What people are saying about "Ok, Enough With Mass Effect"
Ok, Enough With Mass Effect
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 13 years ago
Finding this post has answered my pryeras
almost 13 years ago
Anout the journey ere, not the ending
almost 13 years ago
To Gortos: Unique ? Isn't that something you can do in the KotOR games, in SwTOR and other MMORPGs ? I must agree The Witcher is a story with some choices that won't make the ending change, but it's a hell of a game, and it's kinda unique. The Witcher games are awesome. Play them, people!
almost 13 years ago
I feel like ME3 ending leave a clear message "In the end of the day, your options and choices means jackshit to the world".
I feel like it was a pretty good message
Bob, Agent of Hydra.
almost 13 years ago
I think the whole joke is that the guy in the comic is a HIPSTER and thus goes against popular Opinion. Look at the way he dresses and the use of a Mac.
almost 13 years ago
For those who did not enjoy the ME endings, I suggest to see this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythY_GkEBck
I really recomend to you to see that video, it explains a lot. My first tought was "What?", but now when I think about it my thougts on the end is "Oh, so that was the ending about"
almost 13 years ago
It's sort of funny actually. The kid could be considered a literal deus ex machina too.
almost 13 years ago
@Victor von Doom:
I'm pretty sure the "starchild" was a deus ex machina. It went completely unexplained, sure you saw the kid before, but hardly in that context. Random nightmare sequences hardly are plot developments that explain how the fuck that kid is connected to the catalyst.
almost 13 years ago
Finally a webcomic that makes some sense.
almost 13 years ago
@The Very Model of a Terrorist Batarian:
Ah yes, "choices".
A: Turn the Reapers to organic control
B: Destroy all synthetic life
C: Fuse all life into an organic/synthetic hybrid.
All require swallowing the Catalyst's bullcrap and submitting to what IT thinks are the only options available.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Gabe Newell
almost 13 years ago
I now understand that the hardcore fans demand perfection or nothing at all when it comes to the end of a beloved trilogy. This is why we at valve are actually shelving episode 3 to focus development on hats. Sorry fans, but it for your own good. It was going to be a spiderman 3 level disaster.
sam raimi
almost 13 years ago
@Gabe Newell Hey! i reserve the right to ruin an amazing series due to my addiction to LSD during production of spiderman 3! Sure, people who grew up with the comics or cartoons hated the third film but non-spidey fan tobey fanboys and tv guide loved our rape of the franchise!
Gabe Newell
almost 13 years ago
I now understand that the hardcore fans demand perfection or nothing at all when it comes to the end of a beloved trilogy. This is why we at valve are actually shelving episode 3 to focus development on hats. Sorry fans, but it for your own good. It was going to be a spiderman 3 level disaster.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125641]@peristyl[/url]: They werent lying about that - there's no ending A, B or C, there's one ending and 3 colours: red, green and blue. p.s. http://www.vladville.com/media/Demotivators_14885/Handler_012_thumb.jpg
almost 13 years ago
I didn't play ME1, ME2 or ME3.

I didn't even watch the ending.

But I will say this: ME3 ending was good, epic, and excellent.

almost 13 years ago
(in the end all they give to players were ending A B or C->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkfVdrtLcRs)
almost 13 years ago
(from here: http://www.oxm.co.uk/37677/mass-effect-3-citadel-is-bigger-than-ever-endings-will-be-more-sophisticated/)
almost 13 years ago
The final argument.
"We're taking into account so many decisions that you've made as a player and reflecting a lot of that stuff. It's not even in any way like the traditional game endings, where you can say how many endings there are or whether you got ending A, B, or C"
Casey Hudson
almost 13 years ago
PS: Reapers ARE a fusion of organic bodies and a synthetic structure. (see: human reaper)

Congrats, you just fulfilled their goals for them.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125584]@GoldFish[/url]: And you, the player, got BLAM'D for it. Ironic, no?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago

It is a so awful ending but it is not all
1) they promised different ending. In fact, they promised and insisted about the different endings.
2) they promised :they fill all holes.
3) and finally, it finish with a "... buy DLC"
almost 13 years ago
Wait is that a glimpse of his true face??
almost 13 years ago
so if you were exceptionally infuriated by the ending to mass effect 3, you are a perfectly normal and rational person
The Very Model of a Terrorist Batarian
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125584]@GoldFish[/url]: Oh wait... so if submission and eliminating diversity, defiance and attempt at subversion are ALL possibilities... then it would mean that there is actually a choice in the ending, despite all the voices to the contrary? Who would've thought.
The Very Model of a Terrorist Batarian
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125584]@GoldFish[/url]: I blew them up. On my perfect Paragon. Submission is NOT preferable to extinction, and thought the Catalyst is full of crap. Of course I felt sorry for the geth and EDI, but after Virmire and Arrival, my Shepard was already familiar with the "sacrifice a part to save the whole".
almost 13 years ago
Lol my brother owns a fedora, a Knives Chau scarf, and wants to buy a mac, can I tell him he is a hipster yet?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
So it is time to move on from Mass Effect 3 and keep on doing fucking TF2 comics? Oh god, you hypocrite.
almost 13 years ago
@I don't get it: Customer is always right :P
I don't get it
almost 13 years ago
the rights to demand what you want? are you saying that you no longer possess the freedom of speech? yea, you can say what you want, if you think its stupid to demand a better ending than so be it, and the other side, the angry fans can demand what they want. its about consumer voicing their demands
Lost one
almost 13 years ago
they could have made a better ending, life is depressing enough already.
almost 13 years ago
Where's the joke?
Betrayed customers?
almost 13 years ago
The major effect all this bitching and whining has had on me is to decide that Mass Effect 3 isn't worth the effort. I certainly don't want to be associated with such entitled whiners.
almost 13 years ago
...I was pretty sure you weren't "required to submit and create a homogenised master race", so much as you have a very clear choice about it. Yeah, you can't dictate every little thing, but when have you ever?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125584]@GoldFish[/url]: Wrong not just fusing with the reapers it was fusing ALL SYNTHETIC LIFE with organic life EVERYWHERE that includes reapers geth and VI's etc etc. not just reapers
almost 13 years ago
"a very deep, meaningful ending, fitting the end of the series."
Oh, of course, submission to higher powers in the pursuit of eliminating all diversity is the PERFECT end to Mass Effect! /sarcasm
almost 13 years ago
and yet the Mass Effect 3 "best ending" requires you to submit to the will of the Reaper Master AI to create a homogenised cybernetic master race by fusing the Reapers with organic life and crippling the galactic community at large by the destruction of the Mass Relays.
almost 13 years ago
The Collectors were subverted by the Reapers and got BLAM'D for it.
The Reapers' most dangerous weapon is Indoctrination, which removes the ability to self-determine in organic species.
The Illusive Man allied himself with the Reapers and, BIG SURPRISE, HE GOT BLAM'D FOR IT.
almost 13 years ago
"fitting the end of the series."
No, it doesn't.
The prevailing theme of the Mass Effect franchise has been self-determination, even in the face of extinction.
Saren surrendered to the Reapers for the sake of "survival" and got BLAM'd for it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125493]@Dude[/url] Only if you were an idiot and got the bad ending.
Victor von Doom
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125550]@Anonymous[/url]: I didn't think ME3 pulled a deus ex machina. Battlestar Galactica, now THAT was a deus ex machina. Literally. ME3's ending had some holes in it, to be sure, and it left plenty unanswered, but it had been foreshadowed for quite some time. "We are your genetic salvation," the cycle, etc.
The truth
almost 13 years ago
they left it as open as it is for a reason.

so people could speculate and think if the ending to their own Shepard's journey.

end of story. (pardon the pun)
almost 13 years ago
People appreciate a good game plenty. But a bad ending makes an otherwise good game less than good.
almost 13 years ago
@Anon E Mouse: Because we all know 'get rid of it' means throw it out >.>.....Derp
You're an Idiot
almost 13 years ago
@Anon E Mouse: No one forced you to pay for it; if you want to wine, feel free to wine, but it's your own stupid fault, no one else's. Go herp yourself you twat.
almost 13 years ago
Why am i experiencing a massive amount of deja vu right now?
almost 13 years ago
I didn't say Shepard had to live. I don't see a noble sacrifice as a tragedy. But as it stands, the exploding Mass Relays kill everything and Joker is running away abandoning Shepard, wth. I would like an option where he lives but he doesn't have to.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125554]@Tim[/url]: So basically you want a game with a feelgood message of "everything is possible if you try hard enough"? The theme of war, sacrifices, loss and some odds being unsurmountable, some challenges being impossible to beat, scraping for "next best" is ever-present in all of ME3, not just end.
Anon E Mouse
almost 13 years ago
@You're an Idiot: Yeah, just get rid of it ... and the money you paid for the game, under the assumption that what Bioware said the game was was what the game was.

Herp derp.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125550]@Anonymous[/url]: You mean Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 "commit" deus ex machina? Cypher, Lazarus, Swarm counter-measures, Derelict Reaper, Reaper IFF, Legion being there at the same time... it's choc-full of "fortunate coincidences". AKA d.e.m. Why even play a series with such gravely sinful storytelling?
almost 13 years ago
Five good, well-written reasons why the ending is a pile of tacked-on bollocks:
almost 13 years ago
I just need to add my 2 cents, I am sick of everyone saying they are OK with a sad ending. If the intent was to really make endings that reflected the choices, a happy ending should be possible. I wanted a happy ending for my Shepard after all the hardwork, sadness, and death he had seen.
almost 13 years ago
@I don't get it: Lol what's this about rights? this has nothing to do with rights. It's just a bunch of fans who are demanding a better ending because we dont like the current one.
You're an Idiot
almost 13 years ago
@I don't get it: What rights? They made a product and you bought it. This has nothing to do with your rights or standing up for them. If you don't like it, then get rid of it, but don't pull any BS stunts like your rights being trampled on by a giant corporation.
almost 13 years ago
@Victor von Doom
The problem is Mass Effect 3 commits the gravest storytelling sin, a deus ex machina.
almost 13 years ago
Bioware in charge of games can only end poorly.
almost 13 years ago
Am I the only one who think that guy looks like Freddy Kruger before he was burnt?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
I hope you're joking Jo, if not, i'm gonna blow your head off.

-Sincerely, the Mass Effect Community
I don't get it
almost 13 years ago
Why do consumers like giving up? Fight for something you want, you paid for it. Its those that are passionate that are putting their efforts, you should cheer them for fighting against a corporation. Set example that consumers are not to be reckoned with, why would you want to give up your rights?
On mass effect 3...
almost 13 years ago
There's a really good video by TheHaddockbanker that really sums up my opinion on ME3.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
I agree with Joe, time to move onto something new, just like we moved on from that argonian maid (remember her?), can't wait to see what new game Joe makes a comic about now.
P.S. Finally some more orange-engie for a change :)
Victor von Doom
almost 13 years ago
Also, I agree with basically everything the snob cafe guy is saying. And if there enough people out there defending the end of the series to merit taking cheap shots at them, that makes me friggin' happy.
almost 13 years ago
Want my opinion? The gaming community needs another hyped up game to make fun of this year, just like how it was with Duke Nukem Forever last year.
Victor von Doom
almost 13 years ago
Call me a snob if you like, but I really don't have a problem with the ending. Yes, an exciting, bombastic ending would have been cool too. Also, I do care about Mass Effect, I don't play Call of Duty, and I dislike Apple as a company. And people these days CAN'T appreciate a good game.
The Very Model of a Terrorist Batarian
almost 13 years ago
@The Fran:
Along comes ME3 where stakes are simply too high for an ending like that. It's the end of the world. The whole theme of ME3 is that there are things no amount of preparation will save your from.

And choices matter all the way throughout the game, with quests, conversations and mails.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125502]@herry[/url]: Billions of dead, several of your former Squadmates having given their lives and countless planets laid to waste. We even have a memorial plate with names of people lost onboard the Normandy. In the face of all that even with Shepard surviving it would not exactly have been happy end
The Very Model of a Terrorist Batarian
almost 13 years ago
@The Fran:
Mass Effect series is full of contradictions, Deus ex machina and non-choices. Interesting how it's only the last 5 minutes that people are up in arms with.

In ME1, your only active choice at the end was the fate of the Council. ME2 was 100% feelgood heroic story.
almost 13 years ago
No choices is bad.
The Fran
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125502]@herry[/url]: Damn it, many people expected a bad ending, many people expected Shepard to die. The problem isn't with it being bad. The problem is with it making no sense, contradicting numerous facts stated in the series, and most of all with absolutely none of your choices having any effect.
almost 13 years ago
I believe a lot of people expected a "good ending" where Sheppie and his love settle down with lots of blue babies and so on. But I think the Endings (ok maybe they should have done a badder ending where the Reapers win) are ok. Not overwhelming but ok. A happy end is not fitting to such a war
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125492]@TLV[/url] *spoilarz* Too bad there will be noone left to remember Shepard cause he killed everyone and did what the reapers were trying to faster than they could ever have accomplished
almost 13 years ago
It was a good ending. It was sad seeing Shepard die, and I really could have done with seeing the crew react to his death... I don't like it, but it was a good ending. The life of the greatest man the galaxy will ever know, in exchange for ending the greatest threat the galaxy has ever known.
almost 13 years ago
Or, for that matter, expect your opinion to be the majority rule.
almost 13 years ago
This is the only game in history where Gamestop has stopped /accepting returns/ for the game, it's literally not accepting anymore copies. Yeah.. that's a 'vocal minority' for ya. If you like the ending, that's fine, but don't expect everyone else to enjoy it.
almost 13 years ago
I see what you did there...
Adeptus Enginus
almost 13 years ago
Wow, so much hipster in these comments that the guy in the comic looks mainstream.

Sorry Avery, but it's not a "vocal minority" that hates the ending, it's an overwhelming majority. Want proof? How about the heart of Bioware's fan community.

they call me Mr. Pibb
almost 13 years ago
To People who say there are no precedents to get someone to change their work to fit the fans I have two words for you.

Reichenbach Falls.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125464]@Trolltollprt2[/url]: Agreed they should have explained everything. Bet their way of think was, "That's what Dlc is for! Mwahahaha!" damn greedy bastards....
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125460]@Avery[/url]: Book burners? Seriously?? Lol you're an amusing one. :D
almost 13 years ago
(also, imho, i'm totaly with ancient romans philosopy about art: is useless without a purpose; if the purpose is entertaining, but the majority of your audience is not, you my friend have failed)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125396]@LSRagnarok[/url] Yes, that title meant he was going to stop now. Sorry to see things easily fly over your head like that.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125460]@Avery[/url] Two examples: "The Hound of the Baskervilles" would never exits without fans pressing for a "sherlock new ending dlc" :D; also Collodi's Pinocchio were greatly changed to follow readers desires.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125460]@Avery[/url] "I'd also just like to say that people demanding the ending be changed for them are the modern day equivalent of book burners" Now you're unrealistic and are writing nonsense. Even in the past writers where forced to changes their work to chatch up with fans expectations.
almost 13 years ago
the continue the story DLC note at the end. THAT is what made me froth at the mouth at the combined BAD ENDS
almost 13 years ago
What irked me was that little was explained(Like they promised) What annoyed me was the Deus Ex Machina climax near the end What made me mad was the fact that there were only 3 choices to make, and no option for shep to fight to the bitter breath (like the previous games have) What PISSED ME OFF was
almost 13 years ago
I hope they give you nothing in the end and stick to their writers and employees, because bending over backwards for detractors is the same as Nerfnow drawing no more boobs because some people hate fanservice; it is his vision of this comic, not yours. Walk away if you don't like it.
almost 13 years ago
You didn't make the art that went into it, the voice acting, the writing, the concepts, the execution. You played it. You read it. You watched it. You paid for the opportunity to experience it, not be apart of its vision. I respectfully disagree with detractors, but am disgusted by "hold the line"
almost 13 years ago
You may disagree with the ending, but refunding, demanding a new ending, destroying copies, and so on is, in the end, spitting on an artistic vision for what this story was to them and how they wanted to express it. You don't own Mass Effect; you partook in it.
almost 13 years ago
I'd also just like to say that people demanding the ending be changed for them are the modern day equivalent of book burners, burning books and ripping out pages because they disagree with something in it. The "hold the line" movement may as well be a "burn art" movement.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Hold the line! Amazon refunding copies of the game the outcry is so large. We have a real hope of getting an ending DLC!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125442]@Xeno[/url] I like the concept of the Green ending, but you have to admit the "synthetic dna" was woefully unexplained. Conceptually, its interesting cause it takes a leaf out of Deus Ex's ending, but at the same time its really confusing on how synth and life dna is merged across the entire galaxy.
almost 13 years ago
I'm over being mad at the ending, Mass effect 3 was the best in the trilogy. Only 2 things I'd liked to know, what happened with the armada we assembled to take back earth and why did Joker runaway?
almost 13 years ago
I liked my green ending, thank you very much. It was a no-brainer considering how much I tried to get the Geth a proper place in the galaxy. Not only that but it guaranteed peace going forward. At least I didn't die in a pile of rubble on London.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125437]@peristyl[/url] But, I'm also saying that I liked the ending we got regardless because I appreciate what they are doing with it. The green ending was silly, endings do have holes in them, etc. I just happen to like them, and so far not many are willing to reach half way.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125437]@peristyl[/url] I already said I agree with a lot of the reasoning why they are bad. Hell, personally I think Drew's original ending was better http://www.strategyinformer.com/news/17086/mass-effect-writer-drew-karpyshyn-reveals-original-mass-effect-3-endings
almost 13 years ago
(also, a lot of people here just argumented their point of view with you, no need to do an "weh you're all whiners for no good reasons but if you want to i totally respect it" trollesque escape :P)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125433]@Avery[/url] Well i agree with you that you have the right to have your own opinions and not be insulted for it. But also this is the internet, the occasional bashing it's a (if you want, sad) part of it.
almost 13 years ago
Eh, whatever. I'm ruining all of your "its cool to hate mass effect now" circle jerk, so I'll just leave on...
I enjoyed the game, and the ending, and had fun with it. If you have fun hating it, then power to you and I'm not gonna stop you. You're entitled to your, I think, valid opinions. Peace.
almost 13 years ago
I seem to recall a time that saying something bad about Mass Effect 2 would get you lynched.
almost 13 years ago
I do enjoy that the internet can have comic after comic beating on ME3, fans beating on it, campaigns and charities beating on it, but the second someone speaks up in favorite they are told to shup up, called a hipster, and told we're wrong and talking too much -.-
almost 13 years ago
Shepard: Catalyst, why have you created the Reaper? O_o
Catalyst: I did it for the lulz!
Catalyst trollface
almost 13 years ago
Really, the indoctrination theory makes more sense in like with the Green ending, which I will admit was the worst and least explained ending. That, I will agree, was not a great end simple because it did need more exposition than what we got.
almost 13 years ago
Now, its not a -bad- theory, but the Reapers wanted to destroy the life and synthetics, so why let Shepard not only remove the Reapers, but leave the Geth alone, leave the intelligent life alone, and then destroy the Relays? The blue ending is as anti-reaper as the red ending
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125421]@derpeffect[/url] Shepard has seen VI's and AI's take holoform; Honestly, I think its nitpicking a piece of symbolism. Shepard was also pretty beat up at the time and very low on time; I saw it more as focusing on the important details opposed to the form a VI took, but that is just my theory.
almost 13 years ago
it's a theory because of the fact that shepard never once questions the child that looks exactly like the kid he seen die in the start of the game that haunts him all game long the implants in his body made him in tune with the reapers but not immune to indoctrination.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125419]@peristyl[/url] Ya, He probably got pretty vividly detailed with the Asari sex scenes.
almost 13 years ago
Anyway is that old man in the ending telling to that kid all those stories about sex between humans and aliens, drugs and violence? =/ someone should put that old man in jail

almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125415]@derpeffect[/url] and I'd like to point out that the "indoctrination" ending is a theory only, discounted by Starchild and stated that Shepard's implants make him/her resistant/immune to Indoctrination. If Shepard was truly indoctrinated, you think Starchild would give him the option to kill all synths?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125413]@peristyl[/url] Again, I saw it as a proper ending. If this was Shepards story, then it did end on Shepard's terms, with Shepard's choice, the Reaper half which was the Cosmic, survival for the future message of Mass Effect. Imo, it did end for Shepard; the hang up is did it end well for everyone else.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125414]@Avery[/url] the Control ending is the full indoctrination ending, that is the reapers actually winning and getting shepard to do what they wanted him to do the entire time.
almost 13 years ago
See, I just see this as a vocal minority and knee-jerk reaction to a tragedy. Over time I think more people are going to come to like the ending, and even now I think there are more people who were fine with the ending opposed to disowning Bioware. But that is just how I see it; could be wrong.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125412]@Avery[/url] Wasn't ME trilogy the contained story about Shepard-The Reaper? (While others ME are others stories in the same universe) If that's the case, isn't the trilogy worth a proper ending to a contained story like (but not confined only to) LOTR? :P
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan
Well, the man makes it clear to the kid the events -did- happen so you don't have to worry about is all being a dream. Secondly, this has only made me want to play the other 2 again more, soooo... this is more your hang up than the "entire fan base" as you generalize it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125407]@derpeffect[/url] But you also have the Control ending, where the tech is -not- destroyed and the Reapers merely leave. So the "Everyone dies" isn't entirely known right now for the other 2 endings, and is currently even up in the air for those not on earth in the Destruction end
Mass Effect fan
almost 13 years ago
killed your whole fan base and made the finale of an epic trilogy appeal to newcomers and milked us for money.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125407]@derpeffect[/url] Again, I'm cool with a tragedy ending. The Mass Relays blow, or are at least badly damaged in 1 ending, and largely technology has been tossed back to a time before the Reaper tech, theoretically. The Reaper tech which was being used to kill them all.
Mass Effect fan
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125405]@Avery[/url]: -Show us how the entire Mass Effect series could just be some story told to some kid and that everything we've ever done in the series has absolutely no meaning. That just kills any replay value and now I don't even want to have another playthrough of it. Good job Bioware, you've finally
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125405]@Avery[/url] the "Perfect" ending shows all the same shit happening with ALL synthetic tech being destroyed, that means every single space station, ship, and person with a mechanical implant that keeps them alive are going to die then it shows Shepard taking a gasping breath in the rubble of london.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125403]@peristyl[/url] Yes, he was, but even so Lotr was a contained story I think we can agree. I don't think, atm, Mass Effect is, which is where I see the difference.
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan
Yep, and I will agree that is was bad form on Bioware to rewrite their end so many times they ended up where they were, but I at this point I also have faith that Bioware took out the Mass Relays on purpose for future stories. So I'm being patient with them for now.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125401]@Avery[/url] Tolkien was writing an (unfinished) sequel to lotr (about some Worshippers of Sauron in Gondor during the 4th Age) . :P
Mass Effect fan
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125401]@Avery[/url] -questions that make me wonder if Bioware even tried to give us a decent ending. Joker leaves Shepard with the crew and Normandy? Mass Relays are destroyed??? Doesn't that kill everything?? Shepard gives a quick gasp on what seems to be Earth rubble?? and if that wasn't the worst they even
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125399]@derpeffect[/url] Not confirmed, though that is a large possibility. Also, I would like to point out that in the Blue ending the citadel survives, and the Mass Relays are shown being damaged but not outright exploding like the other 2. Just an observation, but could be wrong.
almost 13 years ago
@Matthew Gibson

I disagree with your opinion, but I'm not telling you to shut up *shrugs* But if ad hominem attacks make your opinion feel bigger, go right ahead and vent.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125397]@Avery[/url] Three endings, everyone dies, everyone dies and EVERYONE FUCKING DIES Those are the endings of Mass effect 3 the fact that in all 3 endings the mass relays fucking explode AND YOU SEE THEM ON THE GALAXY MAP EXPLODING means you just murdered everyone within 20 light years of the mass relay
Mass Effect fan
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125397]@Avery[/url] Bioware claimed that our decisions would shape the game's ending and that this would be the epic finale and ending to Shepard's story, however, the end basically threw our decisions out the window and gave us 3 basic endings that were pretty much the same. Also there are still unanswered
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125395]@peristyl[/url] I would agree if this was the last Mass Effect game, which they've already stated it isn't. Lotr ended definitely; Mass Effect has not. Again, I'm being patient with them right now. I really want to see how this pans out before burning the book.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125394]@Avery[/url] Ok, that's your opinion and i can respect that, but i still think that Bioware has given a rushed inappropriately rushed ending to a saga, just to milk some money after.
almost 13 years ago
And I respectfully disagree. I thought it fit well with the theme of cycle death/rebirth, and the, i think, ultimate theme of survival for all and the future over a betterment of the present, which the council and current cycle represented. But thats just my opinion.
almost 13 years ago
You need to give closure to the heroes and world: because you writer know it's been the first reason for the readers to go on with the story.
It would be like if in lotr the story ended when the Frodo throw the ring in the volcano, or if Star Wars ended when the rebels blow up the Death Star
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125388]@peristyl[/url] True, but personally I always saw Mass Effect as a tragedy, and not a hero save the galaxy story. Just my personal view. I have no problem with the cliffhanger ending myself, as it sets up for future games. *shrugs*
almost 13 years ago
Which they are getting right now in massive doses because guess what, ME3's original ending was released on "accident" last year and is floating around online still and people are pissed that something that is more like a precursor to the true ending of the game was used for it's actual ending.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125385]@derpeffect[/url] And if I recall what the devs stated, they didn't pull any ending. In fact, they were rewritting the ending over and over up till last November to get it in a direction they wanted it. It is unfounded paranoia to assume ES pulled the real endings.
almost 13 years ago
Sorry, Avery, but the ending really was terrible.
Simply put, the ending (singular) was not logical, broke with ME's established themes and ignored the decisions the player made (Geth). Bioware did not deliver on the 16 endings it promised either.

We don't want a happy ending, just a good one.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125387]@Avery[/url] It depends on the kind of story you're telling. If the story is a big saga about a hero and a bunch of people who helps him in his quests against all odds, and it's a very long story that focus most of the time on those heroes, you writer can't go all smart at the end with a big cliffhanger
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125385]@derpeffect[/url] *Shrugs* Fair enough, but I disagree. I personally believe it isn't 99%, and think this is a vocal minority, as it always is. People who enjoyed it aren't going to flood forums with their contentment; they moved on already =/
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125383]@peristyl[/url] And I disagree. I don't think a story needs to have a completely "Satisfying" ending and am fine with a an end that, I at least, makes sense in the context of the story.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125373]@avery[/url] makes you look incredibly one sided and unable to actually see how your being taken by a company that has fucked everyone already by forcing Bioware to pull their original endings to ME3 at the last moment in order to piss everyone off and make this debate happen for free publicity
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125373]@Avery[/url] Nah it's the basis of any language storytelling (in fact, i'm not american, i'm italian), just keep as examples any saga from any country, even non folk/fantasy/sci-fi related. =/
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125373]@Avery[/url] I never seen such a huge wall of hipster bullshit in all my life, Mass Effect 3 had a shittier ending than Dragon age 2 and yet you defend a pile of shit while acting like the 99% of people who utterly hate how this series has been handled because of EA's greed are fucking retarded
almost 13 years ago
Just before we found out whether Merry and Pippin had escaped from the orcs.
almost 13 years ago
Avery, it isn't about a heroic, triumphant ending, it's about having an ending that actually feels like it was at least loosely connected to the same story we've been following for the last three games.
This was like if Lord of the Rings ended with the Death Star blowing up Middle Earth.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125373]@Avery[/url] God man shut the hell up. You're not going to change the vast majority of peoples opinion of the ending if they hated it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125371]@Merc[/url]: Canibalism!
almost 13 years ago
Nice work with the trolling so far. In case your serious though, my response to the ending was something like "... that's it? Really? That didn't even make sense. Maybe there's something after the credits." *credits roll* ".... no that just made even less sense."
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125371]@Merc[/url] But this is good; you're at the Depression stage of acceptance. It is the hardest stage to get through, but you and everything else will come out of it at the end and, like everyone else, will be looking forward to what Bioware can do with this new story.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125371]@Merc[/url] And that is where you and me differ. I have some faith in the writers for what they do in the future, you do not. You assume you have all the answers after this ending, I don't. I'm open to seeing what they do with this instead of burning it at the stake.
almost 13 years ago
Basically what EA/Bioware have done with this ending is end the Mass Effect Universe. There's no mass effect universe after this. They destroyed a fundamental part of the fabric of society. No. Mass. Relays. You no longer have a fast and easy way to travel from system to system.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125369]@Merc[/url] Yep, you got a bummer ending. You got a cosmic ending that sacrifices for the ultimate survival of the future. Again, Mass Effect was ultimately a tragedy, and imo its so shocking because we're too used to the heroic, all answers good end
almost 13 years ago
And now he's gone. Not to mention all those colonies also destroyed and devastated by the Reapers. They're cut off from their homeworlds because again. No Mass Relay.

But what? They can still talk? NOPE. No Mass relay means no comm buoy.
almost 13 years ago
They cant eat human food or Krogan/salarian/asari food. So I guess they'll starve or slowly depending on if any liveships made it out of the battle fine(I doubt it)

And most likely the fleet will splinter and start tearing each others throats out. Because Shepard was the one that united them.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125362]@peristyl[/url] No, thats he basis of American story telling. I've read plenty that gives me no true answers at the end to -every- character and plot point. Plenty of Shakespeare ends with no real resolution.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125359]@Avery[/url]: Instead what happens is the Mass Relays blow up. The Victory fleet stranded on earth... Earth that has been devastated by the Reapers and about to be hit by several extinction level impacts because guess what, the Citadel was in orbit when it blew. And the Turians and Quarians...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125359]@Avery[/url]: This cycle ended, and allows the next to live in peace. Sure... the next cycle wont have the Mass Relays to rely on... or the Reapers to kill them... But we dont care about the next cycle? What happened to this one?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125359]@Avery[/url] Only very shorts novels (es. Lovecraft) can give you a cliffhanger ending without problems, because you don't spend too much time on the main character.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125359]@Avery[/url] Not a good reason, if you read any book with an epic story with a powerful evil force, stronger and bigger than the heroes, you'll see that any ending let the reader know what happens to all the characters he loved through the story. That's because it's the basic of storytelling.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125352]@peristyl[/url] While I wouldn't -not- want content to give me final answers on everything, I'm also fine that the story pulled away from it all to give you a final, cosmic meaning behind the series and its actions. I, personally, thought that was satisying.
almost 13 years ago
The problem with the endings is that they are a plot-hole ridden mess, with abysmal structure, leaps of logic and random apparition of new things in the last 15 min of a 90 hour experience instead of the use of already existing ones.

almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125352]@peristyl[/url] Yes, you want to know what happens to all the little people, but the end was that this is something bigger than everyone and all came down to Shepard. This cycle ended, and allows the next to live in peace. Do I want to know what happened? Sure, but I don't think that was the point.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125352]@peristyl[/url] I get that people wanted to see the aftermath of all... but the end of Mass Effect was, to be artsy, the Mundane Vs the Cosmic. In the end, it was not about the mundane life acting in this cycle; it was about the culmination of millions of cycles coming together to a solution
almost 13 years ago
Acceptance: 5 years down the line, when questions are answers if they need be, this game's ending is going to be looked on much finer. Hell, given the next games coming maybe it will be seen as one of the great endings to gaming. I think it will.
almost 13 years ago
Depression: All 3 games are pointless, every one is dead, the franchise is dead. Bioware turned their back on us fans, and did this on purpose as an F-you to us. They just want our DLC money.
almost 13 years ago
Bargaining: Please give us DLC and give us a new ending, I'll pay you money! I'm donating to Child's Play right now to make sure you get my message, please!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125350]@Avery[/url] I mean, ok you (bioware/ea) want to put out more dlc and games, that's fine to me, but you need to give to that game and trilogy a decent ending, in terms of length and showed consequences on the main characters
almost 13 years ago
Anger: How dare Bioware make all my choices pointless and take away my happy ending. Cop outs, never buying another product ever again.
almost 13 years ago
The obvious impulse is to think the game is dead, so, how does that play out?

Denial and Isolation: The ending was a hallucination and dream and Bioware will confirm my theory.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125348]@Avery[/url]: The lack of happy ending or the low number of endings is ok (imho), the lack of a decent "after" and the train of cliffhangers is not =/
almost 13 years ago
And I'm sorry, but if the ending was not satisfying to you that is your hang up, not anyone else. Subjectively, I enjoyed the ending and it is up there now with my top video game endings of all time, because it was a ballsy move. I say, give it time. Move on. Think. Then come back.
almost 13 years ago
Ultimately, the endings are not terrible; they were simply something you didn't expect. I'm sorry to those who wanted Shepard and Liara to grow old with babies, but Bioware/EA/Writers are not at fault for not bending their vision to your personal taste. It is akin to book burning.
almost 13 years ago
to hate on Mass Effect right now. This ending, in my view, saved the Mass Effect trilogy and has made me appreciate it what it and Bioware did over 3 games, and I'm someone who will opening say I didn't care too much for a lot of Mass Effect 2 pacing wise.
almost 13 years ago
Did the end make you sad? That was the point. Were you frustrated? So was Shepard. Did it make you think? Then it did its job. I hate to be the person in today's comic, but you know what? He's right. This is an ending that isn't being appreciated, because its being impulsively hated and its "cool"
almost 13 years ago
franchise in the -future- and not just impulsively hand out immediately. What it ultimately shows is a lack of patience, and honestly ability to sit back and try and think and appreciate a story instead of impulsively saying "it all sucks now!" because you didn't like a 1 minute cutscene.
almost 13 years ago
being handed every single question. Remember what happened when Lost tried to answer -everything- at the end? It was an incredible mess. Sure, I will not discount the ending could have been cleaner and clearer, but as a concept some people actually do like the ending, and what it can bring in the
almost 13 years ago
When you compare it to Stalker, your character die at the end, but almost everyone is ok with it, because the cinematics at the end explain clearly the reasons, and consequences, and leave no one with questions.
almost 13 years ago
Now, did the ending happen rather abruptly? Sure, but it leaves questions open for new games. Bioware have already stated the plan to do Shepard-less Mass Effect games, and if you were to have, I dunno, a tiny bit of faith in Bioware -maybe- some of this might be answered in the future instead of
almost 13 years ago
ME3 ending is clearly not criticism-free and that's the only issue with it.
When you end a such popular saga, trying to cover all questions and aspect of it should be a major goal for the devs. In ME3 if it really is mental control, sheppard must have died, the end, you lose, and move on.
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

Point is, the logic of the series, to me, said this series couldn't have a happy, rah rah America ending. People who -assumed- it should have a happy ended deluded themselves with false expectations, and ultimately that is -their- fault, not Biowares.
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

- create a new full scale galactic war between the species. The Asari were liars, the Salarians manipulated the other species, the Geth/Quarians either kill each other or make uneasy peace, the humans felt abandoned, etc.
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

- completely made extinct, and despite the large armada made by the Alliance... they were losing badly over earth and weren't going to win, and even if they did Win every one of the species hints that after this, the lies and subterfuge used to make the new Alliance would
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

The ultimate point of the Reaper attack is that it was -not- a war, as the Alliance saw it. It was always going to be a wipe out crush, and by the end of Mass Effect 3 the Reapers have won; sorry, but they did. All the homeworlds have been razed, hinted at some species almost
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

- his/her story. The ending did what it was supposed o do; it ended the cycle by destroying the Reaper technology that allowed the cycle to continue, allowing the next cycle of the galaxy to live, thrive, and evolve without the certainty of a Reaper attack.
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

- "Reaper's Win" ending. I put out that if you didn't appreciate Shepard sacrificing himself for the greater survival of the Galaxy and his friends to end the cycle, then I put out that you were seeing the story from the perspective of the companions, and not of Shepard and
almost 13 years ago
I liked the endings.
almost 13 years ago
@Mass Effect fan

I would argue that people who despise the ending are the people who never truly got Mass Effect in the first place. It was clear from the first game, and clearer in the second that Mass Effect was gonna have a bummer ending, and I called years ago that it was going to be a
Mass Effect fan
almost 13 years ago
The people who "have no problem with the Mass Effect 3 endings" have obviously never played the first two and are most likely call of dooty "gamers" that didn't even care about Mass Effect in the first place. Also Bioware said something that they still might change the ending.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125319]@robb[/url] thats whats bullshit too, Joker even states early in the game that he would never leave Shepard behind christ he stole the fucking normandy just to save the man.
almost 13 years ago
The ending I can handle - it's the holes in the story that are annoying me..

Like why is Joker and the Normandy in the mass effect relay whilst Shep is on the citadel? Joker always had Sheps back and now, during the most important battle in the game, he runs away?
almost 13 years ago
(2) me3 ending is like if LOTR ending were "Frodo throwed the ring in the flames and then BOOM. Somewhere, Aragorn wakes up and besides him he can see Legolas and Gimli. The End."
almost 13 years ago
Anyone with simple basics about how a plot should be structured could have done a better ending =/
When you finish a very long story, you (reader/gamer/spectator) need a satisfying aftermath, you need to know what happen not only to the protagonist, but also to the main characters and the world.
almost 13 years ago
i JUST finished M3 and must say, the ending was far away from being "bad". Sure it lacks of "decision" but it was really fitting and emotional. I have no problem with the ending.
almost 13 years ago
Meanwhile, in Bizzaro world, Ranger Smith left Jellystone Park after the ugly "rabid-Yogi" incident, to become a video game critic, and the first Engi-tan never quit her waitress job. Still has big tah-tahs though, because there will always be fan-service. ALWAYS.
almost 13 years ago
the problem with ME3's endings is that bioware was forced to make shit endings by EA so they could release the real endings as DLC you know damn well EA are money whores when they say they will make us pay $820 for all ME3 DLC combined.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Why is Doctor Who talking about Mass Effect? :P
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
The day bioware makes a better ending is the day Jo manages to get the Intel out of my teams base.

almost 13 years ago
Ending certainly wasn't what I was expecting, and I was disappointed. But I think I'll appreciate it more over time.
almost 13 years ago
I always hear "The Witcher 2" is so similar to Mass Effect, but... No. No it isn't. It's a story driven RPG allright, but so is Alpha Protocol. Does it give you your own spaceship to explore and to interact with the crew (a "home") or that variety of locations? ME is kind of unique.
Hammer BR
almost 13 years ago
serio, é um jogo com mais de 40 horas de gameplay, os ultimos 10 minutos não vai arruinar a trilogia
almost 13 years ago
they couldn't have made a better end? That's not really applicable, a few things different alone would've gotten more people on their side than against. They couldn't have made everyone happy, but as it stands they made almost no one happy.

The real trick would be making an ending somehow worse.
almost 13 years ago
Hahahaha.... what a shit ending.
almost 13 years ago

almost 13 years ago
People will bitch about anything these days
almost 13 years ago
Your mother!