@The Everything,man: People like you stop Power Ranger fans from even wanting to watch Super Sentai, cause they're a lot the same, just different at their core and BOTH are good far as I know. But still I'll never watch the stuff.
over 12 years ago
I might cover that with black tape (it's an indicator, not a soesnr).CONS:I found the directions relatively easy however, If you are not able to follow written directions well, then Read the directions TWICE before trying to use this camera. Then as you program it, read them again and while you pro
over 12 years ago
Well that's really your opinion.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_166696]@Chykin[/url]: YES IT IS!!! SUPER SENTAI IS THE BEST!!!
And also I'm glad you like Kamen rider Double (W) good for you!
over 12 years ago
Power Rangers is not a "rip off". It is an adaptation. Look it up.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_163994]@Chykin[/url]: So wait you like Kamen rider Double (W)?
And also Power Rangers I a rip off of Super sentai!
Look it up pal!
over 12 years ago
Tried getting into Ryuki. Got bored after a bit. I'm more a fan of upbeat narratives. W being my favorite. And for the record, Power Rangers are not "rip offs", they are merely adaptations. So please don't rag on PR, they are capable of good shows, believe it or not. (I'm guessing you won't -_-)
@The Everything,man: I think Talcon is referring to the comic.
An Angry Vulcan
over 12 years ago
We all know the lesson here, right? Don't be Scottish.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_163545]@Talcon[/url]: It's from Kamen Rider Ryuki! it's one of my favorite Rider show from 2002, I got the full series the final movie and the 13 Riders movie, but I haven't got the Hyper battle video with Agito in it.
Check it out some time on Youtube my New friend and if you like it, come ask any questions!
Black V
over 12 years ago
Yeah the sentry buster does inface have an invisible demo arm when he's on fire you can see him swinging the grenade
over 12 years ago
I don't get it
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Uh..? I was talking about something and you guy's are talking about some thing ells.
This is my reaction to the Sniperbots!
Kamen Rider Gai (Guy)
FINAL VENT ''Metalgelas appears out of nowhere again, Gai jumps on top of him and charge at the Sniperbots''
''Gai jumps down and laughs''
over 12 years ago
Agreed about Sniperbots, they take time to aim properly. As Jo said, they are more annoying against sentries, but a wrangler should solve it. And DemoSpamBots are just terrible... and they have awesome aim. I lost count how many time I got hit in the face and died in one shot...
Ze Snipah
over 12 years ago
SniperBots are easy to deal with... don't stand in one place for too long, if you are engie you can wrangle them to death easily. Now DemoSpamBots are a different story, I die all the time to those.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
@Not-Linkara: Oh yeah! well if you think it's so great you should watch the original Japanese shows strait from 1975's Goranger to 2011's Gobusters and Akibaranger!
and you'll also know that the Power Rangers was copied it off 1992's Zyuranger to 2009's Shinkenger!
over 12 years ago
@The Everything,man: Please don't rag on Power Rangers, that show was great, and far as I know it's still overall an enjoyable show.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_163194]@Shareazu[/url]: No you watched a stupid Saban show called Masked Rider, Those jerks did it with Super Sentai and called it their Power Rangers, and again with Ryuki they called it Dragon Knight.
No way! First off It's Dragonder and second Knight is the name of one of the Riders, Not Wing Knight, Knight
over 12 years ago
@The Everything,man: indeed it is man, i only knew black kamen rider and black kamen rider rx, that were the ones i watched when i was younger D:
actually, i think they're the only ones who aired here
over 12 years ago
My brother's sad engie screams ring in my ears...
Ivan Toropyshkin
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_163080]@DH[/url]: Sentry buster = Demoknight with shield and suicide grenade.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Can someone explain the joke to me? I don't get it.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_163018]@Shareazu[/url]: Did you check out the me from 11 hours ago?
Pretty cool I know all of the Kamen Riders eh!
over 12 years ago
@The Everything,man: whatcha wanna talk about man?
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Hey guy's I know your not talking to me, but that's o,k I'll be fine!
No seriously I want to talk to you guy's...
over 12 years ago
again is time that can be used by the enemy to take it out. It's a pain in the arse.
over 12 years ago
Unfortunately it's not as easy as everyone says, especially on harder levels and later waves of enemies. If you try to move it, that's time that the enemy can get past you, and in certain levels you don't have a lot of room to manuever depending on your placement. And the time it takes to set up
over 12 years ago
The Sentry Buster is actually a walking sticky bomb with Demobot legs
Ivan Toropyshkin
over 12 years ago
Cyclone Duke, is it you?
Bad Idea
over 12 years ago
Mad Jack Churchill:
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Sorry it's Kamen Rider, not Kmen rider... KAMEN RIDER
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Hey guys! sorry about last time, but it's all good now people!
anyway I'm not in the fight today, instead I'm watching some Japanese commercials, and one of them had Spiderman in it, and another had DAI Shocker from Kmen Rider in it pretty cool huh!
over 12 years ago
What really puts me off are Giant Soldiers ... as a Pyro I get ready to airblast their rocket but its so slow I miss time it all the time because I'm used to regular rockets.
over 12 years ago
Guys! It's a Monty Python's Flying Circus reference.
over 12 years ago
Watch this vid if you are still having problems with MvM.
Also fun fact: You can view the bots on spectator mode and if you spectate on a sentry buster in first person mode you will see a demoman with an ullapool caber.
over 12 years ago
I've seen sentries live through a Sentry Buster with Wrangler active.
Probably needs health upgrades, but it swallowed a Sentry Buster and only took like 1/4 damage.
over 12 years ago
Join a server, get told its the wrong version.
Join a server, everyone leaves.
Join a server, few people, only one left, nobody joins.
Join a server, people restart, server crashes.
Realize you just spent an hour or so waiting.
Mein Herr
over 12 years ago
Even after playng three fity I still can't get into a damn server~!!!!!!!!!
Mein Herr
over 12 years ago
Even after playing three fity I still can't get into a damn server~!!!!!!!!!
over 12 years ago
Oh, I get it. The little miniature Scotsman represents one of those green things which go SSSSSSS and then blow up your stuff in minecraft. Creeper, I think. But Scottish, and human.
The Sentry Buster is basically a TF2 creeper for Enginers.
over 12 years ago
Jo I really don't want to be mean. But man your OMD 2 trap setup is a mess. You wont be able to 5 skull nightmare that way :D
over 12 years ago
my head is hurting,i have no idea what's the last panel referencing toooooooo
Some random guy you don't know of.
over 12 years ago
Sniperbots are my 2nd least favorite. Fuck spybots so hard.
As for MvM, I find stacking the grenade launcher to fire like the soda popper/FaN and reload at nearly the same speed turns out to eat up most of the giants in a matter of seconds when combined with a crit canteen. This is why I love demo.
over 12 years ago
Ummm...I don't get the punchline.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_162573]@sdasrwet[/url]: Or 2 Giant Heavies with 5 Medics each coming with a few Giant Rapid Fire Demomen.
over 12 years ago
no what's really annoying is when they send 3 uber medics behind a rapid fire solider, or 6 giant scouts at the same time.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
The backstab upgrade isn't bugged as far as I can tell. It's just that 100% backstab damage = 25% giant bot health.
I think. Or maybe I haven't been paying enough attention to how much damage 25% upgrade does. But 0 definitely does 0.
CommS007 Misoski
over 12 years ago
Blender ceiling traps and flame floor trap are most fun on that level and arrow or push wall traps =3
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Right! now it's over... but they'll come back! they'll come back...
I'm just glad Engi and Engileena are safe, but we lost the Heavy, Sniper and Engineer...
''Engineer appears out of nowhere'' Aye!
Aye! ... Oh man they lost their lives back there...
over 12 years ago
"It's the SniperBots who usually take me. Damn SniperBots."
I'd say poetic justice has been served...
Kydrou Kair
over 12 years ago
Glad to see you're finally playing.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
O,k! Engi and Engileena are safe, but my team is getting killed out there!.. I need...
''Heavy'' METAL GIANT!
As I was saying...
Sh.t look guy's I gotta go, Hope I survive this...
over 12 years ago
Spent hours last night up to the last wave... then the server went kaputz :(
Went spy and was fairly well, sapping groups of bots, specially the medic pack that went with giant bots.
In time: sappers "break" upon use (with recharge time), and the backstab upgrade for giants is bugged.
over 12 years ago
what if you just MOVE YOUR SENTRY? I can do that
over 12 years ago
The explosion doesn't seem to get through wall, so if you are behind one with the sentry on top of it or on it's side, all you need to do is a right click AFTER the sentry buster stopped to detonate, then place it again. (also double-check if you are actually under cover, that might help).
over 12 years ago
Hire a Pyro to blast them away.
over 12 years ago
The thing about this mode is that I can never resist the siren song of BONK. Bat speed maxed + damage resistance is all I ever get as scout. At one point I looked down from standing on top of the bomb swinging my bat wildly, and I had over 500 health.
over 12 years ago
The link should be this one, I think:
over 12 years ago
seems like the snipers are finally getting thier revenge eh Jo
Ka Ming
over 12 years ago
I link to watch you play doesn't work for me, it just links me back to the nerfnow comic :(
over 12 years ago
Or Must Die 2 must be played with multiplayer in the advanced levels, or else it gets way to hard to finish. And I'm waiting for the Brazilian Portuguese language support they promised in the game page. Anyway, wonderful little game to play.
over 12 years ago
As a heavy with 75% explosive resistance, you can tank a sentry buster explosion without even being overhealed. Still hurts like hell, but as long as nothing dangerous is following it up, you can stay in position and keep laying down fire. Until you run out of ammo, because the things eat dispensers
over 12 years ago
It isnt hard to counter SB's, but it helps to balance the game. Engineers with Sentry-HP and Sentry-Shoot-Speeed upgrades are REALLY powerfull in this Mode
over 12 years ago
i normally play a pyro when i'm in MvM, i find airblasting the SBs help kill them fast enough to prevent them from even getting near the engineer's sentry.
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
@Shadow Scryer; for doing the latter... I think. Still, it brings the otherwise immortal engineers down to the level of everyone else. A game balancer if you will.
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_162243]@Kakurady[/url]; Seen it a few times now. If the engies pack up and run like their arse is on fire, it gives the others enough time to destroy the thing. The problem is when two appear at the same time. I also think it's entirely possible to just pack up and run for it when it sets. There's an achievement
over 12 years ago
I was spectating a MvM session yesterday and witnessed an Engie sending the Sentry buster in circles by hauling the sentry and teleporting all over the place.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
I find this upsetting to the Scottish community...
But still!...
''Me'' Oh SHI..
''Me'' Oh sh.t! I need to see if Engi and Engileena are alright! Be right back!!!
To Athon
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_162211]@Athon[/url]: Heavies that have bought the ability to shoot down projectiles are an amazing counter to giant demos and soldiers.
D.D Mining Co.
over 12 years ago
Someone post a 'now with more' photonote over the NERNOW.COM.
Now. Before you lose your chance.
over 12 years ago
I really need to check out this gamemode. Wish my friends would play TF2 too :/
over 12 years ago
The main problem for the Engi are the Giant Rapid Fire Demos :<
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