My Top Ten women!
10 Belldandy Ah my Goddess
9 Kei Dirty Pair
8 Yuri Dirty Pair
7 Engileena Nerf now
6 Miu Dears
5 Lilith Darkstalkers 3
4 Miko Mido La Blue Girl
3 Engi Nerf now
2 Ruby Heart Marvel vs Capcom 2
1 Morrigan Darkstalkers
over 12 years ago
Actually, you can. In community servers, that much I know, dunno about Mann Up servers.
[FJ] hunman
over 12 years ago
@Random Lurker: Sadly you can't spray in MvM servers
Random Lurker
over 12 years ago
OK fine, I'll do it myself:
Download it!
Random Lurker
over 12 years ago
Need spray of last panel!
over 12 years ago
Now who here wants to have a spray of the third panel?
over 12 years ago
Kind of ironic for the engineer to be saying to hurry up and press F4 when the reason people wait is so that they can use that infinite metal and free level 3 buildings to get set up.
over 12 years ago
Yes, they all here for the titties.
over 12 years ago
I see 2 Ds and an F
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Whoa! allot of People here... must be the breasts!
Keep doing the good job Nerf! ''Thumbs up for Nerf and Engi's sweet, sweet rack!''
over 12 years ago
My gripe (and slight sadistic joy) with MvM is it really show who knows their class and who's just a noob who have not face a real challenge and thus never learn how to REALLY play.
When your team can't kill one giant heavy (who you killed all his medics) while you killed 4 giant demo, you know.
over 12 years ago
Getting into official servers outside of the US is really terrible. Matchmaking takes over an hour in New Zealand =(
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
So!... I'm so looking a breasts right now and I'm in love... So she's going to be i my top ten women that I love right next to Morrigan Anesland and Ruby Heart, Engi is now one of my meany goddesses in the world!
Love you Engi!
over 12 years ago
If you look closely there are some leters in that t-shirt
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_162054]@isaac[/url] They wanted it to be grey but one of the Valve guys posted saying the engine was built for blue vs red only and they were forced to use the same colours.
over 12 years ago
My only problem is that u can't change colour to blue...I though this was going to be red and blue vs gray not red vs another blue team
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161941]@F4nocando[/url]: That's because f4 is binded to quit game by default so you need to unbind it
over 12 years ago
I hate it when people don't ready up and I lose my 800+ overheal before the wave starts.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161967]@QQ[/url]: ... -_- ... Really? Kids these days. My lawn, off it! That or try press fn + F4, or Google how.
over 12 years ago
"My only gripe right now it's easy to find a server to play it"
Your gripe is that it is easy to find a server? I feel like I'm missing something here.
over 12 years ago
well someone seems to have gone trough the trouble to provide that.
over 12 years ago
O Josue ta me sacaneando cara?So porque esqueci uma vez de apertar f4? shudsuh
over 12 years ago
ah...... F4 doesnt work on my mac....
over 12 years ago
Is it sad that I want to see a nude version? I feel awful.
over 12 years ago
my game crashes on hitting F4, so I can't do that!
S.S. Borra
over 12 years ago
Oh I'll press those issues.
over 12 years ago
I suggest the last panel be made into a spray. For the betterment of Mannkind.
over 12 years ago
I agree, everyone just buy your upgrades quickly, set up your stuff (if your engies) and press F4! >:U
over 12 years ago
You're making these easy to photoshop on purpose now, aren't you Jo?
Poor engie doesn't look happy in the last panel...
over 12 years ago
This public service announcement has been brought to you by Mann Co. Waiting for that one last guy to announce he's ready since... like two days ago.
over 12 years ago
Mac users. There is a Key on your Keyboard called FUNCTION!!! Its the Fn Key located on the bottom left. PRESS THAT AND THE F4 KEY AND IT WILL WORK!!!
Internet Etiquitte
over 12 years ago
It's polite to wait in two situations:
1) when people haven't even loaded into the game on the first round
2) when the Engineers haven't had a chance to setup
Are those two conditions satisfied? Then what are you waiting for? We have bots to kill!
over 12 years ago
I was shocked by the sheer number of photo notes on panel 3.
Then I remembered this is Nerf NOW!! and my surprise vanished.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161491]@Software2[/url]: No only are you 100% wrong, but 3rd parties can actually make totally new .pop files that control spawns. Already am myself.
See below for one way to get at them:
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161785]@Vulpis[/url]: It was doing it all day yesterday. If you build crap before a wave starts it's instant level 3.
over 12 years ago
So want a larger version of that last panel ...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161728]@Anon[/url] Err, what? Is the 'Instant L3 with no Metal' something that's changed for the MvM stuff? Because otherwise it sounds distinctly like you're complaining at someone for *not* using hacks. :-/
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Guy's I think I'm in love her...
over 12 years ago
I haven't had any trouble playing MvM. It took me two seconds to get into a server on launch, and no more than five minutes to get into a server after that.
Kydrou Kair
over 12 years ago
If you (connect, and) see me on a server, if i don't press F4 it's cause i'm either asleep or staring at this pic...
over 12 years ago
Engie... has... UNDERTHINGS!
Clever mvm player
over 12 years ago
How to get easily on a mvm mode (exept mann up) :
Don't clic "play co-op"
clic "servers"
Search map "mvm"
Select a server that have less than 6 players
over 12 years ago
this is also VERY important:
Making your own server is the easiest way to play MvM (plus you still get item drops!) just remember to port forward before you start!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161701]@Aradraugfea[/url]: Ive played Engineer since the game launched and if it takes you longer than 150 seconds to setup, especially when all your buildings are instant level 3 and cost no metal. You don't need to be playing engineer.
over 12 years ago
Haha, did you forget to color her fingers in the first panel?
...I can't even get into a server without waiting 30 mins :(
over 12 years ago
Havent been able to play yet...
over 12 years ago
I spent 5 hours to beat a Decoy in Mann Up mode and didnt got anything...
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Holly! she's showing her breasts off to us...
No fence Engileena,
''sinister laugh like Deadpool'' Look out B,A,a'n,V here I come!!!!!!!!
some guy
over 12 years ago
I only see F4.....F4 to what?
over 12 years ago
My problem has been people pressing F4 before the Engineer has time to set up. Like, they'll spawn, refresh the canteen and immediately hit F4 and start the timer, forcing the Engie to BOOK to get set up in time.
over 12 years ago
Holy shit, that's too much fun.
over 12 years ago
For some people pressing F4 to ready up crashes the game,
over 12 years ago
What does it say about me that my first instinct was to press F4 and see if that triggered an animation?
over 12 years ago
wow, if that doesn't get the message across, nothing will
over 12 years ago
Order of panels read:
3 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 3
over 12 years ago
"My only gripe right now it's NOT easy to find a server to play". Fixed it for you, Jo.
Also, I heard the robots are painted blue, and you can play only RED... did they forget to change the original concept before release?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_161632]@None1[/url]: 5:2
over 12 years ago
Groan... 4 bad servers to 2 I could play on.
over 12 years ago
Spam F4 for lulz
over 12 years ago
Oh, My..!!! Now that's what a call effective advertising!
over 12 years ago
Played twice aaaannnnd... just waited to get in for 15 minutes to be kicked by a password server again. They need to do something about that.
over 12 years ago
And have the suicide bombers go after the mini-sentries too.
over 12 years ago
Then your experience has been better then mine. Only been able to get on a few times, the first after an hour long wait, and I immediately recieved a message saying "incorrect password" and was sent to the back of the line. And they really need to increase the damage done by the spies sapper.
over 12 years ago
And now I will take that last panel and turn it into a spray.
over 12 years ago
i knew people would mine-fy engies boobs XD
over 12 years ago
i don't even play TF2 and i will NEVARH forget that command.
over 12 years ago
oook, so its an issue that its easy getting a server? Or is the ´not´ invisible to me?
over 12 years ago
Woe betide you if you are on a server where one person's F4 key is broken, and they can't rebind it.
over 12 years ago
This reminds me the time I had to put that one spray that said "right click to turn your buildings" for all the newbie Engies during the Engineer Update.
Also, I do love the new mode. It's just such a shame that some people can't read the HUGE WHITE LETTERS on the middle of the fucking screen.
The Derp
over 12 years ago
Wait, didn't her shirt say "Press F4 to Start", without "the waves" a few hours ago?
But still, me gusta. :3
over 12 years ago
Anyone else love to be stuck in RED and the robots are blue instead of gray?
over 12 years ago
But I thought there was a button to put up a vote to change difficulties? Either way my clan has 9 servers up currently, with 3 pass-worded ones for members, with 2 of the pubs and 1 of the private being set to "advanced" difficulty. Sure, no Mann Up rewards, but it's free Mann Up difficulty!
over 12 years ago
Everyone knows you are the last one to press F4 engy always taking forever to set up your sentries and stuff.
over 12 years ago
I don't understand, we need to go deeper for more information.
over 12 years ago
Press...F4....wha-? I'm sorry, I was reading her shirt and my brain stopped functioning for a moment.
over 12 years ago
Got booted once for not pressing F4. Didn't press because I wasn't ready yet, I was a brass beast heavy that was still back near spawn (no tele)
over 12 years ago
When I played MvM, I was often the last one to ready up because I was moving the sentry nest.
over 12 years ago
@Laptop User: You can change that setting in your bios.
Google it.
over 12 years ago
But...But for me loadout #4 is bound to f4 ;_;
over 12 years ago
Turkashi - you press f4 to confirm that you are ready for next wave.
over 12 years ago
The first game I managed to join (after about 10-15 minutes of waiting) lasted all of about 30 seconds - the "toggle ready" command doesn't actually use a keybinding, and I had previously F4 bound to "disconnect"...
over 12 years ago
F4 is ready in the new MvM gamemode
over 12 years ago
I'm not a real TF2 player, so anyone can explain what the F4 button works for? or does she mean alt + F4?
Laptop User
over 12 years ago
I have to hold down the Function key to hit F4.
And the effect is the same as Alt+F4
over 12 years ago
You should make a spray version of the last image.
over 12 years ago
I played my first map, with about 8 waves of enemies coming at us. I've never seen so much team work in my life, especially in this game, and that makes this game mode the best one to try and find people that are really trying to help you win.
over 12 years ago
What I'm really pissed off about is that the version regular people are able to host is inferior to the one you get to play if you pay for it. Mann Up is a blast, because it's so much harder.
Some Random Person
over 12 years ago
Just don't hold Alt while starting it.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I have yet to play it :C It couldn't find a server for me ^^;
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