[url=#user_comment_145620]@HuddaHuddah[/url]: "Fallout isn't the same without a critical rocket to a child's nutsack."
Couldn't have explained better...
I still play Fallout 2 again at least once every year, it's just that good. Fallout 1 was awesome too but I really dislike the timer feature.
FO3 was really depressing.
over 12 years ago
...No, this is pretty much my experience with Fallout 3. I don't know what I did wrong, but most enemies towards the end weren't worth the huge effort to kill, so I spent my time as a scavenger having radio stations praise me all the time.
over 12 years ago
"having 1 in inteligence"
How did noone catch that yet. Or the imageboard approach:
Drive-by Spammer
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 had a lot of cool little moments. The problem is that's all it was: cool little moments daisy chained together to keep a nonsensical and mediocre plot "interesting". Bethesda has never been known for good writing and never will be.
over 12 years ago
*Wasteland GAME (singular)
over 12 years ago
Of course not. It was made for lovers of turn-based pure RPGs, and fans of the original Wasteland games. FO3 was made for FPS players and Oblivion fans.
over 12 years ago
Change! Ya got change? Aw, come on help a guy out will ya? Come on, change!
over 12 years ago
after playing FO3 and New vegas, I decided to try fallout 2
turn based combat?
miss half of the hits every turn?
almost intuitive commands?
nope, not made for me...
over 12 years ago
New vegas. Play. It.
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3, in some quests, comes off as something that should have been post-Fallout 2. In others, it looks like it can't be set any further than a few decades (if not just years / months) from the War.
over 12 years ago
Which was, again, one of my issues with FO3. For anyone who wants to whine that Capital Wasteland had bad water / was targeted specifically: Carbon Filters and The Glow. Oh look, solved 1, 2 shows West wasn't better off.
over 12 years ago
Yes, 'family-friendly'. FO3 is pretty childish, overall. I never got any sort of 'mature' vibe out of that game like when I played the original two.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
(CONT) the world almost 200 years AFTER the bombs dropped look like 'day one post-bombing'? It makes no sense. The world of Fallout was never about the world looking like shit, it was always about 'how do people live and survive in this NEW world that has sprung out of the ashes of the old'.
over 12 years ago
"People are more scared and the world looks like it has gone through a Nuclear War." - Uhh.. the people in FO3 are the happiest bunch of chipmunks since the Scooby Gang. Seriously, you walk into the first settlement and it's 'hi there, friend! Here, have a free house!' Also, why would (CONT)
over 12 years ago
@Family friendly?
"Which part is family-friendly? Blowing mutants to bits, prostitutes, tons of gore and language, or the ability to murder any and all?" - You mean the cartoon gore, the prostitutes you lay next to in bed in a more vanilla way than dryhumping, and the immortal children.
over 12 years ago
Play New Vegas mang
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Oh, and I also collected things in the original games as well, so nothing has really changed for me in that regard. Packrat and Strongback all the way.
over 12 years ago
Fallout 2 is my all-time favorite game, but I still liked F3 and NV. Looking forward to Fallout 4 in Skyrim's engine.
over 12 years ago
in my honest opinnion I prefer fallout 3 as it is much fresher world compared to new vegas. People are more scared and the world looks like it has gone through a Nuclear War. In New Vegas it just looks like...too...eh in a way people have settled down and live their life without living in ruins.
Vinyl Scratch
over 12 years ago
I'm sorry I haven't played FO1 or FO2 but I absolutely loved FO3 and FO:N! FO3 being my favorite.
over 12 years ago
@Family Friendly?
I think he is referring to the difficulity :P
over 12 years ago
1 and 2 are classics and great. 3 is pretty awful. NV is kind of a hybrid. The writing approaches 1 and 2, but it still has the crappy engine of 3. Obsidian games are always must-buy for me even though the publishers tend to screw them over.
I also backed Wasteland 2. Can't wait for that game.
over 12 years ago
I hated Fallout 3, and liked Fallout 1. But I thought New Vegas was great. You should really try that, it's a lot better than Fallout 3.
Family friendly?
over 12 years ago
Which part is family-friendly? Blowing mutants to bits, prostitutes, tons of gore and language, or the ability to murder any and all? I'm not against your opinion or anything, but you lose credibility saying something as silly as "Fallout 3 is family-friendly."
over 12 years ago
Fallout: New Vegas is the REAL Fallout 3. It feels like Fallout.
Fallout 3, on the other hand, is more like Elder Scrolls: Washington D.C.
over 12 years ago
So yeah, I think I will try FO1, maybe it will be much more fun.
Also the comic is spot on, oh man do I hate going back and forth storing my extra stuff on the Nuka Cola vending machine.
over 12 years ago
I never played old Fallout series before. So FO3 is my first. I say after wasting 12 hours of my gaming time I can say that the game is BORING and the NPCs are crap. Tbh I don't know what made people love this one. They say I have to explore more, so I did. Still bored.
over 12 years ago
Also, for some reason, I just can't get into Fallout 1 and 2.
The game just feels too... slow for me.
I just don't feel much adrenaline when I'm slowly swinging a pipe at a R.U.S accompanied by the epic musical score of dead air.
over 12 years ago
... No Mutants Allowed is that way, Jo.
over 12 years ago
How can you guys say that New Vegas is better than Fallout 3?
It's the same game with little to no differences, if anything the "Wasteland" in New Vegas doesn't feel like one at all, you never get that true feeling of emptiness and desolation you had in Fallout 3
Vault 13
over 12 years ago
But you are right, Fallout 1 and 2 are the best , F3 is a big piece of shit.
F:NV tried to fix some stuff, but the engine sucks 60 niggers
Vault Dweller
over 12 years ago
Vault Dweller
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 was the best game of the 2000-2012 decade, period.
over 12 years ago
I'd stick with my imagination and Fallout 1,2,tactics. Bethesda really tried to make a good fallout-like game but its too crude and... soulless... I enjoyed Borderlands much more, it was closer to fallout than fallout 3, and as it turned out, it was a better diablo-like than diablo 3 too.
Yar a Pirate
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145663]@Deject[/url]: thanks but i don't think i would ever use it since i originally borrowed the game from a friend, and there was way too many things wrong in Fallout3 imo to just fix it with a mod.
over 12 years ago
Didn't like the interface of 1, 2, and tactics.
Waiting for GoTY edition before I'll try NV.
over 12 years ago
What I didn't like about Fallout 3..
Redundant character mesh's and voices.
Little moral variety.
Mostly unplayable melee.
Oodles of glitchy textures and sound files.
Listening to the radio more than once.
Bogus ending.
As far as being an almost fps, it was fun..
over 12 years ago
What I loved about New Vegas is that it's the same writer who did Fallout 2.
That's why everything about the NCR feels like a natural extension and there are references everywhere to Fallout 1, 2 and Wasteland.
over 12 years ago
Oh man I sure will be hanged for this, but I LOVED Fallout Tactics a lot although everyones bitchin that it wasn't "canon".
But when I look at Fallout 3 in my eyes it is way superior. :P
over 12 years ago
The sloppy design that I'm talking about is that when you start the game, you are forced to run around the outskirts of the area until you can get to Vegas. If you want to try to go there from the start, you have Deathclaws and Radscorpians blocking the way. Personally, I do like wastelands more.
over 12 years ago
I will admit, I have not played Fallout 1 or 2, but with Wanderer's edition I found the game was a great deal more fun than anything I found for New Vegas. I did like that New Vegas mod that turned my character into a beast and I had to keep eating everything to not starve though.
over 12 years ago
@Yar a Pirate: You should try Fallout 3 with the Wanderer's Edition mod.
http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/10/13/10-essential-fallout-3-mods/ Pretty much all of these, and the game is great. Challenging and fun. New Vegas was Fallout 3.5, but with a sloppy design.
Yar a Pirate
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3? Yeah, i hated it. But New Vegas turned out as one of my favorites games this last years.
over 12 years ago
@New Vegas blows
What are you babbling about lack of energy weapons? I never had an issues with that, just hunt some fiends, and take a trip to Bg MT. As for power Armor, I am still annoyed that a) you need to be trained to use it b)they nerfed the hell out of enclave power armor(fallout 3).
over 12 years ago
Fallout 1 and 2 will always have a place in my heart.
Rest in peace, interplay. You did great back then.
Also; survival is all about wasteland hobo's convincing children to shoot their daddy and get sodomized by super mutants.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
wasteland hobo simulator: New vegas
yeha that sounds sweet...
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 is pathetic, New Vegas should be considered the third game in the series. It's objectively superior in every way.
Just. . fuck the Capital wasteland.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145561]@Mac[/url]: I see what you did there XD
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145634]@Drrrr[/url]: I'm pretty sure it was just that they would get a bonus if they got GOTY. Which they didn't.
over 12 years ago
diferent games, same background.
And yes, when strolling in the catacombs of the wasteland I normally found 100 containers with 200 bottle caps, equally divided.
over 12 years ago
Soooo... Fallout 3 had writing?
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 had bug issues, but so did 1&2. 3's failing was that the plot's so-so & setting contradictory, like half the dev-team was told "Fallout 1 Prequel-get" and the other half "Fallout 2 sequel".
over 12 years ago
I've played Fallout 1 & 2 rather recently. Yes, nostalgia does factor in to many players' accounts... but they're still damn good games. Similarly, I played Fallout 3 recently, and it has its own hit and miss aspects. Fallout 3's story tends to be its largest failing (200+ year untouched tent-towns)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145634]@Drrrr[/url] I agree with everything you said, but I'll make this one point.
Fo3's development involved many, a majority even, of Fallout fanboys.
I've always found Fo3 to be more like Love-Letter to the game they once knew, not a real sequel.
It IS fun too...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145634]@Drrrr[/url]: Careful with the 'drones' comment. someone can like a game you don't, and dislike a game you do, without being a self deluded fanboy. This goes whether the game is older or newer (I STILL don't get the general FF7 pedestal personally).
over 12 years ago
(CONT) didn't do so well, and apparently Bethesda put some little bitchy fine-print that said if the game didn't do well to a certain degree, Obsidian wouldn't get any money for it.
over 12 years ago
The Curse of Three claims another victim. So sorry Fallout had to go through the curse.
over 12 years ago
(CONT) Who didn't even get PAID, mind you, because Bethesda cheated them like the assholes that they are by forcing them to release the game prematurely, so it was unfinished, and thus riddled with bugs. Partner that with the fact that FO3's fanbase didn't like it, and so the game (CONT)
over 12 years ago
(CONT) Incidentally, a lot of original FO1/FO2 fans DID enjoy New Vegas, but that's hardly surprising since New Vegas used a ton of content and ideas from the ORIGINAL FO3 that Black Isle was working on, since FONV was worked on by Obsidian (CONT)
over 12 years ago
Pretty much spot on. FO3 was a betrayal as far as old school Fallout fans go. Hell, the entirity of No Mutants Allowed, THE Fallout fan-community, loathes that game. Meanwhile Bethesda's loyal drones pretty much go on lambasting the old games and singing nothing but praise to FO3. (CONT)
over 12 years ago
@Alcarin Kitsune: There are less ghouls in FONV because Mojave's farther from most 'sources', and you don't really see a lot of either NCR or Super Mutants, so maybe Mojave's just not where they are (There is a lot of NCR, but it still is a small part of how large it is by the time of FONV)
over 12 years ago
The can's 20 caps :D!
over 12 years ago
"I don't want to be chained to the past so I will not say the old ones are best"
i do.
The old ones are the best. Point.
over 12 years ago
Fallout isn't the same without a critical rocket to a child's nutsack.
over 12 years ago
I'm so disheartened that classic games are being turned into FPS games like Fallout, X-com, and Syndicate.
Of course maybe that's nostalgia clouding my judgement, but still...
Pee Bob
over 12 years ago
F3 took the best ideas of 1&2 and put them in a 3D engine. It was a best-of compilation. Maybe that was great for people who hadn't played 1&2 already. New Vegas, though, continued the story of the world, and hasn't that always been the real star of the series?
over 12 years ago
Learn English you fucking twat
over 12 years ago
New Vegas was put together by Obsidian, the same people who made Fallout 1 and 2. The story follows what the original Fallout 3 was supposed to be until the company tanked and the IP was bought by Bethesda. So New Vegas feels a lot better.
over 12 years ago
Sad thing is that Bethesda cancelled the Fallout Online MMO that was being made by Black Isle, the original owners of the franchise. Fuck Bethesda for bastardizing the series even more.
That Guy
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I've always regarded Fallout 3 as The Elder Scrolls: Fallout. It's just different, not "bad" different exactly, but different.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, but the old ones ARE the best. Though New Vegas was pretty solid.
over 12 years ago
I've got a dumpster in Goodsprings where I've stored all my shit, good and useless. I only keep useless that I can take to Big MT or if I can use it for schematics later.
Fargo Pwnz
over 12 years ago
Wasteland 2 beta probably comming out in 2013. Look no further :)
over 12 years ago
Can only agree in regards to Fallout 3. Having played both Fallout and Fallout 2 quite alot of the feel went away with Fallout 3. Which I blame on the fact that it wasn´t made by Bioware tbh. Could have been so much better if it had :)
over 12 years ago
3eventhoughitsnotaBiowaregametechnically} Good story, beautiful atmosphere, giant world, boring dialogue amd characters {NPC and otherwise}, and mediocre gameplay, especially in the RPG department.
Someone needs to tell Bioware about that saying concerning fixing unbroken things.
Alcarin Kitsune
over 12 years ago
Fallout 2 remains as the best game I've played. Ever.
Alcarin Kitsune
over 12 years ago
I'm with you, brother. Fallout 3 was awful in many ways (like shallow story and black and white decisions) and New Vegas, as close as it was to the original ones, still lacks part of the feeling of the world (I don't see many ghouls and NCR doesn't employ supermutants anymore).
over 12 years ago
Fallout 1, 2 and 3 {haven't played NV yet, is it still a buggy mess?} are typical sufferers of Bioware Sequel Syndrome, I think.
1} Great atmosphere, good story, tiny world, primitive gameplay
2} Good gameplay and companions, wider world. Butchered atmosphere, story and dialogue in return.
New Vegas blows
over 12 years ago
@ xenosphobatic that's fine and all if you like guns and melee weapons, but those were never my thing. I play Fallouts to use the power armor and the plasma rifles, which in New Vegas's case pretty much means I'll need to get Jury-Rigging as a perk ASAP in order to maintain my gear.
over 12 years ago
Look at it this way, it could be worse. They could make another Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
over 12 years ago
you've all probably seen this, but here's the "just one more hat" TF2 animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZouYNu3Z6k&feature=plcp
over 12 years ago
@New Vegas blows: While I agree with you about how the power armor and energy weapons situation (not to mention EVERY FACTION TELLING YOU THAT YOU MUST BLOW UP ONE OF THE LAST BASTIONS OF ENERGY WEAPONS AND POWER ARMOR), the game doesn't lack for being awesome.
Just run around punching people.
New Vegas blows
over 12 years ago
It did for me at least, no conflict between the Brotherhood and Enclave means that the amount of power armor in the game is abyssmally low, its hard to find the Energy Weapons I love to use, and it just doesn't feel like theres a war going on between the Legion and NCR.
over 12 years ago
Hehe, didn't have to wait long for the "you just say it because of nostalgia" types to show up.
over 12 years ago
Oh come on, digging through the garbage was the BEST part of Fallout. Desperately scrounging for stuff, making gains by small increments, it makes the end game when things are exploding into bits of green goo from the gun you cobbled together out of empty string bean cans all the better
over 12 years ago
Eh I tried New Vegas and didn't care much for it; the combat was boring as shit. Everyone went on about how big and open the world was, but I could care less to explore it if the meat of the game is no fun. This is the same reason I haven't played Skyrim for more than 10 minutes.
over 12 years ago
New Vegas is the proper fallout, much denser world, much better writing, the same unique blend of dark humor, silliness and mature themes. The DLC also are worth checking out. And there were many moments that got you by the throat - the first meeting with the legion is very memorable.
over 12 years ago
Praising games for their merits isn't nostalgia. FO1&2 look like crap now, but the setting and atmosphere in them were something Betasoft will never create. Bigger, more shallow, more family-friendly sums is up nicely. FO3 might be a semi-decent game if they hadn't called it Fallout.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145575]@lol[/url]: F3 may or may not be better than F1 and F2, but surely is a -different- game. It made huge success, yes, but so does Farmville.
over 12 years ago
A lot of people being blinded by nostalgia talking about how great Fallout 1+2 were and how inferior Fallout 3.
Kind of funny how Fallout 3 was overall a bigger hit and got mostly better reviews and more people to play it then it's abysmal precedessors did. Oh well.
over 12 years ago
New Vegas is better than Fallout 3 to people who played the first two game. Part of that could be accredited to it being made by obsidian. Still way too many annoying bugs that were never worked out. Also if you want something more like 1&2 try waiting for Wasteland 2 and see how that is.
over 12 years ago
Hello ! I am not very good in english so excuse me if i didn't understand, but if you are searching a Fallout comic, you have :
Gone With the Blastwave
A webcomic.
The Woodsman
over 12 years ago
Most folk who played the original Fallout games prefer New Vegas to Fallout 3. I personally loved New Vegas's story, characters, and factions, but Fallout 3 definitely had a great atmosphere.
common sense
over 12 years ago
I'm not sure why New Vegas gets all the praise, but then I always much preferred fallout 1 to 2. New Vegas for me was essentially Fallout 3 with better combat, factions and a lot of empty map locations.
I prefer Fallout 3 to New Vegas I just wish neither of them were named Fallout.
over 12 years ago
haha banjo2E, strangely enough the first town (shady sands) is one of my fondest gaming moments. First thing I realized was that only two people were armed with real guns.
When I left the population was 0 and I had the childkiller perk.
over 12 years ago
Isn't Fallout 3 essentially Oblivion with a post-apocalyptic skin?
Or perhaps a better analogy is like changing X-Com from a turn-based strategy game into a FPS.
over 12 years ago
I agree with Vee. 200 years after the war and most of the radiation should be gone and civilization should be farther along than what you see in Fallout 3. How am I supposed to believe that people have been living for 200 years off of prewar food. Fallout 1, 2, and NV have working farms.
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 sucks, but try New Vegas it's actually good.
over 12 years ago
Just play in New Vegas.
over 12 years ago
Whereas, when I tried playing Fallout 1, I spent five minutes trying to figure out how the hell the interface works (apparently you're supposed to use the right mouse button for literally everything), another five minutes getting roflpwnt by rats, and when I got to town, I had nothing to do there.
over 12 years ago
I think it's a matter of which games you played first. I liked Fallout 3, due to having played and liked Oblivion. I logged a hundred hours or so, but quit playing when I remembered why I quit Oblivion (namely, the ridiculous mess of unfixable glitchiness that is everything Bethesda ever makes).
over 12 years ago
Couldn't agree more, I had hundreds of hours in Fallout 1&2, 3 I had maybe 15 and I was done with it. It just lacked something. Its like it tried to take itself too seriously, but pouring clean water into a river that flows into the ocean will fix everything!
over 12 years ago
yeah Khan FurSainty, new vegas definitely felt more fallout-ish to me than 3, probably because of the desert and the gambling but still, 1 and 2 are some of the best games ever for me while the new ones just lack something. i never even finished 3.
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 is way too much survival way too late in the Fallout timeline. And just putting things from Fallout in your Oblivion With Guns and supplying "moral" decisions like "Do or don't blow up town of innocents with nuke!" does not make it a Fallout game.
over 12 years ago
Most everything with a 3 seem shallow.
Some guy
over 12 years ago
Fallout 3 more sandboxy than fallout 1 and 2...
Khan FurSainty
over 12 years ago
The second panel is actually a great representation of Fallout 1 and 2. New Vegas is a mix between the originals and 3.
The robot punches monsters and bad robots and one time he was a cowboy.
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Go Get a Roomie
Experience the queer journey of an upbeat hippie and the friendships she makes along the way! A tale of self-discovery and love of many forms.
Alice and the Nightmare
Misha Krivanek
Alice finally attends University to learn to collect the dreams of humans, meet new friends, and deal with a pesky reflection along the way.
Cut Time
Rel and her trusty avian friend Fugue are on a quest to save a world that's lost track of time. Follow them and their new recruits, in a story written with help from the stars.
Meaghan Carter
Edith has been thrown into the dangerous world of modern-day Egyptian mythology. Fighting monsters and dealing with family drama of godly proportions.
Caramel Corn
Sarah is the only human left in a world full of mythical creatures and monsters. All she wants to do is live a quiet life, but everything changes when she meets her guardian angel, Jacob.
When Tiara's pyrokinesis is finally noticed, she is captured by a magical research organization for study. If she cooperates, she could be helping to save humanity from a dire threat - but can she trust them?
Taylor C
Wallace Foster, a young, bright-eyed human social worker, has his entire world view rocked when he's suddenly relocated into a city primarily inhabited by monsters.
Devil's Candy
Rem, Bikkuri
A lush fantasy about boy genius Kazu Decker, the girl he constructed for his 9th grade science project, and the world of devils and monsters they live in.
Claire K. Niebergall
A ghostly princess must sail across a haunted sea to save her soul from a devious, shapeshifting death god known as the Red Tide King.
Tigress Queen
Allison Shaw
A barbarian warlord and a pampered prince try to avoid a marriage alliance that could end decades of violence.