Maybe I'll find you in a lobby and we'll be able to play a match :3
over 13 years ago
The adventurers of Dota
An Onymous
over 13 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Looks like Notch to me
Triangle Man
over 13 years ago
New storm spirit has a Bhudda-like figure, and reminds me of jovial-but-deadly warrior monks. It takes some getting used to, but I think he looks pretty well designed.
over 13 years ago
True, Storm is somewhat vain.
The lore of his Static Remnant ability is
"Raijin Thunderkeg's duality allowed him to admire himself in shocking fashion."
"Not" Gabe Newell
over 13 years ago
Deal With It
over 13 years ago
Must say, just from the looks, I like Windrunner the most. Kind of have a liking for redheads, to be honest. (Even my favorite two gamegirls are both not red - #1 Zoey is brunette and #2 Samus is blonde)
But overall, all the models don't look bad so far. Not seen all yet, but most.
over 13 years ago
While we're at heroes, my favourite one is Enchantress. She looks so harmless, yet her ultimate literally massacres others.
Jo whats your steam tag so I know to aim for you first in a match.
litch is all but timing his ult.
over 13 years ago
Look at Nature's Prophet man, he's a noseless freak.
Some Dude
over 13 years ago
Storm got some Hillarious Lines thouhg
only good thing thouhg
over 13 years ago
Beta Key?
over 13 years ago
Jo, i need you to paint a full-sized picture of naked steam-tan. Cause u know, an autmn sale is here!
over 13 years ago
I just want to say, Jo, that I love the recent changes to your art. Keep it up!
over 13 years ago
dat unususal texas shine is MINE!
over 13 years ago
At least he didn't get the same treatment as Razor... the sole reason I liked him was his red lightning that he shoots and when maelstrom proc, it looked awesome. Now he got a crappy blue whip :(.
over 13 years ago
So i hear you like pandas. So we turned him into a Mexican so you can QQ for all of Dota 2 lol. No joke this was a demotivational poster text with storm spirits pic on it :(
"Who's that handsome double?" (when using Static Remnant)
And yeah, he's nowhere as good-looking as Raijin, but once you learn to live with him, he's nice, specially because of the voice acting. "Over here!" or "It'll get better with time" (when bottling a rune).