What people are saying about "Pain In The Ass"
Pain In The Ass
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over 12 years ago
Might as well remove both wheels and the steering and replace the seat with a spike.
over 12 years ago
Guild Wars 2 is not F2P, it's PayOnce+Optional Cash Store.

So optional you can get the currency used in the store stuff with in-game coins, like with Spiral Knights, just without having to pay the currency to play like in Spiral Knights, just to get shinies faster...

over 12 years ago
Usually F2P is a bike w/o a chain, it looks and feels right but it just wont go anywhere. I guess SWToR F2P was just a pain in the ass to deal with.
over 12 years ago
I agree with Tyvadi; the only reason I subscribed to it in the first place was to experience the story; I couldn't care less about the less than stellar MMO experience that was tacked onto it by EA. This thing should have just been a single player game in the first place.
over 12 years ago
You don't need the bank that much though. The mats can be stored in the collection.
over 12 years ago
And why do people keep calling Guild Wars 2 free2play? Sure, there's no subscription payment, but it still cost about $60 to buy it.
over 12 years ago
"And while it's tiring to point it at this point, for the same entry price you can just play Guild Wars 2 for free and without feeling like your are a 2nd class citizen."

Unless you're a Guardian.
over 12 years ago
Wait, what is that black thing on top of the bike seat in the first picture? Have I been riding mine wrong?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196377]@Quinch[/url]: Oh don't worry, that meme isn't going anywhere. And yeah, everyone knows CoH is being put down because NCSoft is diverting those assets to keep Lineage from dying. Which is too bad because Lineage is fucking horrible. I'm just saying CoH was another example of failed handcuffed F2P.
over 12 years ago
I was looking forward to F2P. But this? This is garbage. They ought to take notes from LOTRO for what gets unlocked. Definitely overpriced at "free"
over 12 years ago
You think its going to start poking them in their collective heads yet?
over 12 years ago
So much for a f2p SWTOR... :c

...so, anyone know when GW2 will be on sale?
over 12 years ago
It's going to be great to see a game fail at going free 2 play
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196401]@Shadow12000[/url]: i'm not trying to start flame or something like that. Just pointing out that even if you got gems using ingame currency to update your bank, somebody payed to buy those gems. Which means some other player bought you update. so it's not FREE!
over 12 years ago
You can buy the seat as a DLC at the online store.
over 12 years ago
Where are the muffins?
over 12 years ago
I'd have to really disagree. The game isn't for hardcore Star Wars fans, its for hardcore KOTOR fans and they're getting everything they wanted out of the game: the story. For me and those of us who just wanted KOTOR 3, we could do with even less features.
Anon E Mouse (Pedantic)
over 12 years ago

Usually the amount of fucks I give to misspellings is hovering around one, but when it's the only linked word? C'mon!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196419]@Scow2[/url]: The term you want is "Buy-2-Play/B2P"
over 12 years ago
Should be a speeder bike.
over 12 years ago
I'm probably not the first to say this, but Guild Wars 2 is not "free to play." You still need to buy the actual game.
over 12 years ago
Both bikes are lacking spokes. Future expansion material?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196313]@Corsiy[/url]: Before you start even debating about the gems, realize that they also have an entire team of people that manage the economy of the Gem:Gold ratio to make sure it never gets far too expensive from people just buying gems with cash and trading for gold. Same with their Auction House system.
over 12 years ago
The game never intended to be F2P in the first place, it just hinted it would give eventually a very small and ultra "restrictive" option to non-subscribers.

Yeah, I know. Another tricky sales pitch, indeed.
over 12 years ago
The funniest thing is, the very first time SWTOR announced the phrase: "Free to Play" everyone went nuts: F2P FTW!!! yeah, booo! screw this! About time! RAGE RAGE RAGE!!!

I guess then nobody noticed that little word besides that phrase "option".
over 12 years ago
Well, This ,,Pay for more fun" system never Worked for me, Look at Champions online Game Isn't the Best, But did a Good job on the F2P Modell

Still, TF2 did the Best Example for F2P Shooter, why? They don't FORCE you to Buy stuff
over 12 years ago
@Mein Herr: That was Star Wars Galaxies Run by SOE. The Old Republic is run (apparently into the ground) by Bioware.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196298]@DeadHerald[/url]: TOR failed because, like so many other MMOs, it tried to outWOW the WOW. City of Heroes actually stayed profitable - modestly, but consistently. So, what happened to it? It took a refocusing of publishing support to the knee. {late meme is late, but I don't care}
Mein Herr
over 12 years ago
I thought the Star Wars servers were shutdown?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Translating F2P as "Free to play" is a commun mistake. Originaly, it was dubbed "Free to Pay".
over 12 years ago
StarWars The Old Republic Free2Play is not a pain in the ass but the whole EA is a pain in the ass, or more specifically, a buttraep in the ass.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196313]@Corsiy[/url]: And yes, the gems you buy in-game in gw2 come from other players selling them in the game itself.
over 12 years ago
I don't get the people bashing GW2's system. You can perfectly play everything else without ever buying anything other than the game itself. Sure, bank space is a bit cramped, but I bought myself 2 additional tabs with gems I bought with in-game currency within the first month of playing.
over 12 years ago
So inb4 EA makes the F2P game experience so miserable as to be virtually unplayable then declares that F2P is dead. Noting in their long winded speech that the financial woes their MMO is facing are all the fault of rampant piracy >.>
over 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure f2p players who play DDO are pretty happy, Turbine is pretty happy too. It all comes down to good f2p model and not being assholes (which is impossible in case of EA).
over 12 years ago
We need to put engi on that F2P bike. She'll love it!
over 12 years ago
DarkestPhoenix: And gems came from nowhere?? xD Or maybe some other player bought then and selling in game to obtain easy fast gold?
In fact don't see a point to compare GW2 and SWTOR at all... completely different games.
And one more thing, GW don't have Lucas arts and EA breathing their neck.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
That bicycle metaphor illustrates the point so well...
over 12 years ago
F2p players won't be happy unless they get all features for free. Which will never happen, AAA titles aren't donation-ware.
over 12 years ago
It's the cycle of gaming, my friends: f2p is announced, subscribers rage to no end, f2pers scream: "We won!".. now the restrictions list come out, subscribers celebrate and f2pers shout: "F.U.!!!!".
(insert "lion's king theme song").
over 12 years ago
>playing bioware games
over 12 years ago
Silly SW:TOR. Handcuffed F2P didn't work for City of Heroes, and look what happened to them.
over 12 years ago
Seriously, they've pretty much gone overboard on that list. It's less "buy subscription get cool stuff" and more "don't buy subscription and have fun looking at a blank wall".
over 12 years ago
Corsiy: All gems can be bought with in-game currency, That is all.
Alex: Who doesn't want revenge over a lost bar fight? If the writing doesn't appeal to you, then it doesn't, but don't write it off as "crap" just because you don't like the setting or quirks.
over 12 years ago
...so stingy.
over 12 years ago
Unless you're Valve you simply cannot afford to make a real F2P game. GW2 has plenty of "Allegedly Free Game" features.

What's more, SWTOR is still better because it wasn't written by retards - seriously, you want me to go on a fetch quest for revenge over a lost bar fight? Who wrote that crap?
over 12 years ago
Um... FTP was made for ppl who waned to experience awesome stories for each class. There were a lot of complaints about it =)
Btw GW2 bit annoying with FTP features as well. Like expand your bank or add extra backpack slot using gems. It not that obvious as in SWTOR, but it's still there...
over 12 years ago
Shouldn't you also have removed the pedals and the front wheel?
Because really, that's how crippling the F2P version looks like.
over 12 years ago
"without feeling like your are a 2nd class citizen."
over 12 years ago
This image is perfect - not just for Old republic, I never even played that, but I've tried few free to play titles and most of them are this bad. Yes, you can play them, but sooner or later you'll find out that it's just not as fun as it could be, because it was designed that way...
over 12 years ago
SWTOR isnt worth playing for endgame anyway. My friend and I cleared the game month and a half after release and by the looks of it there wast anything new sinse then. "Story mode" is nice and f2p limitations wont effect it much, so try it.
Oh, and Ill repeat myself: endgame isnt worth it.
over 12 years ago
Star Wars TOR F2P: "Y'get jack shit unless you pay the subscription fee. Have a couple bones for buying anything though!"

TF2 F2P: "Pay a buck for an item, get everything like everyone else. Why? Cause we're VALVE bitches, WE CAN DO THAT."
over 12 years ago
Simple, but the message is loud and clear.

I like it.
over 12 years ago
Okay, yes, the F2P hurts.

But it won't affect me, because I've been a 6-month-recurring sub since the beginning, and intend to stay that way.

I should probably warn my friends before they try it, though. It looks like it's basically just a barebones free trial without a level cap.
over 12 years ago
MMO's haven't had a good track record with F2P. The model just doesn't seem to fit well with the game, as they need to make you pay somehow. The best was probably DDO or DC universe, and even then they were no match of the standard sub fee of WoW
over 12 years ago
All the restrictions are perfectly fine for playing through the eight campaigns, and travelling isn't all that bad, especially since they made sprinting a starting power, and the respawn points are fairly regular.
over 12 years ago
We don't have a date for f2p yet, so we? It was a lifesaver that got held up to a drowning game but never thrown.
over 12 years ago
Wow... I had been thinking to give it a try once it went F2P, but the list of restrictions means I won't even give the game a look.
Sasha Nekosune
over 12 years ago
I read the list. It was almost LITERALLY painful to read...
- Ran
over 12 years ago
Don't forget that if you want your 'credits' for paying, you have to have an active sub before it's F2P. I stopped playing in April, and very little has changed since I left. It was rather depressing to read the fifteen patch notes since then to find how little had been altered.
over 12 years ago
Don't forget after hitting level 50 the wheels fall off.
over 12 years ago