What people are saying about "Tales From The Blizzard"
Tales From The Blizzard
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The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
O.M.G she turned that guy in to Justin Bieber, AAAAAHHHH!!!!!

We need Ghost Rider to save us all!

kidding but no I don't like Justin Bieber at all

Take care Baby...
over 12 years ago
almost 13 years ago
It's really true about the need for authenticators. I'm a computer tech and superduper careful what I click and where I go, only game on 1 pc too. Still got hacked.
almost 13 years ago
@shadowsfall It is possible to have both blizzard games and a ps3 you know. I do. I still don't feel the need to say anything bad about xbox or Wii owners. Go see the shrink if this need of yours keeps acting up imho.
almost 13 years ago
I don't know... Perhaps Blizzard does it on purpose just so you buy the authenticator?
almost 13 years ago
@My psn: shadowsfall: We got my little bro a PS3 for Christmas with the Uncharted series. Experiencing the video game version of passing a kidney stone isn't all that great. Oh but hey they can make a Super Smash Bros. clone. That says...something.
almost 13 years ago
Better yet, don't play Blizzard games. End of story.
attention sign
almost 13 years ago
Don't feed the troll.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
Your just envious of my platinum trophy account and all the ps3 EXCLUSIVES i own. it's ok to cry like the little bitch you are. just jump off a bridge since your broke after spending all your money on your sad virgin warcraft machine and can't afford a ps3 and experience Uncharted.
almost 13 years ago
@The real My psn: shadowsfall: Are you a douchebag? Cause your behavior is exactly like one.
The real My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
real mature. Hiding behind my username to hide your sexuality. Your just some freak of nature with ADHD or autism or some defect like that. The mentally challenged should be thrown in the woods to fend for themselves along with socially arkward pc (gamers).
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
Nevermind my statements - I suck penises.
almost 13 years ago
@My psn: shadowsfall: Steam has over 25 million total users... pretty close to the XBox Live numbers at least. Researching your point before making them is a smart thing to do.
Gabe Newell
almost 13 years ago
I'm sorry mr.shadowfall. But combine the user base of all PC gaming services such as Steam, Origin, GOG, Older games being tracked through Xfire and casual game sites such as POGO and Facebook then you'll notice that PSN's numbers are actually not so impressive in comparison.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
piss off counter-douch. compare the numbers of steam users to those of xbox live and psn. check and mate.
almost 13 years ago
Authenticators add a nice layer of security, but Blizzard has been treating them as the first layer rather than doing their job and securing things on their side. The authenticators don't even work against certain forms of hacking. Diablo seems to have the same session security flaw that Rift did.
almost 13 years ago
@My psn: shadowsfall: Valve. Game Set Match.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
OK mr. bellics retarded offspring. If they used PCs to create Uncharted and Killzone why are they not on your shitty dying platform? I think your full of shit. Developers giving away free stuff? They are not communists. You hacked and pirated all those free downloads. pc gamers pirate everything.
Niko Bellic@LibertyCityOnline
almost 13 years ago
also pcs have let you download new content and mods since decades before the 360 and ps3. your just getting charged top dollar for a small fraction of what pc gamers have been getting for free for years now. back in the day developers rewarded you with free content for buying their games.
Niko Bellic@LibertyCityOnline
almost 13 years ago
@My psn: shadowsfall : you do realize all console software was developed on computers right? sony did not just typed in some code into existing ps2s to create the first ps3 prototype's software and OS out of thin air. game devs use pcs and dev consoles to create new console games.
almost 13 years ago
@My psn: shadowsfall: You were an accident.

Your mom was an unlucky whore.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
Your just angry because no one gives a shit about pcs and they have no exclusives. Uncharted and Killzone innovated shooters and gaming forever and your missing out on it because game developers now develope games on the consoles for the consoles. the 360 and ps3 created downloads for games.
almost 13 years ago
@My psn: shadowsfall: You were an accident.

Your mom was an unlucky whore.
Goodnight forever!
almost 13 years ago
Dear Mr. My psn: shadowsfall

Unlike basement dwellers like you, who got a PS3 from their mothers, sophisticated, working individuals can afford both a console and a PC.

The simple fact you could not conceive this reality makes your retarded.
almost 13 years ago
Go to hell, all of you.
almost 13 years ago
Mr. My psn: shadowsfall, I think it may be you who is inbreed. My IQ has gone down 30% from reading your post alone.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
Enjoy your dead pc gaming jedi master cocksucker. Does pc have Uncharted, Halo and Froza? i think not. pc gaming is for basement virgins like that one warcraft southpark! you and your little inbreed brother are going to die alone in a basement spending 800 dollars a month for upgrades while im bangi
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
You little brother was a retard and a fag.Im glad i kicked his ass off psn. Do th right thing and just throw his ass in a foster home so he can get beat up everyday like the mentally challenged queer he is. he told me about his autism. he and the rest of them should be put down from birth.
Jedi Master Zoiberg
almost 13 years ago
My psn: shadowsfall < People like this guy is why i'm happy my brother is playing over steam instead. Infinitely more safe with the custom privacy settings and the fact we're always playing the same game together.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
You little brother was a retard and a fag.Im glad i kicked his ass off psn. Do th right thing and just throw his ass in a foster home so he can get beat up everyday like the mentally challenged queer he is. he told me about his autism. he and the rest of them should be put down from birth.
almost 13 years ago
What does any of this ps3 stuff have to do with nerf now? :3
almost 13 years ago
Lawl I've only ever got hacked once, don't need no lame authenticator. And it doesnt work, friend of mine still plays WoW with that crap and still got hacked. Protip: Don't Play Blizzard games if you don't want to be hacked.
Jedi Master Zoiberg
almost 13 years ago
Yeah.... i think i remember a "shadowsfall" that scammed by kid brother over that ps3 service. Perfect opportunity to bring my brother over to the dark side that is pc gaming. Now he uses steam for online games and GOG.com for single player games. All GOG games are backed up on my external drive.
scammed on psn
almost 13 years ago
im sorry raptureassassin * not rapturesassassin.
scammed on psn
almost 13 years ago
shadowsfall is a fucking scammer. i can confirm a handful of accounts he's stolen smackndr, rockdraco, rapturesassassin, nickepic12, scotch18, gears_allbee, alexisrocks223, USA-for-Kalle, southparking and many others.
My psn: shadowsfall
almost 13 years ago
Greetings from socal. I am willing to give you 200 free games for your psn login. I am not responsible for any charges to your account. Check out my profile to see my selection. However you will need to let me go into your account first then after the first week you may have 15 minutes on mine.
almost 13 years ago
So...one thing I don't understand.

Is there only one kind of Blizzard authenticator? Or are there separate ones for different games? Would I be able to use the one I originally got for playing WoW when they first came out be able to be used if I were to buy Diablo III?

Sorry for the bother.
almost 13 years ago
This just in, Blizzard is requiring an authenticator for the auction house.

Pay to get paid.

almost 13 years ago
Joe you do know that an authenticator won't help you a bit when someone steals your session?
You can't do jack about it and it's the most used hacking method in Diablo 3 so far.
So please stop this crap, yes it's safer, but it won't help you if someone gets a holf of your session.
Well, about that...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142322]@wkz[/url], there is a one word cure for cancer that will make you immune to any future occurrences: death.
almost 13 years ago
... it is an Elvis wig! THAT IS DOUG!
Devil Dan
almost 13 years ago
This comic made me install a authentificator. I don't want to be a green blob. BLOORG
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142322]@wkz[/url] What an authenticator does is simply weed out a lot of simpler attack vectors that people are inclined to fall for or be simply unaware of. In essence, the authenticator raises the costs of hacking above the cost effective level for the majority of those who are doing it.
almost 13 years ago
ps: thanks blizzard to do so much [censure] with your games, I safe my money since wow LK
almost 13 years ago
blizzard sells the accounts to goldseller, they had ads for them sites during a day on official forums...

just to sell their fake security key and make more money before you'll be hacked again, and again,and again, and again, and...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142284]@Juan[/url]: I agree. Blizzard makes this easier and easier for me by making their games crappier and crappier. with so many better games out there to be had, There's plenty of alternatives.
Oh hey
almost 13 years ago
Your house will die, your cat will leave you and your wife will catch on fire.
almost 13 years ago
( PS: my last comment? BOTH at the pro-"Get an authenticator, be IMMUNE!!" camp and against-"HA!! BLIZZARD SUX BALLS, I DID XXXX AND STILL GOT HAXORZ!!" camp... )
almost 13 years ago
Also, saying "I did X and so I never got hacked" is stupid... hacking is a word that actually covers an insanely wide spectrum of angles and attacks.

Much like saying "cure for cancer", you'll be laughed at if you think you're immune when you do ONE thing only.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142242]@Alex[/url]: [url=#user_comment_142240] @Gakuno[/url] : I think that's the hacker's whole intention... not to mention filling the admins inbox full of white noise so they can't spot the legit cases. ...PS: did you get banned?
Pony fighter
almost 13 years ago
For PonyLand!
almost 13 years ago
"...and then Ralph was a tentacle monster."
almost 13 years ago
BTW, Queen Chrysalis is based off one of the many depictions of Lamias.

Thus, we are one and the same.
almost 13 years ago

Never been hacked. Besides, "hacked" is not the right term here. While there are always flaws in security, I'm not certain Blizzard freely lets people walk in and out of their databases.
I hope you're trolling
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142292]@Changeling[/url]: You're not an otherkin.
almost 13 years ago
To add to what Kaz said, when I got hacked in WoW, it took them 3 days to give me back my account with everything that was stolen from me...and more. Apparently, the gold the hacker got from selling all my stuff was given back to me as well as my stuff so I got 12 000 free gold by being hacked.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142279]@Lamie[/url]: Are you mad because you got hacked and not me? :3 [url=#user_comment_142287] @ChaZcaTriX[/url] Go away disgusting brony, changelings existed way before your stupid cartoon
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142279]@Lamie[/url]: Don't speak foul of Queen Chrysalis!
almost 13 years ago
Don't test the curse of Blizzard, indeed.

Just don't play their games.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142277]@Changeling[/url]: You were an accident. Your mom was an unlucky whore.
almost 13 years ago
I play D3 and used to play WoW, no authentificator, never been hacked.

Problem unlucky fag? Btw if you got hacked it's your own fault, deal with it ;)
almost 13 years ago
Why is Ralph dressed as Doug Funnie?
almost 13 years ago
Or you could always just not play Blizzard games since they went to corporate money grabing by implementing such a system in the first place.
And play plenty of other games.
Like Torchlight 2
or Path of Exile
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Post semi related due to comic description.
Apparently Asia doesn’t have the internet and don’t know English “facepalm”.

nerfnow home of future Anders Breivik worshipers.

and if you think I'll replay to your post have another “facepalm” for the road :).
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142240]@Gakuno[/url] I heard such things can get you banned for (supposedly) being a hacker's twink.
almost 13 years ago

One game I used to play, I got an alert my account security was compromised. I logged on immediately, only to find out my inventory was full of awesomeness. There was a note (you could write notes in that game, it becomes and item and you could trade it) saying "No thanks needed."
almost 13 years ago
Aside from having to go through tons of steps to get my account back... being hacked was the best thing ever happened in WOW.
I logged on to have 100,000 gold, and stacks upon stakcs of mats to sell for another 10,000 gold.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142228]@dom[/url] do you have any proof? or is this something you've "heard" of
almost 13 years ago
Is there a common name for Farmville, Travian, WoW, EVE, Diablo3 and TF2? I think it's all MMO-s, because they involve massively amount of people playing with each other.
almost 13 years ago
I would agree...
...Unfortunately, there are ways for hackers to bypass authenticators entirely.
Diablo 3 is a gold mine for them, too. I mean, it's not a MMO, it's online at all times, it has real money involved...
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142184]@Crysalim[/url] Google SSH Tunneling plz
almost 13 years ago
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142184]@Crysalim[/url]: If you need to go have a testing gig at blizzard to figure out how an authenticator works, you are retarded and need to learn to use wikipedia, dumbfuckhead
Information Ant
almost 13 years ago

And more info on protection here: http://daeity.blogspot.ca/search/label/security
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142200]@noko[/url]: Stop looking for the blizz consipracy. For every person who is pc smart and avoids dodgy websites there will be a dozen people who think just looking at a gold selling site won't hurt and get themself logged via the latest hack/vulnerability
almost 13 years ago
Engie looks awesome :D
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142200]@noko[/url] Risk vs. Reward, ease of turning hacked accounts into $$, and supply of people who aren't careful with their information because "it's just a game."
almost 13 years ago
@Stop being stupid: so noone targets credit card companies? or paypal passwords? stealing imaginary gold is surely lest rewarding, why hackers are not targetting them?

Sure there are more hackers in blizzard games but I don't think blizzard is innocent here
almost 13 years ago
I did the right think and played the game with a friends account, the game is good(Never played older diablo), it gives you very little customization settings. I would pay 15-20 dollars for it.
almost 13 years ago
Never got hacked playing Panzer General 2 and that game is much better than everything Blizzard has ever released, combined. Just saying that sometimes the older and simpler games are better.
almost 13 years ago
You gotta be joking about the authenticator. Even with one an account is too easy to hack. The true tip is to never play public in D3.
almost 13 years ago
Logging into D3 now I just realised how most people are being got, constant gold selling spam with web address's. Nothing better than getting curious people to visit your site, selling them gold, keylogging them and taking it all back.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142184]@Crysalim[/url]: Strong passwords dont matter, they exploits vulnerabilities in peoples pc to infect with keyloggers. It's big business and they pull out all the stops
Stop being stupid
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142187]@Meh[/url]: Their security is better than a lot of other people, it's just more people target a more popular game. Authenticators are free on your phones and only cost money to ship to you for a physical one.
almost 13 years ago
Blizzard has a pretty lax approach to security it seems. Emails aren't protected, and there currently isn't a password lock out after x amount of failed logins with DIII at the moment. It seems like a business move to peddle their authenticators at the expense of their customers account security.
almost 13 years ago
hahhaa..I've had a few friends succumb to this. It makes me appreciate my literally impossible to guess strong password; incidentally, I have been fortunate enough to get testing gigs at Blizzard, and I know how the authenticator works. It really is helpful, and if you're afraid, it will protect.
almost 13 years ago
Got hacked on wow today, for the 4th time on my life and on other pc than the one from those other 3 times, no one had my password. i dont have an autenticator. =/
almost 13 years ago
If a brute force attack on a good password was possible - then it would be entirely Blizzard's fault.
The Curse
almost 13 years ago
Better yet, don't ever touch anything Blizzard.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142177]@Pierrot[/url]: I mistook the name, it is not sql injection, I forgot the name of this attack, it is when a list of passwords is automated to be tryied to logon on ur account.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142173]@Shieldman[/url] Read my comment just before yours. If the database was dumped - the password length increases resistance against brute force pick (up to 16~128 symbols usually); unique passwords will be a real pain to decipher.
almost 13 years ago
Couldn't agree more.

almost 13 years ago
The only security issue of Blizzard's games is the amount of paying users - it's just a very big, fat target attracting phishers and malware developers.
And well, the more overall users - the more idiots among them, thus the outrageous "accounts hacked" numbers.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142171]@ChaZcaTriX[/url] I was getting at the fact that Demetrio believes that a SQL injection targets individuals rather than an entire database
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142165]@demetrio[/url] Yeah, I literally did a five-minute search into SQL injection, and it doesn't matter if your password is "drowssap" or the first twenty pages of the Odyssey translated into Esperanto and scrambled. (Well, maybe that would help. That would be pretty damn hard to type in.)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142168]@Pierrot[/url] even if the extract-via-injection was possible, nobody (but Sony) stores their passwords in plain text. They're stored as salted hash and the original passwords are very, VERY hard to retrieve from this data.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142165]@demetrio[/url] because If you do, you'd know that a gibberish password wouldn't protect you more than a password thats 3 characters long.
almost 13 years ago
@dementio do you know what an sql injection is?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142114]@Yalichenta[/url]: u might be right, but I would like to take any kind of risk, I have a good ammount of wealth at my wow account and I'm making a good ammount at diablo, 'prevention is better than cure', so I prefer to have a 'gibberish' password that I'm sure that SQL injection will not work.
almost 13 years ago
Probably true Drakon, but I think you could remove the "being hacked" from that sentence and it'd still be true, judging from youtube comments anyway.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142159]@Unnamed[/url]: To be fair, most people being hacked *are*, as you put it, "a mouth-breathing phishing-link clicking moron".
almost 13 years ago
Well of course. But I don't, I don't click phishing links (or ANY links actually) and I have zero viruses. I'd never claim everyone who gets hacked is completely blameless, but not all of them are at fault in any way.
almost 13 years ago
I was pretty surprised at how creative some phishers get.

but I still believe that some people who get hacked are at fault when they use the same user/pw for everything.
almost 13 years ago
OK, so it is b.net at fault. I never claimed Blizzard was alone in the problem, nor that it was purposeful, I just find it irritating that people believe everyone being hacked is a mouth-breathing phishing-link clicking moron, because they themselves haven't been hacked.
almost 13 years ago
I'm not obsessed with thinking it's the individuals fault.

I just think a lot of people here are misinformed about what has happened in the past.
almost 13 years ago
With other things such as b.net/paypal etc.

That's just one example of something like this happening in the past. It's happened to multiple websites with login details such as fansites

And not everything would happen straight away either, the hackers could just gather up a large sum of details
almost 13 years ago
During the switch there were multiple huge threads of people with a similar problem. I don't know why you're so obsessed with thinking it must be individuals at fault. I don't think Blizzard purposefully leaked passwords, just their support page was compromised.
almost 13 years ago
It's not purely logical.
There are multiple ways to lose your account, such as forums being hacked.

Markeedragon being an example, had their forum database compromised, yet nobody tried to access the forum accounts from the database. Why?

because they were trying to match the account emails
almost 13 years ago
It would seem that everyone suddenly being hacked, after never being hacked before the switch would mean that Blizzard is at fault. This is purely logical. I should note that no other companies other than Blizzard feel the need to sell account security.
almost 13 years ago
I've had more than 30 people on my list who weren't hacked during the time b.net switched over, so your evidence is anecdotal and could be a coincidence that half your list was hacked.

not every person who has been hacked is because blizzard has been hacked
almost 13 years ago
It does not mean that blizzard was hacked

It's fairly easy to set up bots to just go through account details and strip everything off the character (as documented by the video i linked at the bottom)

almost 13 years ago
You don't understand. There WERE mass hackings after the battle.net switch. I only have about 18 people in my friends list. More than half (all with access to their guild bank) were hacked. This included two of the other officers in my guild, which had four total. The last one had an authenticator.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142147]@unnamed[/url] I don't see why people think blizzard are the ones who get hacked when you as an individual is hacked. If blizzard got hacked, wouldn't you think more than a few people would lose their characters/items? It's kind of stupid to assume that they wouldn't protect their servers.
almost 13 years ago
I only got hacked once, on my WoW account.
It was just after Blizzard switched to battle.net rather than whatever they did before. I did a search with four different antivirus programs and found nothing. Same happened with 10 other people I knew who never had viruses. Blizzard needs securer servers
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142108]@Demetrio[/url] depending on the keylogger, they can record copy paste as well. [url=#user_comment_142136] @CM[/url] see above [url=#user_comment_142140] @heh[/url] - does your b.net account details use the same details as any other website you've visited? not all compromises are because the computer you use to play the game is 100% safe
almost 13 years ago
I got hacked multiple times before the authenticators came onto the market. Bought one, never got hacked again.
Blizzard and every game they come up with is still a piece of junk though.
almost 13 years ago
*** add on read below

This makes keylogging nearly impossible, since it's not typed in correct order. I used different info for every website/email/forum/Chara. Not to mention this laptop had no visted ANY websites at ALL. I literally popped D3 installed it and played, and yup hacked.
almost 13 years ago
Everyone calls us idiots. I would like to throw out somthing. I was hacked, yes and until this i never knew an authenticator existed (great advertising there)
I was on a reformatted laptop, with a new password every week that i type in a mixed 3 part system, and moved with the mouse.
almost 13 years ago
He restored my character of course, but it's really no stretch of the imagination to imagine blizz is a buntch of money hungry fuckwits who are eventually going to get caught, and some folks might be doing some jail time if and when they do. ;p
Everything blizzard touches is fail, btw.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142070]@Huttj[/url] Random-character password, stored in KeePass on a USB stick, and copy-pasted when used. One password per thing. It's about as safe as it gets.
almost 13 years ago
... So I spoke with the blizz rep who said I should buy an authenticator. I told him I believed blizzard was responsible for not only rampant gold farmers being about, blizz getting a cut of course as more accounts are bought, but also are responsible for the hacking pandemic to sell authenticators.
almost 13 years ago
.... And that my account had been re-activated using a trial extension, and that it had been used for gold farming or some bullshit. Ect. I found it impossible to believe. I've never been hacked before, and I'd done nothing to expose a vulnerability......
almost 13 years ago
Look. Authenticators, and Blizzard are both bullshit. I had my account hacked once, as an example. I dont log onto fan sites. I don't respond to blizz emails at all. I even stop playing WoW. 3 months later, I recieve an email saying I'm hacked...
almost 13 years ago
Huh, how coincidental. I just found out I was hacked yesterday and I'm waiting for a rollback right now.
almost 13 years ago
I played WoW for a couple of years without an authenticator and I never got hacked. Not downloading suspicious files goes a long way I guess.
almost 13 years ago
I played wow for years and years with no authenticator and I only got hacked once last year and they gave me all my stuff back in two hours.
An authenticator seems like an almost useless annoyance.
almost 13 years ago
Here are the number of threads of hacked Diablo 3 accounts on blizzards own forums.

Friday 8th__36,047 = 5,049 (EU) + 30,998 (US)
Friday 1st__23,802
Friday 25__14,683 = 2,114 (EU) + 12,569 (US)

Note these are THREADS not posts.
almost 13 years ago
I don't understand why my blizzard account would be a prey more than other games or amazon account.
almost 13 years ago
I am just going to say this once.

It's about keyloggers. Unsucure systems are an open book. Also... most virus scanners WILL NOT find keyloggers.

Also... never have your Ingame name be the same as your account name. Thats like asking to get hacked.
almost 13 years ago
Demetrio -> a very strong password don't have to be total gibberish, just a combination of 3+ words (or acronym) and 1-2 ponctuation marks is usually really good, and also easy to remember.

(ie "CorrectHorseBatteryStaple!", adapted from http://xkcd.com/936/ )
Dark Wonderer
almost 13 years ago
I wonder if my D3 can still be hacked as I play solo 90% of the time, the other 10% being with a few IRL friends.
almost 13 years ago
What are you doing making blizzard comics while the Guild Wars 2 beta is running?
almost 13 years ago
This used to be my last password, and I change it every week, of couse I cant record in my memory something like this, so I put it into some folder, notes, etc, with a random name and crtl+c ctrl+v the password, with this tecnique u can also avoid keyloggers
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142087]@Dook[/url] every computer game can be hacked. If you got games that didnt get hacked, its cause you were lucky/careful or because they were single player game. No sense in hacking those.
almost 13 years ago
Some hackers already tryied to hack me multiple times and I dont have an authenticator, how I know that? because the error 403 (too many tries) is pretty common to me. The hint to block their access, is to create a really REALLY STRONG password, like that: @:/+cY#s7~t#Y6RLzW$JV
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
Reading some of the comments here, some of y'all deserve to get hacked and raped right through your pants.
almost 13 years ago
I'm not paying $6.50 for account security because Blizzard can't fucking do it themselves.
almost 13 years ago
I've been playing Starcraft 2 ever since it came out without an authenticator. Come at me bro.
almost 13 years ago
I play WoW without an authenticator...When I was hacked I ended up getting more Gold and my stuff wasn't even touched.
I don't know anout D3
almost 13 years ago
I didn't play it and, God, I really doubt I will ever feel bad enough to try it out. But after three years in WoW without authenticator, I am yet to be hacked.
almost 13 years ago
Authenticator which does not work for diablo 3.

Public game session spoofing has been fixed since 2 weeks ago too.
almost 13 years ago
The hacker also states the blizzard can't be hacked because their security is bulletproof, so Dook is wrong on that part.

Authenticators do protect you. Nobody has been hacked with a mobile/physical authenticator (people claim that they have one but they really don't, or are using the phone/sms
almost 13 years ago
You guys all seem misinformed about authenticators and hacking.


Markeedragon interviewed a botter who gives insight on how people are "hacked" (around 20min or so)

but tldr - stop using the same user/email/pw for every website
almost 13 years ago
When a game or account system gets hacked BAD, I simply stop using it. I have no reason to trust it anymore. There's still plenty of good games for me to play, so it's no big loss.
almost 13 years ago
It's funny. More accounts are actually getting stolen with authenicators. IF you play a session with a random. There is a chance the person used a tool to get some kind of seed from the authenticator. It actually made it faster.
almost 13 years ago
You give your credit card info to someone for them to keep why would you think it'd be safe? They have no need to heighten security, people will go ahead and resubscribe when they get their new credit card.
almost 13 years ago
*proceeds to play them both*
What that guy said
almost 13 years ago
«No matter what don't, I repeat, DO NOT play Diablo or WoW.» Period. :)
almost 13 years ago
«No matter what don't, I repeat, DO NOT play Diablo or WoW.» Period. :)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142065]@CM[/url] The issue is mainly password reuse. Used same password on a fansite, or even for a different thing entirely? Might have been compromised. The authenticator provides a layer of security if your e-mail/password combo is compromised for any reason, be it password sharing, keylogger, phishing,etc
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, I lost about 1mil and a bunch of rares. Sadness.
almost 13 years ago
Considering my password is too complex to remember and just short enough to fit in the system, I think I'm probably safe.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Never ever PAY for a Authenticator. They are worthless and can be worked around. Authenticator basically just makes you 5% more secure... not any more secure then someone without one.
almost 13 years ago

(It wouldn't hurt as much if I weren't a teacher of English X'D)
almost 13 years ago
I bought mine mainly for the pet but ended up getting my father one too. He had spent WAY more time upgrading his character then I had and looked a bit more shiny then I standing there.
almost 13 years ago
In first hand experience those little 6.50 plastic things can take a major beating. Lets just say I forgot mine in a pants pocket a few weekends ago and it ran through the washer AND dryer and came out like nobodies business.
almost 13 years ago
"Don't have sex ever. You will DIE. No matter what position!"
The guy that lives down the street
almost 13 years ago
Too many grammar errors below the comic aarrghhh
Dat broken english
almost 13 years ago
Nuff said
almost 13 years ago
or you just

don't play blizzard games

at all

BLU Scout
almost 13 years ago
I made it back with the Intel! Yeah yeah yeah!