Do you think Michael Bay will use the first comic (not a kid friendly one) of Ninja Turtles for his film (Older Ninja Turtle is about revenge and killings).
almost 13 years ago
Face full of turtle wing-wong.
almost 13 years ago
Nope. You're the one who's interested in this. Neither my fault nor my problem if your Google-Fu is terrible. The burden of crappy searching skills is on you.
Leme Guess...
almost 13 years ago
Explosive ninja swords/stars?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_129053]@SpaceCrabs[/url]: Burden of proof is on you.
You can't backup your claims, you're not to be taken seriously. I googled various keywords, couldn't find anything saying that Bay corrected his affirmations.
almost 13 years ago
I'm here to complain because tehre wasnt an april 1st joke comic.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128766]@Hyperstar96[/url]: Actually 'Transformers' should have already made you hate Michael Bay aswell as some of his other projects in this new century... Though for TMNT here he is not working as a director but as producer only so his direct influence hopefully is minimalistic.
almost 13 years ago
Ain't my problem you can't find it. Learn how to Google.
almost 13 years ago
So, every time a Xenomorph egg opens; you're watching Geiger's "go fuck yorself" to religion. =3
almost 13 years ago
He wanted to make them look like evil vagainas, but was told that Catholic-heavy countries would complain. So, he made it into the two-slit cross flaps to "make that funny cross shape they like to worship so much."
almost 13 years ago
H.R. Geiger, when designing the eggs--- well, everything in the movies that looks like rape: that really WAS what he was going for. But the eggs were origionally only going to have one slit, not an X slit:
almost 13 years ago
Michael Bay's Teenage Alien Invader Ninja Turtles = Michael Bay's TAINT, Just Sayin!
Some random guy
almost 13 years ago
(unrelated comment) Hey, Jo! Have you tried Tribes: Ascend?
almost 13 years ago
No April Fools comic? I'm disappointed.
almost 13 years ago
I don't understand why people keep selling movie licenses to things directed by Michael Bay. Seriously. The only movie that he wouldn't butcher horribly would be Explosions: The Movie.
Which he would be my #1 pick to direct.
almost 13 years ago
Clearly the rainbow powers will involve multi-million dollar CGI explosions & are all done in slow motion with over rendered ponies but you'll only get maybe 30 minutes of that as the movie focuses on adding alien ponies to the plot of Warhorse.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128970]@Phil[/url]: Needs more explosions and running.
almost 13 years ago
And then the ponies are bought by French butchers and they lived happily ever hamburger.
almost 13 years ago
Coming soon from Michael Bay: live action My Little Ponies. The plot: 1914 England, a young girl and her talking ponies overcome the local bully but when WWI erupts, the ponies reveal that they're aliens and use their alien rainbow powers to bring peace.
almost 13 years ago
Please link then.
almost 13 years ago
Yup, you missed it.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
Well this was hilarious :)
P.S. Why Michael Bay? :(
almost 13 years ago
or headcrab?
almost 13 years ago
Did I miss the annoucement where someone in Bay's crew said the turtles were terrestrial and it was like in the comics?
[url=#user_comment_128870]@BallongFörsäljaren[/url]: Since there are already a series of movies called "Aliens" them the movie would have to be called "Extraterrestrials", "E.T." to make it short... Oh no!
Mad Mike
almost 13 years ago
@The Awesome Racoon: Lol, not at all.
almost 13 years ago
They aren't mutants, we dont know how they age so we cant call them teenagers, the whole ninja thing is a style of combat we have on earth so you cant really say they are ninjas. They cant really be turtles either if they are aliens. Conclusion - The movie will be: Aliens.
Someone posing as me. Disregard that, I don't suck aliens and the turtles are still cocks until proven otherwise, from the mouth of someone involved in making the movie. Like Bay himself.
almost 13 years ago
Kurtk, you need to find a better source, I tried watching that video you sent. It played a 15 second commercial, cut into the video, said exactly 2 words "completely lovable" then cut to commercial again.
almost 13 years ago
Someone posing as me. Disregard that, I do suck cock and the turtles are still terrestrial until proven otherwise, from the mouth of someone involved in making the movie. Like Bay himself.
almost 13 years ago
Michael Bay needs to do a Duke Nukem film next.
almost 13 years ago
Someone posing as me. Disregard that, I don't suck cock and the turtles are still alien until proven otherwise, from the mouth of someone involved in making the movie. Like Bay himself.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128638]@Nuckel[/url] Well I do NOW, but I mean before Ninja Turtles; when it was just Transformers.
almost 13 years ago
@von Boomslang: Search Echdinas instead... well, this explains why Creamy looks so scared
almost 13 years ago
Whoops! Disregard that, I suck cocks. It IS just the goo that's alien. My bad.
almost 13 years ago
Now, all that's left is to wait and see if it turns out one way or the other.
So far, the turtles are alien, as Michael Bay stated, unless proven otherwise. Meaning, someone involved in making the movie confirms this, or denies it and tells us the facts.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128671]@lainofthewired[/url]: You linked
Now. That link doesn't disprove anything I said.
Like I said, the THEORY that Michael Bay COULD have meant that only the OOZE was alien, is that, a THEORY.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128677]@Falos[/url]: That's what they want you to think... Now get your tinfoil hat!
von Boomslang
almost 13 years ago
You know what makes this extra scary? Google 'turtle penis'. Or better, don't.
almost 13 years ago
Before the movie releases, fanboys will swarm Michael Bay's home, to get to the root of the evil.
almost 13 years ago
Fascinating how not only does an alien animal kingdom include reptiles very much like the animal kingdom on Earth, but it even evolved a tetsudines order of turtles very much like on Earth.
It might get confusing since some people still think TURTLES ARE AN EARTH SPECIES.
Am I the only one who thinks the little alien Raphael looks adorable.
almost 13 years ago
In the old comics, the ooze was alien, there turtles were not. This is not the case here, and you're mixing up the two.
So far, I've shown proof, with links and interviews, proving my point. Those claiming the contrary have shown nothing. Spare me the "stfu noob" and provide proof of your claims.
HERE'S ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED. SAble and the others are wrong. There is NO OOZE, the TURTLES are Alien, MICHAEL BAY DID NOT GO BACK ON HIS WORD.
<_< noobs spreading lies.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128645]@Kurkt[/url]: Here's more
So, yeah.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128644]@Kurkt[/url]: (Continued)
the most recent:
Doesn't debunks this:
almost 13 years ago
Dear sable and all others who claim
>> The DIRECTOR said that the OOZE is what's of alien origin, not the turtles themselves. JUST THE OOZE THAT MUTATES THEM. <<
Because now, all that can be found is (see post above this one)...
almost 13 years ago
If everybody stopped watching Michael Bay movies, we wouldn't be having this problem ><
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128633]@Hyperstar96[/url]: Search your feelings. You know you hate him too.
almost 13 years ago
Am I the only one here who DOESN'T hate Michael Bay?
Stong Buh
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Hilariously adorable. And every directory in the world takes liberties with source material, it's how the industry works. No surprise there.
almost 13 years ago
Michael Bay seems to enjoy ruining the childhood memories of the last two generations...
almost 13 years ago
Bay misunderstood. He's just the producer. The DIRECTOR said that the OOZE is what's of alien origin, not the turtles themselves. JUST THE OOZE THAT MUTATES THEM.
I really wish fanboys would stop overreacting to this.
though this comic was pretty great, as a huge Aliens fan.
almost 13 years ago
This has everything to do with video games. There were so very many excellent TMNT video games.
Anon Mouse
almost 13 years ago
Or the Mighty Ducks.
almost 13 years ago
I'm guessing Michael Bay is confusing the Turtles with Biker Mice from Mars.
almost 13 years ago
Face hump'd
almost 13 years ago
Please for the love of god stop giving Michael Bay money.
Ofcourse thats not going to happen, because the average movie-goer is around the intellectual level of a hair in my armpit.
Same reason I only go to cinemas in unusual ours to avoid these neanderthals.
almost 13 years ago
Watch the headhumpers, Gordon!
almost 13 years ago
i thought the ooze that made the turtles mutant was an alien material
Looks Familiar
almost 13 years ago
This is almost identical to the Ctrl+Alt+Del joke from a few days ago. Still funny though.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
this is great! Get him Raphael!
almost 13 years ago
As VGCats once so eloquently said... "A face full of alien wing-wong."
almost 13 years ago
Michael Bay is becoming Uwe Boll with a bigger budget.
almost 13 years ago
I would like to personally thank everyone who went to see Bay's Transformer movies. This is your fault.
And don't think that Bay will not go on to ruin other franchises. He is like Mass Effect Reapers. A ball of destruction that will consume everything it can
some guy named bob
almost 13 years ago
wow no photo notes yet?
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_128478]@jso[/url]: It doesn't. It says so RIGHT IN THE BLURB UNDERNEATH.
almost 13 years ago
Face full of turtle wing-wang.
almost 13 years ago
so what does this comic have to do with video games?
almost 13 years ago
Wait, did his helmet turn around?
almost 13 years ago
the old TMNT NES games were great :) and the SNES ones too.
almost 13 years ago
@Xel Unknown: Indeed... "The Lusty Ninja Turtle Maid"
almost 13 years ago
Fully-matured Xenomorph Ninja Turtloids, though......doesn't quite have the same ring
almost 13 years ago
Actually, if the movie really WAS made exactly as Jo depicts it here, I'd watch it. Cowabunga dudessssssss......
almost 13 years ago
Michael bay is a fucking idiot I don't care what the reasoning was THEY ARE NOT ALIENS THEY ARE TEENAGE MUTANT MOTHER FUCKING NINJA TURTLES!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 13 years ago
@T.Chicken: NOPE
You're wrong, look it up.
He never said that. What you "paraphrased", is what people HOPED he'd say.
Because in the old tv shows, the goo came from aliens hidden behind a human company front.
Michael Bay said the TURTLES WERE ALIENS.
Stop being wrong on the internet
almost 13 years ago
They raped this even more than Devil May Cry.
Xel Unknown
almost 13 years ago
I'd watch Nerfnow's version over anything of Michael Bay's...
almost 13 years ago
Face Full of Alien wing wong.
almost 13 years ago
Turtles that are now aliens. I'm not a big fan of Michael Bay but I'm always curious how he executes these safe-to-exploit ideas that get recycled.
Anon Mouse
almost 13 years ago
RE: T.Chicken; Did he now? If so, that's a new development - it it's just the ooze that's alien in origin, that's fine... but Bay had originally said the turtles themselves were alien. So either this whole fan uproar is based upon bay's poor ability to communicate properly, or he's back-peddaling.
almost 13 years ago
Actually, Michael Bay said that the goo that transform the turtles came from aliens. Not the turtles.
Probably Shredders.
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