[url=#user_comment_125870]@ThndrMge[/url]: 3/4? because the 5th guy allready left?
that happens alot
almost 13 years ago
There's been some research on this kind of thing. Basically, if you're great, it's like PERCEPTION. If you suck, you also suck at figuring out who sucks, and you're Green when you think you're Black. The main way to tell the difference is to watch objective measurements and don't filter your data.
almost 13 years ago
No, actually, that first one is pretty accurate. The wide majority of the people you'll end up playing with in a pub are absolutely horrible, half of the remaining players are decent and the last little bit are anywhere between above average and absolutely amazing.
almost 13 years ago
Having played a lot, i know for a fact that im much better than most of the people i play with.
almost 13 years ago
aye me too, but i realise that most of the pubbers aren't so far up their own arseholes as you are, they actually might put having a bit of fun ahead of dominating a bunch of newbs that have never played the game before and might need a bit of advice, rather than having to confront the wall of bs th
almost 13 years ago
Notice they are all Caucasian, implying Brazil players are not pub trash. Very subtle joe, 9/10
almost 13 years ago
When a Scout manages to hold off THE ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM trying to heavyrush and the rest of his team is spamming Sentries at their spawn, you know the Scout is the only decent player on the server.
But yeah, most people think everyone else is dumber than they actually are.
almost 13 years ago
That's one interesting image on my head right now: a rocket lawnchair :) in Metal Slug...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_126100]@Wonmean[/url] Be advised, BF3 tryhard here. That's one game where teamwork can conquer many obstacles (what's one guy gonna do against a medic train?).
almost 13 years ago
The sad situation I'm in is that I never take the game seriously enough to make effort for victory and end up looking like a shitty pubber. Heh.
almost 13 years ago
Any BF3 players? Or just all TF2? :P
almost 13 years ago
It works both ways. A noob team that cooperates between themselves can easily way some veterans playing Lone Fortress 2.
almost 13 years ago
I'm presuming that Pubbers are the same as PUGs in other games..if so, I need to remember to point the people I keep seeing on STO and DCUO throwing hissy-fits about PUGs this strip...especially the ones combining it with the 'F2Pers are eeeeeevil!' whine...
almost 13 years ago
@Lord Snow: here in South Africa our pubs consist of 1/2 old players and 1/2 new ones, and we have amazing teamwork among ourselves
almost 13 years ago
L'enfer c'est les autres.
almost 13 years ago
You know, the other day I actually helped them valve server pubbers win a game by playing engineer. They had gotten steamrolled the previous three matches.
They can be destructive, but that destruction isn't neccesarily pointed toward the right place.
almost 13 years ago
Do not insult our race!
The XxXxXxXxinsertnamehereangelsniperknifergodxXxXxXxXx players are way worse than us.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_126066]@Salem5[/url] - What MP games do you play? Because I've never seen you on the leaderboards of any that I play.
almost 13 years ago
See this username, Salem5? I know you have, whenever you play a MP game and press TAB, one of the first three entries. My right to moan and bitch. This is very serious comment.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125894]@r1nce[/url]: If you are talking about TF2 take a look at who's killing who. In some cases you'll find that another player is shutting down A. Take away their problem player and they'll start rocking. Usually its a good pub getting shut down by a better pub or a pro.
almost 13 years ago
I know what you mean Bob. I recently started online gaming w/ DDO & think I'm done since I get too much nonsense at not knowing all the terminology or having memorized where the traps are. Last time I played, I was repeated told to uninstall & kill myself because I asked what an acronym meant.
almost 13 years ago
Pubs are great if you can get people who know what the are DOING, guild groups are more to make sure u get a spot in the friggin raid
almost 13 years ago
I don't really know what to think of the pub vs clan argument. I find public players have more skill or talent but fail in their refusal to be team players at times while clan players have rote memorization and denial tactics but it falls to bits if a key player is unavailable or a choke-point fails
almost 13 years ago
I never rage, as long as there are no more than 3 snipers on payload offense, 3 players waiting in spawn, or less than 2 players in an offensive class.
Barney Stinson
almost 13 years ago
When i'm a bad pubber, i stop being bad and be awesome instead.
True story.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Actually, they should all be going "derp" and asking why their teammates are such bad pubbers at the same time.
I get the sense TF's "supportive user community" has a lot in common with DOTA, hey?
Lord Snow
almost 13 years ago
are worth playing with and you will enjoy your gaming experience more.
Lord Snow
almost 13 years ago
My advice is to just give up on pubs find that 1 great server with plugins and maps you love and get to know the regular players teamplay will follow, but you can't expect a group of total strangers to develop a strategy, if that does happen you should really friend these guys...]
almost 13 years ago
In some cases, yes, the second strip is the case. However, most of the time it's the first panel.
Lord Snow
almost 13 years ago
Lol i love this comic cause its so true, I went on one of the locust tf2 severs instead of my regular server to play some dustbowl and right away i realized absolutely no1 uses strategy in pubs. When i tryed to establish a strategy i got loled at with "Strategy in pubs!? Thats unheard of!
almost 13 years ago
Of course, seeing as how bad my temper is, this old habit will have to die hard.
almost 13 years ago
I don't find myself saying this as often in TF2 anymore after playing for about 2-3 years. I seem to understand why Player A has trouble with Situation A.
Although I seem to be getting mad at bad KF players these days. At least this time, I'll try to hold my tongue and not QQ.
almost 13 years ago
Heh, truth in that. Scoreboards exist for factual reference though.
In flag-type modes look at total score, usually awarded for flag captures, defends and teamwork. Anything ticket-based and you look at people's K/D. Hi-score but bad K/D (neg/low) is usually whoring, which doesn't help teams win.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125973]@Heavy[/url]: Except what is considered funny is subjective, so why complain about something that can be satisfied through specific taste?
almost 13 years ago
I never mind running around with no support or teamwork quite so much as finding myself suddenly and completely alone.
almost 13 years ago
teamplay vs hypothetical skill?
almost 13 years ago
Now, don't get me wrong, it's sad when this happens on a pro server, but it's a real eye opener to realise this happens way more than you think. Also, why does gary keep coming around?
almost 13 years ago
With te difference that in games like TF2, you can have over 3 years of experience while half of your team installed it two weeks ago.
almost 13 years ago
Stop being lazy and make some actually funny content
almost 13 years ago
TF2, I never say that. In DoD:S, I'm not a "pubber" as I only play on my clan's servers.
almost 13 years ago
Its not Johnny Bravo. He is Johnny QUEST!
almost 13 years ago
At least in TF2, this thought occurs to me far too often. I can play any class and top reliably (in so much as seeing someone else top is a relief) and also whilst under the most extreme ping. So if I'm not struggling, why are the rest of my team? They're not rigid lag statues.
almost 13 years ago
This is why i stopped playing LoL, not because there were herp derp derpers (imo its a good sign as it shows there's lots of new ppl in the game) but because of the rage at new / less able players.
almost 13 years ago
Sadly, there are many players in a pub team who are awful and commit to stupid actions which lead to foreseeable, and inevitable failure in the near future. So, there are baddies in reality who think they're great. Complaining about pubs though, is useless... Because, what did you expect anyway?
almost 13 years ago
I firmly believe some people are just utterly retarded or mucking around. This causes a problem in games like Tribes but not so much in say BF3 where I can carry 16 guys with ease.
almost 13 years ago
I actually did get invited into a pro team. I didn't have the time to train like that for what would amount to zero income. So now I go around pub smashing.
almost 13 years ago
the thing is, I'm not you, so I don't suck instead of thinking I don't suck, have a nice day jo :)
almost 13 years ago
Here's a fun one: go to Urban Dictionary and look up the term 'pubber'. Be sure to look at the last definition. Now use that version with this comic.
almost 13 years ago
If I'm top player and I'm a Medic, then the guy I was healing must've left. *Ba-dump PSSH*
The only time I ever get top or near top is when I'm playing my class. If I'm screwing around and I'm MVP or something, then I know things are screwy. At least in TF2.
Kydrou Kair
almost 13 years ago
This surely feels like my everyday party/team.....
PS: i'm the one on the very left....
almost 13 years ago
It's when an ubered heavy runs away, or a full-health sniper guarding a point you've already taken, or a spy that refuses to use disguises, that I really facepalm. Sad thing is? This happened before F2P, too.
0:30 is relevant here :
almost 13 years ago
I'm not really that good at TF2, but mostly because I play for fun, which normally involves taking classes and equipment I'm not that good with, and occasionally melee-rushing when I find a blindspot.
almost 13 years ago
Crysalim has a point. If I'm playing a pick up game of TF2 and I'm placing in the top 3 then my team has problems. I'm pedestrian at best and I know it. I enjoy the game and all but I just want my team to be atleast passable. Losing is fine..but getting crushed is just bad form.
almost 13 years ago
I never even thought like this until I started placing first on my team with consistency.
Then it honestly started pissing me off pretty bad, and if it keeps happening I switch servers.
almost 13 years ago
I don't find this so much as when player A is on my team, they're undeniably a waste of a server slot, yet when that same player is on the opposing team, they suddenly become World's Best Pubber TM!
Seems to happen with alarming frequency.
almost 13 years ago
I'm not the best healer in the world. I do my best. But sometimes when I have a decent group, there will be one idiot who expects me to keep him alive even when doing stupid crap or standing in bad stuff and quit the first time they kill themselves. They make me want to punch babies.
Herpa Derpa
almost 13 years ago
Seriously those Herp Derp Duuurr poses crack me up, i mean just look at them XD
almost 13 years ago
I wonder if anyone noticed the reference to Jean-Paul Sartre. Nerfnow is becoming more philosophical? (and them we get the next comic filled with fanservice)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_125882]@wkz[/url]: is right.
In more competitive mobas (read: Dota2 and HoN) there is too much room to getting stomped, and you normally try to blame someone for the failure of the whole team.
But, in some pubs, you can still find some complete Herp-Derps-Duurs. I try to not be mean with then, but sometimes..
almost 13 years ago
Jo sounds mad.
almost 13 years ago
This is especially so for MOBAs which are not LoL. Deny = skill. Death = lost of money.
Opponent better than you = forget it, you're not going to get dust while the opponent gets several LEGENDARY items...
almost 13 years ago
Even more realistically, I'd say all of them can hold their own... just that one of them is fighting someone who is actually a lot BETTER than they are and thus looks like a "herp derp durr" as a result.
Doesn't help that in most games, a few deaths = snowball into an entirely worthless teammate
almost 13 years ago
More realistically I'd say that 3/4 of the team is saying "Why are my teammates always such bad pubbers?" while the fourth guy is one of the "herp derp durr" guys.
almost 13 years ago
I miss tsundere gammer...
Raphael Angelus
almost 13 years ago
Why are my teammates always such bad pubbers?
almost 13 years ago
Well, if those pubbers think their teammates are bad, they should see some of the things I see when doing co-op bot games...
I tell you, sometimes I'm not sure if they're actual people or someone's cat playing with the mouse.
Hats man
almost 13 years ago
Tjis is seen so many times in many games I have been in
almost 13 years ago
I'll admit, there's been games of LoL, where I felt like Perception Pubber 1 or 2, but it's usually a new champion, so I'm unfamiliar with them, or I'm trying a suggested build on a champ I'm a little more familiar with, so I'm sadly in the "you" part of the perception.
almost 13 years ago
Eh, I prefer to assume everybody on my team is useless and everybody on the other team is a metaphysical manifestation of a god. Makes it pleasantly surprising when I win.