It isn't hard at all for a DM to kill off the players- simply cast the level -1 spell, "Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies."
over 12 years ago
No it isn't. It's DM's job to make the game as enjoyable as possible for the group playing the game. (While also enjoying it themselves.)
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Well it IS a DMs job to try as hard as they can to kill the players, can't hold that against her.
Kurt Blaze
over 12 years ago
Explosive runes? Oh, for fu-*BOOM*
over 12 years ago
Can't tell if Pyro is wondering what is up with this shi, or is mentally thinking what moves he can poll off with an awesome roll.
Or maybe looking to Demo if he prepared more explosive runes.
over 12 years ago
But wait Engy! If rocks fall and everyone dies, how will they stay to play?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193201]@Soulov[/url]: No Offense, but your comment fucking sucks.
see how that makes you pissed at me, even though I said "no offense"? yeah, that happens.
anyways, GREAT arc, really enjoying it.
over 12 years ago
That pebble behind engi is gettin some fan service.
(I dont know how to do photo notes(im new).)
The Awesome Racoon
over 12 years ago
I can't believe Jo is doing this! After all the money you guys pay to rea- Oh wait, this is completely free and Jo doesn't really owe you anything.
Quit your whining.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193152]@DrunkRussian[/url]: Hey! Thanks for posting this, pal! I was actually missing the last part of the comic.
You just made my day!
over 12 years ago
No offense man, but this tf2 arc fucking sucks. Not only the comic but the game too, its completely destroyed.
over 12 years ago
Hey man, relax. Go suck a dick, come back, if you're still not happy with the comic, go suck another dick.
@-_-: Could be an undead dragon, and therefore immune to ability damage/drain.
over 12 years ago
Enter a new PC.
Enter Heavy as EL TIBURON: The Shark of the Land!
The dragon stands no chance!
over 12 years ago
Funny, I thought the big guns were brought out on the last page.
over 12 years ago
If I could make photonotes, I'd put one over the gravestones saying "Cherry Plus Flame is Target" or something like that.
over 12 years ago
Next strip: spy emerges from a dark corner as a rogue and saps that sentry-dragon.
over 12 years ago
just drain some dex away and it dies.. don't most dragons have dex something like 10 at tops?
over 12 years ago
Pyromancer rolls a 1! Critical Fail!
Pyromancer sets Medic-Mage's robes on fire! They burn away to ash!
Medic-Mage is stunned! The rest of the party is Distracted!
Black Engi-mancer and Sentry-Dragon are charmed!
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Pyro just challenged the Dragon to an incineration competition and is rolling Diplomacy.
Unfortunately he does not speak draconic.
over 12 years ago
is this worth it? how much longer is this gonna last?
over 12 years ago
Die falls, everyone rocks
(or not, depending on how it falls)
in soviet russia
over 12 years ago
everyone falls, rocks die
over 12 years ago
I like arcs, but I'm starting to hate them, due to the fact that I have to wait for the story to unfold, but ....
this is getting really interesting :D
over 12 years ago
@Eski called it in rainy day 08^^
over 12 years ago
More close ups of Engietan's tits and ass plz, thank u!
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Haha, Evil sorceress Engie is thinking with portals.
P.S. Gotta love the valve references.
over 12 years ago
JO Y U SO GOSU????!!?!?!?
over 12 years ago
I just love Pyro's face! He's totally saying: "WTF! What's this $#&%???"
over 12 years ago
Correction, the Mystic Thourge prestige class(or however you spell it) would be closests as they learn both Arcane and Divine spells.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_192915]@ZeDingo[/url]: There's no Red Mages in D&D. Closest thing to that would be a Bard.
Rain Harper
over 12 years ago
Dem hips!
over 12 years ago
I like how Medic is scrounging her sheet for anything she can do. That's a very natural response for when a player is faced by bullshit coming from the DM.
over 12 years ago
Thank you convenient photo-note explaining the simple joke...
over 12 years ago
Rocks falls, everyone dies~
over 12 years ago
Unfortunately, Pyro picked Black Mage instead of Red Mage, and all fire spells, so he can't cast Ice 9.
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