Take care, Unless your handsets start to kill each other for you amusement!
over 12 years ago
Quick and dirty, this is what you need to know about this adapter: [*] I exircpeneed some initial trouble using my PS3 controllers to play PS2 games, but have since found that they work for most games. So this USB adapter is NOT necessary to play all PS2 games on your PS3. [*] This DOES enable use
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141683]@Obby[/url]: It's gotten to the point where the fact that gaming rigs come bundled with a new OS that makes the price tag worth it - else, you'd need to buy that OS and that alone would cost as much as the homebuilt itself.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142086]@vaxx[/url]: Actually, that controller design is Nintendo's, from when they worked with SEGA on the Genesis. Technically Sony & Microsoft stole a design from Nintendo, who helped design it in the first place.
almost 13 years ago
so we got sony ripping off nintendo's motion stick, microsoft ripping off sony's controller and eyetoy, nintendo ripping off microsoft's ripped off controller,
and millions of fanboys arguing over semantics.
almost 13 years ago
Microsoft copying Sony? What madness is this?
almost 13 years ago
Can't help but chime in on the gaming PC comments..
It's like buying parts from Home Depot or getting something preassembled for a higher price (much higher, usually, perhaps about 3x in the case of computers?)
almost 13 years ago
Also, @ Platypus, the influence is probably greater from Apple, but in my opinion, only because Nintendo was influenced first.
An interesting side note - Apple began development on an official Ipad controller after the Wii U was announced.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141671]@Vulpis[/url]: I think I see what you're going for here, but the form factor of the Game Gear is drastically different than the Wii U controller - the dimensions, size, and capabilities are completely different. Actually, I think the only thing they have in common is a color LCD screen.
almost 13 years ago
who the hell "buys" gaming rigs? only people stupid with their money do that.
if you can't build it yourself, more often than not you know someone that can anyways.
almost 13 years ago
", so in retrospect a Wii U would prolly cost 5 times as much as buying a gaming rig. "
meant to say the opposite actually
almost 13 years ago
Incidentally, I can't believe everyone's hailing the Kinect as "new" or "innovative"... it's basically a souped up (and more laggy) EyeToy.
Or is the new generation too young to remember those?
almost 13 years ago
Also, I said BUYING a gaming rig, not building one. Those who play consoles are usually casual folks (excluding console exclusive games), so they aren't really tech savvy. So building a computer from scratch is usually out of the question.
almost 13 years ago
I have no idea how you figured a rig would cost you 6000 dollars to match a Wii U or something.
I estimated that the Wii U would cost 300 dollars, so in retrospect it would prolly cost 5 times as much as buying a gaming rig.
almost 13 years ago
It's funny because only one of those companies is actually 100% original.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141642]@Crysalim[/url] Actually, I'm not seeing much of a copying of iPad here in the form factor at all--if anything, it's shaped more like a large version of the old Sega Game Gear, maybe with some influences from the PSP and Ninty's own GBA. iPad is *just* the screen, without the additional controls.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141648]@MeowMix[/url] because gaming rigs HAVE to cost six thousand dollars? Whatever. I've seen wonderful builds made with a $600 budget. You just have to watch for sales and shop around.
You won't find that happen with a console, though. Not for a long time.
almost 13 years ago
I can answer this two ways.
"They don't cost six times as much."
"You also get more than just six times the experience and possibilities out of it."
Both are true.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
I see the Pow Ha ha, but no sign of Spy here. I am early it seems.
almost 13 years ago
There should not have been any N64 games designed to use buttons across the left right and middle sections of the controller. Any games that were asking you to use the d-pad and the analog or Z-button were poorly designed.
almost 13 years ago
because buying a gaming rig will cost you six times as much(or less if you're building it yourself) than buying a Wii U or any future consoles bundles.
And that's not factoring external stuff like: keyboards, mouse, pads, headsets/speakers, etc.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141642]@Crysalim[/url]: I disagree about WiiU & SmartGlass. It's something MS should have been doing ages ago on Win7phone. Apple is kicking their ass on vertical integration. MS is trying to get out ahead of an Apple TV not copy Nintendo.
almost 13 years ago
The Wii U controller isn't copying the Ipad just because of the touch screen, but also because of the size and shape. Satoru Iwata had a lot of praise for ipad/iphone games before the controller was announced, I probably wouldn't have made the connection if he didn't do that.
almost 13 years ago
i cant beleive people still play on consoles in 2012. i just cant.
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
Long live to Ataris´s Jaguar Control!!!
almost 13 years ago
PS2 had Eyetoy, whos the copycat now Microsoft ?
almost 13 years ago
well i do have my problems with the ps3 controllers they are so small in my hands, same with the Nintendo DS light. There should be a bigger one for the grown man (ps3 controller, there is the ds light xxl thankfully).
I can not even imagine how to hold the GB micro
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141585]@Tue[/url]: Nope. N64 Rumble Pak came out before DualShock.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141551]@AEIOU[/url]: That actually IS Nintendo. The modern controller design was first seen in the old Game & Watch series.
almost 13 years ago
wow, i didn't knew that.
either way, it would make competition, and i must say sometimes it is needed to copy a bit, i like the ps3 controllers and i hated those of de N64 cause people with small or medium hands had trouble using most of the buttons at once if the game forced you to
almost 13 years ago
You all remember the stick, ya know, from the days before the wheel and fire. Mighta been before your time. That was the original motion controller, all the resta you bums are ripping off that innovation.
almost 13 years ago
have you all forgotten the POWERGLOVE? THAT was the original Motion Controller ;)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141533]@HitBoxMaster[/url] Dafuq does this have to do with PIPA SOPA or ACTA?
almost 13 years ago
Wait how is the Wii U copying the ipad? Pretty sure the DS had touch screens before that, and atms did before that. The iphone/pad's biggest contribution was craming more into a device than before...
That said move definite ripoff of the wii, at least microsoft tried something different.
almost 13 years ago
MegaDrive and MegaCD, nuff said
almost 13 years ago
I don't really get this one. MS and Sony copied the Wii, which then copied the Ipad for the Wii U controller, then MS copied the Wii U controller for SmartGlass.
So the comic should be (with > being copy): Ipad > Wii U > Ps3/Xbox. With the regular Wii, of course, not having copied anything.
almost 13 years ago
That wasn't because Microsoft are some sort of cooperate angels. Monopoly laws would have forced them to split up into two companies if they didn't.
almost 13 years ago
well as fun as this discussion is, I think I will go play on my PC! with my KEYBOARD and MOUSE!
almost 13 years ago
all in all, the competition Nintendo and sony made them work harder to survive, or better say, the competition made them do their very best to be the best.
just like microsoft gave a loan to apple, if there is no competition, there is litle improvement so i like the way it is.
Oh look
almost 13 years ago
another flame war... Good job breaking it Jo.
Where are the ponies?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141576]@Hyperstar96[/url]: Not even close: http://www.n-sider.com/contentview.php?contentid=231
almost 13 years ago
I'm pretty sure that the dual analog sticks came from Sony first... I also love how they never changed their gamepad design, so you never had to get used to a new controller for every generation. It just feels right at home.
almost 13 years ago
Rather certain Nintendo was first in (pretty much) all those cases with the exception of rumble pack.
almost 13 years ago
A series of NES controllers had a microphone input
almost 13 years ago
One word, Eyetoy
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141576]@Hyperstar96[/url] Game Boy had an 8-bit 8080 derivative in it. I don't know of any game systems using 4-bit processors. Even the Atari VCS had an 8-bit CPU in it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141548]@Octopiss[/url] (Sorry for the double-post) Wrong. Sony was going to create a CD-based add-on for the SNES, but Nintendo refused after Sony got greedy (as usual) by demanding 100% of the profits.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141570]@RadiCalvo[/url] Game Boy was 4-bit.
Also everyone knows what a Game Boy is, so you don't have to say it's a handheld from Nintendo.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141539]@Dome[/url]: the very first used in consoles was the Eyetoy for the PS2 and later came the Dreameye for the Dreamcast, both were a respone to the use of webcams on PC, but the very first camera for videogames in general was the Gameboy Camera for the classic 8-bit portable from Nintendo
almost 13 years ago
Is it just me, or does the Sony motion-controller look like a pimpin' cane?
All that Jazz
almost 13 years ago
My keyboard and mouse scoffs at the sight of these petty arguments.
With my arcade stick snickering in the background.
almost 13 years ago
I had a PS2 for years along with a Gamecube, and to this day I still hate the lower left analog stick on Sony's controllers. Maybe the WiiU's right stick wont be so bad cause it's not for movement. But really, who the hell cares about originality anymore, just combine and become a superpower already
almost 13 years ago
Seriously, how many possible controller designs are there that can still be comfortable in most people's hands. Everyone knows the 3rd party ones stink.
almost 13 years ago
These puny consoles and their flushy controllers make MAC's, pads and personal computers laugh.
Why have'nt you extinct already?
almost 13 years ago
The first one to create a horizontal controller with directions on left and buttons on right is the real victim here. Although I don't know which company that is.
D.D Mining Co.
almost 13 years ago
As long as I can use the controller comfortably, I couldn't give a flying feather if someone else has a similar design.
almost 13 years ago
Nintendo and Sony designed a console with SNES-style controllers, it didn't work out, so Sony continued alone with the PS1. The controller was a SNES one, basically, but with a shitty split d-pad and grips. Then they added analog sticks.
almost 13 years ago
I just love it when people complain when game companies use ideas that other ones had and were successful with... despite how that is a EXTREMELY common practice in all sorts of businesses and such types of competition is the basis of most modern businesses.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141539]@Dome[/url]: Technically, I think because the PlayStation move uses a camera to determine distance and position of its remote and was released more-or-less around the same time/generation as Kinect it works.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141538]@Potato[/url]: They are all motion controllers.
almost 13 years ago
Shouldn't there be a playstation eye for the Kinect to yell copycat at? Otherwise it should just be the 360 controller.
almost 13 years ago
That said, for all the cries of "copycat"...
Did anyone else notice all of them have the analog sticks in different positions?
almost 13 years ago
Request version with joystick moefication!
almost 13 years ago
It's the secondary controller for the WiiU. Used so that third-party games have something easier to develop around, while still having the WiiU motion/tablet controls to mess with.
Shadow Scryer
almost 13 years ago
If they're looking for something completely original, they should probably make a... controller/remote hybrid in the shape of a plus or something.