What people are saying about "The Piercing Truth"
The Piercing Truth
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over 12 years ago
Before reading this, I got sniped a billion times by a super sniper named Kremion in TF2

All I said was something like: "HOLY CRAP DUDE, YOU'RE GOOD!"
over 12 years ago
....Does anyone like being sniped?

Not much you can do about it other than not go to an area covered by a sniper.
Anon E Mouse
over 12 years ago
Pretty sure that's the Crystal Ball of Yaoi.
over 12 years ago
No "TSUN-TSUN" "DERE-DERE" photonotes?
Son, I am disappoint.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
god HoN has been around so long and is so far ahead please the hype is pretty bearable, really, there are no Dota 2 pros because the game does not exist yet.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115662]@VmKid[/url]: You have no idea of how much spam I deleted today, and the filter is even blocking the brunt of it.
over 12 years ago
Jo, it may be high time for some temporary captchas. Just to cut down on the spambots.
Ju Man Ji
over 12 years ago
Wow, not many photo notes today. Nice.

Can someone fucking remove the fucking sex spam.
over 12 years ago
I want more of the Crystal Ball of Revealing! Do one in the mind of the camper!!
over 12 years ago
Crunchy Taco
over 12 years ago
High ping snipers can bite my shiny mettal codpiece.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115600]@Tiger[/url]: Speak for yourself. ;D
over 12 years ago
Another well done comic, Jo. But please go back to tf2. Those strips are my favorites.
over 12 years ago
Hey Nerfnow, may I know what was the name of the font that you use for your comics?
over 12 years ago
Jo try Tribes : Ascend. you can look for shoutcasts on tribescast.com it's an amazing game to watch and play.
over 12 years ago
Haha? Campers?! my biggest problem in Tribes : Acend, where you get shot at from silly ranges by snipers.

Where it literally isn't worth the effort and time to counter them at the moment.

It's already hard to dodge the only real hitscan in the game, while being mindful of exploding discs.
over 12 years ago
News flash: In a real war you can't win running around like an idiot, reloading after every shot.

But it was funny one.

Also gimme Dota 2 beta key Valve.
Zero Crimsoneye
over 12 years ago
I hate people who are better then me so much.
So very, very, much.
Like wise I hate people who don't put up a fight so it causes a pretty nasty problem.
over 12 years ago
Sounds like an accurate description of all whiny players, QQing over getting their butt kicked.
over 12 years ago
The only interesting e-sport to watch is starcraft 2 imho. LoL/DoTA/HoN are all terriboring with 75% of the game spend on farming minions
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115600]@Tiger[/url]: I'm pretty sure there's quite a few people who like russian loli, or any loli for that manner.
over 12 years ago
Lets be honest - nobody ACTUALLY likes snipers.

Or russian loli ad bots.
over 12 years ago
I don't have fun watching matches like that, not TF2, not DOTA, not anything like that, but I have more fun watching professional Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 matches than playing it myself... Same goes for KOF XIII
over 12 years ago
I feel like that sometimes.
over 12 years ago
I love tf2 competitive, as a player in it myself I see the deep teamplay and coordination between the players and the decision making comp tf2 is much more complex than its outwardly appearence
over 12 years ago
i like you sir.
over 12 years ago
A difficult point. I was playing LoL this weekend and I was in a bad mood: I lost every single game I played. I had some weak players at my side, but I know it was my fault too.
When you play online it is hard to see how bad you are if compared to what is out there, but THIS is multiplayer.
over 12 years ago
wow your comics are getting terrible. i used to update myself everyday now i just come every week and i dont even read them all.
over 12 years ago
That's why I don't play old maps much, they got too boring to me too.
As for DOTA.. dunno, I played one dota-like (Titans or something, in beta), and didn't like the game style. I'll stick to FPS or classic RTS.
over 12 years ago
Never saw the fun in watching competitive plays (and since someone's bound to bring it up, no I don't watch sports either :p ). I'd rather just actually play the game.
over 12 years ago
Obvious bot spammers, the comments section has NO html support!

Jo, make a comic detailing the horrors!
over 12 years ago
I prefer watching Starcraft 2 :->
over 12 years ago
Do not forget the airshots. Those are awesome in TF2.
over 12 years ago
@Michael Turner: I go to this site and like the casts made by the guy on this video (forgot his name) http://www.joindota.com/en/vods/630-the-retry-vs-mtw-benq-the-clash-group-stage-part-2
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115536]@Surprise[/url]: Obviously gamers that don't rage.
over 12 years ago
Quick, which is more rare? A gamer that doesn't rage or a girl gamer?
over 12 years ago
Jesus, these spam posts are disturbing.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Lol Blu mage that made my day
Blu Mage
over 12 years ago
JO! I want to see your take on this: Harbinger: You have to help me against Shepard!

Reapers: Ah yes, "Shepard" the immortal space captain of varying gender and appearance, allegedly waiting in Citadel Space. We have dismissed this.
over 12 years ago
Why is all of this loli porn here all of a sudden?
over 12 years ago
What one guy promotes LoL and it's disgusting? LoL and Dota are similar games. If you enjoy watching Dota/LoL you should be able to understand how the other game's fanbase enjoys watching it even if you hate the game. Really it's great that more games can become Esports like SC2 is.
over 12 years ago
lol @ the spammers and the people mindlessly trying to promote their games. Super Monday Night Snowballing should be avoided at all costs though, it's just bad. LoL is okay and serves it's purpose, but riot are massive faggots.
Blu Mage
over 12 years ago
Fuck it, I camp, no I don't give a fuck the problem is YOU if you can't get me.
over 12 years ago
@Michael Turner: Look for videos by Tobi Wan or Sunsfan or Purge at Purge Gamers.
over 12 years ago

League of Legends players trying to sell their game on a Dota 2 related article. Seriously, if your boasted playerbase is just populated with players who don't get a penalty for dying and spend most of their time farming, there's not much to boast about. Anyone can make smurf accounts.
over 12 years ago
LoL pro matches are just as good, for the last year they been pushing to try and cut down the amount of "rice rice rice" time people spend in lane so its been getting more action packed, give it a try.
over 12 years ago
Speaking of DOTA-watching, do you know of any good YouTube casts of pro DOTA2 like there are for TF2, Josue or other commenters? I'd love to watch DOTA2, but I've yet to find any good YouTube casters.
over 12 years ago
Good point about CompTF2 not really being an exciting spectator sport. I was wondering why I could never get into it.

I might try watching a few DOTA2 matches. It certainly does look a lot more colorful.
over 12 years ago
May I suggest looking into Super Monday Night Combat? It won't cost you a thing.

over 12 years ago
Almost half my Dota2 time is watching matches. It does lose a little charm once you realize every invoker just EMP/Nado spams. He had so much promise in life....
over 12 years ago
Oh great, spammers is invading the comment section now.
over 12 years ago
This spam is relentless...how the hell...?
 Platypus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_115480]@Tuna[/url]: You rage spy? You should be raging demoman or solider. I see to many people rage spy to clear dominations only to keep dying before completing the revenge.
over 12 years ago
my crystal says PONIES !
over 12 years ago
although, sometime, they ARE just a camper.
over 12 years ago
I don't care about snipers. Is a sniper dominating or pissing me off? Fair enough. I'll go spy, spend 15 minutes getting into the ideal position, then hacking away at the bitch's back, stabbing stabbing shooting and just yeah. No sniper is immune to spies.
BLU Scout
over 12 years ago
Rainbows make me cry. ... stupid piercing truth orb.
over 12 years ago
So, Steambitches... Have you heard that League of Legends has just surpassed WoW in Players online?

Jo, if you wanna have fun, you just have to PLAY. Only play it. Like Cholera Beast. See his "I'm Bad at LoL" videos. Like Xin Zhao BE A MAN! video.

over 12 years ago
But.. What if I play Heavy?
over 12 years ago
Fuck. Spam is now infiltrating the comments...worse too, it's Pedo spam.
over 12 years ago
I am a seasoned DOTA 2 player. I played Dota 1 for years and one thing that you can take home from watching pro matches and seeing exactly what builds they are going vs certain teams or other heros or even different builds ie (tank/support/carry). Especially if you are an Invoker player.
over 12 years ago
second, yay
over 12 years ago
Nonsense, he isn't smart enough to say that.