DAoC naturally :) Oh I miss that game too... :D :D
almost 13 years ago
Idk why but I play the original Sid Meier's Civ and I don't plan on getting any more recent version. Probably because I have super slow internet and any version II and above would take at least an hour. The most recent would take a day or two depending on whether your using BitTorrent or Steam.
almost 13 years ago
I would still play my favorite MMO as I had for 8 years, but they shut it down on December 15th
almost 13 years ago
Dark Age of Camelot.
almost 13 years ago
Its not wow.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113918]@Azrael[/url]: Darn, didn't see somebody had beat me to it.
almost 13 years ago
Balanced, fun pvp. Variety of interesting, unique classes. World PvP.
Near empty ser-ITS EVERQUEST II
Some guy
almost 13 years ago
He is OBVIOUSLY talking about WoW in panel one. You gotta be extremely stupid not to know that. Well, that or never played WoW/visited the forums/read the previous nerfnow comics.
Also, indeed, HoM&M III is the best game in the last 50 years, and will probably be the best for the 50 years to come.
almost 13 years ago
Those saying DDO: no, because they as much as said they don't give a shit about the pvp and actually are developing way more for pve. Those saying LOTRO: same thing, but add in roleplaying along with pve. Turbine just isn't a pvp company.
almost 13 years ago
The problem with a lot of MMOs is they grow and die fast. People tend to move among them in groups, so a lot of times, it ends up being 5 or 6 people leaving together. When it gets low enough, it starts to get frustrating to get stuff done/find decent opponents
almost 13 years ago
Referring to Diablo 3?!
almost 13 years ago
Strategy lovers still play Master Of Magic. :]
And yeah, you can give MUDs a "cuter" name and sometimes even graphics that won't make a toad puke, but this doesn't really change gameplay all that much.
almost 13 years ago
The problem with world PvP is that the designers rarely build in the potential for asymmetric warfare ... so it just becomes a zerg fest.
almost 13 years ago
Anyone else went to google and looked for Defenders of Avalon? lol...
almost 13 years ago
MMOs by definition have a rock-paper-scissors type fighting system unless they are FPS or perhaps using a complicated turn-based system. WoW did it as it was the way the game was meant to be played as an RTS but too late they realized it couldn't really work but they created a monster.
almost 13 years ago
I miss Dark Age of Camelot PvP, but not enough to actually go back and play Dark Age of Camelot.
almost 13 years ago
I never met an MMO that wasn't a boring grindfest. I get the concept of digital scarcity and all that, but why does everything have to be about killing X number of Y over and over again ad nauseum? UGGHHH
almost 13 years ago
My Name
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114176]@Bob[/url]: Nope, it's not. Runescape has no classes. But I thought about that too - Runescape is an awful grindfest, and the mechanics are such that all fights are boring and straightforward.
Who cares?
almost 13 years ago
@Guess what?: If only u could see all the fucks I give~
almost 13 years ago
@Julian Skies:
Doesn't make it terrible, it just means it's not for you.
Some of us don't like to be babied when it comes to PvP, others enjoy PvE content.
Neither is wrong, we are just different types of gamers.
Blu Mage
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113943]@Edd[/url], yeah you really need to level up in Scott Pilgrim, as you level up more thhings unlock
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114162]@endplanets[/url]: Protip: Don't play on the lowest difficulty, and yes, the first stage is easy, whodathunkit? :P
almost 13 years ago
I suppose I must correct what I just said. I remembered some games like Runescape (10-12 years ago?) had a PK system. Such a system is bad, in only that there was only 1 server to play on. I enjoyed the extra tension as I do prefer World PvP servers, but don't let the bad eggs ruin the idea for all.
almost 13 years ago
Pretty sure the game in question is Runescape...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114165]@Querzis[/url]: World PvP is not a terrible idea at all. Whenever I have seen it, it has been one of two cases. 1. It is a PvP game, so it is the purpose. 2. The server is labeled for such and complaining about it after you decide to play there is a proof of lack of responsibility.
almost 13 years ago
Faction vs faction is usually fun, arenas less so and open world PvP has never struck me as anything more than a gankfest. Fun for the ganker, not so much for the gankees. I feel no pity, though. They chose a PvP game/server, gank happens.
almost 13 years ago
@The Obsidian Paladin: He's definitely not referencing WoW.It /has/ World PvP and even if there's /talk/ of removing it, it's still there (why would he be complaining about some future update, smart one?). ARENA pvp? Guild Wars was all Arena Pvp, the options were called Arena: (random/team arena)
almost 13 years ago
@Quervis Yes and no--the trick is to not make it *unrestricted* PvP, and instead either require some sort of opt-in system or delegate it to it's own server (granted, that server becomes the nightmare asylum you describe, but at the very least the people who just want to do missions are left alone).
almost 13 years ago
World PvP is indeed a terrible idea. Its all about one troll having fun for 50 low-level people calmly doing quest he killed and then camped their corpse.
almost 13 years ago
I am Edd. Im Pilgrim the enemies would fall down for too long and they barely attacked you. And the fact that just punching is a "dominant strategy" (look it up) didn't help. Streets of Fury (not Rage) is harder and has WAY better combos and combat.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114024]@Inferno0009[/url]: Hell yes, HoMM3. I think I still have Complete around here somewhere; maybe I should go reinstall...
almost 13 years ago
I am Edd. No, Streets of Rage is 10$ while Streets of Fury is 3$. Its an Xbox live arcade game that focuses on complex moves and high string combos.
Julian Skies
almost 13 years ago
@World PvPer: Well... World PvP is the reason I quite UO, it's also why I run away from every and any server of an MMO that isn't PvE only. It... Is horrible how random PKs just come by, kill you, take all your stuff AND get away with that since everybody thinks it's cool.
Some Dude
almost 13 years ago
@guess what
well, I suppose it'd take one to know one....
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114080]@Slim[/url]: Civ 4 and its terribad combat system can go to hell.
SMAC ftw!
World PvPer
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_114074]@Tridus[/url] Ummm, no. World PvP is best PvP. It's just not for everyone. It also hasn't received the same amount of attention and scrutiny as other parts of the genre.
Why would you log onto a server with thousands of players just to do 5 man instances and 10v10 battlegrounds?
almost 13 years ago
Oh Guild Wars how i loved thee... why did my computer had to break down, and getting me stuck in this lousy laptop, that doesn't let me explore the magestic world of Tyria....
Also I miss Half Life 2..... dam you computer... may your cpu burn in hell for what you've doned to me :(
Master Po
almost 13 years ago
@Guess what?: Oh, come on, dude. You aren't even *trying.* What the hell, that's a troll? That's SHYTE. It's a piss-poor excuse for a troll. My dead grandmother could do better! My 3-year-old grand-nephew could do better and he watches Barney and Spongebob!
Your troll fu is LAAAAAAME.
almost 13 years ago
Civ 4 is best civ!
almost 13 years ago
World PvP is just a stupid idea that people remember with nostalgia glasses as being good when it really wasn't. People say they want it, then complain about the two features it brings over arena combat: gross faction imbalance and griefing.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
I'm an RPG gamer and I must agree with Joe, we never quite settle with one game; We're constantly looking for something new. I just recently finished Dragon Quest IX and am looking for something new.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free.
almost 13 years ago
Games like UO didn't have quests and was basically a PvP MMORPG. I played when I was like 10 years old and never had problems. Gear as crafted by smiths very cheaply and there were no real "endgame" items. A newbie character wouldn't get one-hit killed. It was fun hunting PKers.
Well Tibba said it was LoTRO, so I'll go with that
almost 13 years ago
Why are old mmo's popular, world pvp is an awful concept. Doing a quest, some random guy 20 levels above me just one shots you and took all gear. I guess it's fun for the griefer because who doesn't like to be a dick sometime, but ruins the experience for everyone else just trying to play the game.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113976]@terak[/url] unless your in the blades of the darkmoon or forest hunter covenant
almost 13 years ago
Please, the best game ever is Heroes of Might and Magic III. The best PvP and best PvE.6 players playing hot-seat and you end the game at next day
almost 13 years ago
1.5 was the best version of CS. PERIOD.
almost 13 years ago
PvPers need prey. No prey -> no PvPers.
Guess what?
almost 13 years ago
If you read this you are a lonely, fat, underage bitch of a man who needs some form of artificial social interaction to give meaning to his life.
Have a nice day.
almost 13 years ago
Ultima Online?
almost 13 years ago
Meh. I'd die before playing counter strike. My friends and I liked BattleField a lot better, and these days nothing beats TF2 in fun terms. CS is just.. off. I couldn't even tell enemies from allies.
A MMO that no one plays anymore? With PvP that needs to be agreed upon? I've played many like that.
almost 13 years ago
Sure, we could always go back to our favorite MMO, unless our favorite was Tabula Rasa. TR was the most fun I've ever had in an MMO and now it's gone forever.
almost 13 years ago
But everyone knows the best game ever is Deus Ex!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113941]@GasBandit[/url]: Y'know, I was about to say the same thing. EA ruins all that it touches.
almost 13 years ago
Dark Age of Camelot had great PvP. Although it was called RvR. And I would probably still play it if it was F2P nowadays.
But it wouldn't have the system that lets it go F2P, sadly.
almost 13 years ago
hmm... googled it... only found a shmup O0?
almost 13 years ago
some day the human race will realize that counter strike isn't a good game
and then we will all be assumed into heaven on the spot
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113984]@Vincent[/url]: cont' and forcing combos as the only viable way to fight doesn't make a game good.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113943]@Edd[/url]: So... Are you hitting the punch button repeatedly in Scott Pilgrim or Streets of Rage?
Because I played both, and Scott Pilgrim was way better. Just because you _can_ mash the hit button over and over (and win in 10 times the time it takes someone who uses combos) doesn't mean you should.
almost 13 years ago
Avalon - Clearly a reference to Arthurian myth, hence Dark Age of Camelot, which is known for its excellent PvP. Seriously guys, read the comments and stop guessing it's World of Everquest or whatever PvP schlock you think is decent (when it's the players who made that PvP good).
almost 13 years ago
Dark Age of Camelot is the only thing that comes to mind. WoW is too big to get those conversations, really.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113974]@Vince[/url]: you can't be invaded by lvl 200 if your lvl only 60.
almost 13 years ago
you know this kinda reminds me of Dark Souls where in the pvp it still makes it merceless cause you can get invaded by a level 200 when your only 60
still fun though
The Obsidian Paladin
almost 13 years ago
He's Referencing WoW, the only reason I can say I am 100% certain he mentions both the LACK of World PvP and, here is the FINAL point "ARENA" I want you to name 5 MMO's with actual Arena Style PvP, and Blizz has stated they tried to remove World PvP so I think I can be certain saying it's WoW
almost 13 years ago
The main reason continuing to play old MMOs that we look back on and call great doesn't work is that they don't really exist anymore. Sure, the servers may still be running on some of them, but patches have changed parts of the game that we look back on and call great.
dr. furry
almost 13 years ago
cs 1.6 has more players online than cod, i don't think you got a good argument here
almost 13 years ago
your grammar is off in panel 1.
It should be "How is it?"
almost 13 years ago
TOR's world PvP is awful. Its warzone PvP is awesome if you like warzone PvP, but its world PvP is terrible.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_113943]@Edd[/url]: You mean Streets of Rage?
almost 13 years ago
The whole time I played "Scott Pilgrim" beat-em-up I was thinking that I had way way more fun with the way better "Streets of Fury" (only 3$ on Xbox arcade). And then after wiping out yet another room of baddies with boring punches I just snapped, quit the game and then played SoF 3 hours straight.
almost 13 years ago
Anyway, here's hoping Guild Wars 2 doesn't suck.
almost 13 years ago
Clearly this is a reference to Dark Age of Camelot. And it WAS the best PVP MMOS had to offer... until EA bought Mythic and ran it into the ground. Warhammer Online was a passable substitute...until EA fired everybody from EA-Mythic, and put Bioware in charge of it who then ran it into the ground.
almost 13 years ago
The joke is that it's every game. People say this sort of thing about every single game.
almost 13 years ago
Because then they aren't all cool hipsters that are playing the newest thing and pretentiously whining about how it was better in the old days.
almost 13 years ago
I would guess LoTRO, but . . don't quote me on that x.x
almost 13 years ago
SWTOR has the best pvp loot-to-time-invested ratio I've seen in any MMO, and it doesn't have big red orcs.
almost 13 years ago
I'm thinking City of Heroes.
almost 13 years ago
If he didn't have a fantasy theme going in the first frame, I would have said STO... but know Jo, the answer is probably, 'All MMOs ever.'
almost 13 years ago
Ok.. I think he is referring to everquest.
almost 13 years ago
The answer is all MMOs.
The Thing You Overlook
almost 13 years ago
I hear PvPing with yourself is amazing.
Mein Herr
almost 13 years ago
SWTOR has world PvP...
Could he be talking about Diablo 3?
almost 13 years ago
Some people did end out going back to DAoC, heh
almost 13 years ago
I'm thinking DDO.
almost 13 years ago
Just a Guess
almost 13 years ago
Probably Dark Age of Camelot.
almost 13 years ago
It's The Old Republic.
almost 13 years ago
POP: None?
almost 13 years ago
Ultima Online?
almost 13 years ago
Taking a wild guess here. I'm guessing it's World of Warcraft?
almost 13 years ago
I don't "play" MMOJYPF... so can someone tell me what he is referencing?