Say, why is Lydia the one pointing at the health bar and not Engie?
Andrew Hall
over 13 years ago
Maybe the guy's first name is Bandit. And he comes from the Thugge family and the dev team just misspelled it.
And so now Jo is responsible for a murder. Shame on you, Jo. ;D
over 13 years ago
Lightning is more manly than Cloud could ever hope to be.
Kuro Fox
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98000]@Chewie[/url]: There already is a "Cloudette Strife." Her name is Lightning.
Kuro Fox
over 13 years ago
@An Onymous: How a bout a Skyrim/Zelda crossover?
The "no killing chickens rule" is the perfect excuse!
over 13 years ago
@BLU Demoman
What are you? Freakin' one-eyed blind?
BLU Demoman
over 13 years ago
I must ta had too much scrumpy dis mornin. There is not a spy here photo note.
An Onymous
over 13 years ago
Now we just need a Skyrim comic involving a chicken.
over 13 years ago
@Alexander Petrov: But that's Arkham crazy loons that classified insane by law which is a feat on it's own. Whom are different from Skyrim's nord bandits would only do what they do to make ends meet.
I felt guilty killing even bandits and forsworns... Then I played Arkham Asylum, and now am happy that I can really kill baddies in Skyrims forever, so they can not do bad things again.
over 13 years ago
If you use the detect life spell, it color codes for hostile or non-hostile.
over 13 years ago
Real Nords marry Lydia
Drone 7
over 13 years ago
Love Skyrim comics ^_^
over 13 years ago
I thought you cant see health bar and name unless you start fighting with the enemy/agro. Thats why I shoot arrow from stealth (so it flies near the enemies, not in their knees) so I can see if the group is agressive or not.
over 13 years ago
God help you if you encounter a fort full of chickens. If Legend of Zelda has taught me anything, the anger of poultry is among the most terrifying things imaginable.
Right up there with Cthulhu, the idea of Jack Thompson running the FCC, and NerfNow comics #1-3.
over 13 years ago
Need more make-your-own-comic's
over 13 years ago
Hey guys I just need the money to put my sick daughter in a good hospital, I never killed no one I swear! I just hunt animals and I just really need the money!! No one believes Bob the bandit anymore...
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
As stated in , if only Lydia was that talkative, that would be nice. But it seems that all she care about is the weight of my burdens.
over 13 years ago
LOL! So true... Although Lydia is not the very best follower.
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