That style of mage totally looks like medieval Pyro.
And poor medic, she just wanted to be a hot barbarian to smash things for once.
over 12 years ago
Medic-tan: I think i'll play Trynd...
over 12 years ago
NO! Don't give in! Be the hot one!
over 12 years ago
What? No Paladins or Clerics?
over 12 years ago
We need more fanservice.
over 12 years ago
Say what you like about strips without text, but I still like em :D
Stranger Guy
over 12 years ago
Hey Jo, do you still do commissions? If so where could I contact you? I've already tried the email listed on the site but it doesn't seem to have gone through yet :x
over 12 years ago
The sniper's nose changed since last comic.
over 12 years ago
Demo, Pyro, and Sniper have a "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" thing going on in the middle panel.
over 12 years ago
... I like to cleric. ^^;
over 12 years ago
Love it!
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
I am the black Scottish cyclops warrior! you shall feel the wrath of my cursed Scottish blade on your neck when i cut off your head and mount it on a pike!...
so yeah demo plays himself
over 12 years ago
Spy really needs to just uncloak and intervene as a rogue at some point.
now can do
over 12 years ago
just play rambo medic as well.
over 12 years ago
Someones gotta heal
Can't resist 8 bit theatre comment
over 12 years ago
Good old BM is gonna be like HADUKEN!!!
over 12 years ago
Story of my life ;-; Support forever...
over 12 years ago
Hmm. Medic wants to be a Barbie? :-) Though I wonder if there will be 8-bit Theater refs here--at the very least, that'll give Medic a mallet to whack people with.
over 12 years ago
demo's is not a deviation. He does have the sword and shield in game already doesnt he?
Bob's Inner Wisdom
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189617]@Bob[/url]: Nevermind I take back that last statement, I really do like them. I should never have posted that last statement.
over 12 years ago
I read it as "Peer pressure is a strong thong", and I'm content to believe it.
over 12 years ago
I got a bad laugh out of that, I'll admit >X D
over 12 years ago
My current campaign is having some of the players panic because we don't have a leader (this is 4E) in the party, only a hybrid leader.
over 12 years ago
Shame it wasn't 4e for the poor Red Medic.
Then she could have made a Warlord instead, yelling curses at her less then considerate team mates to keep them alive, still bash things with weapons, and use her "allies" like the puppets they are.
Of course then Pyro would be burning mad, as its 4e.
over 12 years ago
Don't worry. in 3.5 and pathfinder, a cleric can become more barshy than fighter, and more casty than a wizard. DIVINE METAMAGIC and persistant spell. YEEEHAW.. Divine favor, and righteous might. :x
T Chicken
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189624]@Commander204[/url]: I thought D&D Cleric have melee weapons and give a good whack to bad guys. Plus Medic-tan could be a paladin (slash and heal).
T Chicken
over 12 years ago
Fear not! Fighter, Mage, Ranger, Barba..I mean Cleric.
over 12 years ago
Ya know your medic is irate when they want to be a killing class instead of a healing class ALL THE TIME. I feel Medic-tan's pain.
over 12 years ago
You know what? I don't really care for silent comics.
Le Fromage
over 12 years ago
It seems like Medic-tan knows how much it's boring to play a medic/priest. I'd play something else as well!
over 12 years ago
You know a team might be trouble if they think they need a healer to survive. (Can't she be a Combat Healer instead? Come on, guys... :( )
At least Engie-Tan agrees that peer pressure is a load of crap.
over 12 years ago
Awesome arc! Love it!
over 12 years ago
could've been a combat healer you know.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Damn I hate peer pressure.
over 12 years ago
For all the comments on why they are who they are and why they need a healer: They are obviously casual players.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_189494]@Huttj509[/url]: "Pyro is a wizard (probably knows fireball)"
I'm thinking the black mage's face not being visible is also part of the joke.
over 12 years ago
+1 AC, +2 Cha.
over 12 years ago
finally fanservice.
over 12 years ago
Meh. You don't need clerics if you have only strikers. Finish that combat in one round.
over 12 years ago
Because someone has to be the healer...
over 12 years ago
Btw, before I forget, it seems good ol' Jo is keeping his promise: more TF2 with sprinkles of fan-service and perhaps DOTA. A man true to his word.
over 12 years ago
Seriously dudes? Who do the hell prefer a healer when you can get a sexy barbarian girl in chain-mail bikini??!!
over 12 years ago
If it's 3.5e D&D they're playing, there's no need for a dedicated healer! Everybody just spends a small portion of their money on healing items, and they'll be good to go! Medic could then play her scale mail bikini barbarian...
over 12 years ago
Poor medic-chan, forever a healer!!
over 12 years ago
What was wrong with the healing club? Winged Bikini class will beat those injuries right out of you, one swing at a time!
Great Biotic Wind
over 12 years ago
I thought medic was about to play DnD Cleric. I mean, blunt weapon, scale mail, those things on the head look deity related, ...
over 12 years ago
Medic should just rage and club that trio. Also, cosplay.
over 12 years ago
They didn't want to play before, but now they KNOW they'll need a healer?
What if it was 4th edition D&D?
over 12 years ago
that's mean should've let medic play as she wished
over 12 years ago
That Confused Guy
Med-chan can't be a barbarian. Just... no. Healer/Priest/White mage it is~
over 12 years ago
@That Confused Guy: They're all playing characters similar to their TF2 archetypes. Demoman is a cyclops fighter (most deviation), Pyro is a wizard (probably knows fireball), Sniper is an archer, but medic wants to play a fighter-chick. She's then bullied into playing a healer (white mage) instead
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