No love for spy, or even a mention of him? Or is his pet his cigarette/trusty knife?
over 12 years ago
Heavy is no different
over 12 years ago
Actually I think Soldier's rocketlauncher is his little buddy
over 12 years ago
Actually sniper has a tiny koala in the Cozy Camper
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
@Shadow Scryer
Even though Koalas have the roughest fur in existence and their claws shelter entire civilisations of bacteria.
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Yeah, well Sniper lacking a companion'd make sense given his job description. But a mini-kangaroo or Koala'd fit the stereotype beautifully mate.
"Stay away from everyone, finding a secluded spot to blow the other guys brains out." Kinda ruined if there's something to hide besides himself.
over 12 years ago
Pocket Medic don't count as a pet, it's only a pet if only ONE class can have it.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
''Engi'' What the hell you doing!
''Me'' Singing Chocolate rain, why is their something wrong?
''Engileena'' Yeah it sounds bad in my ear's!
''Me'' Well what am I supporter say Chocolate gay!
''Engi and Engileena'' NNNNOOOO!!!!
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
@Mister Green: What do you mean by that?
over 12 years ago
Soldier, Scout, Sniper, please consult this link:
over 12 years ago
@Trolling Nerd:
A tortoise is more fitting for the Engineer
over 12 years ago
Sniper obviously has his jars of piss to talk to
over 12 years ago
I love my Balloonicorn. I painted him green and named him Mr. Tibbers: Master Tactician. His sage advice has driven my team to victory numerous times.
over 12 years ago
but sniper has his little Pocket spy that he Tries to stab Unsuccsefully
over 12 years ago
Scout has his ball, he loves his ball!
Mister Green
over 12 years ago
The Everything,man is an autistic individual.
I believe a week in the Psychiatric ward would help him.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Say why do you guy's ignore me? Is it something I said? or done? please tell me.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165340]@James[/url]: Oh really! what's his pet's name and what is it?
over 12 years ago
Hey, Scout has a pet. Don't underestimate the mackerel!
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165303]@isaac[/url]: I'm sorry for your Sandviches loss kid. But don't worry, as they say there's plenty more Pizza's in Italy, O,k bub.
I'm just hoping Nerf make's a new comic with Engi in it very soon... one day, one day.
Take care O,k man.
over 12 years ago
My best friend was a sandvich, he was such a good friend and very funny...but now he's gone
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
I am a burden to you all! including Nerf and one of my top 10 lovers Engi... I'm nothing but a mistake in this world, sure I may know thing allot more than you guy's but I guess that just makes me different than you...
''Crying my eye's out in sadness''
I'm SO sorry everyone and to my love Engi.
over 12 years ago
But all classes can use the robro 2000 or whatever, even spy!
Kydrou Kair
over 12 years ago
Engineers have Teddy Roosebelt
Heavy has Pocket Medic (so does Soldier)
Pyro as Ballonicorn and his little angel/devil
Demoman has the parrot
Medic has Archimedes
Spy has Scout's mom...
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165283]@Zacsi[/url]: Say um... Ia'm sorry for trying to get the attenuation, but can I ask?
What do you think of the comments from both 2 hours ago?
Pretty cool huh?
And again sorry everyone, I think I'm a burden on you all... ''Sad look on my face''
Master Shibubu
over 12 years ago
But Sniper already has a per. A jar of his piss.
over 12 years ago
@The Everything,man:
Are you autistic or something?
Or you have a bad case attention whoring.
You do this in every strip and nobody is replying for a good reason.
Go to reddit they love your type there, or better yet go outside and try to socialize with people.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
I'm sorry guys, but please I want to talk to somebody, anybody! please...
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Scout has his ball. "I love my ball"
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Hey... can I ask a question here?
over 12 years ago
sniper pet is a leaking dog.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
''Me'' I think that Pyro has gone maverick.
''Zero'' Leave this one to me!
''Pyro looks up, Zero slices her in-two and he explodes''
''Zero'' Just like a training program.
''Me'' ...............?
Trolling Nerd
over 12 years ago
Let's get Soldier a tortoise, we'll call him Tank.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
''Engi'' Hey Every! remember that sex we had last night?
''Me'' Yeah...
''Engi'' Was it your first time?
''Me'' Uh... yeah...
''Engi comes up to me and cwches Me''
''Engi'' Oh good! It was my first time to!
''I huge her''
''Me'' cool girl, cool.
cwch is Welsh for a hug!
over 12 years ago
Soldier has heads. Sniper has Sharpie.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
''Me'' Hey Engi! did you ever have a friend to play with when you were young?
''Engi'' No I only had my games and that's it!
''Me''...Wow your life back then sounds like it sucks.
''Engi'' Why you son of a,
'Next morning''
''Engi'' Ah that was great last night.
''Me'' AH Yeah...
over 12 years ago
I live in a van and talk to bobblehead, mkay.
Standard Professional
over 12 years ago
Well, Sniper is hands-down the least nuts of the bunch of 'em. He's the lone sane man in a group of batshit mercs who have imaginary/animal conversation partners.
That Guy
over 12 years ago
I like to think that Engie's pet is the teddy bear.
over 12 years ago
Soldier got his cardboard pal +1
over 12 years ago
Spy: Did you forget about me ?
over 12 years ago
Sniper have cute little koala! He have a pet too!
The Administrator
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
In Nerfnow, RED Pyro mumbles, but BLU Pyro actually speaks
over 12 years ago
Snipers probably gonna get something to do with sniping like a hawk or a vulture.
over 12 years ago
What's a ballonicorn?
over 12 years ago
Sniper decided talking with his firend while on a job would be unprofesional and could give away his position.
So he wanted to become one with his firned. And made him into an outfit.
over 12 years ago
@Mister Red: Actually snipah have a gecko.
over 12 years ago
Heavy has Sasha or (mini) Medic.
Engie got his sentries.
Scout has his bat.
Sniper had a gecko, but he made a hat out of it.
Spy has crabs, so has Scout's mom :(
over 12 years ago
What does the spy have then? You seem to have forgotten about him ;)
over 12 years ago
Engie has the Teddy, Soldier gets Pocket Medic.
over 12 years ago
Soldier also has those cardboard cutouts, though I think they were only in a comic.
Salty Pete, Iron Eye, and Pepperpot Pete.
over 12 years ago
You realize that the characters Jo used back then weren't his own design, right?
A person named "Cap-tan" who used to draw original content on 4chan made the character designs originally used on this site (Red engie, Blue Spy, etc.) Not sure about the Red Pyro with spiky hair and all, but y'know.
over 12 years ago
Heavy eats his friend?
Mister Red
over 12 years ago
Soldier has his heads.
And for Heavy, Sascha is a better choice.
Sniper has his bobblehead, nto forever alone.
Goodnight forever!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165022]@Vampirspiegelei[/url]: my thought exactly.
Regarding the Sniper, in the workshop there's a Koala similar to Teddy, so...
@Joey Archamon: You do realize classes from either team can have more than one character representing it, right?
Marker Mage
over 12 years ago
OK so I looked on the wiki to find which things get credited with kills/assists when unassisted kills are made in Pyroland.
Pocket Medic - Soldier/Heavy - kill
Bird-Man of Aberdeen - Demo - assist
Balloonicorn - all classes - assist
Archimedes - Medic - assist
over 12 years ago
Engineer has their sentries.
"I love that lil' gun!" "Ain't that a cute little gun?"
Plus there's the teddy, of course. He helps me defend! Yesh he does! Ye- ...what are you lot looking at?
over 12 years ago
Soldier has his collection of skulls
over 12 years ago
Sniper has his liquid friend.
Joey Archamon
over 12 years ago
Objection! In comic 102 you confirm that Red Pyro is a girl!
over 12 years ago
they should add pets! and we can have them fight each other while we shoot and blow each other up :) kind of like eyecandy on the screen
over 12 years ago
Spy got Scout's mom :p
over 12 years ago
Engie has the Teddy Bear.
over 12 years ago
Scout has a pet, it's inside his chest since Meet the Medic.
over 12 years ago
what about Spy? he doesn't have one either....
over 12 years ago
Soldier has his cardboard companions!
My Name
over 12 years ago
Soldier has pocket medic.
over 12 years ago
i love my koala bear hes so cute with his little sniper hat also doesnt the engineer have teddy roosebelt
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