@Sylvester Ink: was nice but its more atmospheric rather than fun but in a game for Dungeon Keeper 1 where the desolation and uncertain danger of unexplored caverns, it works. Dungeon Keeper 2 had a soundtrack that escalates more the more bigger the fights were but the combat system got butchered
@Sylvester Ink: My memory insnt working well latelly, but i cant remember the last game that mixes fun with seriousness with a good soundtrack back then. I tough of Dungeon Keeper 1 at first but the fun comes of having loots of creatures to posses and torture your enemies, the soundtrack was.......
@Sylvester Ink Well, Remar Games actually have that old school feeling of fun + a good soundtrack to back up the action, kinda like Rise of The Triad first lvl music (never in history of gaming killing cultist with a multiple missile launcher has been more fun.....until Blood came along :D)
over 13 years ago
You probably thought this arrow to the knee joke was dead.
NOPE! Chuck Testa.
No seriously, the Chuck Testa meme died roughly 10 times faster.
Yo dawg
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98691]@Viddaric[/url]: You could say that the arrow to the knee meme took an arrow to the knee.
un lapin
over 13 years ago
I had the exact same soundtrack experience with Saints Row the Third.
over 13 years ago
RIP: Arrow to the knee. The fastest killed meme in the history of the internet.
over 13 years ago
Fuck Yes Homeworld
over 13 years ago
Considering Skyrim's barely a month old and Portal is 4 years old, I consider arrow in knee jokes still relevant to my interests.
over 13 years ago
Oh man, this is a pretty great comic. Both the comic itself, the note image, and the blog underneath. I totally love it when the music starts to rock out while your playing. I can still remember it happening in Monster Hunter during the laoshang fight.
over 13 years ago
haha, this is what happens when you leave an empty space? innnnteresting.
over 13 years ago
Strange I don't see anyone posting this:
A great cover by Malukah, just listen and enjoy
over 13 years ago
Jo should leave a large space in the comic for people to make photo note characters more often.
Man of Monkey
over 13 years ago
Anyone who puts a >>---(knee)--->(this is example) in the comments of something about Skyrim deserves ten >>---(face)--->.
over 13 years ago
Except the "ancient beast" goes down faster than a snow lion or whatever they're called.
I went up to the Wizard's College and as I chatted with the local Jarl, a dragon landed on the roof of the house behind him. Pardon me, Jarl. We'll talk later. I have some DESTINY to do.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98514]@RoderickBR[/url]: Pho to Nah
Also fez added to poodle classy levels critical.
over 13 years ago
I know that feeling, It's like when you dive out of the helicopter in Saints Row 3 to takeover the penthouse and POWER starts playing, it's good to be the boss...
Shame the rest of the game was a letdown, not a lot of clothes. I had to settle for a blond with big tits, nipple covers and g-string :(
over 13 years ago
But, there is one they fear,
In their tongue he is notekiin:
over 13 years ago
Photonote dude riding a skateboard with a poodle is stabbing Donakin in the leg with his fork while jumping over a cake. all this needs now is the poodle sporting a fez and someone commissioning this for jo to draw.
This is better than Jo's Cheesecake pictures.
over 13 years ago
There is a special place in hell for those spreading AitK Pestilence
over 13 years ago
Should have cut out the last three panels.
over 13 years ago
Nice work on Photo Note Dude. Probably the last thing I expected to see them used for here.
over 13 years ago
Shit got real when I ripped off the head of the second boss in Duke Nukem 3d and shit down his neck.
over 13 years ago
Thanks for the memory.
That truly was an excellent game and music.
over 13 years ago
The subject did not survive interrogation.
Sylvester Ink
over 13 years ago
I second Neil's comment. Iji is quite excellent. (All of Remar's games are, especially his latest, Hyper Princess Pitch. GOTY right there.)
over 13 years ago
... (continuation of previous post) and now have nothing left other than their fellow survivors and the purpose to find their Homeworld, alone against the dangers of a hostile galaxy full of mysteries and pitiless ennemies. I bought a CD of Barber only to have this music and remember this moment.
over 13 years ago
This part of Homeworld is one of the greatest moments of videogaming. Barber's Agnus Dei is perfectly chosen to accompany the tragedy unfolding in this moment, the realisation that the Mothership and its crew have caused indirectly the death of their people (who had already suffered a lot)...
You dear friend, need to play Iji. Made by Remar Games. Its has Deus Ex 1 perfection of level design where every customization choice still leads to the completion of the level and as a perfect soundtrack (you WILL cry tears in the final battle and the credits)
over 13 years ago
Any wonder how Blizzard Entertainment has been so successful over the years?
over 13 years ago
I have promised myself to murder the next guard that uses that line on my archer by shooting him in the knee. Damn the consequences, and save afterward, continuing as normal.
over 13 years ago
I feel filthy now. I was expecting, "The Aristocrats." at the end of the comic.
Also, "This meme used to be relevant. Then it took an arrow to the knee." photonote is great. Good job.
over 13 years ago
That photonote man is a Creeper.
over 13 years ago
Who cares about Skyrim, you just mentioned Homeworld. You just went up 100+ of respect in my book.
Mr. B
over 13 years ago
Congratulations on making old jokes funny again.
over 13 years ago
Less about the comic more about your comments: Homeworld WOOOOOO!!!!
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
An Onymous
over 13 years ago
People still going on about that "arrow in the knee" joke? is it a meme already?
over 13 years ago
"If you're having adventure problems I feel bad for you son. I dodged 99 arrows but my knee took one"
- Donor's post during Rumble in the Bronze
over 13 years ago
Just make a comic about a cake with knees, which are penetrated by arrows, made from sweetrolls, while the dragonborn shouts the cake away with a FUSH RO DAH.
At least then it´s out of your system, and can you make normal comics again which aren´t a total snoozefest...
over 13 years ago
Nailed it...
over 13 years ago
I still prefer the sweet roll and fus ro dah jokes over that one....
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98351]@Lopes[/url]: The last stage, you warp in and is facing just empty space and when you move the camera...
It was one of "these" moments.
over 13 years ago
and so another guardian was born...
over 13 years ago
I remember the shock when I jumped out of hyperspace to see Kharak burning like that. Then, every single move I did in that game had the will of revenge in it. When I finally beat the crap out of them Taiidans, I believe I came very close to what revenge feels. The bitterest taste of victory. HW ftw
over 13 years ago
Someone shoot this joke in the knee and bed one with it.
over 13 years ago
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for an arrow to the knee.
over 13 years ago
What's up with that skyrim and bad jokes?
over 13 years ago
This one was run into the ground a fair bit quicker.
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