What people are saying about "Second Serving"
Second Serving
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almost 13 years ago
Hey, ME3 online is amazing; it's like TF2 is supposed to be -- all of the teamwork.
almost 13 years ago
Another joke that Mass Effect 3 is the worst game because the "ending was stuped, dosent make sence and U ONLY PIK THRE COLARZ HARHARHAR" One of the 99% people who hate the ending from a video game. Why.
almost 13 years ago
I keep on looking at those pictures of meat and getting hungry for meat :(
almost 13 years ago
Are you expecting Guild Wars 2? If so, can you do a comic on it?
almost 13 years ago
I used to be a bbq chef like you...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135190]@Tkun[/url]: Sounds like a land of milk and honey to me.
Skyrim Jarl
almost 13 years ago
with such argument, I can say that you are or a teenage girl or a good troller, anyway you are welcome to try bitch
Jo's #1 Fangirl
almost 13 years ago
as a brazilian, you should shut up unless your name is jo. in which case I would like to have your babies.
Skyrim Jarl
almost 13 years ago
as a brazilian, i can say, everyone is wrong, in this kind of barbecue, you eat everything you can, of course, choosing only good stuff, and as I can see Jo thinks Diablo 3, Skyrim and Dawnguard are stuff worthy to try
Shadow Scryer
almost 13 years ago
I thought you moved on from Mass Effect jokes? At the very least, the multiplayer's fun.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135312]@wkz[/url]: (cont.) Even so, people who cry about the AH are lame crybabies and those who will use it are losers who can't play. Real men play the game without buying power. Especially one easy such as Diablo 3 (normal mode). People who would buy gear most likely don't have the skills to clear inferno.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135312]@wkz[/url]: (continued) But to those losers who buy, it will provide them a safer mean than the china people. The issue being that YOU WON'T EVER NEED TO USE IT TO FINISH THE GAME. One reason I don't like it would be PvP imbalance in the future. Unless you are paired against people of same gear.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135312]@wkz[/url]: The Diablo III AH. Now I wonder... The problem is that some people who cry about it will most likely use it... Personally, it doesn't affect me the least. Runes are not drops anymore, you level your artisans through monetary compensation and crafting, books only make the process faster.
almost 13 years ago
... ... ... much better than shady China gold farmers IMO.

Blizzard have the balls to actually try to cripple one of the most powerful conglomerates of online gaming by providing a legal recourse, and there are... complaints?
almost 13 years ago
... and guys, note that the D3 shop is there. Just like the shops in my nearby shopping arcade.

Oh my, they're "forcing" me into the shop with their bright colored signs and all!! *GASP*
almost 13 years ago
All the kids who want to have fun... will have fun.

Enjoy arguing, I'll had fun with D2 and torchlight, and I believe I'll have fun with D3 and Torch2.

ESPECIALLY SINCE the apparent big negative of D3 (cash shop)... I'd be ignoring it. Doesn't seem so bad at all.
almost 13 years ago
All the kids who don't know what made Diablo 2 a great game will try out Diablo 3, but every real fan already know how bullshit this version will be. Besides the team behind Diablo 1 and 2 works on Torchlight and the team who developed .....cough WoW are working on Diablo 3....Greedy bastards.
almost 13 years ago
Torchlight 2 will be way better than D3.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135258]@Geary[/url] Sums up my experience with Skyrim as well. It's more focused on quantity than quality it seems.
almost 13 years ago
Need to stfu about mass effect already
almost 13 years ago
Guild Wars 2 is gonna be my dessert!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135057]@Korey[/url] I think it's more that there's tons of stuff to do, but all that stuff is the exact same thing with different models and a different color magic.
almost 13 years ago
Derp. (Continued)
NOPE! Too bad! You get preselected stat increases and you don't get to choose what abilities you want to get! Also, have some awful voice acting and immersion breaking dialog with that as well. "My hatred is too low."
almost 13 years ago
Jo, I suggest waiting for a game that you actually play, not a game that plays itself for you, like Diablo 3 does. Want to build your character to make them unique?
almost 13 years ago
Meh, Diablo 3. Would you like some CNC4-style always-on DRM with that? No? Too bad.

Hopefully Torchlight II is fulfilling, considering I just preordered it.
almost 13 years ago
Damn. I need some bbq.
almost 13 years ago
This is a very good analogy of what is going on.
Dont forget about Torchlight 2 though. It should be the sausage links in the freezer.
almost 13 years ago
Torchlight 2
 Platypus
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135204]@KingPopadopalus[/url]: Meh, they show a lack finesse or depth.
almost 13 years ago
I love the political food notes, they're hilarious.
almost 13 years ago
Also, Dat Meat.
almost 13 years ago
Fus Ro Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135113]@Arcc[/url]: If you ever come to Brazil go to one of those "churrascaria rodízio" That means that you pay a fix tax and they will bring meat non-stop until you give up!
almost 13 years ago
depending on how the add-on 'explains and expands' the ending, i'm holding off on any DLC for cash.

you broke my heart bioware: thanks to you, i'll *never* be able to love again...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135173]@Shadow12000[/url] Dawnguard isnt a Xbox exclusive. Its just that Xbox will receive it first.
almost 13 years ago
Yeah I'd love to get the Dawnguard DLC. Too bad I bought the game on PC and it's an Xbox exclusive.
That guy
almost 13 years ago
Why is everyone so excited for Diablo 3? I mean sure its an ok game but its avarage at best.. Diablo 1 was really amazing for its time but even Diablo 2 was avarage at best.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135099]@sx[/url]: Torchlight 2's a poor man's Diablo?. Hah. Which of the two has mod support, LAN support and can be played offline?. Which of the two has whored its soul to put a store with items paid with real money and forced players to pass in front of it?. Diablo 3 has soiled the name, like CoD.
almost 13 years ago
To continue the metaphor, the ME3 DLC is a complimentary serving of a dessert you didn't like. Different colour of sauce of course.

Diablo III is delicious, but you are only allowed to eat while on the phone with the restaurant. When the restaurant or the line is too busy you can't have any.
almost 13 years ago
oh well thank gods you haven't played Amalur, this shit is massive and they've already released two story DLCs for it... This one fits the metaphor way better than skyrim does.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135091]@Yawus[/url]: Oh! i didin't know that! Thanks for the information!
Khârn the Betrayer
almost 13 years ago
Diablo 3 will OWN my time for a great deal of time, and I look forward to it. After I got to play with the game a bit, I am very excited to get the full game in my hands.
almost 13 years ago
@Great Biotic Wind: that's certainly the way it seems. Hundreds of hours of great gameplay, but infinite whining about 10 minutes of ending.
almost 13 years ago
I entirely misinterpreted the meaning behind this comic. The only way I ever have enough food on my plate is at the all-you-can-eat. I'm 150 pounds, 1% body fat, and I walk away from restaurant challenges hungry.
Great Biotic Wind
almost 13 years ago
Really? It has been almost two months. Chances are you would get over many IRL events at this point. It almost feels like some people actually *enjoy* being butt hurt about Mass Effect more than anything else.
Or did BioWare eat your cereal?
almost 13 years ago
Well I am glad there was commentary for this one because otherwise I wouldn't have a damn clue what is going on.
almost 13 years ago
@Adeptus Enginus: Mod support != staying power. The first Torchlight has mod support as well; yet the community is small, and downright miniscule compared to Diablo's playerbase.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135076]@randomdice[/url]: Bethesda signed a contract with Microsoft back during Fallout 3. They release the Xbox 360 DLC roughly 30 days before PS3/PC versions. Timed exclusivity isn't anything new, but there's a whole lot of hubbub going on about it.
Adeptus Enginus
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135081]@sx[/url] You realize Torchlight 2 has mod support, right? It has WAY more staying power than Diablo 3, or any Diablo game, because the content will literally last as long as the community does.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135054]@Hyperstar96[/url] He's not, see in the picture. Jo have a hard time 'eating' Skyrim while Bethesda presents the ribs.
almost 13 years ago
Jo, you are insulting garbages with Mass Effect.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135078]@MyCookie[/url]: Torchlight 2 is a poor man's Diablo. You will play through it once or twice and be done with it. There's nothing wrong with that, and you will get more than your money's worth in gameplay; but it's half a sandwich while Diablo 3 is an endless buffet you'll be putting weeks and weeks into.
almost 13 years ago
Torchlight 2 is also around the corner, given the choice, many would choose the indie title. AAA studios and publishers have burned too many too much.
almost 13 years ago
Just gonna say Guild Wars 2. More of a game than the grindfest/dungeon crawl that D3 is going to turn out to be
almost 13 years ago
But, only in xbox360 the blog says.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135057]@Korey[/url]: I didn't get the impression that he hated Skyrim at all, just that the sheer amount of stuff to do was overwhelming and that more DLC on top of that was too much.
almost 13 years ago
Cooking meat on a hand-cranked spit? Are we sure Engie still qualifies as an engineer? That thing should be motorized by now--there's just no excuse for it!
almost 13 years ago
Just a "waffer theen" mint! Aw, come now.. it's "WAFFER theen"..
almost 13 years ago
Soooooo he hates it because there is too much to do. That totally a good reason to hate a game.
Doubting Thomas
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_135049]@Kraken[/url]: Really now, how can you back that up? Have you even played the game? Well aside from the DRM thing, thats true.
almost 13 years ago
I don't get it... is he complimenting the DLC or insulting it?
almost 13 years ago
Mass Effect : ouch ! (probably better pictured as a cake with vomit icing)
almost 13 years ago
eh dawnguard is if you have skyrim for 360, the ps3 and PC will have to wait a month after the 360 launch for our turn so there is still plenty of time do finish digesting :)
almost 13 years ago
Too bad Diablo3 is a dumbed down game riddled with shitty always-online DRMs and Real Money AH.
almost 13 years ago
Poor mass effect.
almost 13 years ago
Skyrim: GOTY - Also known as Skyrim: The version worth $60
almost 13 years ago
You deny ribs?
almost 13 years ago