that blue one. I don't know if she has a name or what's her clan).
over 13 years ago
If we have a Sniper, can we have a bombsquad for the MINEfield?
In seriousness though, I can't recognize any characters here. Anyone care to shed some light?
over 13 years ago
I believe they're all from Dota 2.
over 13 years ago
Who are these girls? I think the far left one is a Darkelf Ranger from Dota, but who's the rest of em?