Hold on... Isn't this the same choice that happens in Twilight?
over 12 years ago
A brony and a anti-brony walk in to a chat room and a troll makes a spark, who WINS?
If a vampire fights a werewolf?
Star destroyer or Enterprise?
Kirk or Pecard?
answer me.
over 12 years ago
People need to recognise that there are such things as a Vocal Extremist Minority and a much more large quiet Majority...
Just like many other minorities in society, words of some does not apply to all. I am a Brony, but I don't do these...
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153792]@Rho[/url]: I don't agree with Ponies... but a Nerf now porno sound better!!!
over 12 years ago
Ponies everywhere! Dammit, either you make a lame comic with ponies and porn, or you make a witty comic with jokes.
As it is now, half of me enjoys the humour, the other half of me hates the retarded fanservice.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
OBJECTION!! The Pony does not wish to live with her owner, and further more the one how committed the crime WAS THE PONY!! NO ALIBI, NO JUSTICE, NO DREAM, NO HOPE,
Take care and I just went Phoenix Wright on your ass!
The Metalhead Next Door
over 12 years ago
I prefer lycanthropy. But at a high level, in the original version, it becomes useless.
Good thing Dawnguard buffed the werewolf up with that smexy perk tree.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
vampirism is great...
over 12 years ago
oh lawd
everyone is getting butthurt
over 12 years ago
Of course, the real winner of this argument is the author, who is probably grinning like a maniac while reading these comments.
And laughing manically while lighting crashes in the background.
Haters gonna bore
over 12 years ago
That is the price of popularity. Whenever something is popular there will be haters and there will be people desperately trying to justify their hate by any means.
over 12 years ago
So because it happened somewhere else that justifies being a prick to them everywhere? I'm not even a brony, I just find it annoying that whenever someone so much as mentions the show you get a horde of mouth foaming psycho's ranting about how bronies are worse than Hitler.
over 12 years ago
You'll notice that furries use the same persecution complex. "The world doesn't like us but we have a right to exist and we won't go away!" Did you ever once think if you weren't so damn vocal people wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with you? Even my 'pony' friends know it's a problem.
over 12 years ago
I'm not going to argue with you folks about this. If you think somehow there is this irrational hatred of ponys for the sake of hating ponys, you are blinding yourself to the truth. People are reacting this way because of SOMETHING, and while it may not have happened here, it has happened elsewhere.
Wealthy Hobo
over 12 years ago
If Dovahkin was male, I'd go with lycanthropy, personally.
Yes, you can read that however the funk-ass you want.
Dana Raquel Bryant
over 12 years ago
One more thing. I believe that there are numerous travel insurance internet sites of reliable companies that allow you to enter holiday details to get you the quotations. You can also purchase the actual international travel cover policy online by using your own credit card. Everything you need to d
over 12 years ago
That half the comments here are about the great pony debate rather than anything else? I mean, you know, it's not like this comic was about something else or anything.....
over 12 years ago
I find it weird how other fan communities can post whatever references they want anywhere, but the instant we put the tiniest pony reference somewhere we're "shoving it down people's throats".
over 12 years ago
psh, its more acceptable than ever to bash Christians.
over 12 years ago
Haters gonna hate.
Some people are so unsure of themselves that to feel "big" they need to pick on others. Since it is no longer socially acceptable to select a group based on gender or skin color or faith or sexual orientation anymore they just move on to easier targets.
over 12 years ago
If I had Skyrim for my computer, I would definitely use that Pinkie mod
over 12 years ago
Watch out, we got a badass over here.
over 12 years ago
Ponies = adblock
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149410]@Irony[/url]: You bring up a very good point.
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149308]@Zacsi[/url]: Personally I bet Jo will still do it even if the traffic were to die down from such actions.
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
@Nostalgia F@G: I don't see how different that is form one's normal Skyrim actions, at lest form how I understand them...
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_148985]@Logic[/url]: I wonder this too now... I think they'd do alright overall.
over 12 years ago
I love how butt-hurt so many people are at even a reference to ponies. t is as though the mere reference of their existence outside of their medium causes physical pain. I don't see anything new in fans putting their fandom where they go, though the rage concerning some fandoms is hilarious.
these comments man
over 12 years ago
Look at all the butthurt! It's just falling from the sky!
Seriously though, if this bugs you, go outside and get thicker skin already.
over 12 years ago
Every time I see Jo make a MLP reference I rush to the comments to laugh at the haters. Such a spectacle.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149608]@CuriousCat[/url]: Lycanthropy gives you an intense physical strength while vampirism only gave you mild stealth abilities and a major weakness to sunlight.
over 12 years ago
Ponies are good.
over 12 years ago
I just love to see all the fury over ponies. All their rage is my entertainment. I can imagine them red faced while running around in circle with clenched fists.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Out of curiosity...without the Dawnguard DLC...which of them is better? Vampirism or Lycanthropy?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149588]@galdon[/url]: ctrl-F my name for my previous post and you'll see them if you copy-paste the URL.
Mister Red
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149564]@Xuncu[/url]: Clearly, you are a zoophiliac or a furry. Either way, you're more faggot than us.
over 12 years ago
It's up to jo himself to decide how he ruins his own game file's artstyle.
over 12 years ago
never did experiences on her. Enough ennemies outside
over 12 years ago
Oddly enough, there actually is a MLP character mod. Somebody showed it to me a while ago, I am not sure if it was disturbing or hilarious though.
over 12 years ago
Oh, lack of claims on Pinkie? Clearly, you are homosexuals.
over 12 years ago
This... this makes sense to me.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
JO you magnificent basterd! you did it again!
the Shitstorm on the comments is GLORIOUS!
over 12 years ago
Lydia is best pack mule.
@rock0head132[/url] same
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Lydia Left me. and took my stuff with her. I got up one day and she was just gone.
Nostalgia F@G
over 12 years ago
They changed the way you played the game, you know, like what would actually happen if you suddenly became an unholy abomination or a savage man-beast.
Nostalgia F@G
over 12 years ago
In Morrowind you got massive stat bonuses due to being a werewolf/vampire, but you also had major downsides. Vampires took constant damage in sunlight and most NPCs would attack you on sight and werewolves were forced to transform every night and kill an NPC or suffer health loss.
Nostlgia F@G
over 12 years ago
Umm, no. How could you possibly infer that from my post? My point was that being a vampire/werewolf is utterly meaningless outside of roleplaying. The perks suck and there's almost no downside (werewolves have no downsides actually).
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149361]@Dusk[/url]: Lycanthropy is gotten voluntarily through a quest, and only there, while vampirism has a random chance of afflicting you when hit by a vampire. If you get to a healer within 3 days(?) you can get rid of it. They both show up in the menu as diseases, but they have pros as well as cons.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149312]@Leah[/url]: I think it's League of Legends's Shen. Or it could really be like, you know, a name.
Lupal Fillyus
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149201]@RedMattis[/url]: [.. is when "Bronies" act ..]
>> [.. I'm not trying to imply those aggressively protective "Bronies" represent many.]]
You seem to fail basic rethoric then.
Lupal Fillyus
over 12 years ago
>Shoving it in peoples faces
>fully personified porn
wat. You need to rethink your facial area.
Lupal Fillyus
over 12 years ago
@Pinkie!! : You've not followed the comment section nor the comic for long, have you?
over 12 years ago
And personally I hate it purely because I hate mods which don't fit in with the feel of the game. Its why I restrict my TES modding to menu fixes, graphical touch-ups, expanded smithing options and companion tweaks to make them essential and wear items more easily.
over 12 years ago
Everybody knows this isn't the first time ponies appeared in Jo's comics, so just calm the fuck down.
P.S. If you don't like what you see on the comics, simply go away and make your own.
over 12 years ago
Theres a certain amount of irony in that people are happily saying "ignore the ponies" whilst bashing on sparkly vampires.
Double standards, no?
over 12 years ago
Vampires are NOT sparkly! They are enemies of man and God and the personification of Syphilis!
over 12 years ago
Y-you think I look like a mule?!
over 12 years ago
If only there was a way to convert pointless internet argument into usable energy instead of hot air.
Wonder what armour rating the Pony Cosplay armour has. Must be high for Lydia to even ot it on at all
over 12 years ago
Why thank you, you too.
over 12 years ago
WN, I'm not going to play this game with you. However, I do hope that you have an excellent day.
over 12 years ago
@Nostalgia F@G: So in Skyrim, contracting vamprism or lycanthropy is more of an actual disease you would want to be rid of rather than something you would do intentionally?
over 12 years ago
Your opinion is wrong since everything I say is objective truth.
over 12 years ago
I respectfully disagree with your opinion, WHAT NO.
over 12 years ago
All this flame war is fun to see :3. So entertaining to see extremists on both sides just flame at each other. In all seriousness though, bring back story arcs. Those are fun, plus story.
over 12 years ago
Triplets of Belleville is a french POS, like everything else the french made.
over 12 years ago
Obsession is stupid and too many people act completely irrationally over a kid's show.
Besides, 'Triplets of Belleville' is a better piece of animation by far. But that's just my opinion...
over 12 years ago
Unicorn Voldemort is sexier/better looking than your Lydia.
over 12 years ago
Skyrim mods are really varied but honestly the Dawnguard expansion hasn't interested me at all. Might be I've had enough Skyrim for one lifetime.
Also, Luna is best pony! :P
over 12 years ago
Hmm interesting, Now i need to return to New vegas :3
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149288]@Shen[/url]: STFU Covetous, you're the worst character in that shitface of a game.
over 12 years ago
I see Lydia is currenly a test subject for one of Engie's Mods.
You know what you should do? Make a new look for Lydia every time she gets a comic to show how many game mods get tested on her. It'll be great!
over 12 years ago
I envy you Jo.
Need to push up site traffic?
Let's put in something that is hated by some easily offendable people in the gaming community, mix it with gaming so it stays on topic and
Idiots eat it up.
Flamewars ahoy.
Traffic elavated, job done.
And I love you for it:3
Moral Guardian
over 12 years ago
Well now. That was just unpleasant. Shame on you.
Nostalgia F@G
over 12 years ago
Bring back Morrowind vampire/werewolves where you were treated as a monster but got +40 to your stats and actually felt powerful.
Nostalgia F@G
over 12 years ago
Both vampires and werewolves are mediocre in Skyrim. The bonuses in "human" form are so small they might as well not even exist and by level 25 transforming actually nerfs your damage if you've got even semi-decent gear.
over 12 years ago
I like vampirism the best. :D
over 12 years ago
Fuck you Jo with your brony shit, I hope you step on a lego
over 12 years ago
Is awesome to see that people complains about 'bronies', when most of the lame, insulting comments come from anti-pony people.
Is a cartoon, for gawd's sake. Don't take it so seriously! XD
over 12 years ago
werewolves are the shit,plus lydias already dead in my game sooooooo
Mister Yellow
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149235]@Vulpis[/url]: Don't get me wrong, I like the show.
The obsession of bronies is weirder, in my opinion (anything I say is my opinion btw) since perhaps they are move visible and tend to ponify everything. Also, the massive amount of "clop". Fans of those movies you mention don't Startrekify everything.
over 12 years ago
There's a certain thing haters tend to do. What was it again?
over 12 years ago
I hate ponies
over 12 years ago
So, Jo, you would mod Lydia to look better? Seems you already did...
Oh, and Lycanthropy rulz! No more horses! BUt also, no more armor...
Pinkie Pie is Best Pony
over 12 years ago
That is all.
Modern Society
over 12 years ago
We live in an age where "shoving something down someone's throat" is actually and elaborate way of saying "existing".
over 12 years ago
the comments on this comic remind me of this.
over 12 years ago
@T Chicken
How DARE you even imply Skyrim is even remotely in the same tier of roleplaying quality as VtM.. you.. you monster!
over 12 years ago
@@Dear Bronies:
Game? Mass Effect 3.
Anyway, as to "Love and Tolerating" thing?
Here, newsflash. The only thing a tolerable society cannot tolerate, is intolerancy. Funny that, huh?
over 12 years ago
Don't let the door hit you on the way out~!
over 12 years ago
Even a sexualized version of a children's cartoon show character looks better than unmodded Lydia.
over 12 years ago
This hit a nerve with me, my Lydia died during one of my Werewolf transformations. It was... less than pretty.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149201]@RedMattis[/url] I'm reminded of a line from the first 'Herald-Mage of Valdemar' book by Mercedes Lackey, that goes something along the lines of 'Maybe the reason he keeps his nose stuck in the air is because you lot are so bent on rubbing it in the dirt.'
over 12 years ago
@Mister Yellow....the obsession is more weird than Trek fans, Star Wars fans, Skyrim fans, TF2 fans and the like and *their* various obsessions?
T Chicken
over 12 years ago
Skyrim: Dawnguard; Revival of Vampire: The Masquerade?
over 12 years ago
I read it with pinkie pie and twilight voice.
Mister Yellow
over 12 years ago
So yeah, since the end of Season 2 I haven't come across any pony stuff. I find brony fandom a bit extreme, yet they can like what they want. While I found the show enjoyable, I think the obsession with it is weird. It became a cult show, like No More Heroes is a cult game. They can be avoided.
Mister Yellow
over 12 years ago
Overall, except the random nerf now comic (Jo admitted he drawed ponies for the rage and he didn't watch the show) you don't see much ponies out there unless you hang out on Equestria Daily. Sometimes you see a pony name on TF2, but then you see names for other references.
Mister Yellow
over 12 years ago
I hang on out the Internet all the time. I don't see that much ponies. I don't like the fan art and fan created stuff all that much, altough you have to admit there are some (objectively speaking) great art. Porn is going a bit far and it's weird people fap, or clop, to that.
over 12 years ago
Oh, and don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to imply that those aggressively protective "Bronies" represent many. They often make quite a scene when they show up though.
over 12 years ago
One thing I always find very ironic is when "Bronies" act like rabid wolverines considering that "Friendship is Magic". I guess you can appreciate the show without buying into the morals. ^^
over 12 years ago
I don't mind My Little Pony, it's a fairly decent family cartoon, but I'd rather not see it everywhere.
For me MLP memes amuse me about as much as "<...> but then I took an arrow to the knee!"-jokes though. Which is to say: not even slightly. That is just me personally though.
over 12 years ago
The one thing I disliked about New Vegas is I wanted to do everything, but always lacked the skill points.
over 12 years ago
Because the Skyrim Henchman are so deep and meaningfully developed, so we should focus on enjoying that instead.
And while I love both, New Vegas is twice the ROLEPLAYING Game Skyrim will ever be, so your advice at the end is actually pretty sound.
Or perhaps you were just trolling?
over 12 years ago
personally i like lydia. I keep her Armor is top shape and the weapons. I only give her some stuff when i'm in an emergency and really over burdened and then take the stuff off of her when we get back tot he house. All and all shes been a great help.
And if i need to test shouts or spells.. Bandits
Mad Cow
over 12 years ago
I am mad but I am not crazy enough to touch that pony. YOURS! Please no more ponies.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149176]@tridus[/url], et al.
It's pretty damn annoying, incidentally, to see a lot of comments along the lines of "U MAD? LOL"
It's not exactly a positive reflection of your own maturity either.
over 12 years ago
Let's even ignore Pinkie Pie and just focus on Jo's statement: that he'd improve Lydia's looks with mods.
Congrats on being a shallow dick who thinks characters in the game aren't hot enough and wants them all to have perfect model hair, breasts and Barbie Doll faces. I suggest Fallout NV next.
over 12 years ago
@those that hate seeing a pink pony here.
It's referencing a pony mod on the game.
Well I don't like blood so I'm going to go down your route....
over 12 years ago
Interestingly, the same choice (Vampire or Werebeast) is relevant in Dwarf Fortress Adventurer Mode for becoming "friendly" to undead creatures (and more easily becoming a Necromancer).
over 12 years ago
"Shoving it down our throats" really means "this comic author should make more of what I want to see because I'm a unique and special snowflake."
I love the haters. They actively draw more attention to the thing they don't want to have attention. You can't buy that kind of stupid.
over 12 years ago
i gotta lay off the derpibooru, i swear to god i can see pinkie pie as lydia here. Jo wouldn't put a pony refernce after the last shitstorm, so i MUST be hallucianting.
over 12 years ago
Beep Boop
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149158]@WTF[/url] and[url=#user_comment_149154] @Blaze[/url]
I totally don't give a crap as well. Is there anyone else who just doesn't give a crap about this?
over 12 years ago
Glad to see you're back in shape, Jo.
And holy sh*t! Just look a the comments!... Come on, pals! This isn't the first horse-human hybrid in cartoons. Didn't anybody ever watch "Bravestar"?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149149]@Qun[/url]: Man, it's like "pony" isn't even a WORD anymore.
over 12 years ago
So when you say you'd mod her to look "better," is that why she looks like a sexualized version of a children's cartoon show character?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149154]@Blaze[/url] Well, not quite the only one.
over 12 years ago
@Brohoof!: more like cupcakes all the way >_<
What is this?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149131]@Danund[/url] Oh christ I'm a brony and that is horrifying.
over 12 years ago
I think I may be the only one that doesn't give two shits about MLP.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149092]@Tarage[/url]: You sure have to be aware that your statement is a blatant lie, are you not? As for this comic if you scroll down you will see that the raging hatred against ponies outwights the pro-pony comments by far. Also there was none that where anywhere as over the top as a twilight or furry fans.
over 12 years ago
Why didn't i understand it sooner(Yes im same poster as Dear Bronies)
This is...Amazing.Really.It just makes "Making the Show Look Bad" part of my post Worse.
over 12 years ago
Actually, I'm pretty positive it's this one: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273650 and this one: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=14698 because it's Skyrim and not Oblivion.
Is pretty good mod.
Sir Migthy
over 12 years ago
This comment-section is "Conflict of Interests", indeed!
over 12 years ago
I demand more ponies! And more topless scenes with Lydia and Engie.
over 12 years ago
Welp, found the mod he was using.
over 12 years ago
A Pinkie Pie is fine.
A humanised Pinkie Pie with boobs, not so much. AUGH MY EYES
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149092]@Tarage[/url]: That'd be true, if it weren't for the fact that I've seen civil discussion compleatly derailed by someone hating on them. Just saying there's idiots everywhere, acting like one circle has more than the other is a bit silly.
over 12 years ago
Not to say that bronies can't be dicks who won't shut up about their stupid hobbies you don't care about, but for every asshole brony there's two /b/tards who don't know how the internet outside 4chan works. Of the two, I prefer the one from the community that *doesn't* encourage this behavior.
over 12 years ago
Y'know, it'd be nice if everyone stopped ejaculating their raging hateboners whenever anyone so much as mentions ponies in passing.
Just saying, the nature of the pony fandom means there's less unwanted poni out there than unwanted escaped 4chan out there.
over 12 years ago
@@Dear Bronies: "Love and tolerate" is the bronies' euphemism for "rage and/or troll". It exists because raging & trolling is *kinda sorta* against the message of the show they like.
over 12 years ago
So Dovahkin wants to drain Lydia's veins dry in order to test new, puny TESV Skyrim DLC?
Lydia demands some respect.
over 12 years ago
It's been forever since the last comment I made, ahem.
Pyrim would be a great excuse for all the craziness Lydia is put through. Is there a mod for TF2 hats?
@Dear Bronies
over 12 years ago
Why don't you show us some "Love and Tolerating" instead of "Trolling",is that too hard?I mean,you guys making the show itself look bad.It should just be expected to be treated like the Furry fandom.
But anyways
...What game is this?
over 12 years ago
Why Lydia? I know she comes first, but no one beats J'zargo! Long may he live!
over 12 years ago
A wolf -> Pony mod would be hilarious.
Ooh, or full blown Pyrovision in Skyrim.
Because killing everything isn't entertainment enough.
over 12 years ago
Am I the only one to hear echo's of 'Smile, smile, smile' here? ^_^
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149092]@Tarage[/url]: Nah, half the reason MLP became so popular is because of all the people that shit themselves with rage at so much as the suggestion of a pony.
over 12 years ago
I think what people need to realize is that it isn't the sight of a pony that sets people off, but the reaction from 'bronies'. The immediate over the top reactions are akin to fans of Twilight of furries. The ponies aren't the problem, the fucking fanbase is the problem. Bronies, rein your shit in.
over 12 years ago
That's the way of life. Something becomes popular and starts popping up here and there. Haters cling to every opportunity to claim it's being "shoved down their throat" while completely ignoring everything else in society that is "shoved down their throats". Like Memes and popular video games.
Flame Wars
over 12 years ago
mlp: controversial, and intentionally pervasive
"I know, we'll make it so EVERYTHING is ponies!"
(not everything should be ponies, there is such a thing as reverse synergy)
nothing against the show itself
just the fact that "bronies" need to force it on all people everywhere
over 12 years ago
If you want to mod Lydia, just go the the skyrim nexus. You will find LEGIONS of mods to change her appearance. I personally use the one by sumojellybean, but like I said, LEGIONS of mods.
I have no idea
over 12 years ago
So whos Lydia and what game's she in?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Oh, and I have yet to see a single episode or clip of My Little Pony, as I am an adult with no kids.
over 12 years ago
Kind of a 'Meh' strip, tbh; seems like the pony mod was thrown in to set off a flame war. Come on Jo, you can do better than this, we KNOW you can!
You eat a Dick N*gga
over 12 years ago
You sound upset? What's wrong, your boyfriend dump you for a brony? Don't worry, all things heal with time. I'm just kidding, you'll die alone and unloved. Where are you seeing these floods of MLP fan content? Unless you're intentionally looking for it? U like ponies don't you Squidward?
over 12 years ago
"they intentionally mash it up with other fandoms to piss people off from those fandoms just for laughs"
That's some hilarious stuff mister!
over 12 years ago
pt2 you can say they aren't shoving their shit down our throats but they certainly are shoving it in peoples faces, and most of the time when I see that they intentionally mash it up with other fandoms to piss people off from those fandoms just for laughs
over 12 years ago
@LOVE THE PONIES: says you, over the last week I've seen a sizeable flood of mlp fan art some of it the same usual stupid shit, some of it fanfics with the same usual shit, and then there was the partially personified porn then the fully personified porn, continue pt2
over 12 years ago
so the guy who draws this like my little pony
just cuz you dont doesnt make those who do like it "gay" ffs theres a facebook page just for Bronies that are in the military. if you dont like it,and you end up not likeing somone cuz THEY like it then fcuk off.
over 12 years ago
The rage... it entertains me. Keep it coming Jo.
You eat a Dick N*gga
over 12 years ago
So much wrong in this post that I can't even begin to describe it. Unless somebody forced you to click this webcomic then nobody shoved anything down your throat, at least not that i'm aware of fag.
over 12 years ago
Pinkie Pie!!!
over 12 years ago
>Not this again... I just wish bronies would keep to themselves and stop trying to shove their beliefs down our throats.
There's a problem with that line of thinking. The comic is the creators. This website is his. Not yours. Not the publics. His.
He is keeping it to himself.
over 12 years ago
I find it amusing that some people are thinking that this is the first comic with ponies, and rage about it.
also if you dont like ponies, why whine about it?
I mean, he's adding ponies to his comics like once in a month, if not longer.
It is Jo's work, he can do whatever he wants. just saying.
over 12 years ago
hmmm, yuri fanservice is such a nice thing...
i'm also amused by the brony-hate and generally the rage. especially hue made me smile :)
and luna is clearly the best pony
over 12 years ago
You a brony admin?
over 12 years ago
Don't be a wimp, contract both!
over 12 years ago
@ all the pony haters: I'm going to love and tolerate the fuck out of you. Seriously, lol @ the rage against the ponies. Bronies never shove anything to your mouth, you just hate them for loving something.
This is what you sound like:
over 12 years ago
REMEMBER THAT SHITTY BUGGY GAME BETHESDA MADE AWHILE AGO? I SURE DO. Go back to TF2, at least you made some interesting story arcs, as compared to quick shitty quips, jesus fuck.
over 12 years ago
Not this again... I just wish bronies would keep to themselves and stop trying to shove their beliefs down our throats.
over 12 years ago
want to double the number of comments on a comic? add a pony and see the rage... want to triple it? add fluttershy and see the cuteness induced heart attacks
over 12 years ago
Pinkie? Why are you carrying a sack? Did you lose your wagon?
Benny Tops
over 12 years ago
Eh, I could take or leave the ponies, just so funny to see the rage.
I never really bothered with Lydia personally, as I prefer my stealthy approach.
And to people who mentioned Twilight...
Of course all vampires sparkle, when they burst into flames, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Anonymous 2.0
over 12 years ago
Get over the ponies people >_> If you don't like them then just ignore them instead of bitching all the time. There have been ponies in Nerf Now before. Also not every vampire sparkles and frankly any legit vampire also wants to butcher the sparkling ones.
over 12 years ago
This is the worst nerfnow comic I can ever recall reading
over 12 years ago
fucking ponies are here now? ffs I can't go anywhere online without stepping in a pile of horse shit and brony spunk
over 12 years ago
Rosario to Vampire. The opposite of Twilight and equally as trashy
over 12 years ago
Lydia oh Lydia, say have you met Lydia, Lydia the pinkie pie lady! She has hooves that men adore so, and a torso even more so!
over 12 years ago
I married Lydia lol.
I chose lycanthropy cause Werewolves > vampires. And when Dawnguard comes out you can bet your ass that im gonna slay every sparkly vampire i see.
Pro Brony
over 12 years ago
Pinkie pie is number 1 Pack pony!
D.D Mining Co.
over 12 years ago
Oh hang on... if you get sick you just go to Fluttershy for help, THAT'S it! Clever!
D.D Mining Co.
over 12 years ago
... why would you contract EITHER?? They're diseases.
over 12 years ago
Poor Lydia. I kinda liked her. Could not stop shouting "Fus Ro Dah" at her though. For some reason, it is funny as hell.
over 12 years ago
inb4 the flood of butthurt anti-bronies
over 12 years ago
I think they portray her as a pony in the real world because she is a pack horse, whereas in her mind she is who she thinks she is.
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Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.