It is obvious that D3 is different from LoL, but before insulting someone, at least try to UNDERSTAND what that person is saying, I'm talking about balances between classes, not the playstyle, the point is, LoL is BALANCED, and most Blizzard games are NOT BALANCED, unfortunatly I cant draw for you.
almost 13 years ago
Baldur, if u dont understand the point I'm making, plz, keep silent, and u just confirmed what I said, I play with 3 toons, and none of the other 2 even compare with barbarian, the game dont have balance, barbarians can scale a high DPS with a high ammount of defense that the other classes cant.
almost 13 years ago
Comparing LoL to Diablo 3... you must be an awesome Game-Developer since those two games clearly have a lot in common besides the Perspective... OH WAIT, they don't, now go back to you kindergarden and go play LoL there. I have yet to encounter a pack i have to skip and I am playing Barbarian(Act3)
almost 13 years ago
One of the things that I appreciate at league of legends is their balance, Blizzard balance have always been messed up, but LoL somehow manage to make a good balance beetween the heroes, and they have a lot more work to do tha blizz that deals with just a couple of champs.
almost 13 years ago
Just as Jo said, hard content dont have to be 'Impossible', I'm playing diablo for 3 weeks by now, and I noticed that despite the fact we have a lot of skills to avoid cookie cutter, there are still cookie cutter, specially for melees, you cant use most of ur skills, u have to focus tank at inferno
almost 13 years ago
Ran into a Yellow with 5 abilities. Invulnerable, vortex, jailer, desecration, and reflect damage. Rage quit for a week before playing again.
VORTEX - HORDE - METERO (as mob special, said metero is buffed by x2 the landing zone size, and casted on two second intervals) - DESCRATARD - TELEPORT (x2 mob special)
almost 13 years ago
Arcane Plagued Jailer is pretty damn annoying.
Molten pisses me off more than anything else so far tho, mostly because of the fact that I always go to grab loot and then get one shotted by the explosion from the dead enemy. >=C
[url=#user_comment_141515]@Talderas[/url] Oh god.
Imagine that on a phasebeast...
almost 13 years ago
Fast, desecrater, jailor.
the most
almost 13 years ago
the most skipped them and went directly to the bosses, although they say they are imba pro masters.
almost 13 years ago
Some monsters abilities are hard...
Indeed... rock hard and ready to action
almost 13 years ago
The O-boards have the same effect on me. Loved a couple weekends ago when I could discuss the thing with friends, discuss some mechanics issues, while still knowing we all enjoyed the game.
almost 13 years ago
It's not worth the time. Champion packs, if not elite packs, all have enrage timers in Inferno. After a certain amount of time their damage starts going up and your HP starts draining while you're near them. They have to heal to full before the enrage timer resets (in most cases).
almost 13 years ago
Not worth it when you're playing hardcore, but there really isn't any point in skipping a fight if you're a softcore noob. zomg I lost some pocket change for dying.
almost 13 years ago
... Somehow, I feel so alienated for having so much fun in Diablo 3 after seeing this much negative comments about it.
almost 13 years ago
Hah! Not quite that far yet to fight the tough mobs, but Diablo 3 is being rather fun to me. Titan Quest!! I love that game, I still think it is the best game of it's genre, even surpasing Diablo, specially with the Underlord mod.
The worst combo I've seen on Inferno was on a elite rather than champion....
It was an Elite Quillbeast...
Horde, Invulnerable Minions, Fire Chains, Extra Health
almost 13 years ago
In my language, "Bangus" means "Milkfish".
...context slightly changed, possibly for the worst.
almost 13 years ago
Personally I take on all enemies, regardless of their powers. If they happen to be a weakness to my poor wizard I just go, "Challenge Accepted!" then get in there.
almost 13 years ago
@Dr Obvious von Cynical: Isn't what is considered "shit" or not subjective? I'm pretty sure most of people who bought it didn't know it would be shit at first.
almost 13 years ago
Jo finally discovers D3's fake difficulty.
almost 13 years ago
One thing I find as deadly as blue combos is the monster the abilities are on.
Case in point: Molten on a skeleton, moves up to you and attacks standing still = does nothing to a melee champion.
Molten on a Fallen angel with their sweeping drive-by attacks, or a hit-and-fade little critter...
almost 13 years ago
in relation i understand just how frustrating the abilitys on their own are, then couple them together with a monster with an already frustrating mechanic. atleast its not the wasps with stuff like teleport vortex arcane and shielding.
Dr Obvious von Cynical
almost 13 years ago
D3 is shit and it's been said man times already.
If you knowingly payed for shit you have no right to complain.
almost 13 years ago
About the "But when you put stuff like "Fast", "Teleporter" and "Vortex" all together", that is one easy pack then. Annoying to kill but still a darn easy pack.
almost 13 years ago
Good old D2, I remember the times when I fought bosses with my Necromancer army. Clay Golem's slow effect + decriptify + ice spell = fucking slow boss. Watching my army gangbang a boss to death and autoclicking decreptify with one hand and eating a sammich with the other hand.
almost 13 years ago
Afaik, most builds in D2 had one main damaging move, some other backup damage with other elements, and everything else was weaker by an order of magnitude.
So, dual immune is often a show stopper, if it is your main and backup damage elements.
almost 13 years ago
My personal hate would have to go with a combination of "Chains" and "Plague" or "Arcane Enchanted" and "Vortex"
That said "Mortar" plus anything rather sucks too.
almost 13 years ago
Immune to physical and magical was 80% (or so) protections, you could still kill them. And in D2 elite mobs with ridiculous prefixes werent sole reasons of existance (cow lvls, bhaal runs, meph bots, etc etc).
Yeah. I felt the same way the first time I encountered a "Vampiric Plagued" mob with my Witch Doctor. I fought that thing for half and hour, no joke. I'd get it down to a sliver of health but then one of my minions would stray into the plague circle and he'd instantly be at full health.
BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
See there are reasons I choose to just capture intel, push the cart, and hang out with Spy all day; Ardong the Iron Pelvis is one of them.
almost 13 years ago
>Insert lechereos lip licking here<
almost 13 years ago
The mob attribute just sounds like a bonus!
My Name
almost 13 years ago
I like how Titan Quest avoided some of the Diablo series' problems by NOT BEING RANDOM all the time. Including this one. There were randomly encountered empowered versions of normal mobs, but they kinda weren't random, and thus were quite balanced.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141411]@Scuffles[/url]: "Immune to Magic" meant immune to "Magic" damage. "Magic" was the fifth element of damage, the type blessed hammer and the Necromancer's bone spells did. It did not mean immune to all damage from spells.
almost 13 years ago
Ok, this made me laugh even though I'm trying to be quiet with someone asleep.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141385]@Scuffles[/url]: No, you never had anything that was immune to all magical damages aswell as physical. At most you ever saw were dual immunities. The biggest dick move in diablo 2 was MSLE, multishot lightning enchanted since due to a bug the multishot would affect the lightning bolts. This was fixed.
almost 13 years ago
soy un chico de cinco años
tengo dos hermanos tengo unos padres magnificos
almost 13 years ago
soy un chico de cinco años
Bangus the Endowed
almost 13 years ago
I'm not quite *that* fearsome. I do, at least, use lube.
Now, Ardong the Iron Pelvis, he's the one you gotta watch out for.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141331]@Tridus[/url] except for the fact that when you hit level 60 you get your magic and gold find buffed for killing them, and chances are if you do not fight them you will not have the money to work the AH. Even if you do not like the drops you can sell them for a fair bit. Over all i am getting decent drops
almost 13 years ago
I'll do you one better Jo
D2 used to have immunity to physical and magical damage in the random elite grab bag.... any guesses where I'm going with that.
Yup Immune to physical AND magical damage mobs......
Yeah sure it was patched out years ago but how do you let something like that slip?
Nando Rock
almost 13 years ago
I laugh hehehehe
almost 13 years ago
Dating Profile
almost 13 years ago
Bangus the Endowed
Likes: Meeting lone strangers in dark alleys, pina coladas, getting caught in the rain
Dislikes: Men who wear socks with sandals
almost 13 years ago
The worst comp is Vortex + Teleport + Waller + Jailer
as a DH this shit cost me up to 30k in repairs :/
almost 13 years ago
How would you guys deal with invulnerable minions/shielding/horde/ + one of (fire chains, health link, extra hp, or something else...). I'm assuming 4 bonuses is the max?
almost 13 years ago
Skeleton Summoner with Extra Health Vampiric Plague + invencible/imbecile Khormak.
3x Fallen Angel with Shield Vampiric Plague + invencible/imbecile Tyrael.
Scavengers(Act I) with Fast!!!
almost 13 years ago
My greatest fear in D3 is not any boss, at all, but champion mobs with Firechain, arcane enchanted and shield..
almost 13 years ago
Frozen, Desecrator, Jailer, Arcane.
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
As a matter of fact, fuck prefixes entirely. Artificial difficulty.
almost 13 years ago
wait. Bangus.. Bang us! I can't believe it took so long to get.
almost 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Nah! Creating games is much more trouble than it seems, I think "testing" video games would be more fit to Jo.
Anon E Mouse
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141353]@Zephirdd[/url]: Heh, you still think it's fun to just play through a difficult game. Maybe if you tried creating the game from scratch on an operating system you designed yourself using hardware you built yourself instead of taking the lazy consumerist approach, you'd have much more fun than you realize.
almost 13 years ago
It /can/ be rewarding to beat a challenging pack, but it can also be so frustrating that it's not worth it. Fast, horde, invuln minions, plagued soul rippers come to mind. You're lucky if the only one possible to damage even ever gets on screen.
almost 13 years ago
Maybe if you tried to actually play the game instead of looking for the most efficient way to do X or Y, you'd have much more fun than you realize.
almost 13 years ago
I disagree. The fun is in killing those highly powerful mobs. It's incredibly rewarding - not for items, but for yourself - when you manage to beat a mob like that.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Jo, you should be designing videogames.
almost 13 years ago
Seriously, they need to check what combos they give mobs.
Well said, Joe, "Hard, yes, but hardly fun".
almost 13 years ago
I think the only ability that really unarguably needs to be tweaked is Invulnerable Minions. It adds some interesting puzzle to a foe as you work around the minions, but it is much too difficult to work around them in its current form since they form a moving wall that eats your face.
almost 13 years ago
The problem with fixing the bad combo issue is that different classes or even different people have trouble with different abilities. Fire Chains for a ranged is a game of kiting, while Fire Chains for a melee is a death sentence.
almost 13 years ago
Moral of the story: bring friends to the higher difficulties. And if your friends are all melee, well... get ready to do some regular repairing after certain combinations.
almost 13 years ago
Herald of Pestulance: Invulnerbale minions, extra HP, fast, jailer
Nothing worse than that..
almost 13 years ago
Playing my favorite game. Oh no lube? skip.
almost 13 years ago
Fast and Vampiric. Haaaaaate yooooou.
almost 13 years ago
And the poor red guy gets another case of blue balls.
almost 13 years ago
It might be worth fighting them if 99% of the drops weren't total crap. As it is, you're better off just getting gold and hitting the AH then even bothering to fight anything hard because the drops are so terrible.
almost 13 years ago
Hey joe, You forgot a capital letter at the start of the second-last sentence.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141322]@TrollyMcTrollerton[/url]: True, those are a joke for my DH. My absolute nightmare are mortar and jailer together, since mortar kills me in roughly 4 direct hits.
almost 13 years ago
The worst has got to be any yellow on inferno that's already faster than you (Scavengers act 1), and has "invulnerable minions, arcane enchanted, molten/desecrator, vortex.
almost 13 years ago
Co-op game is co-op.
That mob that sucks to fight as a caster is a little bitch for a Barb to smack around. Fast, Vortex, Waller? Come get some.
Those assholes that fuck up my barb are a damn joke for a caster. Molten, Plagued, Fire Chains? Psh, free loot.
almost 13 years ago
Ok ENOUGH Diablo comics its starting to severely bore me now.
almost 13 years ago
Horde - Invul minions - vortex - mortar
almost 13 years ago
Of course people didn't complain in previous games. But it is because unfair difficulty was the norm. Team Meat speaks about it very well when explaining how they made super meat boy insanely hard while trying to keep it fair.
almost 13 years ago
In D2, elemental immunities was very annoying also. Do they have it in D3 as well?
almost 13 years ago
Funny, second Diablo's final boss also had random resistance/attack attributes, with some of combinations actually undefeatable.
But nobody complained about it that day...
almost 13 years ago
I encountered Burrowing Leaper unique in the bottom of the Scavenger Den. Invulnerable Minions (can only hurt the unique; when he dies, they all die), Molten, Arcane Enchanted. After I died to him enough times that all my equipment broke, I bugged out. X(
I play DH BTW. =(
almost 13 years ago
Why does the Barbarian look like a shirtless Geralt?
almost 13 years ago
I ran into Extra Health, Fast, Horde on the sand golem in act 2 (those things that pop out of the ground, the non-boss version of Kulle's minions)
It was in Hell, and I looked at the minion's HP: 250k...
I immediately take another route and hope it was the right path instead 'A '
almost 13 years ago
Also want to point out that a Blizzard+low cost rune, Venom Hydra, Diamond Skin, Tele+Decoy, Energy Armour and a signature spell of your choice works wonders when kiting. If that fails you can handle an incredible variety of different affix combinations by alternating use of DS and TP to get out.
almost 13 years ago
Tiger: Energy armour is incredibly useful for the armour boost alone. The damage reduction is very significant. The force armour rune gives you some survivability in inferno until you can get enough resists to make chromatic armour a better choice.
almost 13 years ago
Am i the only person who has Diablo 3 but still plays Diablo 2?
almost 13 years ago
I have yet to see "extra-life, vampiric, steals life". And when I do see it... I will stop playing. 2 of those 3 is hard enough to deal with.
almost 13 years ago
...I don't think this subject of "enemy has cheap-ass buffs" is anything new in Diablo's case...
almost 13 years ago
But seriously - the wizard armor skills are useless even in normal.
almost 13 years ago
I fight everything, because if i skipped things that looked hard i'd have to go buy some scented soap to clean my massive vagina... but some of them are a real basatard to kill. (play a wiz btw) shielded and jailer piss me off the most. Also who USES shit armor skills. Swapped it for Diamond Skin...
almost 13 years ago
Meh. There are actually really few comboes that you have to skip. Some stuff with Shielding and some stuff with Arcane Enchanted. Rest can be dealt with if you have your gear in check and know what you are doing. Hint: Against Arcane Enchanted make sure you have your mobility skills available.
almost 13 years ago
Fast Teleporter Vortex is easy to kill. Arcane Vortex Jailer...thats a nightmare i encountered just tonight(Monk Witchdoctor combo playing). Sucked us in, jailed us and placed 3 arcane orbs within 5yards of each other in the middle of the spot we we're jailed on.
almost 13 years ago
so what happens if you encounter a monster that has all?
almost 13 years ago
Arcane Decicrator Vortex Shielding
I just made someone unable to sleep tonight.
almost 13 years ago
Some of us remember this proud tradition from D2 of monsters how generated such ridiculous abilities that it was less of a hassle to start a new game and play back to that point then fight the bastard
Blizzard just has a knack as of late for setting up stuff to be as unfun as possible.
almost 13 years ago
envie de caca
almost 13 years ago
They need to just remove vortex from the game.
almost 13 years ago
Even better if you get soul lashers with some combo including fast
almost 13 years ago
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