[url=#user_comment_152806]@Somedude[/url]: Man sounds like what happens in all three of the Dead Rising game!
I'll need to be,careful next time I play it...''slight worry''
over 12 years ago
Also Catelyn becomes an outlaw zombie queen or something
over 12 years ago
Jon Snow dies
Robb Stark dies
Catelyn Stark dies
Arya Stark goes to Braavos and becomes blind
Joffrey Baratheon dies(yay)
Everyone thinks Daenerys dies but she actually doesn't
Tywin Lannister doesn't shit gold(also he dies)
I love you all
also winter comes in book 5
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Oh no Medusa or Dark Eva has turned them in to stone! ''Gasp'' oh wait it's Shuma Gorath ''But still'' CALL DR STRANGE! THE AVENGERS! THE X-MEN! SPIDERMAN! I DON'T KNOW JUST DO IT!!!!
O.k take care now!
The Black Guy
almost 13 years ago
always dies
Major Spoiler
almost 13 years ago
Nope Theo is alive just under new alias :P
almost 13 years ago
Theon dies end
almost 13 years ago
"Try not to attach to any character" Too damn late for the warning.
But as a north man myself I take great pleasure poking at people in forums that "the only way to take down a north man is by treachery." Thats not a spoiler right?
Mad Mike
almost 13 years ago
I'm only really attached to Daenerys and Tyrion. Screw the rest of the cast, those are the only two characters (still alive) that are really interesting and not dicks.
An Onymous
almost 13 years ago
I find this funny since I was done the EXACT thing once by one of my friends.
P.S. I hate spoilers.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Happy to hear that thanks. Now I can stick with the show and feel safe, if he dies by the end that's ok, a big death can make endings bigger.
almost 13 years ago
One upside is that the characters you hate get in trouble as much as the ones you like.
almost 13 years ago
I wouldnt be surprised if everyine died except varys >.> crafty s.o.b. thats just my opinion :P
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142126]@mista[/url]: I don't think this is a spoiler but I can confirm the imp is still very much alive at the end of book 5. If he's going to die i'd expect it to be at the very end of the whole series
almost 13 years ago
If the Imp dies I will drop the show forever and ever.
I'm not intentionally looking for spoilers about it but if I ever confirm that they will really kill him in the show I will drop it at once.
Still hoping they'd keep him alive in the show regardless of whatever happens in the books.
T Chicken
almost 13 years ago
I think she is a fan of....
Joffrey Baratheon (I know he aborted kittens but think Draco Malfoy).
almost 13 years ago
I know what you mean, my dad is a big fan of the series and I spoiled a big part in the exact same way. Felt super bad cause it was his favorite character as well :|
You guys are making things out a lot worse than they really are. Think positive guys, Tyrion is still alive for most of book 5 and Jon Snow isn't getting written out since the song of ice and fire is about the bastard Stark/Targaryan.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142007]@pygmalion[/url] I see what you did there. /approve.
almost 13 years ago
Hmm, one Engie referred to the other as "Engie". How in blazes do they differentiate between the two in everyday conversation?
"Yeah?" "What is it?"
"Er, I meant.. er.. hell with it, where's the maid?"
almost 13 years ago
@John Snow: I dunno, I got a vibe that something was going on behind the scenes. We've already seen a few twists on what we thought we knew so who knows with this.
almost 13 years ago
The cool thing I heard was that the writer of the books already told the director of the tv series how it ends, just in case something bad were to happen to the writer before he finishes the last book.
almost 13 years ago
The only character to be attached to is Winter. Because, y'know. "It's coming."
almost 13 years ago
*yawn* I never have been that bothered by spoilers--even if you know what's going to happen, the fun is in seeing how and why it happens, and how it's written/acted/whatever out.
almost 13 years ago
Tyrion Lannister is best character.
John Snow
almost 13 years ago
Sadly I die....
That Guy
almost 13 years ago
Wanna hear a spoiler? SOMEONE DIES HORRIBLY
almost 13 years ago
tyrion kills his dad? nice
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141941]@primarch359[/url]: Yeah that was the part where I was like "okay I'm done." I read a bit further, but I realized that after that event all I really wanted was for all the remaining surviving characters to be killed by dragons or ice zombies, and neither of these events appeared to be happening soon.
almost 13 years ago
please skip book 5 I want to see the series finished
If Jonb Snow dies, i gonna personally murder GRR Martin
almost 13 years ago
@Spoilers Are Fun: It's more of a political novel series really. The death is just more permanent.
almost 13 years ago
I'd hit it. Twice.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141979]@Denial[/url]: I got bad news for the residents and former residents of Winterfell. Bad news.
anonymous coward
almost 13 years ago
What are you talking about, the purpose of Sean Bean in your story is to die unexpectedly part way in.
Anyway he is clearly referring to Theon Greyjoy, that one is never coming back for sure!
almost 13 years ago
You mean Robert Stark ?
Mr. Al
almost 13 years ago
My interest for GoT instanly dropped when they killed Sean bean -_-
almost 13 years ago
Are you sure you want to know? Half the fun of the books is seeing how your favorite characters get viciously murdered.
almost 13 years ago
At first I thought that it was some sort of SCP comic...
almost 13 years ago
Sayorain: They went into it pretty thoroughly as to why Snape killed Dumbledore. He was dying already and they were forcing Draco to do it to prove his loyalty. So it was just easier to let it happen and fool Voldamort into thinking he was winning as his organization crumbles around him.
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, from what I hear it's kind of an "everyone dies" type of franchise.
Ok, no need to tell me who died. Just tell who from original cast is alive by the end of book 5?
almost 13 years ago
I keep ending up in the same situation. And it could be absolutely anyone. It's very hard to troll people with GoT since saying "Oh, just wait until [character still alive in book 5] dies!" might be true (or is a character they don't know yet ¬.¬)
almost 13 years ago
What? So more likeable characters are gonna die?!
They already killed of my favorite (Sean Bean)!!!
How can they let this happen!!!
almost 13 years ago
It's not a spoiler if the original work has been around for years and you didn't take the opportunity to read it. Goes with every other thing in the world.
almost 13 years ago
The most important thing is to never get attached to a helicopter pilot. Damn things always get shot down.
Spoilers Are Fun
almost 13 years ago
It's never intentional when it happens, but a similar situation happened when I told a friend that Death Note wasn't as fun to read once L died.
The genre determines everything:
If it's a tragedy, you must assume either all the cool people die, or everyone dies.
GoT is a tragedy, I think.
almost 13 years ago
I got attached to Sean Bean and Drogo.
It didn't end up very well.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
You know, I'm not supposed to tell you all this, but Darth Vader is TOTALLY Luke Skywalker's father.
almost 13 years ago
Get attached to no one... if there is a reason to care about a character, they're doomed. It's just going to take a while longer for some than others. If he's setting up the "darkness before the dawn" that many fantasy novels build up to, then it'll be pitch*fukkin*black by the end.
almost 13 years ago
Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck.
almost 13 years ago
"But a tip, try to not get too attached to any character. :)"
Everyone dies. If the character is likeable in any way, they will die. If they are a complete scumbag they have a slightly lower chance of death. If you have not established that pattern by the end of the first book you weren't reading the same GoT I was.
almost 13 years ago
With strange aeons...
almost 13 years ago
I think you have been taking them too much for granite lately.
almost 13 years ago
You don't break a marriage oath without making a few enemies.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_141908]@Mancs[/url]: But rises again, harder and stronger.
And I've read all the books too. It's SO HARD not to spoiler when chatting idly with people.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
I'm in the same position. I've read the books and loved them but can't stand the TV series. This leaves me pretty much unable to talk about it with people who have only seen the TV series for the reasons shown in the comic.
almost 13 years ago
When so many die you cant really call it a spoiler if you say that a person dies... It really depends on when and where :P
almost 13 years ago
SHHHHH I just started watching Game of Thrones. I ended season 1 today.
almost 13 years ago
I saw it coming from a mile away when I started reading the books a few years ago. He was to damn nice and full of honor to NOT die in that book.
And like Platypus said that anybody watching or reading that series should just be ready for everyone to die somehow. It's worse the Harry potter.
almost 13 years ago
What is dead may never die.
almost 13 years ago
Mr. Martin seems to love making his characters lives a living hell. People watching HBOs GoT should just be ready for every character they love or even remotely care about to be killed in the most hideous method possible.