Gunna be honest. Lovin' the Dota 2 comics more than the main one.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Nah, he said that making this comic is his full job now.
over 12 years ago
I would play the board game with her anyday, us Engineers need to stick togther and ENGIE-TAN for President of the WORLD
over 12 years ago
At the guy who said 1E is hard to come by...
Lies. I just got the reprints last month.
over 12 years ago
I love geek chicks.
Also,isn't Jo working himself a little hard making 2 comics at a time?
over 12 years ago
Considering that Engies nerdyness allows her to build Sentries of doom and pretty much hold the line solo when fighting off the hordes of GRAY..
Yeah I'd play with her.
over 12 years ago
Where has PSN Shadowfall gone to? I miss his trolling. I mean, he was loser enough to come and try to make people angry in a webcomic comment section...
over 12 years ago
Why is Drow Ranger white?
over 12 years ago
I'd rather play GURPS, myself.
That said--stupid medic, isn't calling an *Engineer* a nerd kind of redundant? Remember, nerds are the ones who make the weapons you shoot, the health you chug, and the hats you squabble over. Nerds *own* you. ;-)
over 12 years ago
Shut up, medic. Loup garou is awesome. Or it might be other game, but anyway it's tabletop, so it's awesome.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188736]@RoderickBR[/url]: You probably was referring to thebowlerhatman, I will stand aside and watch the flame wars now...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188736]@RoderickBR[/url]: I never said it was 'Complex' or 'Expensive'. I just haven't got around to getting a group of friends together to play it(Especially a group of friends which are 1)open to the idea and 2)play nicely together...)
over 12 years ago
Perfect Imbalance.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188737]@Korey[/url]: Except that he still gets play and forces people to make hard banning choices. Dendi is amazing with a lot of heroes it becomes a pick your poison kind of deal. With that said last i heard dendi is 14 - 0 with pudge in pro play
over 12 years ago
Wow, two comics for the price of one!
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
haha, nerdy Engie.
over 12 years ago
Im up for that or atleast some form of remake in the spirit of Poker Night at the Inventory.
We need more fanservice games vALVE.
Also calling it now, sniper is already setting up the table for the game thats why he isn't in last pannel.
over 12 years ago
Exactly why I don't bother with games like DOTA, "Someone is really good with a character people don't normally use? BAN THAT CHARACTER FROM PROFESSIONAL PLAY"
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188604]@Hazama[/url]: Wrong. Core has everything you need to play, and it's as complex as you make it. If you want extra stuff, then yes, it gets complex and expensive. Just like DLCs.
Gooooooo NAVI!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188701]@D20[/url]: I get the jokie!
over 12 years ago
I'm a 12th level president!
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Hmm. For some reason I want to punch a medic in the face... 'Eh, she looks a bit like the 'medic' from Final Combat anyway. *PUNCH*
I can't see any dungeons on the package. Dice & Dragons? Regardless, if they have any imagination whatsoever they might yet enjoy it mate.
over 12 years ago
I like that you're adding some Dota 2 content on the side. I'd imagine it's not all that great posting about a game that many of your viewers probably haven't even been able to play and thus probably won't get that joke.
Or I could be wrong.
over 12 years ago
In b4 Sniper accepts it.
He's offscreen, we didn't see his reaction, he's lonely, you know it's coming.
over 12 years ago
Sexy nerdy Engie-tan...I'd certainly hit that!!!!
over 12 years ago
Pyro: Mm mmph mm mmh "mmmph mm mmh"
Engie: Uh, why are you casting magic missile, partner? You got nuthin' to attack.
Pyro: Mmph mm mmph. Mmm mmmph!
(everybody laughs)
over 12 years ago
About the price of D&D
the d20 system (ie DD 3.5) is free, online, you can easily get the rules through wiki and pdf.
so you can't say it is expensive.
but yes, if you use all the rules, it is a bit overcomplex.
and a rainy afternoon wont be enought exept for a oneshot
over 12 years ago
awww, how mean :(
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188601]@Foolish[/url]: Don't listen to those haters. DnD is neither overly complex nor expensive. It just can be, as can most games. Hell, you can just pick up a used players hand book from a store that resells books or online and look online for people to play with. It's actually really easy to do that.
over 12 years ago
Is role play game realy so nerdy? Never played before (only played RPG PC/PS/... games). But I must admit, I lack of imagination :-/
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188601]@Foolish[/url]: You're much better off going with Legends of Anglerre. Less unneeded complexity for the same level of detail, and you get a complete RPG in only one book.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188601]@Foolish[/url]: Skip D&D. It's a gateway to the hobby on name recognition only - as a game it's actually extremely complex for very little payoff, and their business model depends on milking players' wallets through supplemental books instead of providing a complete game in the core.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_188601]@Foolish[/url]: Same. I have never played DnD, but the concept always seems appealing to me (Because I am a massive nerd.
Give it a try medic-chan!
over 12 years ago
I always wanted to play DnD. FU Medi-chan.
over 12 years ago
And this is where Engie gets her wrench and breaks open Medi-chan's head like a confetti ass.
over 12 years ago
Now I want an almost perfect recreation of the Dead Ale Wives DnD skit done by the entire TF2 cast in character...
over 12 years ago
@That Medic With The Unusual no one cares about Sniper, not even himself. That's why he recluses himself in some corner, camping while surrounded by piss.
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