Windows 8 will be awful but that's how Microsoft rolls.
They release many awful OS's and a few good ones.
ME-horrible abomination
XP-actually ok
Vista-horrible abomination
7-quite good
8-another horrible abomination
The next good windows will be 9 or 10.
over 12 years ago
No more start menu, now we have a start screen? Uwah.
over 12 years ago
@Gamestop Guy:
over 12 years ago
I have to say, from my experience, Performance wise, 8 is faster and more stable than windows 7. Behind the UI, it is a very good OS, and metro doesn't bother me because I spend most of my time on the desktop. Different does not mean being bad.
over 12 years ago
Not my problem that you are a poor $%&! Hyperstar96
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165943]@Kazan[/url]: Was... was that a reference to the movie Cube? That just made my day.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
I used to have a bunch of computer problems in the past...and then I discovered NoScript.Thank you firefox :).
over 12 years ago
"I never got any virus other than on w7."
That's got more to do with what you do with your computer than anything :|
over 12 years ago
I had to install windows 7 on my new computer, but I prefered windows XP, XP was the shit and I never got any virus other than on w7.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Wait that's orange! Ha I though it was Red at first, Ha ha ahh silly me!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165896]@Geary[/url]: It makes you lucky.
Mister Pink
over 12 years ago
So I just watched .
It's quite interesting how a kid show got so much hate. It's actually pretty entertaining and they got the tone right. And I'm not a brony. I like and watch it, and it ends here. The (34ed) bronies should be hated, not the show.
over 12 years ago
You, sir, are a genius.
over 12 years ago
@ernie thunderdong
Tried it, Didn't like it.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165926]@_Xel_[/url]: Hey! thanks for stinking up for Geary! Give me a Troll sometime pal! and to you too Geary!
ernie thunderdong
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165937]@441[/url]: proooobably better off upgrading to 7 while you can still get it dude. gonna be a few years before 9 comes out, ASSUMING microsoft's OS division survives at all.
over 12 years ago
This square is red.....
I wanna go back......
Back to the blue square......
over 12 years ago
I'm sticking with Windows XP.
It may be steadily losing support, but damn it, it works well and simply and doesn't whine at me every 5 seconds.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165896]@Geary[/url]: It don't make you weird, but people will think you weird...
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165896]@Geary[/url]: No that doesn't make you weird.
over 12 years ago
I'm I weird because I used Vista and haven't had any problems with it? o.o
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
''Start smacking the computer''
''Engi'' Every! what are you doing you moron!?
''Me'' My god damn computer's jammed again!
''Engi'' Maybe you need a new computer?
''Me'' don't be silly.
''Next day''
''Me'' Hey Engi I got a new computer!
''Engi'' .....
over 12 years ago
I'm going to wait a few months after Windows 8's official release. I notice that after a bit of time has passed after release, several huge improvements will follow.
I'll just play it safe and wait it out. (Not like I can actually afford a new computer anyway...)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165637]@MartyMcFly[/url]: You're right! It's great that we live on a planet where anyone can buy state-of-the-art items for low prices without consequence! It's also great that the speed of some random guy on the Internet represents that of everyone who uses Windows 7!
Oh wait...
over 12 years ago
Windows 8 is proof that Ballmer secretly owns a fucking mountain of AAPL stock
over 12 years ago
Windows 8 - Now no longer supporting windows.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
If only my computer wouldn't crash on me while someone is on the phone... Oh well!
And suddenly, it will actually be good but will have bad sales because paranoid consumers.
If that happens, listen closely (if you are in Sweden) when a bloke laughs loudly as hell in a public place when the good reviews come out.
Dat Guy
over 12 years ago
Good thing I only use Windows for gaming by now. Everything else can be done much easier with Linux, if you are willing to spend some time getting used to it.
over 12 years ago
Ok, first it's only windows rt which wont run desktop apps. Win 8 and pro will run said programs, like steam. Rt is like an ipad and an android tablet; you don't see steam running on those. On ssd drives; the are too expensive and don't have enough storage, for now.
over 12 years ago
I'm an old fogey, myself--I use the Classic UI (thank you Classic Shell for letting me use it in Win7!) because it's simple, minimally obtrusive, and easy to organize if you have at least half a brain cell. Metro has way too much vistual clutter, and I'm not using a phone here (Win7's default Start)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165485]@Nullcast[/url] That pretty much sums it up, really. Under the hood, there's been improvements. The UI is fine *if* you have a tablet, with its limited controls and screen real estate. But the *point* of a desktop is multiple simultaneous tasks and windows.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165587]@AEIOU[/url]: Maybe it has something to do with the fact that ME was released 7 months after 2000 was? Thus, 2000 good -> ME bad -> XP good -> Vista bad -> 7 good.
Great Biotic Wind
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165679]@LittleBigKid2000[/url]: IMO even Windows 7 was pretty much BSoD free. I believe I got like one BSoD in the past few years, but it turned out to be HW issue (RAM module in particular).
Great Biotic Wind
over 12 years ago
All the cool kids on the internet saying Windows 8 is going to suck? I better jump on the hate train as well.
over 12 years ago
The "every other Windows sucks" theory doesn't hold up if you actually care to go farther than '98. I've been using Windows 8 RTM for nearly a month now and it is really a nice improvement over 7 (FWIW, I hated both Vista and Me, and even 2K). Can't wait to try it on a Surface Pro.
The Hipsta
over 12 years ago
You mean, every other than XP? Because that is very true.
over 12 years ago
I'm not the only one who things every other Windows sucks :D
over 12 years ago
Am I the only one around here who never gets Blue Screens when using windows 8? What is so bad about Windows 8.
Il Palazzo-sama
over 12 years ago
In a nutshell : Windows 8 is not Windows, and it's both a good and a bad thing.
(anyway, having fiddled a bit with Windows 8, I can say my dual-boot will continue to be with Windows 7 for a while)
Sir Derpsalot
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165599]@MrLorgy[/url]: But it looks like a windoooooow!
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
I wonder if the blue Error would ever change colour in the future, could be worse than before!
blue small error
yellow long error
green ten year error
red dead,
over 12 years ago
So Windows 8 tarts faster than Windows 7. wow what an achievement, I am in total awe. NOT.
That should be logical development.
And my Windows 7 is up and ready in fucking 9 seconds.
Get a state of the art SSD you §$%&.
over 12 years ago
I'm still running on XP. Watching the fail of Vista made careful. Windows 7 looked half way legit. Now 8 screws it up again. XP still is a good platform to rely on for quite a bit longer.
over 12 years ago
It is a piece of shit. Nuff said.
over 12 years ago
I'm still using XP. One, mainly cause my computer won't handle 7, though it handles TF2 fine, and two, does not translate over well to what I already know of Windows.
over 12 years ago
I don't understand the thinking of every other Windows suck. That only happened with XP and Vista, so why is it the general thinking now? Did everyone forget about Windows 2000? 2000 was actually for consumer use and not business only. 95->98->ME->2000->XP->Vista->7->8
Gamestop Guy
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165435]@Rezanator[/url]: Steam's illegal on Window's 8, So is itunes, and any marketplace sort of application unless it's applied and has been approved by microsoft, so in short. Fuck that.
over 12 years ago
Skipped Vista. Will skip this too.
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
They should just have called it "Windows Vista 2.0" ;-)
over 12 years ago
I'll be sticking with Windows 7.
over 12 years ago
Tried it. Liked the speed, which is the case with ANY new windows installation really as boot times and loading times increase as times go on due to registry build-up from programs. Really didn't like Metro, despite HAVING a 2-point touch-screen and a MS Touch Mouse.
Win7 + Bumptop = Satisfied.
over 12 years ago
The worst thing about Windows 8 (I tried it for a week) is that you have to essentially use two operating systems.
- Desktop OS. Minus start bar and other features.
- Metro OS. Where all applications are fullscreen. So they've removed the windows function.
over 12 years ago
@Snarky Snarf: And with the option for windows 98 style!
over 12 years ago
I'm getting annoyed by Microshaft starting to engineer products to rely more on flaky aesthetic value rather than practicality. Win7 was a decent upgrade of Vista which killed many of the old bugs in favor of a nice setup which could be modified to the users liking.
over 12 years ago
I've looked into Windows 8, the UI is probably the worst designed thing i've ever seen. For a phone or tablet i'm sure it's wonderful, for a normal monitor though it comes across as a major downgrade in usability.
over 12 years ago
forcing people with a 27 inch widescreen monitor to run Notepad in permanent fullscreen because "we don't do multiple windows on tablets" is a fantastic idea with which nothing can possibly go wrong
over 12 years ago
I've tested Win 8. Technical side is great. UI sucks. For example there are some settings that can only be done on the desktop control panel, and other's that no longer exist on the control panel and have to be done in the charms and start screen end of the world. Half the UI is invisible too.
over 12 years ago
Amen, Jo, Amen.
over 12 years ago
Gabe Newell and a few others (I think John Carmack of Id) would like to talk you about that.
Snarky Snarf
over 12 years ago
I'm still on xp...
over 12 years ago
It's a matter of preference. I'm still too comfortable with Win7 to even bother trying to change now.
over 12 years ago
From what I heard, it functions like a Phone OS.
I don't want my tower running a Phone's OS.
over 12 years ago
So, from what I've seen, EVERYONE who actually tested Win8 says it is better than Win7, while those who haven't said they would wait for the 9th windows.
I'm updating. I trust those who tried it more than those who didn't.
over 12 years ago
crippling your flagship project in a desperate bid to resurrect a failed and forgotten smartphone OS by shoehorning its GUI into non-smartphone devices seems like a pretty weird business decision to me tbh
over 12 years ago
There's hope windows 9 will return some features from the older windows.
uh, the page is down? WHAT? MS DID IT AGAIN?!
over 12 years ago
Ha! Windows 8 Does suck :I
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
... and the metro will be the desktop. Now they just need to keep the price of win 8 low...
over 12 years ago
I have been running windows 8 Release version and my computer even runs better than in win 7. All of my steam games run great and my pc boots under 15 seconds (for being a piece of crap). Now don't go on thinking that windows 9 is going to be different. By then MS will have gotten rid of the desktop
over 12 years ago
Yeah, I'll wait for the next too. I tottally jumped over Windows Vista. And these "cool" desktop options on Windows 7, I already skip it and look up stuff like I did on XP, so I'm not looking forward to 8's "improved UI"
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_165418]@TheDarkFreak[/url]: And many things that will drive you batshit, like the app store.
over 12 years ago
@The Everything,man: It's always been blue.
over 12 years ago
If you actually USE windows 8 for a second, you'll find that there have been many improvements to the desktop side of things now, too. Modern UI will take a while to get used to, but I still like the better loading times of Windows 8.
over 12 years ago
I was kinda waiting for it to suddenly restart for no reason, guess it's still in development.
over 12 years ago
Windows 8 from the very first video I was to see of it looked like it's gonna be horrible. I've been using the same monitor for last two computers I've had. No reason to upgrade my monitor till it breaks and not going to get a touch screen monitor. Touch screens after all are a huge gimic on desktop
over 12 years ago
We've gone from Microsoft Bob to Microsoft Simon.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Wait this is Windows!?! How come the Error is in different colours?
over 12 years ago
Windows 8 doesn't even have a BSoD like that any more. It's a lot more polite and less worrying. Less "Oh SHIT NIGGA WUT DID YOU JUST DO" and more "Oh, dear, this is terribly embarrassing. No, it's as much fault mine as it is yours. Lets just restart the computer, and try not to come to this again."
over 12 years ago
Windows 8 was made with the mindset that tablets would be taking over by now, like some people thought laptops would take over. Desktops are here to stay. You will Never want Win8 on a desktop, Win8 is a tablet OS.
over 12 years ago
well if u remove the removed start menu and changed it to a screen filling metro,it's more optimized then win7,but other than that,it isn't really worth it,unless u want voice recognition that if u don't calibrate it correctly,it will be silly
over 12 years ago
You should try ubuntu, we're even going to be getting steam.
//end blatant plug by someone who contributes to the linux printing subsystem
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
What is this?
over 12 years ago
Good idea to skip it. With what microsoft is planning it seems like it will be a microsoft store just like apples app store. And the metro interface, albeit sleek, is useless for people without touchscreen monitors on their desktops.
Captain Mundo
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
That comic. That white background. MY EYES! THEY HURT!
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