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The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151345]@Tidehunter[/url]: that's what the Mermaid said!
Crowed of fans say; Ooooohhhhh!!!!
over 12 years ago
@TheEverything,man: I AM NOT PUNY GODZILLA
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Aw Godzilla's got a new son... eh an ugly son for a fact... wait a sec... That's not a Japanese Dinosaur! and that's not the King of the Monsters himself!!
Oh God Its, Its, The American GODZILLA A.K.A ZILLA!!
Ha ha kidding, but no I have no Idea what this is.
[url=#user_comment_150592]@Kunkka[/url] Difficult? No. Bad? Yes. Denial is a terrible mechanic, and every other facet of the game encourages games simply becoming a curbstomp because of early-game denial.
Also, matches generally take, at most, an hour to play. I'm pretty sure that the planet isn't going to spin much.
That guy
over 12 years ago
I dont like any Dota-like game. They all bore me to tears of blood.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150592]@Kunkka[/url]: I still hate you
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150592]@Kunkka[/url]: What is this I don't even. First of all you probably have no idea what LoL is like, "vison range? What is this preposterous thing!" LoL has that "Preposterous thing" Obviously geary is terrible, but going like that doesn't make you look any better. tl;dr LoL has vision range
Not A Beta Player
over 12 years ago
Can we get some comics for games that don't require a Beta invite T_T
over 12 years ago
You just don't like the game because it is too difficult for you, you little LoL player. "Denying? What is that? Day/Night-cycle? What? Vision range? What is this preposterous thing!"
over 12 years ago
@Mister Purple: Some fishes have internal fertilization too... that if you can classify Tidehunter as a fish...
Mister Purple
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150346]@Blarg[/url]: But I will.
See, eggs are fertiziled after being laid. Thus, what happened is this: Kunkka jacked off a truckload of semen from the side of his boat, which landed on the eggs.
@Fact[/url]: < see this (or CTRL+F)
I demand you do a comic about Gangnam Style right now.
over 12 years ago
(Valve's)DOTA will fail.
The League will prevail.
Have you heard, Jo? In brazil. Soon.
over 12 years ago
Pretty much perfect. Well done. For those that still don't know. Tidehunter (green guy) hates Kunkka (who looks like the "baby"). I will not explain the implied joke.
over 12 years ago
The problem is, most people aren't going to get the joke because they haven't played DotA2 enough to understand the reference, and nobody's going to play DotA2 enough to understand the reference because that would require actually PLAYING A GAME of DotA2. And nobody wants that.
over 12 years ago
Why are his eyes so far back, and why are his nostrils where his eyes are supposed to be? :|
over 12 years ago
at the photo notes of "you are not the father":
Mister Orange
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150241]@Anon324[/url]: Yes
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149758]@Astartes_Librarius[/url]: The Internet is an amazing thing. I went to read your link, and now, many pages into the wiki later, I'm installing Dwarf Fortress in my computer.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150253]@Leviathan[/url]: You might be copying me, but you are still better than Kunkka
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Am I the only one who completely understood this comic without ever playing DOTA?
over 12 years ago
"and with a particular loathing for Admiral Kunkka, who has long been his nemesis for reasons lost in the deepest trenches of the sea. "
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150079]@V[/url]: Their rivalry is mostly because Tidehunter sunk Kunkka's fleet.
Mister Blue
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_150005]@Fact[/url]: What you said is true.
over 12 years ago
There, his mug.
It's not stated whats their rivalry about, if you check the tentacle dude dialogue that someone posted, you will see his quotes reference Kunkka.He even yells his name.
over 12 years ago
@Mister Green: NEVER
over 12 years ago
i dont get it.
Not a Dota play
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Fish eggs are fertillized externally. So it was most likely that Kunkka jerked off from the deck of his ship and his "stuff" was dumped into the ocean and it happens to be on top of the eggs...
mr nobody
over 12 years ago
@Mister Green: its called comedy, look it up on wikipedia, i think i mainly like this comic due to my hate for kunka
over 12 years ago
Mister Green
over 12 years ago
Will Kunkka and Tidehunter one day have hot gay sex?
Mister Green
over 12 years ago
Ok I'm back. So Kunkka is actually the captain and he got the mermaid to cheat on Tidehunter, correct?
Why does the Dota2 Wiki not talk about the rivalry between Tidehunter and Kunkka?
over 12 years ago
The worst part is, the baby looks like the mix of Kunkka and Levi, not the girl.
over 12 years ago
Kunkka. I thought I left you at the bottom of the sea.
over 12 years ago
@Xel Unknown: No you're not at all.
over 12 years ago
Those saying DotA 2 is obscure need to get out from under a rock. DotA 2 peaks at more players than TF2 per day, and it's still in BETA for goodness sake. http://store.steampowered.com/stats/?snr=1_4_4__10
Would love to see more, Jo!
Mister Green
over 12 years ago
Creative... juice? Ooooooook.
Can someone explain more deeply to a noob who doesn't know DOTA? Why is the Captain born from. Oh I get it.
The mermaid cheated Kunkka with the captain, is that it?
over 12 years ago
Thank you.
Beep Boop
over 12 years ago
That Kunnka babyfish looks creepy as heck...
Xel Unknown
over 12 years ago
Sometimes I miss the storyline comics... Am I the only one?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149815]@Kunkka[/url]: Pudge is more admirable than you!
over 12 years ago
This is the best one I've seen you do!
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_149800]@Morello[/url]: No, really? Ignorance literally means to not know something. To be ignorant of something isn't bad, it's the attitude that comes with it that is.
over 12 years ago
People calling dota an obscure game are more than a bit ignorant.
over 12 years ago
I'm a big Dota2 fan, was happy to see it referenced on one of my favorite webcomics!
Green Slaad
over 12 years ago
The absurd amount of whining in the comments section never fails to amaze and delight! It's a very simple joke, which is enhanced significantly if you have heard the "Kunkaaaa" sound bite.
Harbinger of Truth
over 12 years ago
This is good, you've done more obscure references than this. If every comic was about some casual mainstream game you'd run out of good content fast.
over 12 years ago
Jo, stick to familiar waters. DOTA2 is too obscure as it is. Also the last Skyrim comic was hilarious.
over 12 years ago
Hm, joke hinging on obscure game knowledge. Hmm. Can safely say I didn't get it. Then I looked it up, and it wasn't funny.
When are you going back to TF2 jokes?
over 12 years ago
For those who don't know what Wat is referencing.
So it's that time again. When there is new fantasy game and I don't get nerfnow.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I hate Kunkka
over 12 years ago
He seems to think a lot about Kunkka... Tsundere Leviathan?
over 12 years ago
ha ha!
over 12 years ago
Oh I get it, " Testing the waters "
Yurnero the Juggy
over 12 years ago
This is one of your best comics yet imo, you should really make more Dota2 comics.
James T
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I had to look up what the heck was going on, I admit it.
over 12 years ago
Mermaid should be Silthice to make it 100% dota2.
over 12 years ago
Pandor, it's from a game Dota 2, Tidehunter or the 'frog' is actually a leviathan from the sea who has a great rivalry with a captain named Kunnka (spelling).
over 12 years ago
I dont get it:/ so a mermaid mated with a frog and layed egg that gave birth to an eel like human?
over 12 years ago
Haha great idea :D Love it!
over 12 years ago
Die in slime, Admiral Mouthbreather! http://www.dota2wiki.com/images/8/8f/Tide_rival_06.mp3
over 12 years ago
I've seen babies born with hair before but this kid's testosterone must have been off the roof.
over 12 years ago
It is from DotA 2. This particular hero has a huge rivalry with Kunkka, what is special about this one is that no matter who Tide Hunter kills he always references Kunkka...
That video contains all the rival lines between the two
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