What people are saying about "Yolol"
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over 12 years ago
Love your thoughts for your daguther and her peers. My oldest daguther just graduated from college and just signed her first teaching contract for this fall teaching Special Education in a middle school. I'm so excited for her and her future. It is such a blessing to see our children choose their
over 12 years ago
@Humpty Thrashabout: I always thought the same: "You only live once, so don't waste it, moron." And Jo, GW2 has a class called Engineer, with pistols, shotguns, and "healing turrets" and "rifle turrets". Just a heads up.
Humpty Thrashabout
over 12 years ago
You know if you stop and think about it, "YOLO" is actually a really, really good reason for NOT taking stupid risks. You don't get a do-over if something goes wrong.
over 12 years ago
But guild wars 2 is a casual MMO there is no need to rush to the lvl cap. The game is just as fun before max level.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178560]@Geary[/url]: Awesome argument. Pass it along to Anita Sarkeesian.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178130]@markcocjin[/url]: I don't think it's the game's fault if a walking talking pragmatist ninja plant isn't a memorable character for you.
That Medic With The Unusual
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178301]@Mecryte[/url] I DON'T NEED MORE FUCKING PEOPLE SHOOTING AT ME...
over 12 years ago
GW2 is a great MMO and I do say it's a must have, convince your friends to join up! Get on Sanctum of Rall server and join the Laughing Hands [HaHa] guild while you're at it, just a thought.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Okay, I wonder, did Jo knew about the accident before he made this comic?
Otherwise, that's one hell of a coincidence.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178130]@markcocjin[/url]: Except maybe Rytlock or Zojja. Both are pretty good characters. But since Caithe, Thackery and Eir are very much humanoids, so you wouldn't recognize them unless special detail was given.
over 12 years ago
GW2 is a good game, but like with most new MMO's, lacks polish. It is my main MMO from this point on (The sPvP is stellar) but I would wait for it to receive a major bug fix first before you try it, some dynamic events can get stuck and 'obstructed' can be all to common is some areas.
over 12 years ago
He ran fast, and died a virgin.
over 12 years ago
Oh Jo I know what you mean.
I too, would play an MMO, if there was no leveling and if it was on steam.
S.S. Borra
over 12 years ago
Da fuq is up with the scout's body and neck?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178279]@Anonymous[/url]: I rock Scout with Soda Popper and Sandman. Marking for death with the bat is great against tough enemies, and the crits from the soda popper just destroy swarms.
over 12 years ago
scout also destroys tanks easier
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
GW2 pretty much sucks. Please don't waste valuable Comic-resources with such a bad game.
over 12 years ago

Or so it seems...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178279]@Anonymous[/url]: Scouts play more of a support role. They pick up money easier than other classes. Money heals them and they respawn instantly. They can slow bots, push them back, mark for mini crits. You know if you can't imagine all the ways scouts can fuck the bots, then you should just play Heavy.
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Is this a commentary on the rapper who just died at 120mph in a car minutes after tweeting "YOLO"?
over 12 years ago
Love that engie nest.
over 12 years ago
There ought to be more of a public service announcement to KILL THE MEDIC FIRST.
Radical Inquisitor
over 12 years ago
Age of Empires Priest: "WOLOLO"

We Only Live Our Lives Once
over 12 years ago
Also, seriously, what the hell do scouts contribute to MvM?
over 12 years ago
Don't get me wrong, Jo, I love and enjoy GW2, but even I would HIGHLY encourage you to wait until at least the first or maybe even to the second major update.
Otherwise, from what I've seen there's a wellspring of jokes or barbs that can be made about it.
over 12 years ago
Too Dumb Too Live. Google it.
over 12 years ago
Remember Lampwik from Pinochio, he said "A fellow only lives once" one could call that a more refined verson of 'YOLO', and if your remember, he turned into an donkey, so stop thinking 'YOLO' when you do stupid stuff, you just make an ass of yourself.
over 12 years ago
ArenaNet has flat out said that GW2 is never coming to Steam. However, it's not really a big deal.. it's not like it has something like Origin attached, it's its own game client. You can add it as a non-Steam game, but I use Steam pretty much exclusively and I haven't seen any reason to do this.
over 12 years ago
YOLO: "Carpe Diem," Jersey Shore-fied.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178150]@Drake[/url]: Hey, thanks for clearing this up, pal! I kinda guessed it was a something used for troll or noobs. Anyway, damn it Jo! Back to the TF2 mainstream jokes?
over 12 years ago
Just wanted to let you know, GW2 does not require a long time commitment. You can log in, do the first quest, and get full gear and lvl 80 right away. Then you can just queue a bg or a tourny and log off after.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
I still prefer 'Carpe Diem' myself. yolo is way too much of a dumb meme now anyways.
over 12 years ago
To those asking: YOLO is acronym for "You Only Live Once". It was probably *meant* as a sort of "modern Carpe Diem". However, instead of encouraging people to live fully, it's been taken over by idiots who shout it as a motto and excuse before doing profoundly stupid things.
over 12 years ago
Yolo means: "You only live once"
over 12 years ago
The fuck is a Yolo?
over 12 years ago
Guild Wars 2 had a good game mechanic but you might as well forget the game concept and art.

It has none.

It's basically a she-male ladyboy derivative Korean fantasy that has as much personality as any fantasy Anime/Dungeons and Dragons hybrid.

You won't recognize the characters in comics.
over 12 years ago
GW2 on steam? are you kidding me? That'll just never happen.
Plus, you can ask gw to save your login information so you just have to click login. I just added it as a non-steam game to steam.
over 12 years ago
Who cares about 'em MMOs? TF2! Yeah! Now with more flying bats!
over 12 years ago
Even if they did add it to steam, youll still have to log in to your Arenanet account. Same happened with Rift. I have yet to see a MMO with integrated Steamworks!

Definitely give GW2 a shot, is the most fun MMO Ive played in years, and the lack of subscription takes the leveling pressure off.
over 12 years ago
What? You mean you don't use 123456 for all your passwords?
Galvetron's Talking Crotch
over 12 years ago
YOLO is rapidly becoming the new "no homo" where I live.
over 12 years ago
Dat scout has Strong arms!

Jo, everyone is admiering your art for so long now with whatever you are doing. You really think people will get mad and do never check this page again if you do not do a GW2 Post?
over 12 years ago
I prefer YOLT anyway.
over 12 years ago
It's funny because that's how I play Scout, except I don't get killed instantly. There's usually a 4 second delay or so.
over 12 years ago
There should be a Lilith (from Borderlands) comic. Maybe with the Guardian thrown into the mix.
over 12 years ago
"I'm fairly certain that YOLO is just carpe diem for stupid people" - Jack Black
over 12 years ago
Well you might want to consider guild wars. Any zone or even area within the zone you are lowers your level so that you can't ever dominate anything. This removes the pressure of being max level. It wont help that much cause you might still get de-leveled to 4. Anyhow pvp makes you max lv.
over 12 years ago
Here lies Scout "Yolo". He ran fast. And died a virgin.
over 12 years ago
Well, GW isn't AS much of a commitment as any other given MMO, since there's no subscription fee.
over 12 years ago
Mr. Zombie
over 12 years ago
GW2 is never coming to Steam, Jo. Sorry to say, but you'll have an easier time just using the "Add A Non-Steam Game" option.
over 12 years ago
I seriously thought that YOLO was slang for Yo + Hello, kind of like a semi-formal greeting. I was wrong;~;
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Then they found out it cost too much to keep hiring mercenaries, built the respawn system, got a scout who actually did his job and gave him a gun. I haven't the faintest idea why the successor kept the bat&ball combo...

Good to see Engie as... well, an engineer again.
over 12 years ago
Here lies Scout. He ran fast, and died a virgin.