All original DotA models are modified WarCraft models, so it's be expected considering how Blizzard usually do stuff.
Still, fan service doesn't necessarily mean scantly clad women. Just look at Chell... She is much more physically attractive than any skanky Blizzard female character.
over 13 years ago
shyvana has red armor..... red eyes....XD
over 13 years ago
Coulda sworn that was Shyvana from League of Legends before I saw the wings, lol
over 13 years ago
For those asking about who she is dressed like (I didn't saw anyone answering it) that would be Akasha, Queen of Pain.
over 13 years ago
Why would anyone complain about DD cups?
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96445]@RoflCat[/url]: So she got offended that he wasn't more forward...?
Works for me! *goes to flirt.*
over 13 years ago
Yeah you'd think the cleavage would have a hat or something.
over 13 years ago
Pfft. Brutal Legend is a true Action RTS. You can both command mans AND kill enemies yourself, and drive the cars you create and run people over. None of this mindless creep garbage.
over 13 years ago
I will ask you again...
over 13 years ago
To be fair, DotA2 is Valve upgrading Blizz's designs as used in a War3 custom map.
..... and since D1, Blizz's female character designs tend on the skimpy.
over 13 years ago
Why do you dress like that if you are just going to turn up your nose to everyone who admires your body?
over 13 years ago
Which in turn would make Etna and Flonne complain because he would inevitably mention how their being flat doesn't bother him.
over 13 years ago
Scout's Mother showed more skin.
over 13 years ago
Shouldn't dress like a slut if you can't handle the horndogs.
over 13 years ago
This is genuinely sexy. I'm so glad you're able to keep up with the new shading, cause it is hot!
over 13 years ago
Who is that character in the comic?
Uther the Lightybringer
over 13 years ago
Hey there.
Was far from awhile from DotA-genre games and i can teach you all the tricks inside it, in a very didatic, personalized, patient way. I'm from the green brighty homeland, just like you. You can find my ID by copying the typoed word in my name.
over 13 years ago
>to the original designs
DotA had no 'original' designs, all the models were copied from Warcraft.
If they complain about this, they are gay...And stupid...And they are not enjoying the game enough...And also, Tkun, Laharl wouldn't complain...He would get too "sick" to complain.
Oh well
over 13 years ago
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is...
Oh crap.
over 13 years ago
@An Onymous:
Laharl would complain
over 13 years ago
In tentacle monsters every tentacle is a boner!
over 13 years ago
Jo MacTentacle.
The master of staring, without eyes.
over 13 years ago
Valve's got fanservice, they just tend to not be really heavy-handed with it. Go try and find out how many man-hours went into delicately sculpting Alyx Vance's T&A and her outfit to maximize nerdboners raised.
over 13 years ago
The Elven Archers in Warcraft III were pretty well-endowed.
over 13 years ago
People dont get the exposed clevage thing....its a style choice. Women go for the distraction aspect of having the boobies bouncing around vs the heavy metal that slows them down. Fighting a man whos blood is hot from battle, and the distration aspect is even stronger. Its logical not sexual.
That guy
over 13 years ago
eww dont like corsets.. but the cups are fine...
i could never understand the fappeal of corsets, its like being into torture.
over 13 years ago
Vengeful Spirit's animation in the picking screen is the most distracting one. Sure the cleavage is not as huge but the shadow animation is so... You can't stop looking! <.<
An Onymous
over 13 years ago
After reading what Joe wrote, I gotta wonder who would complain about corsets and D-cups? Would love to see Engie-chan in a corset. :)
over 13 years ago
What is this? League of Legends? :D
random guy
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96469]@Testhing[/url]: just a shot in the dark but I think it might mean "Tits and Ass" but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96469]@Testhing[/url]: T&A: Tits and Ass
over 13 years ago
Wonder what the actual body of the tentacle dude resembles.
over 13 years ago
Don't get the T and A thing..
over 13 years ago
Hehe... He is rubbing his head. >.>
over 13 years ago
Hey, it is DOTA. It starts as WC3 mod. Fans will be unhappy, if Valve throw away all scanties
over 13 years ago
Is that what the T&A stands for in DoTA?
over 13 years ago
When the tentacle is right, the tentacle is right.
over 13 years ago
Is that second tentacle his boner?
over 13 years ago
Though only Jo can think off a tentacle doing a *lean head against hand and admire the view* pose.
over 13 years ago
Really liked your personas reaction in the end there
over 13 years ago
They have to stay inline with the essence of the fantasy genre, which data upheld in 1.
Iam curious so let's have some games peak. League of legends and dota. How do they compare?
over 13 years ago
Here's the interesting thing... Jo found a way to insert himself into DOTA 2
over 13 years ago
Oh man who ever thought up the mine field photo notes have always brighten my day when Jo made a Cheesecake filled comic.
over 13 years ago
Davtwan: Haven't you heard her voices? She prefers more 'active' activities, rather than just staring.
over 13 years ago
i hate con‧form‧ist people....
over 13 years ago
Who's criticizing, gale?
Are you implying the comic author is criticizing valve for having T&A?
Actually the sheer irony of it would add an entirely new layer of humor to the comic.
over 13 years ago
you only criticize... ,make a comic this is boring very very boring or you forget how make like a game with many sequels, each time your comics are more boring
for a moment i thought it was lineage 2 but then looked the rest of picture.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Well if she didn't want people staring, then she shouldn't have dressed like that. That's like people complaining at me for not wearing pants, and I get offended for it.
over 13 years ago
Well, you do need a bosom to cry into when playing DOTA.
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