[url=#user_comment_160124]@Zamzoph[/url]: All heroes have actual names, you just have to look around
over 12 years ago
Dota characters are specific people? With names like "Lich" and "Bounty Hunter", I would've thought otherwise!
over 12 years ago
Cool, now I'm imagining a female Kunka getting *ahem* "Ravaged" by Tidehunter. Stupid Japanese porn
over 12 years ago
New arc MVM
Valve guy
over 12 years ago
If anyone wants to know when a new arc/ comic comes out, that's in 1-2 valve months
Enjoy the waiting
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_159493]@Spy[/url]: You mean about the army robot note? I wonder if tonite comic will be about that.
over 12 years ago
I would advise everyone to look in the Team Fortress 2 website
over 12 years ago
Of course, if this was /vg/ arguments would have already begun regarding the nature of Pucks gender.
over 12 years ago
"different from TF2 the characters in DOTA are specific people so changing them would not work in most cases.."
AKA: Too much work, I'm lazy, and here's a bullshit blatantly false excuse.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Nerf can you make a comic with Engi and Engileena in it by tomorrow?
Cu'z I really want to see the two getting hot after a long day of killing Spy's!
Thanks, Oh and the two must be horny!
over 12 years ago
holy crap that worked... ok, now i know that i CAN post comments. wish id known that last year, when i found the comic. anyway, i propose a toast to Jo, the big purple tentacle-alien cartoonist thing that has been entertaining me since i was 12!
over 12 years ago
testing testing. 1234
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_159326]@Spy[/url]: Rule63 on those horny teenagers too!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_159284]@Fluffy[/url]: But then we would have those horny teenagers D:
over 12 years ago
In the morrow.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Hey Nerf when are you going to make a new comic?
TOMORROW? Next week? Next month? Don't tell me next year!?
over 12 years ago
Considering the low numbers of cute girls in DOTA2 I don't really see the issue in improving some of them.
Do it like with TF2 characters, go beyond the rule 63 and add some extra characterization.
If only DOTA2 could absorb LOL, keep its gameplay and graphics, but adopt the cute girls.
@herpa derpa: Actually, most of those are, yeah. I mean, are you seriously suggesting sheriff "I have not a single outfit that is not fetish material" Caitlyn as "not a babe"? I play LoL, and prefer it to DotA by a country mile, but their female character design annoys me a lot.
Chou Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
over 12 years ago
Kurae! Giga Drill Breeeeeaaaaaak!
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
@Savasaan Todaro: O,M,G you like Spiderman and Deadpool!
I friki love there story's I got all the Deadpool comics even the old once best mercenary in the business tho!
over 12 years ago
Kunkka is my favorite hero....now I won't be able to look at him(her) the same way again...not sure if bad thing or epic thing
lol thanks (?)
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
@herpa derpa: Also consider that all of the characters you mentioned, with the exception of one, are extremely attractive female humans (and one robot) with costumes that are borderline fetishistic.
Compare them with nonhumans: Broodmother, Death Prophet, Spectre.
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
@herpa derpa: Well...
Compare Dragon Age: Origins, and Knights of the Old Republic. Which cast do you care more about?
Compare Prince of Persia: Sands of Time to PoP: Warrior Within.
Compare Spiderman to Deadpool.
Since when does Character Design not make a game better?
over 12 years ago
funny .......no that much but yea sure why not....
herpa derpa
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_158044]@haha[/url] What the hell are you on?Are Leona, or Diana or Irelia or Karma or Akali or Caitlyn or Fiora or Lux or Orianna or Riven or Shyvanna chibi/planet babe?
Spoken like a true fanboy that generalizes everything.
And since when does character design make a game better than another one?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_158678]@Bulk101[/url]: Yeah, he usually read'em but he rarely comments.
fuck you jo
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Does Jo even read these comments?
over 12 years ago
Turn Skeleton King female?
Nothing will change
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
@Random Jerk: Oh really ... I didn't know, sorry about that, and for that joke Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahhhhhh???
over 12 years ago
I saw FemKunkka and thought Katarina from LoL. x-x
And obviously Jo is gonna make Sven female....obv....
Random Jerk
over 12 years ago
@The Everything: I was just joking :D
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
@Random Jerk: Wow calm down man, sorry, shit happens I guess.
over 12 years ago
Blatant fanservice? This is DOTA2, not LoL!
over 12 years ago
@Random Jerk: Thank you for giving him the attention that he wants!
Random Jerk that keeps misspeling
over 12 years ago
posts in**
Random Jerk
over 12 years ago
post in*
Random Jerk
over 12 years ago
100% of your postsin a nutshell
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Hey Nerf can you make a comic with oh I don't know... a joke of TF2 or UMvC3 or something like that cu'z these jokes don't really get me?
Oh and Engi, Engileena and some of the heroes and villains should be in it!
Who is the Vergil looking girl in the center of this comic?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157953]@Meh[/url]: How can you be sure that the ugly strange characters are male? Like in Disgaea where that dragon vassal reveals that in fact it is female. Maybe some of the non-human creatures are female too...
over 12 years ago
Who knows.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
You say "Tidehunter is totally tsundere for Kunkka", but isn't Kunkka the one in the 2nd panel giving the tsundere speech?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157910]@Sum1[/url]: That's the biggest question all of us fans have: when are you going to bring back that cute Lusty Argonian Maid?! Come on Jo ol'pal!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_158044]@haha[/url]: +1 :D
over 12 years ago
Also, Pudge is the best hooker.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157953]@Meh[/url]: Yeah, all female characters on Dota2 are either from planet babe or chibi. Look at Broodmother. Or Templar Assassin. Or Phantom Assassin. Or Spectre, Krobelus, Enchantres... I mean, these are all obviously hot chicks or chibi chick OH WAIT.
You're thinking about LoL. That's why Dota2 > LoL.
over 12 years ago
Because we wouldn't want a female character that doesn't look like a sexy slut. That's the only thing we're looking for in a female character after all, amIrite?
over 12 years ago
Ty, was looking for that, can't believe I missed that big ass blood stain before.
over 12 years ago
This is unrelated but:
1. go to tf2 website
2. click on the blood on the left side of the 'team fortress 2 free to play' thing under the classes
3. research
4. make a new comic
over 12 years ago
tsundere kunkka, i approve of this.
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
@NerfNow: Want Fem!Azwraith.
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157953]@Meh[/url]: Luna, Lina, Rylai) really unattractive. After all, they are very well trained mercenaries.
The only true "gratuitously sexy" character is Queen of Pain, who is a Succubus and should be as such. Character design is driven by character traits, as it should be.
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157953]@Meh[/url]: unbalances the roster so much. The characters that will be generically female don't have a reason not to look good, so they do look good. (In the case of Naga Siren and Medusa, I leave that to the fetishists.)
There isn't a point in making a hero that's suppose to be fit, (Lyralei, Mortred
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157953]@Meh[/url]: Untrue! Dota 2 boasts Broodmother, Mecurial, and Krobalus. (Carry, Carry, Pusher)
However, the general trend of this is because many people default to the masculine form when designing beast characters unless femininity is a specific point, i.e. Broodmother's maternal instinct. This is what
over 12 years ago
I guess Storm Spirit.
over 12 years ago
Kinda lame, that in almost all MoBa games, male characters have all forms and colors, from ugly, to strange to epic. While female are about 99,9% Either from planet babe or chibi.
Savasaan Todaro
over 12 years ago
You're the reason I even queue on the Brazil servers!
Wait, what?
over 12 years ago
I've got my invite to DotA2 for free after merely filling in some form on their site.
over 12 years ago
For a moment I thought the female Kunkka was a Lol character... Huge cleaveage and overly innocent anime face :D
over 12 years ago
I was hoping for something about Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoon, not the movie).
But this was neat too.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
SO! ''clap hands once'' whats there to talk about?
Well that Engi is in the picture ''smiles'' Shuma Gorath is making a picture of some,sort, and that one girl on the second picture reminds me of a female version of Devil May Cry 3's Vergil!
Pretty good comment huh!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_157904]@pineapple[/url] Dota 2 you can buy an invite for $30 from valve +get a bunch of cosmetics, or have someone who owns the game trade 2 chest keys ($5) for an invite. Either way its widely expected that at the end of the international dota 2 is officially out of beta and F2P.
over 12 years ago
Thanks for enforcing Rule 63!
over 12 years ago
last panel cannot unsee
over 12 years ago
Lusty Argonian Maid! I remember Jo hired her, where is she now?
over 12 years ago
Femkka reminded me of origin-tan. I would like to see the return of lusty argonian maid in dota comics, Jo!
over 12 years ago
I'm not really into DOTA, if you did LoL stuff I would get it. But DOTA2 is invite only and DOTA 1 there is no real point to play far as I understand (what with LoL being around).
over 12 years ago
or...... Kunkka-tan?
or...... Kunkka-chan?
over 12 years ago
You know who we haven't seen for... how long has it been? Engineer. Not Engie-tan, Engineer. Just occurred to me.
Guess we might see him once the build tool gets an alternative item.
over 12 years ago
I got the first "mine"!
Also, on topic: I see what Engi means about the "perhaps not" side of things.
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