What people are saying about "Next"
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almost 13 years ago
Gordon: "Well, screw it. I'll go out anyways."

...at least, that's what he's thinking.
almost 13 years ago
This is probably why Nintendo won't produce a 3rd Yoshi's Island game, because they know that it won't live upto the original.

Doesn't help that Miyamoto changes Yoshi title Names during development, he probably thought 64 and DS wouldn't live up to it, thus naming them Yoshi's Story and YI DS.
Half-baked spie
almost 13 years ago
This is so fake...Gordon Freeman would never talk
almost 13 years ago
Every time I see ME3 ending flame I become more and more determined to not hate the ending :D
Buy hey, I liked DA2, so far I have no quarrel with Bioware.
almost 13 years ago
The point of DLC is to add something, if possible, significantly later after the game has been thoroughly enjoyed. Not the day its released. Thats not DLC, thats "making you pay for more"
almost 13 years ago
Richy Rich must be pissed because the six games he buy in the end are all the same.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125234]@kaveman[/url]: so you fell for that PR trick? Don't expect anything to follow. And don't expect it to be free if it comes. The ending is rushed and makes no sense. Is that enough to ruin the fun I had? Not sure, but afterall it's the closing point. The final moments you have with ME3... *sadface*
almost 13 years ago
You know what?I enjoyed more than 99% of the time I played ME3 series & I'm really disappointed that you decided to bash the game because of theending. by the way its optional to buy dlc's so just stop the bitching. BW says that they have plan for game and we should keep our saves. have some faith.
almost 13 years ago
Looks like Shepard's Kinetic Barrier can't hold up against a horde of angry fans...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125176]@Triv[/url]: I read about it briefly in gameinformer. Don't believe me, whine about it to valve or GI.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125175]@ShadowN1NJ4[/url]: U cant change the ending its either blue red or green....Ugh.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125168]@EagleEye935[/url]: Prove it or its not happening.
almost 13 years ago
I've recently started playing ME1 and it'll a while until I can see the full picture. So far I'm enjoying ever moment of it. If the ending made for ME3 isn't good enough in your eyes. Then just change it. Maybe that's an approach that will work for some. It's worked for me in the past.
almost 13 years ago
In the past when I've watched Anime, finished games and books. When the storyline, continuity or whatever turned bad(shortform). I decided that I'd ignore it and in my mind accept the story only up to the point I felt it was good. I haven't played ME3 yet nor do I have the same emotional investment.
almost 13 years ago
Just informing everyone, I heard Half-Life 3 is coming out on 12/12/12.
almost 13 years ago
I put 300 fucking hours into masseffect 2 and they reward me with a dog turd of an ending.
almost 13 years ago
cough *halo 3* cough
almost 13 years ago
...] Look at the moneygrab that is Starcraft 2 for example, especially all the attempts of Blizzard-Activision trying to muscle their way into being the only competition authority of the world.

PS: not the first time I've "read" a multi-book epic that ended crappily. ME3 is still good, IMO
almost 13 years ago
@What is love?: Read up on "Singularity". It is a real theory on computers taking over as a new "species" [url=#user_comment_125115] @Watashiwa[/url]: So basically you pirated 95+% of the game's worth? Good job, enjoy your renegade morality. @ various: About D3, Blizzard technically have been tainted by Activision [...]
almost 13 years ago
No way, man. Fuck you. This isn't polarization. This is hot garbage. The game was AMAZING. Then the ending happened- and completely ruined goddamn everything.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125115]@Watashiwa[/url]: Thought they said they're launching without PVP. Not multiplayer.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124972]@Crysalim[/url]: You are aware that Diablo 3 is releasing without multiplayer? As for my thoughts on Mass Effect 3... you know, it almost lived up to the hype, and then the last ten minutes happened. *sigh* Glad I didn't buy it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125094]@MrTT[/url]: Yeah because MetaCritic users are very responsible raters... I've read people saying they'll rate games for 0 points because some random reason x, commonly that something pissed them off, like customer support not answering in 15 minutes or something.
almost 13 years ago
They've already told us not to expect much from Diablo III, so I'm not expecting much as it is.
almost 13 years ago
The most jarring thing is the massive disparity between score.
15 critics: 91% Average score
2145 users: 36% average score
almost 13 years ago


there's the source
almost 13 years ago
Unfortunately, the polarization is actually due to game reviews. The numeric scoring system has enforced the fact that - say a game is rated anything below 9 - it's shitty and not worth their time. That's why, when I need a review to persuade me into buying a game, I watch guys like Angry Joe.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125072]@2033[/url]: Source or I wont believe it. Or rather I believe something will come, but with the amount of posts every 5 minutes in the thread I am following concerning the ending, someone would pick up any hint at ending DLC within seconds and post it.
almost 13 years ago
Well guess what...someone is suing Bioware cause they didn't like the ending and they're trying to get the government involved.

Bad or not this shit has gone to far
almost 13 years ago
There will be no half-life 3, unless Valve takes this seriously and work on it more than trolling us with idea half-life 3...
almost 13 years ago
For me, it wouldn't matter if Shepard lived or died. If he lived, more content and shit. If he died, end to a great trilogy (that actually ends at the third game unlike others). The problem is that is was just a big "Wtf did we just see?" ending. It didn't make sense at all (Not To Ment Side Quests)
What is love?
almost 13 years ago
Personally, I thought Mass Effect 3 was handled well. The reasoning behind the reapers 'need' to 'destroy' civilizations was sketchy at best. But all in all, the story itself was quite good.

Especially when you take into account the discrepancies in the story; given that it is a retelling.
almost 13 years ago
ME3 post-finale DLC quasi-confirmed.
almost 13 years ago
World of Diablocraft would deserve such a reception.
On His Lonesome
almost 13 years ago
I feel like im the only one to enjoy mass effect 3's ending (I took middle for those who know what that means).

imo it just tells you the immediate result of your choice, the rest is down to your own speculation/imagination and in the end how you'd want your ending 2 be
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124909]@Crapeffect[/url]: Spoiler much? P.S. regardless of ME3, still hope Valve learns to count up to 3.
 Platypus
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124787]@Justin[/url], having a dead hero is not "Unique". Shep dying is not the bad part. It's kid computer, no apparent impact from choices, and little to no resolution of "galactic" events you've been a part of since ME1. Not enough smug Harbanger, why wasn't it at the end besides a cameo firing ma laser.
almost 13 years ago

Metal Khaos
almost 13 years ago
Always assumed Shep was going to die in the end anyway. Not a fan of how all the choices that effect everything, didn't effect the ending really. And I guess my squad on that last run to Earth are just dead and gone? It's like they were some nonspeaking NPC. Garrus and Liara deserved better. :(
almost 13 years ago
Well I don't know what is the big bad thing. The endings have near same graphics (at least the two I have done) but it is more explained what is the difference of each. I think it would be interesting to know what happened after but maybe it is left for our own speculation.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124964]@jso[/url]: And yet here you are still commenting and reading. Guilty pleasure~?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124826]@Phil[/url] That matches my personal opinion, though the various complaints are many and varied. The only thing I disliked about it was the 3-way choice which then went unrecognized except for a color change and missing character. Even Deus Ex 3 had different voiceovers explaining reasoning.
almost 13 years ago
For those curious about Diablo 3's changes, they can be summed up in two points pretty much:

1) The skill system is much simpler than Diablo 2 and instead relies on runestones to alter skill abilities.

2) In game Auction House for real life cash will have unforeseen effects.
almost 13 years ago
Hmm, I'm usually pretty empathetic to your game views Jo, to the point of completely agreeing.

However I had the pleasure of playing the D3 beta for the past 3 patches (it has had 13 major patches since the beta began), and it is one of the best online games I have ever played. Watch out for it!
almost 13 years ago
the wounds of nerfnow's comics are still fresh and if I knew it would just be a shit spray of bandwagon hype I wouldn't have read it more than once a month
almost 13 years ago
Call me odd, but I played mass effect 1 and 2, and you know what I did with the third one? I didn't buy the game. I heard all the pre-release rumors, I heard all the bullshit they put in after release, and I want NO FUCKING PART OF IT. I don't think ANYONE should put up with this shit, but you do!
almost 13 years ago
Essa comic não faz nenhum sentido
almost 13 years ago
ME3 was fantastic. You just have to let Marauder Shields save you from the ending.
almost 13 years ago
I'll give it a 8/10, one point for the ending and a half point for the quest log and Tali stock image. I would put lack of Harbinger and the DLC on there but the game would have been just fine if the ending was ok and the DLC is optional in the first place.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124924]@0332288[/url]: Still doubt they will make a fourth mass effect or as ive heard some people say an mmo....i said it once ill say it again bioware already has swtor which hasnt been out all that long why would they make ANOTHER mmo? makes no sense.
almost 13 years ago
Hopefully, both of these upcoming duderinos should be worth the weight.
almost 13 years ago
Just commenting on the bottom text.. The baulders gate "Thing" is a remake of the original baulders gates.

Something to probably get excited about if you loved the originals
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124912]@Triv[/url]: Remember when they said that the Pirates of the Carribean was a trilogy? and then they made a fourth episode even after most of the cast had left? yeah, as long as people are gonna pay for it, they will do it.
almost 13 years ago
You know, I'm gonna laugh my ass off at guildies if the return saying it stinks. (And yes I am one of those that got the free download)
Dying breed
almost 13 years ago
Guess I'll just stop playing games alltogether once I get bored of the good old ones...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124909]@Crapeffect[/url] : Agreed.
Dying breed
almost 13 years ago
It's a strange world where we live in.
Customer that knows what he wants is being labeled as "entitled" or a "whiner"

Corporationsa are cutting quality and screwing customers as much as they can, but nobody dares to utter the words "industry regulation" nor "Customer's legal rights"
almost 13 years ago
Also, for the people who say that an ending where the galaxy doesn't get fucked over is a cliche, then they're brain dead.
So many poorly written novels and movies do this shit where everything gets fucked over in the end for "teh druhmas". Not new. Remember the ending to the Hunger game series?
almost 13 years ago
I got the ending where instead of beating the game I went back and started playing the first Mass Effect.

The icing on the shit sundae was the day 1 DLC for 10 bucks that was made already on the disk. Literally making and withholding content. And this content features a fucking Prothean.
almost 13 years ago
I think amalur was nice. It resemble (an updated) WoW graphically. Nice quests and decent gameplay. It's a good RPG. Sure, not the best out there, but I like it.
almost 13 years ago
moan bitch moan moan qq

That's all I heard.
almost 13 years ago
@Some Shepard: How did manage that??
almost 13 years ago
I got the ending where I stopped playing ME3 partway and switched to Borderlands. Best decision ever.
Voice Of Damnation
almost 13 years ago
Oh, they're not releasing something related to Baldur's Gate. They're releasing Baldur's Gate. Enhanced edition, of course. They're even keeping 2nd edition rules and the original voice files.
almost 13 years ago
You should check out Guild Wars 2. It's soooo... <3
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124871]@Dragon[/url]: Pretty sure bioware said Mass effect was only gonna be a trilogy...so yeah its over >.>
almost 13 years ago
Good strip.

I still havn't beaten ME3 yet, but I love it so far.
almost 13 years ago
About the ME3 ending...all I can say is I dont think it is over. My reasons for thinking this is many, but check some of the speculation circling about the ending, it is interesting.

One word i can drop though is: Indoctrination.
almost 13 years ago
It's not the number 3, it's what they're selling. Bioware has grown to like their own increasingly putrid smell, which gets worse and worse with every game. Blizzard went there too; don't get into bed with the wrong studios. Too bad id didn't learn by observation. No heroes left in games...

almost 13 years ago
failout 3 was earlier
almost 13 years ago
Especially when you look at the multiplayer packs that cost cash/XBoxLive Points that people are shelling out for like they're the latest collectible card game- was playing yesterday with a guy who said he's probably spent 30 bucks on them already. I just spend the in game credits to get them.
almost 13 years ago
Yes, that was exactly my point. People don't have to like or buy the pack if they don't want to, but this pissing and moaning about "ooh, EA's trying to charge more by making day one DLC that they should have just given us for free" is way old.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124839]@mechwarrior2[/url]: I won't. Collector's Edition was not avaliable where I live so I could not buy it if I wanted "From Ashes". EA is free to keep putting day-1 DLC, and I'm free to not like, or buy it.
almost 13 years ago
Hey, people, let's try to remember something about the day one DLC: it was originally going to be Collector's Edition Exclusive DLC that Bioware went back and made available to people who didn't get the Collector's Edition. So quit bitching about it already.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Well, let's not forget - we've also been waiting 11 years for DIII to come out. At this point, it's better than not having a game at all.
almost 13 years ago
Justin, the biggest complaint I have heard was not that things didn't end in a super-happy-fun-time-sparkling-hearts-My-Little-Pony-BFF ending, it was that you had choices that made a difference right up until the end, but when you got there the ending was mostly the same no matter what you did.
almost 13 years ago
I know this is odd, but don't you think that this "bad ending" is all too well planned? Shepard's supposedly gone, all the ADVANCED races are going to die in the Solar system, and they are all cut off from travel. It means the Reapers actually won because Shepard got everyone to go on a suicide run.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124811]@CrowbarGuy[/url] Actually he can talk just fine, however, after the tragic events finished that the game was based on, it was discovered that his personal microphone had malfunctioned, and everything he said was lost. They then had no choice but to re-work him as a silent protagonist. :P
almost 13 years ago
Gordon Freeman a is spy!, The real Gordon is mute!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124808]@Zacsi[/url]: I feel like Diablo have less room for error, but I also believe there is a part of the community ready to bash the game no matter what. The risk is having these "haters" reaching critical mass like on Mass Effect.
almost 13 years ago
Hey Jo listen:
1)ME 3 turned out shit because most of the good writers left the company.You guys should have seen it comming.
2)Diablo is different the problem is with the payment methods not the game.
3)vALVE works on their shit. It takes time and in turn we get quality. Its not rocket science.
almost 13 years ago
I just hope that Diablo 3 won't be too horribly ruined. Don't want it to end up like Duke Nukem Forever. SO much time, so little to offer.
almost 13 years ago
Spy: No worries mate!
But seriously, I trust Valve that they polish their games to perfection. That's why they are better at games at the start, but don't like wasting to much time and effort on it later, after it's done. See TF2 and L4D, both are still great games, just not too supported anymore.
almost 13 years ago
Gordon speaks...
almost 13 years ago
I kinda feel bad for Shepard. I was never really into the ME series but to see one of the most popular titles come to this...it just makes me sad. The Diablo/HL jab also hit a little too close to home.
almost 13 years ago
As far as I can tell, the Baldur's Gate thing is basically just the original games, but with a little more stuff, and "ENHANCED" somehow. Still has the same isometric view, the same voice clips, and.... something like that.
almost 13 years ago
EA/Bioware is just enjoying the hate and the free publicity, I do believe in the endocrination ending, with an expansion/dlc continuing from that point on*.
Remember all the rage with the blonde Fem Shepard(?).
*Think Starcraft w/ Brood War wrapping the story.
almost 13 years ago
having the protagonist lose at the end was biowares way of making a "Unique" ending, if he had of won, fucked every chick in the game and thrown a party people would complain about the lack of a compelling ending.

in truth who saw this ending coming? i personally like the ending.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
I was there throwing tomatoes, I didn't mean to hit him... oh wait! Yeah I did!

Would I feel bad if TF3 appeared and I was boo'd off the staged? Uh, no! I'm a force of nature! Back me up here spy, tell em TF3 can't be that awful.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124774]@Tridus[/url]. The opening really is pretty boring, but beta players were able to break it and get further into the game. Even the most cynical people at Diablo inc-gamers thought it suddenly got amazing. Why Blizzard didn't include that portion in the beta, I don't know, because it gets a LOT better fast
Oh wow
almost 13 years ago
This is one of your funniest comics yet.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
I tried the Diablo 3 beta. Expectations were lowered accordingly. It was very unimpressive.
almost 13 years ago
...] but we already know this to be false. Diablo 3 will be a semi-MMO where you can buy stuff for real life money

Since Diablo 3 is a bit of a science project and will need to change a lot from the original concept there will without a doubt be a backlash of some sort.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124770]@Bindal[/url] I much doubt they would go out to announce it for that purpose. Article writers and other people who could create a strong backlash do understand that perfection is almost by definition impossible. Rather I think they know that people expect something similar to Diablo 1 & 2 [...]
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124754]@RedMattis[/url]: Or they just want to say "Folks, think realistic" - which unfortunally most people DON'T when they wait for a game expect it to be absolutely perfect in every single way. Now rememeber that everyone also has a different definition of "perfect" (incl. the devs)...
almost 13 years ago
Well, cheer up a bit - the rumor-mill is churning pretty strongly about some pre-planned, free DLC coming out in April or May that will give closure on ME3.
Grammar Jew
almost 13 years ago
Oh, and Jo? It's either "I didn't forget" or "I haven't forgot"
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_124723]@Bindal[/url] That sounds a lot like "we're going to dumb it down for casuals". World of Warcraft became so easy towards the end that my insomniac mother thought it was too easy and stopped playing. I fear Diablo 3 will be a bait-and-switch at best.
almost 13 years ago
I has question. I played the ME2 demo and found that by simply standing behind cover,but not attaching to it like cover systems make you do,you could basically shoot from complete safety behind the wall since your shots came from the middle of the screen like an FPS. Did ME3 still have that problem?
almost 13 years ago
Well, old Bioware was good. And the "new" BG's are just remakes with a "better" Infinity Engine (i saw "better", because they can still screw it up), so you cant be disappointed, if you loved BG. Its not clear for me if you are familiar with them or not, if not, its definitely worth a try.
A few months later...
almost 13 years ago
Diablo get thrown by tomatoes in the exact place as Shepard
almost 13 years ago
In the Game of Thrones you either win or die, there is no middle ground.
Some Shepard
almost 13 years ago
well, I personally enjoyed the side quests alot of the time, so not unhappy bout doing them, and thus far ive enjoyed doing all the ones I can find in ME3, and probs wont be too unhappy with the ending.

Anyways, im getting a free copy of diablo 3, so wont even be mad if its not amazing.
almost 13 years ago
D.D Mining Co.
almost 13 years ago
Freeman is such a pal for giving him a heads up. It's a tough crowd out there.

Shepard should have stuck with the 'Hello My Baby' routine...
almost 13 years ago
Hype has always killed games for a lot of people. Next one in line for the disappointment train is GW2.

D3 will get a lot of hate (big brand, too much like d2, not enough like "thisNthat", but in the end it'll sell and maintain a few million regular players just like SC2.
almost 13 years ago
I did a lot of side quests in all 3 games, was big on saving people and getting them to be friends and I think ME3 is one of the best interactive stories out there.

I felt absolutely gutted when one of my "friends" died, but that's honestly good storytelling. Ending? Well it wasn't horrible.
almost 13 years ago
a) Blizzard already said that Diablo 3 might be not as good as people think due the hype. So, if you don't hype yourself, you might be fully satisfied with it.
b) The new Baldur's Gate is actually TWO new Baldur's Gate and BOTH are remakes of the original two - and BioWare is not involved
almost 13 years ago
Hah a cane of justice!
almost 13 years ago
At least Blizzard is not an EA company.
EA taints everything it touches.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Shep there had it coming and the real bull is the fact that if there is a real ending it'll be DLC which isn't right.
almost 13 years ago
Yup that Day one dlc for ME3 was friggin bullsh*t...