What people are saying about "The Sound of Success"
The Sound of Success
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over 12 years ago
Nah it's different.
Blizzard doesn't ban you for using the auction house, for going to high level areas, or block you from canceling your subscription.
What is this
over 12 years ago
Bioware is nowhere near the monolith known as Blizzard, if anything, it should bioware desperately trying to keep their mudwall up as it slowly seeps down

or the tried and true, Bailing water out of the titanic
over 12 years ago
Anyways, i like the comic. not because its how i see them, but because it seems everyone on the forums just see them as money whores :)
over 12 years ago
The guy a few posts under me is clearly showing what the problem is. People dont know the diffrence between straight out complaining, and constructive critic.
Whining about pandas 6 months after its revealed wont change anything. But saying one class does 20% dmg more than everyone else might.
over 12 years ago
Eh, when people get on the forums, their primary thought is to complain to cover up how much they suck.
Saxton Hale
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I don't get it? All these people don't have the right to an opinion because they are complaining? That is a horrible comic. All of this idolizing the rich because they are rich is pretty dumb too. They're rich because they appeased the customers. If they were to forget that, they'd have nothing.
over 12 years ago
One last thing before this post sinks into oblivion.
According to the current SWTOR sub number they will need to maintain the game for 16 years just to get their loses back.
So yeah roll the clip:
over 12 years ago
In these comments:
Unappreciative gits complain about their token MMO, perfectly proving Jo's point.
over 12 years ago
I'm one of those rare WoW player who think that the game improved with each expansion and that PvP as never been as balanced as it is right now...but I still really dont see how they're gonna make Mist of Pandaria work. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and wait and see but why pandarens?
over 12 years ago
@Andrew Hall
Well in SWTOR's case, they're still playing, because the unsubscribe button vanished. I'm not even kidding, google it. They blame browser incompatability, and yet the other buttons worked fine. They then warned people posting workarounds so folks could unsubscribe, and deleted the info
over 12 years ago

Scroll down and look at this comic..

Ætherbane§øünd Digizaruk
over 12 years ago
blizzard has a solid golden logo cause their loaded. ...
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
You can tell how players really feel about a game by one thing and one thing alone : are they still playing?

If so, ignore all the complaining, they are like nymphomaniacs : you know they can't get enough. (And the lil' guys with the top hats at the top of the comic know this too)
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Ah yes...the oh so credible threats to ragequit.

In 2016 you must do another comic, Jo, showing them all doing the exact same thing in the exact same positions, still playing, still yelling about ragequitting...it is to lulz.
over 12 years ago
You do realise that the people who made good on their threats to leave wow all went to swtor. SO my bet is its actually the same people on both forums.
over 12 years ago
lol, everybody's bald
over 12 years ago
Valve too.
over 12 years ago
This is pretty inaccurate considering EAware spent anywhere between $125-300 million (and that estimate was in 2010. EA flat out refuses to reveal the true costs) and the game is bleeding subs before the first month is even over...
over 12 years ago
Great comic, i love the idea that to see the "Sound of success" i have to scroll down. It was awesome surprise.
over 12 years ago
@The Wizard That Didn't Do It: to represent that they're rich
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
over 12 years ago
Why are they Monopoly Guys? Subtle joke?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_109358]@EActivion[/url]: The difference is that Blizzard and Activision are just partners, while EA swallowed Bioware.
over 12 years ago
But jo, Bioware has yet to make any actual profit from the game yet
over 12 years ago
Both games are effectively the same. You would expect then that the complaints are similar as well.

No surprises.
over 12 years ago
The complainers for FFXIV stopped because the problems were fixxed. Now the only reason its not the most popular MMORPG around is because its hard to regain trust.

We'll see how it does when the PS3 release comes out next year
a hamster
over 12 years ago
They'll have the several ten thousands that refuse to quit (see Aion) but for the most part people are going to go back to WoW for Mists of Pokemon.

Irregardless the people that do stay better have lots of dosh on hand and willing to spend next few months.
over 12 years ago

Cha-ching........ Oh.
over 12 years ago
yeah those people don't have any money fuck them, stupid poor people
over 12 years ago
Really now? Bioware and EA are deeply out of pocket as they've only made back a fraction of what they spent on making ToR not to mention the fact that EA itself hasn't even made a profit since 2008 or so. If ME3 goes the way of DA2 then EA/Bioware is royally boned.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_109342]@Varrick[/url]: By that logic, it'd be EA and Activision, no?
over 12 years ago
The problem is that people are ALWAYS unhappy. I still remember how it was when TBC was launched, lots of dudes saying "This sucks, bring Vanilla back!" or "OMG, WoW is dead". Then when WotLK and Cataclysm were launched, SAME SHIT.
MMO players are very annoying, they can't deal with changes.
over 12 years ago
Hmm... If you were gonna do a one-shot strip, I thought you were gonna do it about SOPA. Oh well, still funny stuff.
over 12 years ago
If it was 2004, then you could compare SWTOR with launch-WoW. SWTOR was released in 2011 with huge development resources. There's no excuse. A barely functioning engine, no rollback so the Republic can't bounce back in PvP matches, bad customer service, uncountable glitches...SWTOR is a disaster.
over 12 years ago
Comic is inaccurate. That name should read EA since most of the money goes to them and bioware was fully absorbed into the EA hive mind 14 months ago.
over 12 years ago
This comic is the single most insightful thing ever written on how a subset of MMO players act and how their negativity is so absurd.
over 12 years ago
Meanwhile Engie remembered she's a well paid mercenary and has checked into a luxury hotel.
T. Overlord
over 12 years ago
All well and good, but there's something missing ...

Oh, right!

*Drops a Gungan Paladin named <3JarjarSOPA right in the middle.*
over 12 years ago
This comic strip is wildly inaccurate. The Bioware guy should be sailing on the Titanic.
over 12 years ago
Valve would invite them all to Coke and Pizza.
over 12 years ago
Bioware I love you so much. MOAR MASS EFFECT MOAR!
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
No comment...
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
And here Sadiel and Mentlegen, we see hordes of whining fools who think their opinion changes the world and apparently fail to understand the meaning of the phrase "Deal with it."

Not saying that everyone who plays MMOs are whiners, not by a long shot.
over 12 years ago
I don't know what the hell people are talking about. I've been loving SWTOR, and I've several friends who can't get enough, either.
over 12 years ago
Whilst any degree of success (or any release for that matter) does indeed attract whining, Bioware having ME3 be Origin-only is a huge stumbling block (insulting EULA, horrible ethics, etc). SWTOR I don't know much about, but the unsubscribe button thing (forum bans included) is fucking laughable.
over 12 years ago
and of course most of the complaints are from hardcore mmo catassers who don't play any other types of games
over 12 years ago
Also EA-s stocks are plummiting with -6% yesterday and everyone is selling because of this.
Im so glad I didn't buy this shit, because this is a Titanic/Iceberg MMO if I ever saw one.
over 12 years ago
The SW MMO is still a massive failure.
The first free months over and even some of the fucking Biodrones are leaving. Let's not forget how the unsubscribe button misteriously "dissapeared" to beg people to not leave and forum bans for mentioning the issue.
+1 day for hl2 ep3
over 12 years ago
Gabe Newell, stop eat pizza and go finish ep3 FFS !!!
over 12 years ago
Do I deserve a Nerf or a Buff?
over 12 years ago
TOR lost 400k subscriptions after the first month. I doubt they will last the year.
over 12 years ago
I expected a comic about the Illum bug and maybe the disappearing unsubscription button. I am a tad disappointed.
over 12 years ago
I'd rather people offer rigid criticisms than blatant cocksucking like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P2zkzXX3XE Besides, you act like forums aren't the retard fly paper of the internet. Also EA's stocks says you're stupid and wrong about them gaining profit from this.
over 12 years ago
Where the FUCK is my Half-Life 2 Episode 3 Blizzard?
over 12 years ago
Normally I agree with you, but when my gamecard redeems for 2 DAYS! and other people are also scammed like that,... I think you have a very valid reason to be angry.
Elia Moroes
over 12 years ago
I think either this is a general deal with or MMORPG or either gamers these days are damn retarded. You talk about leaving or TOR on WoW Forums: you get insulted. The TOR forums are full of morons who don't quite grasp what a MMORPG is. So I give them the peace of doubt
over 12 years ago
This COULD've been added into the "homeless engie" arc by having her a cameo in the crowd down there (as someone walking by, not as someone protesting).
over 12 years ago
It may just be because its really late and I'm really tired, but I feel that there is a Romeo and Juliet joke to be made here.
over 12 years ago
What was noise? It's the sound of progress my friend.
over 12 years ago
@byL.E.G.A: I actually lol'd because those are what some of the people here actually says all the time.

They keep on complaining, yet they are still here, reading Jo's comics. Now that is the sound of success!
over 12 years ago
I went on the TOR general forums. Once. For about five minutes. I've since decided to hate the game since (despite the fact that I'm really enjoying it) everyone says that I should hate it, and I'm always one to bend to peer pressure.
over 12 years ago
(jo sucks more tf2"!!),
("it s over netf now is finished")
("were is tf2")?
("jo only played 4 games in his life")
("were is prototype")
("deadspace") ("MetalGearSolid") "( Crisis 2") ("fear"?)
("n'he is a gamer")(o man must be a "jo"ke)
Unsolicited spell check
over 12 years ago
This, my friend, is WHAT success sounds like.
over 12 years ago
whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, exactly how things are. jk