What people are saying about "Black Mesa"
Black Mesa
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about 12 years ago
Half life is the greatest game ever, even though iron sights would be interesting, or a real sniper rifle, i think they should stick to the ideals that made the game so good on the first place, focusing on puzzles and the story.
Die Markierten Kommentator
about 12 years ago
Aw... you should have called me. I would have helped you hiding the body.
about 12 years ago
I find that if you take out the talk bubbles on all but the last panel, it still makes sense.
Joe McJoeman
about 12 years ago
For those complaining: go ask for a refund
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180048]@Ekki[/url]: You said Counterstrike works. You're funny.
about 12 years ago
Fuck iron sights. There's a reason 1.6/CSS/GO works and it's not because of crutches like iron sights.
Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
about 12 years ago
I rather want to have iron sights in all weapons.

Beacause imersion and that kind of shit, but the game is still great ultil now, and thow books and stuff on people in the beggining and they complaining is a good touch.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179804]@ugh[/url]: Which is still notably faster than Valve Time.
about 12 years ago
The Iron Sights on the revolver is completely useless anyway, too clunky, and they take half of the screen.
You're better off using the zoom trick.
about 12 years ago
The revolver has iron sights. But I think Im more accurate without them (and no I don't use auto-aim).
about 12 years ago
BM source is NOT finished. They're only releasing a fraction of the game. The people working on it are not capable of completing it in a reasonable amount of time.*
about 12 years ago
That being said, all I got out of the characters in HL2 were that they either wanted me dead, or wanted to shag me rotten. Which was really bizarre, because my character was merely a camera mounted on a segway.
L4D2 does it better. Exposition low, action high, wisecracking high. Perfect for an FPS.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179493]@Zacsi[/url]: To embellish my point. HL2 did not sell me on it's character driven FPS points. I found no character in the game to be at all worthy to listen to. Perhaps it's just me, but shoehorned exposition just seems to work better in cutscenes and dialouge trees. "I should go." not withstanding.
about 12 years ago
Yep, totally worth it.
about 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: At least look up your facts before using them. BM is complete now, but doesn't include the xen levels. They will be released later for free.

And about the fan boy googles, i see none of that. If anything, i see anti-fanboy googles from Bindal and logic everywhere else.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
Didn't the people who released BM say it wasn't actually finished? wouldn't this mean its technically a beta with improvements to be made? also most of you are blinded by fanboy goggles, take em off.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179403]@Vulpis[/url]: When you download it, Black Mesa will show up with your other games.
about 12 years ago
Stop feeding the troll
about 12 years ago
Am I the only one who was glad that they changed stuff in Black Mesa and thus, giving us a more different experience instead of Half-Life with more polygons?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url]: I just had to be careful to not get killed. I'm not a walking tank, I'm a guy in armor, and I act accordingly. Many of the enemies can be heard long before you meet them. I appreciate that they didn't just make a pretty clone, but a fun game of its own based off of a beloved one.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url]: I definitely wouldn't say it's broken at all, I would say it's more challenging in the way it works differently. You do get a weapon before the crowbar, it's all those flares. You can throw them at gas vents to light up a hallway or directly at a zombie to immolate them.
about 12 years ago
I don't quite get where your going with this soap opera and beer drinking nonsense.
But heres another thing: A fucking robotic dog in Half-Life 2 has more character and facial animation than most modern shooters nowadays.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179472]@DH[/url]: Well for starters half-life was the first FPS that actually had a story to speak of. Not a real story mind you but something that was explained indirectly if you payed attention to detail. Also lot of good scripted set pieces to geek out about on lunch breaks.
about 12 years ago
He doesn't always drink beer...Oh who are we kidding, he's a fucking teetotaler.

Would someone explain to me how Half-Life became one of gaming's Sacred Cows?
about 12 years ago
Half-Life 2 is like a soap opera with guns. The guns do surprisingly little to remove the soapy flavor. And this is essentially Half-Life 1: Source? Sorry guys, it's gonna take more than crappy ragdoll physics to get me excited about the adventures of the least interesting man in the world.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179459]@Keradi01[/url]: don't. it sucks
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179414]@Hyperstar96[/url]: I agree, there's nothing wrong with Minecraft anyway. I never watched Yogcast though.
about 12 years ago
@S.S. Borra: I just played that level again in Half Life: Source, and I still love it :D There are a lot of tricks and shortcuts you can do in that level if you know how. Then again, I also liked Xen, so what's my opinion worth :P
about 12 years ago
It actually DOES have iron sights this go around, on the .357 magnum. Interesting, no? http://wiki.blackmesasource.com/Category:Weapons
S.S. Borra
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179405]@Derek[/url] I'm torn, I wished they had stayed closer to the original than they did, at the same time though, DAYUM that level was repetitive, that was one of the most boring parts of the game.
about 12 years ago
How does that guy in the first panel have anything to do with Minecraft...?
about 12 years ago
They did an amazing job with this mod. My only real disappointment is that they cut a lot out of On a Rail, I loved that level.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179396]@Giruku[/url] , are you and Bindal related or something? You sound like a split personality arguing with itself. I don't know the specifics myself as yet (get a move on, Steam!), but I can certainly see a game that is, from your perspective, unwinnable, not fun.
about 12 years ago
Hmm. Haven't played it yet (I too am waiting for the Steam Release, so it'll be neatly organzied with my other Valve games), but someone I know *was*, and commenting that the USMC seem to have actually taken Marine Sharpshooter courses, rather than Imperial Stormtrooper..
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url]: There is nothing wrong with it just because it's different that doesn't mean its broken please play something more casual friendly like call of duty if the game is too hard for you...
about 12 years ago
Black Mesa is brilliant! I've been looking forward to this for years, and it was worth the wait! The developers did a really great job with it.
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
My first "sniper" rifle was the Railgun from Marathon. The sight was decretive.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url]: Dude stop being that one guy who sits in a corner all day and refuses to have fun and starts bringing others down. I repeat stop BEING that GUY.
Just A Guest
about 12 years ago
I don't hate COD, the only thing that i hate is when the people TALK about COD
about 12 years ago
Man. That Troll NOW! button is pretty accurate, from what's been happening pretty recently. Also, I hate iron sights. It's basically "Push button, be stuck in crappy tiny field of view so your bullets don't magically turn around and go behind you"
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url] Just shut up. You are just annoying, nothing else. You are not "opening our eyes" or "giving your opinion", just bitching. And no, you wont' "change things" in BM by crying in a webcomic's comments section. Also, play the game on EASY if enemies one-shoot you too much... Jesus.
about 12 years ago
for some reason. Playing these games (Half-Life 2, Portal) always makes me nauseous
about 12 years ago
Glad these days are over.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url]: Yes, because stating your dissatisfaction in the comment section of a webcomic is so going to change everything.
another guy
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179241]@Bindal[/url]: Well this is honestly the wrong place to ask for changing a game.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179223]@Pulmonox[/url]: Exactly the kind of comment, which causes me to not stop. "Stop being negative and quit your bitching". If I don't like something, I say so. Only way things will be changed.
about 12 years ago
I fucking hate iron sights. Worst thing to ever be added to modern FPSes. Even worse than regenerating health. I'm playing a videogame, dammit. Let me have my crosshair.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179208]@Bindal[/url]: Good grief man, Zacsi wrote one post, you've been SPAMMING the comments with your negativity. We get it, you don't like the game. Get on with your life. I for one find it refreshing. I didn't want to re-play Half Life 1. I'd already beaten it. I LIKE the tweaks they added.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179192]@Zacsi[/url]: Yeah, but neither do you people need to write essays how they should "shut the fuck up, it's free" or "it's Half life, you have no right to complain". If people don't like it and say why they don't like it, don't yell at them for doing so, they don't like it and got good reasons
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179026]@Giruku[/url]: What has THAT to do with broken jumping, broken weapons, more confusing level design and annoying visual effects? Nothing. But it definitly has to do with how crap Black Mesa became.
about 12 years ago
It always amazes me how much shit a single FREE mod can stir up on the internet.
If you don't like it don't play it.
And if you didn't like it after you played it you don't need to write essays about how it sucks towards people who obviously don't give a fuck about your OPPINION.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179149]@Taco[/url]: I'm glad they dropped a lot of the shitty casual games, but sadly they'll still keep a lot of bad "serious" games. But that's MLG for you.
about 12 years ago
To be 100% fair to MLG, this last year they shifted to focusing on Starcraft 2 and dropped almost all their casual games.
They still have 8 years of shit to make up for, but at least it's a start.
about 12 years ago
As for not having a weapon for a while, that really threw me off. Of course, they gave you lots of flares to light the zombies on fire with. You could also just let the first security guard die and take his gun. I really enjoyed it once my initial confusion wore off.
about 12 years ago
My only complaints about black mesa are about the jumping and movement. It feels more slick than I remember HL1 being, and I feel like I have to jump crouch every little object.
Troll #634
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179026]@Giruku[/url]: but but but they changed the balacing DURRRR no singleshot mp5, bullsquid kills youin 1 sec NO WAY TO DODGE HURRRR game shitsucks amirite?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_179039]@Anon[/url] It's not supposed to have Xen yet. The creator said he was going to finish the game and then release it, but then decided to release half of it now so we didn't have to wait. Second part with Xen should be coming out next year I think.
about 12 years ago
Its a shame that BM will just get renamed in a couple months time to HL3 and most of you wont know the difference
about 12 years ago
Too bad Black Mesa blows

It doesn't even have Xen
about 12 years ago
You ought to make a comic about a RED engineer setting his nest in a BLU Intel room.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178987]@Bindal[/url]: No because you are mad because you cant survive
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178987]@Bindal[/url]: You're just like a constant downer, huh?
about 12 years ago
I hate iron sight aiming. It's just shifting the gun model into the middle of my screen for a paltry accuracy boost. Hip/run&gun shooting, while "unrealistic" is more fun. Games -trying- to recreate realistic scenarios can have it, everything else doesn't -really- need it.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
It's a mod of Halflife 2 or a mod on the Source Engine, that remakes Halflife. It's not a Halflife mod.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178980]@ZzZ[/url]: It is still a remake, not a mod for gameplay. Two different things. At least, that's what they claimed..
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178973]@Bindal[/url]: http://wiki.blackmesasource.com/Total_conversion Total conversion, description says its a mod. If anything the fact that the title of information says its a mod. http://wiki.blackmesasource.com/Black_Mesa:About_the_Mod
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178757]@Spaqin[/url]: There are leeches, though the changes according to the wiki seem to make it quite possible you never encounter them anyway.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178961]@ZzZ[/url]: You mistake "gameplay mod" with "remake" - Black Mesa announced itself as the latter, but it simply isn't. It is not even REMOTELY close to Half Life 1 in any form.
about 12 years ago
Ironic that they put in Iron Sights for the Magnum for Black Mesa Source no?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178852]@Bindal[/url]: You mean, mods are used to change gameplay and how one may or may not enjoy a game? This man is crazy.
about 12 years ago
umm... in the first panel where is his face?
about 12 years ago
Yeah, I could take or leave Black Mesa. Seems more catered towards those who feel Nostalgia's a good thing.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178853]@Dushanan[/url] Uh... Yeah... Yeah it is... ...Yesterday, in fact...
Sreggin Wej
about 12 years ago
That's a real funny comment, considering how Half Life was pretty much the game that started the shift from "gameplay" FPS toward scripted cinematic FPS.
about 12 years ago
It took me the comments to understand... Now I don't know what's the problem with me: Am I too old, or is it that I don't play any FPS ? Maybe both ? Oh gosh...
about 12 years ago
But Black Mesa ISN'T finished.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178813]@Giruku[/url]: Why? Because I don't like Black Mesa and think that it ruined the gameplay of Half Life by changing it?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178808]@441[/url]: In Black Mesa, not in Half Life.
about 12 years ago
Jo Pereira: reducing the world of COD fags so you don't have to!
about 12 years ago
I feel like old styles and new styles should fine a common ground.
Maybe shooters could have that option for two modes, the iron sights easy mode for arcade aiming and the run and gun more fast paced mode.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178646]@Puntastic[/url]: Considering that he is in Brazil he will be out in no time. No had he stolen some bread because he was starving them he would be fucked!
about 12 years ago
@Sable Drakon: MS-DOS Prompt was oh so much fun.
C:\Username>cd\Program Files
C:\Username\Program Files>cd\Game folder
C:\Username\Program Files\Game folder>Game
about 12 years ago
Bindal is a Casual
about 12 years ago
@Sable Drakon: Yeah, I remember the times you had to do boot disks to play Master of Magic and stuff. At this case I simply don't care enough. I have a big backlog of games as it is.
about 12 years ago
Funny thing is, the Revolver DOES have Iron Sights.
about 12 years ago
Always seem to get a smile on my face with these tidbits like this. Ahhh, how things change.
about 12 years ago
Worst kind of confirmation bias comic.
Sable Drakon
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178768]@Kissamies[/url]: So you're too stupid or lazy to download and run an EXE? Man, I miss when PC gamers actually had to know what they were doing with a PC to play games.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178746]@El_Nazgir[/url]: I used single fire and double tap A LOT with the MP5 in HL1. Simply because I could. Now I waste like 4 addional rounds that way.
about 12 years ago
I just started Painkiller and I am enjoying every moment...
about 12 years ago
Half-Life was good enough to beat once, but not great. I bought it when I heard they were making Action Half-Life and THAT was the greatest thing ever.

As for Black Mesa, I'll try it but I think I'll wait for it to be easily installable through Steam.
about 12 years ago
I like it. Moving weapons further made the beginning more like survival horror. They also made On A Rail, which I hated, less complicated, exciting, and the rocket launch was great!
The only things I don't like... There are no leeches, you can't feed the bullsquid in fridge and smaller MP5 mag.
about 12 years ago
After some getting used to, I don't entirely mind the burstfire MP5, it's not like you actually used single shots with it anyway, that was what the glock was for. One thing I do mind is the reduced clip/ammo reserve on it.
about 12 years ago
The revolver has a iron sight.
Shadow Scryer
about 12 years ago
Hmm. I'll need to check that out pronto. Damnit mate, whatever ya did, it wasn't brutal enough! You didn't feed him to an Ichthyosaur!

Hold up, are we seeing Jo from the back, or is he bending the wrong way in the first panel?
about 12 years ago
Haven't played BM so I can't comment on that but when I was growing up, I played the Doom games. Then Half-Life came out and I thought "Oh boy, a new shooter!". But when I played it, I just got bored... HL showcases the problem with Valve's "set piece first, then connect the dots later" process.
Mack Blesa
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178723]@Bindal[/url]: Well I for one enjoy playing it, but we can all have our own opinions. Differing opinions is what makes humanity great.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178722]@Warbo[/url]: They were a challenge back then, too. But they didn't kill you in half a second when they spotted you, either because you could dodge their attacks or cancel it.
about 12 years ago
I never felt like it was that hard guys. I am a pretty long while in. The ammo is there, just different spots.
Also I feel like the enemies being harder is nice, It makes the game feel like a challenge again. Hell it only takes 2 shotgun blasts to kill a bullsquid. You can do that easy.
about 12 years ago
half like sucks =S
about 12 years ago
Worth it.
about 12 years ago
One complaint I have so far (just reached office complex) is how unintuitive the jumping is. You need quite a headstart to go far, in contrast with HL1's crazy far jumps from standstil, and jumping height is NOTHING.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178680]@Stunball[/url]: That's not to say about thinks, which kill you out of the sudden with no explaination just by walking forward. HL1 had some, too - but there, you had quite some time to react. BM, you don't get the time. (And TB got killed in the testchamber by random lightning!)
about 12 years ago
Well, neither does Halo.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178680]@Stunball[/url]: How about the entire breaking of the balacing? Making the MP5 burstfire instead of single fire when tapping the button? Making the Bullsquid a walking shotgun? Giving the Shotgun HGrunt a semi-automatic shotgun with a redicilous rate-of-fire? Not give you a weapon until after 30 zombies?
about 12 years ago
I'm having tons of fun with it so far. I can't say that I can relate to Bindal and his friends' dissatisfaction with it. I don't see what there is to complain about so far.
about 12 years ago
but it does have iron sights (for one gun)
about 12 years ago
Playing games is supposed to be fun. Some people seems to forget what "fun" is about.
about 12 years ago
@Mack Blesa: What guy? The one, who wanted Black Mesa to be FUN TO PLAY and not just FUN TO LOOK AT?
about 12 years ago
I'm not very far yet, but the amount of zombies before you even get a weapon, and the mood change were effing weird.
Doom guy
about 12 years ago
Jo, you should really try Brutal Doom (it's mod for Doom, Doom II).
Mack Blesa
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_178654]@Bindal[/url]: Really, you are gonna be that guy?
about 12 years ago
Played it - totally disappointed from Black Mesa.
Still love me HL1, but Black Mesa? No, thanks. Too much bullshit changes.
I didn't even finished it before I uninstalled it. And I wasn't alone - talked to a few people, and they too think that Black Mesa is horrible and the original is better
about 12 years ago
Jo Tentacle-fighting has about the same skill as Shuma-Gorath.

Beware your knickers, everyone.
about 12 years ago
Actually, some weapons do have iron sights now. I got the revolver and RMB toggles iron sights, though aiming without that is still very accurate.
about 12 years ago
You did the right thing, Jo.
about 12 years ago
The only thing in your Iron Sights are going to be Iron Bars!

about 12 years ago
And anyway, iron sights are for pussies!
I have absolutely no need to have a weapon cocked to my shoulder to hit an enemy straight in the head using the complex radar system imbued on my frontal lobe or the third or fourth eye attached to my skull!
about 12 years ago
Black Mesa, it's reminding me of all the things I loved about Half-life.... and all the parts that caused me to nearly crack my mouse in frustration.

Still, net plus.
about 12 years ago
Yeah. Now I feel old too...
about 12 years ago
What did he do, stab the guy with his tentacle?