What people are saying about "Splitting the party"
Splitting the party
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about 13 years ago
I'd say the terrible mess that is 4th Edition made keeping those 3rd Ed books a great idea.
about 13 years ago
Magic cards are -all- legal in Legacy format. or just play casual where nobody cares...
Blu Mage
about 13 years ago
That's why when I creat a P&P game it's gonna be free to DL
about 13 years ago
Twilight Sparkle FTW
about 13 years ago
@Bogey Williams

Class roles is one of those weird things where people are split on it. The concept that you NEED Tanks, Strikers, etc. is purely a creation of MMOs, and is patently false besides. But some people like having things defined in those terms.
about 13 years ago
"Terrible mess"? The system had issues, certainly, but "terrible mess" is a bit much.

And poor, poor 4th Edition and Wizards of the Coast. It's like they didn't realize that no one would want to play a pencil and paper MMO when there are digital ones available.
Bogey Williams
about 13 years ago
I hope 5e harkens back to 3.5 style role play mechanics (i.e. skills like performance) with keeping the combat ease of 4e. They should also keep 4e around and just rebrand it as D&D Dungeon Crawl and sell it as a quick n' dirty version of D&D.
Bogey Williams
about 13 years ago
I really like 4e. Character creation is much quicker, sessions go faster, and classes have specific roles. I've been playing in the weekly D&D encounters using "Essentials" rules and believe they simplified it too much to where there is almost no choice.
Old Fogey
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107080]@Drank[/url]: Gygax did nothing to keep WotC in check, ever. He left TSR in 1985, WotC was founded in 1990, and WotC bought TSR in 1997. WotC then made 3rd edition D&D. WotC was bought by Hasbro just a few years later, that's where the real trouble began.
about 13 years ago
Gota agree on some points~
-3.5 is broken, but is FUN to play. 4 is balanced but feels dull, in my personal oppinion. I rather play the fun one, anytime.

-'Ponies' have both over-zealous fand -and- over-zealous detractors. Is a weird thing for such a normal show. Myself, I watch, don't worship.
about 13 years ago
my group have just gone back to 3.5 edition, becourse its better
about 13 years ago
Still playing 2nd edition. Still not giving any shits.
Teddy Roosebelt
about 13 years ago
actly on EQD Twilight Was Voted best pony.. XD
Baked Bad
about 13 years ago
Twilight might not be best pony but that shirt still rocks.
Teddy Roosebelt
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107110]@Salty[/url]: Older editions of cards are legal if they were reprinted in a set currently in standard. Its always been like that.
about 13 years ago
Still playing 3.5 and not a single fuck was given that day.
about 13 years ago
I don't get it, why do they need to get new books for themselves don't the group already have the books. or does every member of the group have to have the core rule-books?
about 13 years ago
Ya think D&D Insider will give you acces to the 5th ed. materials? Or is WotC going to troll D&DI by forcing you to buy their books on top of paying a monthly fee. I'd unsubscribe and say hello to pathfinder permanently if that were the case.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
I agree with Salty, and I can feel Jo's pain.
Rainbow Crash
about 13 years ago
I still haven't decided if I hate or love what 4e did to Forgotten Realms. On the one hand; they wrecked a vibrant and colorful high fantasy world to create Greyhawk 2.0, and on the other hand I actually do enjoy how the whole "points of light" theme can lead to an epic story. Also Twilight Sparkle.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107104]@Sesquame[/url]: Jo's just complaining that a large part of what keeps a lot of people away from Magic is the constant high expense of keeping up with it, even though part of that expense is acquiring new versions of cards you may already own.
about 13 years ago
ITT People who don't know what they are talking about complain about Standard rotation. Go play a game of Vintage and get killed before you draw your first card. GG
about 13 years ago
avatar avatar avatar! wooo
about 13 years ago
I did not played the 4th edition, but it seemed alright. But I was not in the mood to read new books and etc. And 3.5 works fine in my group to this day!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107046]@SorataYuy[/url]: Probably because of usual every year dropping out card list. stuff simply drops out of type and you are literally forced to remake your deck.
about 13 years ago
Wizards of the Coast were always horrid, but Gygax tried to keep them in check; I'm glad Pathfinder happened when it did. RIP Gygax
about 13 years ago
Engie got kicked out of the comic and D&D players have to buy new books. It's a sh*t week for everybody!
about 13 years ago
@Da Masta :
FATAL player master race here.
about 13 years ago
magic fans, the problem isn't the changes themselves. The problem is that 10th edition cards are not allowed into 11th edition tournaments, even if there were no changes for the specific cards. I do not want to buy each rare card I have every couple of years.
The Fran
about 13 years ago
Lol Twilight sparkle.

about 13 years ago
fry/squish/drain/whatever your opponent" that it's always been. The tactics to do it are what gets updated, and that's actually fun.
about 13 years ago
Why would you quit Magic? They've only changed parts of the system when they've noticed that something is too clunky or too many players just don't seem to understand how they meant it to work in the first place. The system is still the same basic "tap lands for mana, cast spells,
about 13 years ago
...part is that the 'no choice character package' thing was joked about as the feature of 5th edition back in 2009, right before essentials released. Essentials gets more hate from 4e fans than 4 gets from 3.5 because of lack of choice. 4e has plenty of choice, it's that it's balanced. Whiners.
about 13 years ago
...anything from a new setting (ala Ebberon or Ferune) to new material (I can has Incarnum?) to even a new system. But not a 5th edition, they can still work well within it. Essentials, the '4.5' showed that 4th eddition could be worse ("what do you mean I don't get to piock my powers?"). The sad...
about 13 years ago
Please, we had rumors of 4th edition before they even started on it. And they worked on it for 3 years before they even announced it was in the works. 5th edition does not exist in any form at this time. The rumors came about because of playtesters being wanted for a project. The project could be...
about 13 years ago
Da Masta
about 13 years ago
Pfffft, y'all niggas is niggas playin' nigga ass games.

FATAL's where it's at
about 13 years ago
I don't get why you would stop playing magic? the new rules boiled down to can't stack combat damage, lifelink and deathtouch got better. They have now also specified when something is either cast or enters play or dies much better now. ya i miss combat tricks but i feel the game is better now imo
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107022]@TheDerangedOne[/url] Depends on if your just playing casual or tournaments. Plenty of sets have been banned from tournament play.
about 13 years ago
And it's STILL possible to minmax if you're into that ind of thing. For example, feats exist to gain combat advantage against enemies weak to your frost spells, and to cause enemies hit by your frost spells to become weak to further frost spells...
about 13 years ago
Say what you will about 4e, it was a hell of a lot more fun than 3.5. Which, given 3.5 was designed on a "simulator" philosophy, and 4e was made as an actual game, makes perfect sense.

I mean, christ guys, actual class balance? Casterss aren't wholly useless after spending all spells?
about 13 years ago
... Magic the gathering cards are backwards compatible last I checked.
about 13 years ago
I don't know what it is exactly but I like MLP. Lauren Faust, who has worked on many shows in the past, wanted to make a show that parents would be able to sit down and tolerate watching with their kids. Turns out a lot of guys liked it too.
about 13 years ago
Obviously, the mistake here was playing Dungeons and Dragons, rather then Shadowrun.
about 13 years ago
I think I could sum this whole conversation up in one word


same as 2 > 3 and AD&D > 2 really
about 13 years ago
Jo: 4E is the Windows Vista of roleplaying systems. It was a huge mistake and we're all just happy it'll soon be over.
an aggrivated reader
about 13 years ago
come the fuck on jo quit this
Andrew Ryan
about 13 years ago
ITT: Jo has no fucking idea what he's talking about.
about 13 years ago
the bad news is the group is moving away from the mess that is 43, the good news is Legend is pay what you want!

about 13 years ago
D&D is like eating a sea cucumber. You either love it or hate it... MLP is like the maid: love or hate her, you know you would hit it if you had the chance.
about 13 years ago
Jo is into teapots it seems...
about 13 years ago
Pathfinder is the superior system.
about 13 years ago
Meh, my friends never switched from 3.5 to 4 cuz we didn't feel like changing a perfectly usable system.

I can understand your complaint about Magic though, some of the newer theme decks are insane compared to older ones. Infect is probably the most broken mechanic I've seen.
about 13 years ago
Jo is now officially a Pegasister. Don't try to argue.

We are the Bronies. Join us or be loved and tolerated.
about 13 years ago
Twilight! :D
about 13 years ago
Can't say I've ever cared for D&D. It's a good enough system to run computer games, but for tabletop... no thanks. D100 all the way and character classes be damned.
about 13 years ago
Pathfinder anyone?
about 13 years ago
I don't even play RPG... I wish I did, but my city is in the middle of fucking nothing and the few friends I have that likes RPG would rarely go play with me.

Anyways, do as I do: Download the books :D. Reading Tormenta RPG right now (A Brazillian RPG using D20 system and the "Tormenta" scenario)
about 13 years ago
So agree whit that.
about 13 years ago
There should be some sort of internet law that states that, "A discussion about Dungeons and Dragons cannot extend past one page without at least one post declaring the superiority of Pathfinder and casting aspersions on 4th edition."

Myself, I like at-will powers...
about 13 years ago
Also, hellloooo pony!
about 13 years ago
Meh. I'm glad my group switched to Pathfinder. It plays like an optimised version of DnD 3.5, basically. But heck, DnD 3.5 as it was was still miles ahead of DnD 4.

I'll see what 5E brings, but I'm afraid it will be even worse than 4E :( Oh well, I'm happy with Pathfinder anyway :)
about 13 years ago
Dammit Jo, now your just trolling.
Put in something that can be argued and BLAM NIGGERDICKS POWERS ACTIVATE.
I agree with most of his points but I guess TB can explain it better than I (skip to 9:42 for the point but honestly its worth watching):
about 13 years ago
"The terrible mess that is 3rd edition D&D" (scoff) "Buy the 4th edition books" (gag)

The only truly good version of D&D would be a house system which is a hybridized mix of both. And it's still too stringent compared to the alternatives of making your own.
D&D player
about 13 years ago
Ummm you forgot the part where. We sell 4e books back because it's not the game for us.
about 13 years ago
Good thing me and my friends agreed to stay with v3.5 instead of having to spend a ton of money.
about 13 years ago
Wait, what? 5E already?! I didn't even get started on 4E at all (heck, I didn't even went from 3.0 to 3.5 at all).
Oh well... Unless they do something *really* good, I'll continue modding 3.0
@T Chicken's photonote: I see what you did thar.
Also MLP and Avatar FTW!
about 13 years ago
Jo, what do you mean? You made a comic about plonking down $150 on PC games a few weeks ago. Don't most RPG players spend less than that on RPGs?

This comic could easily be used for, say, Call of Duty. On PC. Also you'd have to pay for a new PC.

@That Guy: They fixed that, MM3 and onwards.
about 13 years ago
Welcome to the world of Pen and Paper (If you are to lazy to make your own system) or the world of Tabletop-Games (Where there is a constant Update every Month)
Elia Moroes
about 13 years ago
... Darth Malak on the first panel and Twilight Sparkle on the Second ...
... Yeah yeah, I know that's the protagonist of Avatar: The Air Binder ... I was just in for the lulz
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106868]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Good luck finding people of substance to argue with then bro
about 13 years ago
Simply put, I don't argue to "convince" people. I do it to better myself intellectually. How can I take a stance on something if I can't defend it? Furthermore why should I let others take stances they cannot properly defend? If people are gonna say stupid shit I'm going to call them stupid.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106840]@WrongName[/url] Your logic is pretty flimsy, especially since it rests on whether or not I care if people "agree" with me. I am just stating my thoughts. I find it hilarious you say nothing has any real substance if it agrees with me, yet the same could be said for most of my "opposition".
about 13 years ago
Dropped it when it went to 4th and picked up pathfinder.
about 13 years ago
Good thing I can just continue using the third-edition stuff. Not like I care about the fancy official con events that use the new stuff.
about 13 years ago
You mean, somebody play 4th edition for reals?
about 13 years ago
I couldn't care less.
My group plays 3.5 with some Pathfinder rules mixed in.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106831]@Niggerdicks[/url] Lastly, I'm bored. What do bored people do? "I HAVE NO IDEA" Quoth the Medic. Seriously though, bored people go out and do whatever. Do they care? Generally no. Good game laddie.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106831]@Niggerdicks[/url] So far, no one has even come close to agreeing with you. Not on Jo's first comic referencing ponies, not his second comic referencing ponies, and definitely not this one. Perhaps maybe a few one liner comments may seep in that take your side, but none of those had any real substance.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106831]@Niggerdicks[/url] 1. I said difficult(actually hard, but they mean exactly the same thing). However, I'll concede that such a reason for ignoring your comment is a bad one. 2. Stemming off of my first point, maybe when you stop insulting your opponent is when they will begin to level with you.
about 13 years ago
Pffft. Been playing 2nd edition for about ten years now with the occasional 3.5. In truth, the system really shouldn't matter so long as the campaign itself is fun.
An Old Grouch
about 13 years ago
Hey, I love 3.5, in all its imbalanced glory. 4th edition is debatably more "balanced," but it's sooo homogeneous it's painful, and I will cling to my beloved 3.5 like a doomed man to his life-preserver.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106790]@WrongName[/url] And you aren't worth taking seriously if you let your close minded ass ignore valid points for such reasons, which is exactly why I act the way I do, to ward off dipshits like you. Doubly so since you're stupid enough to comment on it as well instead of just ignore it.
about 13 years ago
4th Edition was mess. 5th is going to be WORSE, what with Wizards asking the community for suggestions on how to make it. Can you imagine worse than nerds arguing over what DnD is going to be?

In other news, I'm playing 3.75 aka Pathfinder. It's glorious.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106806]@RoadRage[/url] He obviously knows he's misspelling it, and doing it on purpose, so what is the point of pointing out to him? When someone says "I set up teh bomb" do you just respond "the"?
about 13 years ago
I liked 3.5 edition. I loved 4th edition. I just hope they don't completely drop support for 4th edition in case I don't like how 5th edition turns out. As long as they keep at-wills, encounters, balanced classes, and they keep away from anything like the Level Adjustment Rules, I'll consider 5th.
about 13 years ago
The cartoon was pretty good. The movie however was pretty much a futuristic version of Pocahontas.
about 13 years ago
avatar was preety awesome, the cartoon not the thing they tried to call a movie

about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106799]@YugoTheWolf[/url] Could you at least: a) Spell her name correctly b) Not use all all caps
about 13 years ago
That Guy
about 13 years ago
I hope they lower the HP. And keep Rituals on the same level as spells.

Combat took too long whenever we played 4e. And the GM didn't even look at rituals so it was all just a railroad grindy fest.
about 13 years ago
Well, Joe. You just dropped the P-bomb. This is gonna get nasty.
about 13 years ago
"But I'm a PC gamer, I'm probably spoiled."

Yeah, because PC gamers never have to buy anything new to keep up, right?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106770]@Niggerdicks[/url] It's hard to take you seriously with a name like that. It's also hard to take you seriously when you use all caps. Since when was a simple "!" not enough?
about 13 years ago
The great thing about any game that isn't online or played only in sanctioned events is that if the "official" rules change, you can still grab the old ones and use them, they don't disappear.
about 13 years ago
OH BOY TIME TO CALL PEOPLE OUT ON USING THE SAME TIRED AND WRONG DEFENSES. Look, blah, buddy, pal, friend, there's varying degrees of saturation and exposures to this in every fanbase, but moreso, THAT IS WHAT A FANBASE IS. A FANATIC IS AN OVERZEALOUS FUCK. You can like something without being a fan
about 13 years ago
Other Anon, you do realize there are people like that in every single fandom that has ever or will ever exist, right? It is in no way unique to bronies.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
I think the biggest tragedy is how Jo left us hanging as to the Engie/Argonian war. How dare you!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106739]@banjo2E[/url] I don't suppose you've ever played arcanum/geneforge series/thief series/PS:T or the like?
about 13 years ago
40k costs 40k to play.

For twelve seconds.
about 13 years ago
I like how you call 3rd edition a terrible mess and then go play 4th. I also like how you force everybody in the group to get their own books(really only the DM needs them). I also like how you don't just get the shit for free online. I also like how you mention this and not the ungodly cost of 40k.
about 13 years ago
Ah! I get it now. The only pony fans i've met IRL are all pretty decent stonerfolk, so I guess I never saw that side of the fanbase. Thanks
about 13 years ago
well you see anon, while the fans are as a rule fairly "nice" some of them are zealous to the point of cringe-inducing autism. for example there is a famous video on youtube of pony fans visiting a pizza hut for the express purpose of shrieking about how magnificent ponies are. the show is good tho.
about 13 years ago
Can someone explain the whole ponies thing to me? I don't get why people like them, i tried watching it and it was like any other cartoon. I also REALLY don't get why people hate them, the fans seem a bit overzealous but really nice?
about 13 years ago
>comparing Avatar to those dirty ponies

How dare you?
about 13 years ago
so... 5th edition: Starcraft edition?
time to min-max resources, horde vs horder rules, and PC deaths will be aplenty?
about 13 years ago
stop playing magic? There aren't that many major changes that happen. Only the more recent one a while back when they released M10
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106735]@Hiicantpk[/url]: Actually he does have a point: 3rd edition is full of overpowered bullshit. A well equipped max level PC can lay waste to entire realities if he munchkin'ed... ala Diablo 4th edition is almost point-and-click in its gameplay style, focused almost entirely on combat... ala WoW
about 13 years ago
>not sticking to AD&D 2nd Edition

Back in my day, we had settings that gave you actual FLUFF, not just page after page of stat blocks and spells.

@Ze Spy:

Do NOT get Daggerdale. It is awful. 4E's playable, even good, but Daggerdale is a terrible game.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106710]@Fromage[/url]: Then explain Torchlight, Guild Wars, and Elder Scrolls.
teh avatar
about 13 years ago
fuck ponies
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_106717]@Grognard[/url]: Obviously Starcraft edition
T Chicken
about 13 years ago
5e would be skyrim!
T Chicken
about 13 years ago
This is the only D&D comic made by Nerfnow.
p.s- just as the resistance in Azure city fell, nerfnow made a D&D comic!
An Egg
about 13 years ago
Fluttershy is best pony.
about 13 years ago
3e = Diablo edition
4e = WoW edition
5e = ...?
about 13 years ago
Nice choice. Everyone knows t.sparkle is best of the bunch.
about 13 years ago
Hey hey, I was kinda trolling. PC Gaming is doomed, so much that Diablo III will also be out on XBox. :/

I played some games on D&D v.2 and 3 a long time ago and I didn't even know that there was a 4th edition. :/
about 13 years ago
On the day TF3 is announced...

Joe, to NerfNow cast: I have some good news and some bad news...
about 13 years ago
Jo, I think your audience is to brainwashed by TF2 to know what D&D is.
about 13 years ago
D&D. Thats table top gaming. Dungeons and Dragons
about 13 years ago
i didn't get that one.
Ze Spy
about 13 years ago
Still waiting for a 4th Edition RPG in the Forgotten Realms. I'll have to invest in Daggardale at this rate.
I still don't know what are the changes between 3.5 ans 4, as I suffer from a lack of [roleplaying] friends.
about 13 years ago
PC Gaming? What's that?