What people are saying about "The Launch"
The Launch
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The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Oh wow Nadia's boyfriend John made a new machine and did something Very!!! stupid.

I hope John is alright tho...

Take care and always look a the sea at sun set, You'll know why.
over 12 years ago
Also bid farewell to that travesty of a game after the R-AH hit, luckily I finished that Infernoz in 3 weeks from release anyway.
over 12 years ago
The blondie there is cute.
Kevin Again
over 12 years ago
I don't think D3 was ever intended to be a endless grindfest like wow. seriously, d2 was cool but its player base consisted mostly of gold farmers rather than actual legit players. as for the D3 gameplay, everything is perfect except for dungeon length, the boss fights and god in hell infernal.
over 12 years ago
Well the problem is that people basically blast grinded azmodam on act III until the end of the world(spawning everybody hates azmodam fight problem)got to end game too fast and now complains about everything the game has to offer.people complain right now but they still want d3 to be good.laughable
almost 13 years ago
There may be other games out there or in development that are better for cheaper (which and whether this is true is subjective) but unless you're really rushing even GETTING to Inferno is a lot of playtime. So it may be a question of opportunity cost, but not an objective waste of money.
almost 13 years ago
On the question of 'is it worth it' - well, without touching Inferno (which is where the AH reportedly starts really being required, RM or gold) getting a character of each class up to 60 is still a lot of hours. For less than a dollar an hour, it's worth it.
almost 13 years ago
From what I've seen, Blizzard reps have claimed that that was from a misinterpretation (on their behalf, IIRC) and there's not actually a link between the AH and drop rates. Whether you believe that claim depends on your own personal cynicism, but they are denying the link.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142712]@George[/url]: The problem is it most likely WILL affect you, through patching at least. You can think something is easy while it gets nerfed. And blues admitted that when the amount of good items on the AH goes up, the drop rates go down. Either use it or enjoy your low drop rates!
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142687]@Flashburn[/url]: "Regardless of if this crashes or not" The characters are even literally spectating. He could not be more objective than this.
university whore
almost 13 years ago
So, im wondering. Who else is not buying anymore blizzard games from now on and why? Personally, I don't think they have the quality I expect and they do not give me the enjoyment I seek.
almost 13 years ago
There is no blizzard anymore, just activision. Which is as bad as EA and Ubisoft.
almost 13 years ago
Why Diablo sucks (should be self explainable). Blizzard's nearly the same as EA now as far as I care.
almost 13 years ago
Balon Greyjoy: That amulet around you rneck. Did you pay the iron price for it, or the gold? I asked you a question! Did you pull it from the neck of a corpse you made or did you buy it to match your fine clothes!? IRON OR GOLD!?
Azure Dragon
almost 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall lol! blizzard never gave a fuck about their players. They realized from WoW that diablo 3 would just get all the chinese gold farmers and item sellers etc. regardless of what they did so they just said fuck it and wanted a piece of the pie.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
I know Blizzard probably thought they were doing their players a favor with this one, but one of the reasons I play videogames is to enter a world where everyone is supposed to have a fair chance.

The real world already lets the rich and lazy buy a win; videogames shouldn't depend on it too.
almost 13 years ago
So to me, that sort of situation undermines the game play at heart. I would like to think that I would have to sense not to purchase items, even if I had 200 dollars. The inability to play Act 2+ as a melee character is disheartening. I know I may not be uber, but I am certainly not awful.
almost 13 years ago
I'm rather torn at the situation. It feels as though in order to advance you must procure items from the AH on a regular basis. I understand and agree that Inferno difficulty should be hard...
But from personal experience, I noticed that Act 1 became incredibly easy once I found a higher DPS wpn
almost 13 years ago
My predictions?
RMAH is going to have 3 good wing flaps and barely falling, leading to many players claiming it works and start partying. Then he is going to plummet like a rock, go splat, and only seen by those wishing it would fail. Leading to a riot between saying he flew off, and he crashed.
almost 13 years ago
Pois é Jo, eu vou continuar me divertindo com Diablo 3, mas entendo sua frustração.

Yeah Jo, i will keep having fun with Diablo 3, but i understand your frustation.
almost 13 years ago
@University, games should be challenging yes. But they shouldn't be "breaking a concrete wall down with your head" challenging.
Sadly most games take exactly that approach. And at least to me that's missing the point of a game. That people have fun while playing.
University Bitch
almost 13 years ago
Players should never have to limit themselves, underlevel themselves, undergear themselves or whatever themselves, to challenge themselves. The game must be a wall, must be hard, and must force you to try and play your best or die trying.
almost 13 years ago
Finally, that means a good game is designed to force the player to play at his best, all the time, even if using all the ressources available. Difficulties are there to tier players - each difficulty is made for a level of skill, but will (MUST!) challenge that skill to it's limits.
almost 13 years ago
That means your chance to drop a good item is lower, and that using the AH is necessary. Also, back to "play to win", a good player (at any game) uses all the available legal methods to win. That means no method that uses external ressources except time (so no real money) and no cheats.
almost 13 years ago
I'd add to that the fact that Blizzard tuned the drops considering that the RMAH exists and people put drops on it. They split the chance to drop taking in consideration that a couple hundred thousands games or more is played at all time in average.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142712]@George[/url]: You cannot CHOOSE to not partake in the RMAH, if you want to tackle inferno. Well you technically can, but that would go against "Play to win" mentality. http://www.sirlin.net/ptw
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142588]@TheBaron87[/url] That's only true because people make it true. Anything that doesn't hurt other players or make the company lose money is only as big of an issue as people make it. I guess, grammatically, "Shouldn't matter" makes more sense than "Doesn't matter" but I don't think that's what you meant.
almost 13 years ago
Also,[url=#user_comment_142708] @Someguy[/url] I'm pretty sure V has standards, they're just based on "am I having fun" and not "are other people having fun the way I want them to". At least, that's how I have standards, and I'll overlook flaws from time to time.
almost 13 years ago
[cont] they, personally, dislike something. Especially when, like the RMAH, it has no impact on how they play the game and cannot harm them unless they choose to participate in it (if then). You, on the other hand, actually made a show of goodwill toward people who disagree and still play the game.
almost 13 years ago
Jo, regardless of what The Internet thinks, I think it's nice that you've managed to make your complaint AND admit that it's a matter of personal opinion. Not a lot of that these days... everyone's all "BLIZZARD/EA/[INSERT GAME COMPANY HERE] IS SATAN" and "GAMES ARE RUINED FOREVER" and etc. whenever
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142706]@V[/url] Congrats on being able to overlook flaws, some of us are cursed with standards.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142677]@Jeremy[/url] You're gonna have to get a lot of eggs when they rescale the hunger meter to make life "harder" because so many people eat steak.
almost 13 years ago
Still enjoying it,
the mindless hate only fueled my desire to play and overlook any flaws.
So, again, thanks for spending your time hating instead of playing D2 or TL2.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Biggest problem with both sides. D3 is not D2.

D2 is a polished gem that was slowly carved over the years.

D3 is a coal, slowly smoldering.

D3 needs work. Alot of it. I hope it gets better. Right now? Storyline is worth playing through. Hell is worth getting to. Inferno is trash.
And then there's this faggot
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142693]@Davtwan[/url]: People buying a full product without researching or understanding it? Wow, it's like they're retarded or something. WOOPS CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THAT HYPE.
almost 13 years ago



What pains me most about you faggots that defend this game, is that this is essentially the Duke Nukem Forever of ARPGS, but you refuse to admit it.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142687]@Flashburn[/url]: People changing their opinion after trying a game? Wow, it's like they're human or something.
almost 13 years ago
Hi ho blizzard defense force!

At least watch these videos before you blindly defend the atrocity that is D3.

almost 13 years ago
Considering how much worse you could do for $60 considering the hours of play to get through to inferno alone, I'd say it WAS money well spent.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142654]@Pyro_BR[/url]: E outra coisa, tu vem falar de 'orgulho' de ser patriota, ta de sacanagem né? Brasileiro não é patriota nem a pau, nos dias de hoje se alguem ai sabe cantar o hino nacional é porque os avós ensinaram ou porque tentou aprender vendo jogo de copa do mundo.
almost 13 years ago
Oh Jo, before you were praising Diablo 3 and how it would be the be-all end-all game.

Now look at you, dropping the game like its an ugly baby. You preachy hypocritical twit.

$60 to play Diablo 3, huh? Yeah, money well spent!
almost 13 years ago
dota 2 isnt blizzard, but i must say that when tf2 charged money, i actually only thought it was becoming P2W, it aint.
most vanilla characters on tf2 are tricky if you know how to use them, then they are better then all 'upgrades', also, i think dota 2 will have a pay system, but not P2W.
almost 13 years ago
when i look here it saddens me that so many say blizzard is in there for the money,
yes, they are in it for diablo3 and WoW, but dont forget those other good games that is always worth playing when you're bored.
SC1-SC2, warcraft 3, you name it.
AND i am waiting for dota 2,
almost 13 years ago
I took a peek at the RMAH just to see what's being offered on there. Frankly, I didn't see anything that I couldn't already get on the gold AH, if I was even that interested in purchasing from it.

Whether real money or gold or farming, we all have access to the same stuff.
almost 13 years ago
I kind of expected to see Tentacle Jo and Engie dressed in iconic 19th century cloths.
Viktor von Doom
almost 13 years ago
So much complaining, so little actually being said. You all just come straight over here from the GameFAQs forums or something? Not enough of an audience there to listen to your bitching?
almost 13 years ago
It doesn't matter whats your oppinion on the auction house. You already became the sucker when you shelled out +60 for this game.
almost 13 years ago
If my neighbor is eating steak, it doesn't make my eggs taste any worse. Especially if I don't know they are eating steak.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
So it occurs that tweaking the game after it's out, with an auction house intended to make things easier...

What is they tweak the game to make it herder?

Conspiracy? No way.
almost 13 years ago
month* goddounhut
almost 13 years ago
Have you played WoW?
People buying gold, paying 20-60 bucks for bots per acc/mounth, paying for a max lvl char, paying someone to farm BGs for honor, and that's what I remember.
almost 13 years ago
It really is the same thing as D2 idk what everyone is fussed about. Really you could buy all the items you wanted on D2 those with money always have better shit thats how these games work.

Besides that, when ladder mode comes out many of these problems will be fixed with ladder resets.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142660]@Andy[/url]: i wish that half; no a quarter of the gaming population would realize this. A great game is awesome! But if its only 7 hours of greatness it is not worth my money.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142654]@Pyro_BR[/url]: There are way more people who understand English than people who understand Portuguese. If you want to make a webcomic on the Internet you could make it in Portuguese for Brazilians and some Portuguese/Angolan/etc or make it in English for all the World.
almost 13 years ago
Por que quadrinhos sobre videogames fica melhor em ingles, e todo mundo que joga videogame e acessa a internet devia saber ingles de qualquer jeito.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142659]@Demétrio[/url]: Mas ele nasceu no Brasil ne ? I would be happily playing my game, if Ubisoft wasn't a bitch enough to delay it, AGAIN.
almost 13 years ago
I dunno why everyone is complaining so much about D3 or saying they're proud that they saw this coming and didn't buy it.

You can easily get 40-50 hours of playtime in before the problems become apparent. That's more playtime than most games this generation.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142654]@Pyro_BR[/url]: O Jo NÃO mora no Brasil, e o assunto que ele aborda, é melhor entendido por uma cultura norte americana, embora existam 'algumas' pessoas que entendem sobre games, no Brasil isso ainda é muito precário, ele vive disso, se dependesse do nosso amado Brasil ele tava fudido...
almost 13 years ago
Pow, os dono do site é brasileiro e tão fazendo tudo em inglês?
Isso sim é descaso com o próprio país. Cade o orgulho de ser br?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142635]@KingPopadopalus[/url]: They already said that they didn't "have time" to test inferno properly and that they left the players to do it so that they can fix some of the problems that arise now with broken class skills and the unbalanced difficulty progression between mobs, bosses and acts.
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
This is exactly why I did not purchase Diablo 3. I'm tired of the ol' buy-a-win.
almost 13 years ago
Countdown to webcomic justifying buying items in Diablo 3 with real money begins now.
almost 13 years ago
Too bad i can't sell my diablo III game :(
almost 13 years ago
Dear Jo: They will never change inferno, its how they planned the game to be and if you have a problem with it just play hell.
almost 13 years ago
The gold exploit by rolling back the clock was a hoax, it never worked. You can cancel auctions by doing that, but it won't give you your money back and never did. It isn't even April fools yet, come on now.
D.D Mining Co.
almost 13 years ago
Reminds me of hats, actually. They look FUCKING RIDICULOUS at times and yet the more stupid they look the more expensive they are.

I'm sticking with fitting hats for my classes. Like a Mining Light for my Engi, or the Trophy Belt for the Sniper. Spy can suck it.
almost 13 years ago
@Corey Moll: I'm 30 years old......I really hope I'm a troll.....
almost 13 years ago
There are DLCs with mega items already, D3 cash shop wont be that different, except that D3 looks more like f2p (that costs money) where you are forced to buy gear for inferno or get asskicked.
almost 13 years ago
mimimi much?
almost 13 years ago
If you seriously think people haven't been buying their way to an easy endgame since day one in this game or any other multi player game in the last decade then you're either blind or have found a way to permanently disable the General Chat.

Spammers will spam and people will buy. RMAH or not.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142602]@Niggerdicks[/url]: Despite your... interesting name, you have a really good point, sir.
Another Bob
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142597]@Bob[/url]: Same here. My plan is to use the proceeds towards other random gaming crap, like keys for my crates.
almost 13 years ago
Well to be honest, most of the sane people didn't buy Diablo 3 because this was predicted MONTHS ago.

This is why you shouldn't let the hype control you kids!
I called it -.-
almost 13 years ago
I never brought Diablo 3, the auction house alone kind of put me off the game. I assumed that, because of the RMAH, that it would be plagued by hackers, and after hearing how 3 of my friends where hacked and lost there items, well, I couldn't help but say I called it...
almost 13 years ago
that's why D2 was so fun... You could play with your friends only in LAN games, without support all little boys whose loving compare stuff and dps etc.
almost 13 years ago
Ah Jo, just enjoy Torchlight and Torchlight 2. Cheap, no always online DRM and hey! it's FUN!

Too much drama in Diablo 3.
almost 13 years ago
> Diablo will be better game!
> Not full month after start telling about it's problems and how you're dropping it.
Oh the irony.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142601]@Abedeus[/url] Yeah, we can't stop those rascally criminals from doing illegal things, so lets legalize everything! Also it's appallingly ignorant of you to assume that anything blizz does will wash that black market away. D3 already is infested with bots and farmers and hackers.
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, because D2 was free from RMT and nobody bought items or runes from 3rd party dealers.
almost 13 years ago
lol your comics sucks make something more creative
almost 13 years ago
They're changing it soon, at least making damage more manageable, so no worries there.
Generally, if there's no real money AH, there'll just be some other service that's trying to sell stuff without blizz getting a cut... All companies want money. =]
almost 13 years ago
I won't be buying on the Real Money AH. I'll be selling.
That is all
almost 13 years ago
Blizzard doesn't have players, all they have is trolls, children, and pedophile pretending to be prostitutes.
Casual D3 Fan
almost 13 years ago
People say you need to play hardcore because on softcore eventually you'll just beat the game and have nothing better to do. So what? Do all games need to go on infinitely to be enjoyable? Beat Inferno in one or a few classes and enjoy your $60 experience.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142590]@Tyfannia[/url] I suppose hardcore is the key. It'll make you realize how dumb you are after the server freezes up randomly, or your side of the connection bugs out for a split second and die to no fault of your own.
almost 13 years ago
Hardcore is the key ! :D
Though I must admit I've felt a little bit sad when my witch doctor got raped against a wall at the beginning of the cathedral :(
Sylvester Ink
almost 13 years ago
Meanwhile, Torchlight 2 keeps looking better and better.
almost 13 years ago
I find it really annoying whenever somebody says that what other players do with their game doesn't matter. It does, it always does. Even with single player games, it matters if other people like or don't like a game because that affects sales and thus the chance of a sequel.
almost 13 years ago
As opposed to the game favoring the people who are luckiest with Loot Drop rolls?
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_142584]@Huttj[/url] Ahahaha oh wow, I didn't think they would just push it out of thin air after delaying it "indefinitely". Especially since there are still major exploits that can happen with the gold AH. Hell they JUST fixed one last night where you could roll your clock back 2 days and get your gold back.
almost 13 years ago
They've released it for the Americas. Tuesday June 12. I'll have ~$60 in my account after the transactions finish processing (yay SC2 expansion digital download).

Honestly, I'm astonished someone paid $20 for the shoulders I put up, and I shoulda put the ring up for more than $25, I guess.
almost 13 years ago
And then the buyer's remorse sets in.

Maybe you shouldn't have spent $60 on a game that was literally designed to funnel people into a shoddily made auction house mechanic. I can't wait to see all the legal trouble blizzard gets in when people exploit the RMAH, assuming they ever release it.
almost 13 years ago
People still play Diablo 3?
almost 13 years ago