Just a very late comment to those saying Death Prophet sucks...
53.53% win ratio in public games (which puts her in 15:th place out of the 90 heroes ported so far)
And she is very viable in high level games in certain lineups.
No hero in Dota sucks, they all have their place.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
To much salt is bad for your heart!!!
Unless you what to die, that's good stuff.
Take care wile your eating food next time and don't eat a,lot of sushi to!
Bim Tuckley
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I would inform people about my feelings about this topic, but I feel I will be biased. So all I am going to say is that I enjoy watching and playing both fighting games and strategy games. I don't feel we have to choose...
over 12 years ago
Sure is a shame. Not enough people know about it and view SFxT "customisation" as something amazing.
over 12 years ago
Deaht Prophet is utter crap, no wonder those using her lose all games...
over 12 years ago
Death Prophet is played in the competitive scene of DotA 2 its just in mostly heavy push based strats. She was very popular like a month ago when a team used her to beat Na'Vi (Natus Vincere) quite convincingly
Dr. Robotnik
over 12 years ago
I used to be really big into SF4, but ver. 2012 feels like a completely different game to me. Oh well, I still have Brawl.
over 12 years ago
Stop playing Death Prophet, its the only thing you ever play :P
over 12 years ago
I loved EVO, though I had to look online how to fully evolve to human... wait, that's not the EVO you are talking about?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145478]@Paul[/url]: Even though I play BlazBlue(didn't make the cut for EVO) since I play Tsubaki I actually didn't know what positive on block was.
over 12 years ago
I'd never watched fighting games before and this comic directed me to watching EVO streams. Within a couple of minutes, you can easily figure out the basics of each game, and from there its pretty simple to begin to understand at least conceptually some of the dynamics, when someone fucks up etc
over 12 years ago
Hisouten/soku are crap compared to the genius that was IaMP. They just can't compare, which is a shame considering it was the first one...
over 12 years ago
This year Evo was pretty good. There was hype and great matches. I just can't believe a lot pros were getting a eliminated left and right.
Much respect for these guys' passion on fighting games.
over 12 years ago
It's ridiculous if some of you says that Starcraft is easier to follow than fighting games. It's simply a matter of familiarity. Of course you know well about SC because you already play it a couple of times. It's no different than fighting games.
over 12 years ago
And form a player perspective, I so completely agree with you on the stun lock of some game. I'm staying away from MvC for this very reason. SF and touhou7.5 don't seem to bad on that side. Or I'm just too bad at vsFighting
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145457]@SomeAsianGuy[/url] : You really need to have a decent commentator to get into watching a new Fighting game. And a lot of time you have to relearn a lot when you watch a new one.
over 12 years ago
The counter to Dark Pheonix is to play Skullgirls and stop giving Capcom money.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145459]@Snake[/url]: Are you saying that terms like "+3 on block" and "super cancel" are EASIER to understand, without a glossary? (They're not.)
over 12 years ago
No Hisoutensoku? Boooo!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145459]@Snake[/url]: I was intending "casual players of that game" as opposed to "my mother."
over 12 years ago
Meanwhile, anyone who isn't an avid fighting gamer isn't going to get why it's important to hit with the wrong leg on a jump kick, or why the big wrestler man throwing little slaps and spinning around it so important.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145459]@Snake[/url]: Even a casual viewer can understand that those bunch of little critters are going to do something sneaky to the house those bigger machine-things are coming out of. SC2 is a great game for spectators of all ranks.
Red Snoipah
over 12 years ago
Engie has a B^Uckley face in the 1st panel.
over 12 years ago
Whoa, are some of you actually trying to say that Starcraft is more popular than fighting games because it's easier to understand for a casual person? Really? A game with dozens of units on the screen at the same time and bizarre terms like "six pool" and "proxy barracks"?
over 12 years ago
Yo thanks for the fighting game community shoutout. Wish I had more to say about this because I don't think a lot of your readers know what EVO is, but I for one appreciate it. The FGC to me has more appeal than any other e-sport because of the history to it and the people behind it.
over 12 years ago
I also don't like fighting games being hit once and not being ably to do anything is stupid IMO. Also traveling around the world isn't that special. SC2/LoL players travel constantly to go to tournaments. :P
over 12 years ago
I agree with you that casual people don't know wtf is going on most of the time. Thats why its at the bottom of the e-sports chain. It only really appeals to its hardcore audience. I watched some fighting game and MLG once between SC2 streams and it was kinda boring.
over 12 years ago
of the game, compared to something like only 70-50% of a high level game of SC2.
over 12 years ago
Compare that list to the ease of someone with only a casual knowledge knowing WTF is going on onscreen.
With a fighting game, I don't know that that move only connected because it was executed at that split second in order to prevent that other move. It's like I'm missing 90%
over 12 years ago
Reason fighting games don't do well in MLG is because fighting games are near the bottom of the e-sports chain >.>. Its basicly from bottom up Fighting Games->FPS->Dota 2/Hon ->Starcraft 2/League Of Legends :P
over 12 years ago
They better have Troll Warlord before The International 2
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145423]@x[/url]: This isn't a thread, newfag. Nonetheless, you're right.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Here is your definition...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145410]@RoflCat[/url]: DP comes in to play so much faster than all of the people you list4ed.
over 12 years ago
Largest != most competetive tournament in the world.
True story.
over 12 years ago
ITT: People who don't know what salty means
over 12 years ago
Evo isn't MLG. The FGC is incredibly self sustaining, grassroots even. We've tried to work with MLG but MLG doesn't have a good track record with fighting games. So all good fighting game tourneys are run by players themselves with few sponsorships in comparison to the MLG.
over 12 years ago
Salt = salting wounds. Even I thought he was going to salt himself, but then I relealised he was a TENTACLE, not a snail...and where are our tf2 arcs?
Yar a Pirate
over 12 years ago
"Watching pro gamers play video games"
well you're doing it wrong, i prefer to watch the games myself rather than the people playing them. And that's pretty entertaining to watch.
over 12 years ago
MLG PRO!!! Zzzz... Pro gaming needs players cutting screaming promos and hitting each other with folding chairs. Watching pro gamers play video games is about as interesting as.....Well let's put it this way. I'd rather write a 20 page research paper on the life cycle of lichen then watch this shit.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145416]@Daniel[/url] Close, but no. Salty = Upset about losing.
It's because tears are a saline solution.
over 12 years ago
Salty: Angry about losing.
over 12 years ago
I really wanted to see Xian in top 8, who eliminated him?
over 12 years ago
Dear Jo: I personally can't imagine DP making it into pro league, considering there's other pusher that come online faster/cheaper like Leshrac, Chen and Furion.
over 12 years ago
I believe he took salt to either kill himself because he is part snail or something, or to add it to his wounds when his favorite player loses.
over 12 years ago
whats with the salt? I tried to Google it, but all i got were links about sodium or water retention :/
over 12 years ago
MrSing: He got bodied already.
Woolie put up a fight and won a round or 2 but Daigo was just playing with him then. The beatdown got pretty brutal at the end.
over 12 years ago
EVO is the largest fighting game tournament in the world, held once a year in Las Vegas.
People come from all over the planet each year - and that's not an exaggeration. I've seen Saudi Arabia, France, Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, etc. all come to the United States to compete in it.
over 12 years ago
Aw man, woolie is going to get bodied so hard by Daigo. It will be glorious.
over 12 years ago
Link pls what the hack is EVO?
over 12 years ago
Evo is a fighting game tournament. Also im sad for no blazblue this yea :c
over 12 years ago
WTF is evo and what does salt have to do with it?
over 12 years ago
This be Evo http://evo.shoryuken.com/
over 12 years ago
Forgive my ignorance but what is EVO?
over 12 years ago
Aw man, I was hoping Sako would at least make top 8. Oh well, I'm rooting for Infiltration's Gouken to win since Sako's out.
over 12 years ago
I feel bad for Fuudo.
EVO is impressive so far.
over 12 years ago
What is evo?
over 12 years ago
SECONDED! Also, what's EVO, he said, expecting the derision to come thick and fast.
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