What people are saying about "Rainy Day 11"
Rainy Day 11
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 12 years ago
This is good rpg team combat.
They're all doing their part to fight the boss, as it should be.
about 12 years ago
Pyro cast Protection against energy(Fire), Demoman made a charge attack, medic cast fire resistance/whatever other buff it was on demoman and sniper made a called shot to the head.

There, i explained it
about 12 years ago
Ive played enough skyrim.... to know where that arrow is going...
about 12 years ago

This dragon is a frost dragon.

PyroMage defeats frostbreath with Fire.
about 12 years ago
Stop attacking the familiar! Go for the mage!!
about 12 years ago
Accurate eye, Maid-chan, and wise tongue. You have just passed tour grammer spot check as well as shown courage to point it out.

And what comes to milk, it is great choice. Even my coffee has high milk content, something called as Calf's Drink.
about 12 years ago
Sniper arrow falls short and hits demoman in the back.

Hurry up and finish this already
about 12 years ago
I'll still support you, but this arc really needs to go somewhere fast.

I mean there's a freaking dragon summoned by a scantly clad Engi-tan and I don't care at all, there's something wrong with that.
An Onymous
about 12 years ago
Why am I thinking Skyrim?
about 12 years ago
Knowing how Jo feels about snipers, I've got five bucks that says this either is not SniperRanger's shot, it fails to do anything, or it kills DemoKnight instead.
about 12 years ago
@boring and unfunny: why comment when ist boring and unfunny?

i might be able to contact someone on making a TF2 inspired RPG, who knows what will follow next
boring and unfunny
about 12 years ago
boring and unfunny
about 12 years ago
We all know ...... that it will hit the rocks!
about 12 years ago
I find it intresting that Magicka just got a new DLC that makes a parody out of the whole RPG game world.
It's called "Dungeons & Daemons".

Well I guess that's another thing added to my ever growing list of Steam Christmas Sale buys.
about 12 years ago
@YE.TI.: Hey! That's right!

Now Iim pretty sure black mage Pyro is shouting: "YOU..SHALT...NOT...PASS!!!
about 12 years ago
@:o:Ohhh....I am very sorry Master.......I shall eat this with milk if you may.[url=#user_comment_194115] @bodmans[/url]: By that you mean...mods....somethings.... [url=#user_comment_194097] @Telep[/url]:Again I thank you Master ^^ ohh And Master it's eat not ate.
about 12 years ago
i believe a TF2 inspired RPG is possible to make because there are a lot of random RPG's inspired by, for instance, anime's.

now we just need someone to set a basis
about 12 years ago
Thank you for the cookie. I shall ate it with coffee.

Maid-Chan. I don't believe there is TF2-RPG existing, at least, not yet. However, we already have basic classes, basic abilities... and we have Engie-chan crafting the game.
about 12 years ago
*munches the yummy cookies given to me while i wait for next update*
about 12 years ago
@:o: yes we do, but it's rude to talk, let alone comment when eating
about 12 years ago
does nobody care i gave them all cookies? :S
about 12 years ago
@YE.TI.: The arrow is white in the previous panel.
about 12 years ago
Am I the only one who noticed that that's a DRAGON shot with a BLACK arrow? Hobbit anyone?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193711]@anonymous[/url]: So youre saying that Engie Wins by default......then again that is not fair.....
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193864]@AckAckAck[/url]: And Youre not him!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193817]@Ack[/url]: You're not me!
about 12 years ago
Sniper Arrow is enchanted with "Freshmint".

"Freshmint" dispells dragon's "Halitosis" attack.

Dragon is pleased that he can now flirt with other dragons without worrying over his breath.

Engi is annoyed at being suddenly dumped by her dragon.
about 12 years ago
@Useful Sniper:
And that is why god lookith at the battlefield and blessed thine engineer with thine wrangler, so that with it thy might blow thy enemy snipers to tiny bits.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193817]@Ack[/url]: then Why did you even post? [url=#user_comment_193606] @Telep[/url]: TF2-RPG? Looks like it aint....i guess....
about 12 years ago
Archers aren't scary in d&d until they max out favored enemy on you and have a high sneak/death attack modifier and maybe a bard buffing damage...
about 12 years ago
Came here for knee jokes. Left disappointed.
about 12 years ago
it misses
Useful Sniper
about 12 years ago
Useful snipers target engineers, a sentry without an engineer is a dead sentry.
about 12 years ago
I smell a Called Shot to the eye.
about 12 years ago
lose lose situation. if engie-tan wins (by the way good job making her a beautiful evil witch jo)then pyro, medi-tan, demo, and sniper will beat her up. if they win, engie-tan will just set the sentry to "shoot everything"
about 12 years ago
they are using th etf2 abilities as far as i can see, pyro is airblasting the flames away
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193587]@Discrider[/url]: I think this is supposed to parallel taking down a sentry. Demo gets the uber, but there's always a sniper that you're not paying attention to who ends up bringing it down with a well-placed shot.
about 12 years ago
As far as Pyro-Mage goes, I'm surprised noone's pointed out the obvious. He's got the body shape of a Black Mage...but what he really is is a *Red* Mage. :-)
Lord Le Guess
about 12 years ago
Mark my words, that arrow is going right for Dark Engie's staff.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193647]@Chessrook44[/url] you would make a sadistic GM, just saying...
about 12 years ago
I'm hoping for a critical fail where the arrow hits a rock which drops off the ceiling and crushes Demoman, riccochets around, and then shoots right through Sniper's eye.
about 12 years ago
Final Fantasy V allowed secondary skills so that a Black Mage could take White Magic or a White Mage could use Black Magic.
about 12 years ago
Have to say, this is an awesome arc... says so much, without a word.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
And then Demo's sword explodes after three seconds!
PnP Geek
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193584]@Bobs[/url]: Pathfinder IS D&D. It's D&D 3.75 and everyone knows it.
about 12 years ago
Good question, Bobs, and I can't say for true if they are playing D&D or something else. I assume many readers are linking setting to it probably D&D is stereotype of dungeon crawling Pen-and-Paper RPG.

Who knows, maybe Engie-chan is running beta for TF2-RPG instead.
about 12 years ago
Okay, pals, time to place your bets for the question:

"I used to be a dragon like you, until I got an arrow to the...."

Find the right answer next monday!!!!
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
So Pyro used Airblast, Medic popped uber, and Sniper is firing arrows and missing completely (or hitting an unintentional target). How is this different to every other day?
about 12 years ago
How d'y'all know they are DnDing and not GURPSing or Pathfindering?
about 12 years ago
*nods for Maid Chan*

I'm not worried about damage what sniper can inflict to dragon in case of D&D - ranged weapons often are reduced mere nuisance after few levels...

...what I'm worried about is Demo being hit by friendly fire. Don't turn around, your knees are in danger!
Shadow Scryer
about 12 years ago
With how much ya seem to hate snipers, I highly doubt it'll do anything but make the dragon eat him. (It could be a head of a Pyro Hydra though, with the lack of limbs)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193515]@Telep[/url]: well it did i suppose?
about 12 years ago
Personally, I think it's more or less an airblast. But to say the truth it's either counterspell or a shield

FF is BS anyways
about 12 years ago
Heh. Conversation got heated. Fits the theme, I suppose.

Not exactly sure if this game is D&D or not but pen-and-paper RPG regardless the rule-set used, And because the nature of PnP, creative player can use powers in ways unexpected, at least, if DM is fair.
about 12 years ago
Clad that answer was helpful enough, Maid Chan. *bow*

Phiscas: Reason why video-games rarely allow creative methods to use spells is, I believe, mostly because the game code mechanism - each spell has its function, any alternative usages would expand coding work exponentially.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193507]@Ninj77[/url]: oh.......ok i think i get it now....at least....
about 12 years ago
Well damn, I missed the number one spot because I was watching TV... I believe that this is more based off D&D rather than FF, however appearance wise it's FF. This could be Protection from Spells, or just some kind of Mass Fire Shield... Who knows though, only Jo.
about 12 years ago
@~Maid-Chan: Yeah, I also thought the same...until I realized Pyro is just using a Final Fantasy Black Mage avatar. This a D&D game afterall, so Pyro is actually playing the role of a mage, which have quite a few defensive and offensive spells in the D&D universe.
about 12 years ago
they mustve all rolled OVER 9000!
about 12 years ago
It seems like the pyro casts a air based spell, so maybe aero? Doesn't really work as a counter spell in FF, but in theory I guess.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_193497]@Telep[/url]: Well then thank you for answering my question.......................Master ^.^
about 12 years ago
Good question, Maid Chan.

Not familiar with Final Fantasies but as Pyro is playing with fire-specialist, I wouldn't be surprise if he would have power to shape flames and fire coming from other sources as well as his own. Sort of counter-spell; fighting fire with fire.
about 12 years ago
I've been playing final fantasy games up til now....but how can a black mage cast white magic ?
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Can't wait to see how this will end.
insert arrow joke
about 12 years ago
the arrow will hit the knee
also #2
about 12 years ago
first time i've seen this with no comments *givs cookie to all who are above me* :D