What people are saying about "Rainy Day 04"
Rainy Day 04
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over 12 years ago
Engie is so lonely she needs to kidnap people to play her table RPG's.
Would hug.
over 12 years ago
Probably isn't the best idea to insult a mega nerd engineer that likes weaponry.
A Gray Phantom
over 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: Thou shalt not besmerch the noble bard! Take back thine words or face the wrath Musical Menace!!
over 12 years ago
Allways though engie had a nice pair of guns.
over 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: you can be useful as bard you just have to build right
over 12 years ago
B.Engie: "OK, table rule: When you die in the game, sentry shoots you for real."

"Your party encounters an archlich riding atop a zombie dragon..."
over 12 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: Good thing; you clearly don't know how to play one.
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
Oh! Oh! i call the thing that doesnt fight and is totally useless to contributing to the team!

Whats it called again? Bard? Okay i call bard!

my friends stoped letting me play bard after the 8th game i ended up consuming more then everyone else put in
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
Ok, Cléric, Warrior, Ranger, Sorceress and....
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
aaaaaah gamemasters....hotheads.
over 12 years ago
munus ludere aut mori!
(Latin for Role play or die)
over 12 years ago
You're seriously going to tell me a Pyro, Demo, AND a Medic can't work around a sentry gun?

Also, I imagine D&D sessions at gunpoint are bad sessions indeed.
over 12 years ago
Engie smile =D
over 12 years ago
I was expecting this page to be Sniper yelling at the rest of his team for being impolite to the lady who supplied them with food, drinks, and shelter.

(Irony coming from the Jarate master, but it *is* one of his rules.)

This works too.
over 12 years ago
@O-(-'.'Q): What makes you think he'll end up playing a character like that?
over 12 years ago
If a hot girl ask me to play P&P RPG with her I will oblige, also I will try to woo her. Maybe I'll get lucky ;-)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189190]@vash_ts[/url]: More "like Sentry gun's up" rather than down. In machinery the term down usually means broken, like "broken down" or "died down." /Joke ruiner //McTavish.
over 12 years ago
Hmm... Sentry gun or Demoman roleplaying an elven female paladin...

I choose Sentry gun. BLAM
over 12 years ago
speak softly and ride a BIGGGGGGGGG YETI
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189248]@DeadHerald[/url] Actually if we're going by 3.5 edition, Pyro'd probably be a psionic warrior. Why? So he could eventually use the Pyrokineticist class. Seriously, a pre-requisite is "Have to have set fire to a structure of any size for no reason than to watch it burn." And he's still a fighter
over 12 years ago
"I want to play a game."
over 12 years ago
Haha, I like where this is going.
over 12 years ago
Ok,so. A hot chick invites you to her house to play some DnD. Why would anyone turn that down?

Also,she so gonna throw all kinds of hell at them.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Yay, I love sayings. :)
D.D Mining Co.
over 12 years ago
Poor Sniper. Guy just walked in behind everyone and suddenly, SENTRYGUN AND D&D.
over 12 years ago
Started reading the comic because of the tf2 arcs.
I love the new stuff too, but it's nice to see old friends again.
over 12 years ago
"Rules change. Your character dies. YOU die."
over 12 years ago

Oh wait now Im a goblin.
Radical Inquisitor
over 12 years ago
The full quote by Teddy Roosevelt is...

"I have always been fond of the West African proverb 'Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.'"
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189162]@Haxorz[/url]: Actually, it's a reference to the phrase "Talk softly and carry a big stick", which was made famous by president Teddy Roosevelt.
over 12 years ago
Haha, love the Warhammer reference xP Dungeons & Dragons now, Tabletop 40k next panel!
over 12 years ago
Sentry gun falls, everyone dies.
over 12 years ago
ok third post. besides jo had to come up with something new. look at the poll if you can. top three contenders, tf2 arc, dota arc and fanservice. i bet if we see the D and D characters there might be at least one scantily clad girl. i like nerf now. always have, just never posted before.
over 12 years ago
blue team quit and had to use a submarine to leave. so when red team got there all they found was a empty base and one lonely and bored engie-tan.
over 12 years ago
cmon guys be nice. she just wants to have a little fun that doesent involve people being shot or blown up irl. that does not make her a nerd. she only pulled the sentry because of medi-chan being so rude. i think the joke from the start of the arc is that it was raining so dang hard the entire
over 12 years ago
So are they going to be storming DeGroot Keep?
over 12 years ago
Please tell me that the description is a warhammer reference. Then i can love you more
over 12 years ago
Even for a blue engineer, that is a terrible place to sit.
over 12 years ago
Who knows, they might enjoy it despite being forced into it...
over 12 years ago
So when is something going to actually -happen- in this arc?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189061]@7Soul[/url] on the sentry: Cannot unsee!
over 12 years ago
didnt need a sentry yesterday to get motivation, though i need more inspiration, and imagination...
over 12 years ago
You don't mess with the Dungeon Master, chumps!
over 12 years ago
Just Uber the demo and let him tank and damage the sentry. There all-done
over 12 years ago
I wish I had a level 3 sentry to force my players to play more...
over 12 years ago
Engi stole HeavyWeapons Sandviches!
over 12 years ago
Rocks fall. Everyone dies.
Next part TPK?
Hue Hue Hue
over 12 years ago
˝spek softly and carry a big sentry˝
dat roosevelt
over 12 years ago
If Sniper's playing a ranger, the DM is fucked.

He'll roll nothing but called shots to the head with that bow.
over 12 years ago
I would like to play a game ...
Kydrou Kair
over 12 years ago
Bullets fall, everyone dies...
over 12 years ago
Guess what Medi-chan?


over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189050]@AEIOU[/url] not with their bare hands What's that pyro? You attacked yourself with a butter knife and rolled a 20?
over 12 years ago
How do I unmute it?
over 12 years ago
There's 4 of them. They can easily destroy that by sacrificing a person or two.
Thanks, Engie
over 12 years ago
Now I know, how to get people play my games!
Waste of a Comment
over 12 years ago