[url=#user_comment_113703]@Slim[/url]: "Pinkie Pie: Great Old Ones"
That would be the most amazingly hilarious thing ever.
I actually kinda do want to see what would happen in the comment section if that happened...
about 13 years ago
PONIES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 13 years ago
If you make pony comics, you'll be my very best friend.
about 13 years ago
Every1 loves ponies! :D
about 13 years ago
More ponies!
about 13 years ago
Bless you for making the "You" guy look like an Adonis.
about 13 years ago
I tend to get mistaken for a guy all the time. No matter the gender of my character or name.
Mr. Al
about 13 years ago
wait, what... I am... you?
*brain explosion*
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113980]@Manwhat[/url]: President Scroob! Salute!
Dragon Emperor
about 13 years ago
I'm between Above average skill and High Skill... Or so I'm told, I go by what people say I'm not some sort of self centered douche nozzle.
about 13 years ago
I'm a scrub and I'm pretty darn proud of it :). YAY for having low skills :).
about 13 years ago
I like think of myself as a Scroob.
Grey Acumane
about 13 years ago
It would only be in character for her to try to get into scientology, and she'd get tasked with trying to induct all her other friends, but then eventually she'd find out that her friends are getting all the crap dumped on them that you hear about, and she'd end up telling the entire group off.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
As much as I adore Rarity and despise Scientology, it would be very much in character.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113730]@EagleEye935[/url]: I will add to your comment. Dr. Hax: HAAAAXXXX! *computer monitor flys out of no-where and hits hacker right between his eyes*.
about 13 years ago
I predict that if the next comic is going to be what Jo said in the description, then the comments will really go to hell fast
about 13 years ago
I would probably be tryhard.
The Æther Digi
about 13 years ago
I look like a hacker but I'm not fooling anyone. I'm a total tryhard, but at least that's more respectable than newb or scrub.
Brony Bob
about 13 years ago
Hail Lord Smooze.
about 13 years ago
definately a tryhard
about 13 years ago
im a tryhard
about 13 years ago
"You" skill level is
Below Average Skill
about 13 years ago
Fridge Largemeat, Splint Chesthair, we put our faith in Blast Hardcheese, Bob Johnson oh wait...
lol Flames
about 13 years ago
Scientology has nothing to do with actual science. Besides, Twilight came across like an internet athiest in the Pinkie Sense episode. Rarity would be a Scientologist because it's the Hollywood cult, and she simply must stay up to date on the latest trend
about 13 years ago
do it Jo, DO IT FAGGOT !
about 13 years ago
Dammit Jo, you can't mention something like that in the author's comments, you've got to surprise people with that!
about 13 years ago
Totally a scrub tier here myself. I even look the part.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113724]@Shidoshi[/url]: I'm pretty sure I'm a Tryhard. Mostly because I have all the bad qualities including raging and low hygiene.
Soph Senkai
about 13 years ago
Sad part is im actually a Scrub, though it's cuz internet issues make it hard to play at any given time.
about 13 years ago
Nah...have the Ponies discuss religion over voice-chat while playing TF2. :-)
about 13 years ago
can't wait for that strip comic to be posted. xD
about 13 years ago
Pfft, I call above average skill players hackers.
They must be if I'm that guy.
about 13 years ago
I was always under the impression that Tryhard meant someone below your skill level but always went for the cookie-cutter since that's how they'd get wins. (But you'd beat them every time regardless.)
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113702]@HerpDerp[/url] Derpy would obviously be a Muffin's Witness.
about 13 years ago
Fuck you! I can so worship all these gods!
about 13 years ago
Do it... Make that bucking comic...
about 13 years ago
I tend to roll my eyes when someone calls me a tryhard because more times than not I wasn't even trying when I wiped the floor with them.
In MNC I've actually sat back goofing off or using a short range class to give the other team a match longer than 5 minutes
about 13 years ago
Can't help but agree, though it is hard to not call clan stackers try-hards.
The Metalhead Next Door
about 13 years ago
That's weird, Last time I checked I was the guy on the right.
about 13 years ago
Well as long ya don't make fun of the show I could care less.
Some Dude
about 13 years ago
I will have you know I have the reflexes of a hacker, and the pro-skills of a no-life!
I also own more hats than a hat museum,
this is a rare skill level,
its called Jedi.
about 13 years ago
damn right that's me !
about 13 years ago
Dr. Hax: HAAAAAXXXXXX!!!!!! Btw, hwgirl ftw!
about 13 years ago
Last dude is really an "armpit exhibionist"...now that's kinky!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113697]@Davtwan[/url]: No man, you are YOU.
about 13 years ago
I think that last guy is Viscant
about 13 years ago
Hats? TF2 related? Better make them SILLY and COOL hats and make it Touhou related :D
about 13 years ago
DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 13 years ago
I'm gana blame Tier Five for no Half-Life 3
about 13 years ago
now see, i've personally held the belief that a scrub is worse then a noob.
about 13 years ago
I think I do my best, but I know I'm not that good, but even so, a lot of people see me as a no-life hacker. I just give up trying to understand it.
about 13 years ago
Do it!
about 13 years ago
Applejack: Protestant, likely southern baptist (if emphasize southerness) or some flavor of Stone-Campbell (if midwest)
Pinkie Pie: Great Old Ones
Fluttershy: Quaker or UU
Rainbow Dash: Trendy Wiccian
Rarity: $cientology
Twilight Sparkle: Catholic
about 13 years ago
Derpy Hooves has to be in it! I'm thinking Scientology would be her type of religion lawls
Dat Uber
about 13 years ago
I like the comment below the comic.
The comment box will go apeshit for sure.
about 13 years ago
Yeah, I definitely think I'm a tryhard. I'm always stuck in the middle like that.
Also, I would love to see you do that comic just to spite people. Let them cry some moar.
about 13 years ago
It's not easy going through all that code to find just what you need while not being detected at the same time.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113688]@Lobster[/url]: It actually is, believe it or not. For instance, even picking certain heroes (Beastmaster) in DotA (2) will get you labelled one by people with inferiority complexes.
Well, at least they are losing effortlessly!
about 13 years ago
Never heard of a "tryhard." Is that even an insult? "Ha ha, you suck, you're actually putting in effort!"
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113665]@algerus[/url]: The idea is that "you" call him a hacker 'cause "you" have no other way to cope with the fact that he's more skilled.
He's probably not even a hacker at all.
about 13 years ago
What? Anyone who needs to hack should look like the Scrub or Tryhard.
about 13 years ago
How exactly does a hacker have SKILL...?
about 13 years ago
Thanks, the pictures make me feel better.
about 13 years ago
My teeth arent that big!
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
What level are you guys at? I consider myself a tryhard.
about 13 years ago
So you made a bald version of me and called him "Tryhard" Notbad.jpg, very accurate.
Oh, and I really love the fact that you gave the hacker a cigarette! XD
I'm pretty sure you have something like that planned for one of the celebratory comics ( 700th or something)
That or a comic about how ignorance is the fuel of the internet.
about 13 years ago
Now do one for starcraft
about 13 years ago
first time in ages the comic aint spammed with ''MINE''
about 13 years ago
Some man just want to watch the world burn.
about 13 years ago
I think pony comics would make the comments go crazy no matter what is actually said or shown.
about 13 years ago
I for one fully support the pony religious debates, as long as there are hats.
about 13 years ago
Beyond hacker must be people who finished all ninja gaiden games.
Anonymous we do not forget blablah
about 13 years ago
Don't talk of what you're ignorant of.
Parry Hotter
about 13 years ago
Jo is TOTALLY is Brony :D!
Anonymous we do not forget blablah
about 13 years ago
@ RoderickBR: Scientology is NOT about science. :facepalm:
about 13 years ago
@lol Flames: I think Twilight would be the Scientologist (being attracted to the whole science stuff) and Rarity would be Atheist (mostly because she wouldn't show interest in the rest, I guess)
Hmm. Would Apple Jack get the slim texas dome shine?
Real damn brony
about 13 years ago
You be careful, you might just destroy the comment section
about 13 years ago
well religion with my little ponies would not leave much to the imagination, because they live with two goddesses
about 13 years ago
Huuuuray!!! I'm handsome!
lol Flames
about 13 years ago
Do it ******! Seriously though, that'd be hilarious.
Twilight Sparkle - Athiest
Rarity - Scientologist
Applejack - Christian
Fluttershy - Pagan
Rainbow Dash - Some New Age Bullshit (she always dresses in style, i.e. she's a hipster)
Pinkie Pie - Church of the Great Old Ones
I just registered as I was only reading and not commenting up to this day, just to say:
Please do O.o Religion and My little ponies, best combination EVER. would certainly make this comic about 20% cooler...
Wolf the Widowmaker
about 13 years ago
Ponies and religion?... Wellokaythen
I can't wait to get started, but first let me set a few rules; It's of utmost importance the comic we get is something that's awesome and cool.
about 13 years ago
i am right past hacker >:D
about 13 years ago
@Blu Mage: beyond hacker, with the label "lord and master."
Teddy Roosebelt
about 13 years ago
i would like to see that Comic and laugh at all the Comment wars
Blu Mage
about 13 years ago
Jo where do you put the tentacle avatar of yourself on this list?
Blu Mage
about 13 years ago
I'm above a Tryhard in some games but below a no life
the1andonly joe
about 13 years ago
i want a my little pony comic and i want it now!
about 13 years ago
I don't smile at all, tis a lie.
about 13 years ago
If you really do that, it will be hlarious, especially if Kotaku pick it up and post it on Kotaku Sunday comics. There are tons of butthurt weekend commenter you can flame there.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113439]@Silber[/url]: That's funny, I could have sworn you said 'fad' for a second there
Brasileiro Jogador
about 13 years ago
Jo, voce tem um dom com as palavras que um dia colocaria o mundo em perigo caso os lideres mundiais lessem a sua comic.
Then again, se eles nao leem eles ainda tem muito o que aprender.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
I protest. I am clearly much better looking and more muscular than that.
about 13 years ago
Pinkie is catholic (from her family), Applejack is protestant, Fluttershy is eco-pagan. Twilight worships Celestia, Rarity - whoever current big fashion star is, Rainbow Dash - herself.
about 13 years ago
>ponies from Friendship is Magic discussing religion
why wait?
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Sooo, leather vest... I´ll let people make their own conclusions about him then :).
about 13 years ago
seems accurate to me
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
@Challenge Accepted: You can control yourself, control others is another story...
I chalenge Jo to make an arc with ponies, religion, politics and homosexuality!
about 13 years ago
Sorry to tell you, but MLP beat you to lots of ponies wearing hats. Would very much enjoy a pic drawn by you of that though.
about 13 years ago
Lol nintendo wii is only played with by noobs :p
about 13 years ago
Bitch please if you want the comment section to go apeshit you need posters like me to ignite the flame.
about 13 years ago
You've said it.
Now you've got to do it.
We await.
about 13 years ago
loled at the pony/religion comment
Proof you don't make these comics just to get hits or you would have it already.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113466]@Boler[/url]: A low skill player who just got lucky.
about 13 years ago
Too late about MPL...I'm already raging.
about 13 years ago
So what does it mean when someone calls me a tryhard scrub.
Challenge Accepted
about 13 years ago
Let's not go apeshit about the next My Little Pony comic, just for the irony of it.
about 13 years ago
It's very hard to make fun of religion without being a hateful bigot.
about 13 years ago
I wouldn't consider scrub being as low skill. They are more typically defined as a player who calls things that they can't comprehend or overcome as "cheap" or the like. It's more of a refusal to get better or to play the game as it was meant to than anything.
about 13 years ago
gg nub
BLU Scout
about 13 years ago
Oh what, you gonna cry? You gonna cry now?
about 13 years ago
Didn't even bother reading the comment box from last comic because I knew that last comment would get the troll ball rolling. I can only imagine...
about 13 years ago
Would totally wear a pair of sunglasses and play the game with my feet. That's just how badass I am.
about 13 years ago
Pfft noob is using a Wiimote.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Make sure they're mining out a mountain and setting elaborate deathtraps to get your Minecraft/Dwarf Fortress references in too.
about 13 years ago
Ugh i cant wait for this pony fad to fade away...
about 13 years ago
also, Fluttershy should be something like bhuddist
about 13 years ago
if you are in the you category, then compared to me you are a n00b!