it's pretty fuckin hard to make an argonian hot wellp, cut the man a break
about 13 years ago
I'm upset, this argonian isn't hot enough.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Arrow to the knee jokes sure are lame, eh fellas?
about 13 years ago
pour engie I'll miss you
about 13 years ago
There, I fixed it for everyone.
Duke Nukem
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106663]@EditOutJ[/url]: Hail to the King baby
about 13 years ago
Wait, the comic is listed under the archives as 'Duke Nukem'.
How the fuck is this DN?
about 13 years ago
I'm honestly going to miss Engie if she does actually leave.
about 13 years ago
Awesome comic, but how does this relate to Duke Nukem?
about 13 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen, the Lusty Argonian maid.
Like I said, this will only end in gun emplacements. Or lesbianism.
about 13 years ago
@A Engi-storum Priest:
And hoping it will all be resolved with a Lifts-her-tail, Engie-tan, Jotacle threesome?
You better not let Commissar Fuklaw find out about your actions.
about 13 years ago
I thought no 2nd tentacle again?!?!?!
about 13 years ago
I really don't find the maid at all attractive. Some what repulse really, I'm just waiting for this story line to be over now. It was a nice gag, but never in ether elder scrolls or here have they been something I wanted to look at. Also, breast on a reptile, wtf?
about 13 years ago
Keep drawing engi i like the argonian maid but if engi stops showing up and lifts her tail does i wont be able to read your comics anymore they would be just too furry
about 13 years ago
Hmmmm panel two.... lizard or not i would still hit it. Where do i get on of those maids, would trade the house of coins i made in Skyrim for her.
corporal grif
about 13 years ago
i bet if this was fallout 3 and that was moira he wouldnt do that
about 13 years ago
Look at me
Then Look at address bar: It's written 666.
Then look back at me
I am now a demon.
about 13 years ago
Protip: Ultimatums tend to backfire, not get you whatever you want. Or have you never heard of the ex-girlfriends that said "It's WoW or me"?
about 13 years ago
Wait I have idea:
Lusty Argonian maid is actually dark brotherwood assasin... and she want to kill Jo... so Engie will come mack and save Jo!
Happy end! :D
Dat Uber
about 13 years ago
Don't go engi. I don't want that maid to corrupt Jo.(figuratively and literally)
about 13 years ago
Silly Jo, we all know this isn't your 666th comic!
Remember? You started on comic 4?
about 13 years ago
Oh my god! A mutant! A lizard with a belly button! (Argonians hatch...)
about 13 years ago
And in the end- the Argonian maid wasn't who she really was. Her true identity is-! The Red Engie!! It's a no-brainer! Red and Blue teams hate each other, Jo is purple. So he's the middleman. Who else wants the spotlight more than Blue Engie? Red Engie rarely made appearances in the comic.
about 13 years ago
I'm fairly sure this is a secret plot by the maid to murder Jo. The first step was to drive the only potential witness away, and make it painfully bitter so that Engie-tan won't want to come back.
about 13 years ago
You all know the one I'm thinking of.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106475]@Zandgaia[/url]: You know in the TF2 world it's not actually her. It's just her playing TF2.
Dr Janitor
about 13 years ago
Maid is Yandere! And Engie is being kicked?! Is this world safe from nothing anymore?!
about 13 years ago
inb4 lifts-her-tail is in the dark brotherhood aiming to eliminate jo.
moore ruble less trouble
about 13 years ago
Jo I hate you.
I hate you so much, damn evil purple tentacle.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
Ha! Kicking Engie out of the strip, as if, you know we'd all revolt.
A Engi-storum Priest
about 13 years ago
to those expeting engi-tan to leave the comics. HERESY
to those hoping the maid will replace engi-tan. HERESY
to those hoping engi-tan goes n lives with engi-chan.
but yea, please don't replace/remove engi-tan jo!
(and bonus points to whoever gets the reference in the name)
about 13 years ago
Now THAT is a lusty argonian maid :3
about 13 years ago
That Third panel needs a big "FUCKED" put over engie.
about 13 years ago
ArgoMaid is a Spy !!!!
about 13 years ago
I see parallels with current YAFGC ark. Engie got it comparatively easy...
about 13 years ago
nooo don't let engie go, joe!
about 13 years ago
Don't let Engie Tan go! She's the best thing that ever happened to you! The Argonian Maid is not bitchy enough for funny comics!
about 13 years ago
I have a few guesses as to how it ends: For some reason tentacle joe ends up hating the maid, and gets engie to come back, engie-tan moves back to TF2 and TF2 comics start becoming common again, or engie-tan comes back despite the maid being there.
about 13 years ago
How much for that maid?
about 13 years ago
Make Engie-tan return to the TF2 stage because she left to live in the real-world.
Dreams are a lie T_T
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106441]@EliaMoroes[/url]: You're right, Miranda does look kind of like a lizard.
about 13 years ago
The Lusty Argonian Maid looks a lot like The Green Protoss (What Has A Mouth).
BLU Scout
about 13 years ago
I admit, I laughed when tentacle joe had to think about that option. Well played.
about 13 years ago
I hope Engy moves in with Sniper-tan and Pyro, that would make for a interesting love triangle.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
I agree with Rincewind, would be great to see Red Engie and Orange Engie together again. And yes Joe kicking Engie out of the comic would be evil, though I'm not against keeping that argonian maid around :3
about 13 years ago
This comic is basically BioWare romance options in a nutshell
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Dont worry Engie-tan, the other Engie-tan will welcome you with open arms in her house.
Can we at least watch? Pleeeeease?
about 13 years ago
In a way, this panel shows how Skyrim is taking over the Internet meme's throne and bans TF2 to second place.
But I'm getting sidetracked here, congratulations to your 666th comic! You've entertained us for so many years, it's highly appreciated!
Desert Bun
about 13 years ago
Like a previous poster said: if Engie-tan goes, bring back Heavy Weapons Girl
Though I like Engie tan
about 13 years ago
Engie will be back. She just needs to own up and accept the new staff.
Until then, her stubbornness will force her to leave. Pride is a bitch of a trait, isn't it?
about 13 years ago
Engie-chan is WAY better, I won't think twice picking my favorite.
First Troll, cool comics, I check for future comics later.
Congrats on 666th comic.
See ya!
about 13 years ago
this comic lacks ONE THING! muffins.
about 13 years ago
Sorry, ment panel 4.
about 13 years ago
I liked the drawing style of the maid's introduction way better. I don't mean the two-tone-thing but the actual psycho design and stuff. Here in panel 3 she almost looks like a sick smurf or something...
about 13 years ago
Really? You consider nothing vaguely wicked about the freaky eyed costume wearing dragon girl about to commit various...atrocities to a purple tentacle who's accepting her in favor of his long term squeeze?
Well don't that just beat all.
about 13 years ago
He's getting sloppy with the maid's eyes. At first they were drawn distinctly different to engie's, but now they're exactly the same. (And boring to boot.)
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Argonian made is so cheerfull its almost too good to be true.
She aint gonna pull a "the maid/butler did it" shtick is she?
"it was argonian made! with a candlestick! in the bath!" .....wait a sec...
about 13 years ago
honestly... a reptile maid? yeah... no, that lack of the whole endothermic thing just... yeah.
We love you Engie-chan.
about 13 years ago
You know what to do, Engie-chan. Getting down on your knees and- Wait! Do tentacles even have a down there?!
L4D Bill the Sniper
about 13 years ago
I am going to miss Engie-tan, and if she does go, nerfnow will need a new main female character. I vote for heavy weapons girl, we have not seen her in a very long time.
about 13 years ago
I thought no 2nd tentacle again?!?!?!
about 13 years ago
It would be in your best interest to keep Engi-tan. Particularly since she's a legacy character and the "face" of Nerf Now.
The Heavy is featured on the box of Team Fortress 2. Valve wouldn't remove the Heavy, would they?
about 13 years ago
How this arc ends: Sniper confuses Argonian for Alligator / Crocodile, makes new pair of shoes.
about 13 years ago
I have a commission for you. One female reptilioid house-maid. Price negotiable.
about 13 years ago
Uber both of th-
...wait, this isn't the Heavy/Medic/Heavy arc.
about 13 years ago
Just out of curiosity, whatever happened the "new girl" with the darker hair? >_>;
about 13 years ago
...Oh you better not.
about 13 years ago
please engie dont go!
about 13 years ago
This isn't going to end up like cad where both of them end up getting miscarriages, is it?
about 13 years ago
nooooo engie-tan! dont go!
about 13 years ago
@In the kitchen:
about 13 years ago
I wonder why the archive says this game is "Duke Nukem"?
Teddy Roosebelt
about 13 years ago
wow... ehhh Wut..
In the kitchen
about 13 years ago
I bet the dinner is sandwich
about 13 years ago
Still, congrats with the 666th comic.
about 13 years ago
I was wondering when you'd kick the free-loader to the curb.