What people are saying about "Rainy Day - End"
Rainy Day - End
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 12 years ago
I really enjoyed this arc! I think the problem was that a lot of readers don't get the D&D stuff. In my opinion, it was very high quality and well written, I just wish I referred my friends to it sooner.
over 12 years ago
(Rant Cont.) have the drama and heart that made the first arcs interesting. It was just a series of gags formed into a basic storyline. If you (Jo) brought back the arcs of this comics beginning, I'm sure most people would be happy. Thank you for reading fellow Nerf Now fans!
over 12 years ago
This is really, really sad. I read this comic from the beginning, when it was filled with funny yet dramatic arcs that were awesome to read. I watched it slowly devolve into one-shot gags about the hot game of the moment. The reality is that readers still want an arc, it's just that this one didn't
over 12 years ago
This arc wasn't slow but it was very dull. Your other arcs were fun and interesting and 'deep' in some ways as well. This one seemed like you were forced to do this and therefore it wasn't all that great.
over 12 years ago
Could alternate arc updates with one-shot comics. Arc-lovers wouldn't mind waiting an extra update or two to get the next bit since they already have to wait to see it anyway (but provide link to previous in the series). No need to have an arc running constantly, but this might be worth considering.
over 12 years ago
I hated to read your comments, as I absolutely loved this arc. The style was amazing, in both the black, white and blue/red, to having everything said without being said. The facial expressions were priceless, especially Engie's wink.

I'd actually ask for *more* like this.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196557]@DeadHerald[/url]: You can't just call something you don't like reading ignorant and it automagically becomes a valid statement. You've spent a lot of time arguing on the internet, by the looks of it.
over 12 years ago
Thanks for all your hard work, man.
over 12 years ago
... Your strengths lie in drama and storytelling. It seemed like this arc relied too heavily on gags rather than story progression. Ultimately it's up to you, but I'd love to see future efforts. I too support the idea of having a separate section for arcs and updating on a periodic/irregular basis.
over 12 years ago
First time commenter here, just saw your notes at the bottom. It's a shame arcs are less successful, but you captured my attention (and heart) with the earlier TF2 stories. You set up a great ensemble of characters I keep wanting to see return...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_196337]@Tiger[/url]: Ignorant statement is ignorant. This is Jo's job. OF COURSE HE WANTS TO GET PAID FOR IT!!! This isn't charity work. This is what the man does for a living.
over 12 years ago
You know what was unsuccessful about your TF2 arc? The fact that it had little to do with TF2. I guarantee if it was a proper TF2 arc it would gain more popularity.
over 12 years ago
@Doctor Rover

You noticed that too?
over 12 years ago

Well, ultimately you do what you want, Jo. It's your webcomic.

I just think that the decline has more to do with lowering attention spans than anything else.
that guy who doesn't like arcs
over 12 years ago
I dont like the arcs ;-;
over 12 years ago
But but but I like your arcs Jo!
over 12 years ago
That said, I did really enjoy the aesthetic appeal of this series. Just, more fan service please. :D
over 12 years ago
Attaching an over-played story to a more high-art design isn't going to save the overall product from having an over-played story. In fact, it can exacerbate by problem by requiring a longer period to tell the story. You've said yourself how much more difficult it is to portray stuff without words.
over 12 years ago
The arcs have traditionally had a much different hook to them, character drama. That's what allowed them to build the tension and emotional connection that has allowed this comic to attract many viewers looking for that instead of the normal webcomic schtick.
over 12 years ago
As far as making arcs as interesting as the single-day strips. http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/episode-07-pacing

The short strips are easier to get right because the pacing problem is much simpler. Hook, setup, punchline. Even a brain dead webcomicer can do that.
over 12 years ago
It wasn't all that suspenseful. All the story elements had been done before, frequently, whether by this comic or other sources. Even the critical on the smug summoner, albeit connected with the sniper huntsman head shot in this context, has been done so often that the comments predicted easily...
over 12 years ago
Despite the utter fools inviting people to "STFU" and crushing cans etc, you've made your intentions clear.

What drained my interest was the empty visuals and vague interest in the subject mattter. It was just.. unexciting in every way. Just this arc. Didn't appeal. The joys of art, right?
over 12 years ago
Making webcomics isn't easy, or everyone would do it. Strike that, making GOOD webcomics isn't easy. So if you think you can do better than Jo, by all means try.

I've got $100 US that says you fail. >=P
over 12 years ago
Furthermore, no one is forcing you ingrates to do anything. Sorry if you didn't dig the subject matter or get the joke at the end or if you're just disappointed because you come here for free fapping material and no other reason. But those of us who appreciate the effort made here know better.
over 12 years ago
I really enjoyed this arc, and I invite all the crybabies to shut the fuck up. =D Honestly, when you consider how stable this comic is compared to most and that Jo is pretty talented, it's a wonder you guys should be bitching so much.
over 12 years ago
Long time reader here. I agree that this arc was mediocre, but had lotsa potential. I still love all of your other arcs, and I would be very very sad if you stopped doing them. Heck, even your mini-arc like the Lusty Argonian maid vs Engie was amazing. I second the idea of making a 2nd site 4 arcs
over 12 years ago
I think your best bet would be to do the arcs on the side, and then release it all on the site as a "book". Or, better yet, do an ad.fly link on a section of the site.
over 12 years ago
@BLack V: The ads on the site I presume. To be honest, I don't notice them very often, but I assume that is where the revenue comes from.

And jo, if your fanbase isn't pleased, don't sweat. You can't please EVERYONE (They are never happy), so do what pays the bills. Better than no comics at all..
Anom nom nom
over 12 years ago
I love the arcs. If you have some spare time within your spare time, you probably could use that time to make arcs. Instead of creating another website, you can probably split the current site into two sections. One for strips, and the other for arcs. It might be more work, so you don't have do it.
over 12 years ago
see, that's why I hated the hats from the first moment on.
over 12 years ago
The real reason this arc didn't do as well as the old ones is because of the lack of romance.
over 12 years ago
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
Honestly, I enjoyed this arc.

Even though the Sniper didn't seem to do much for most of the campaign, her was still the one who saved their lives. Also, I'm not sure how many people're familiar with D&D, so that might've had an impact.
Bard (Pt 3)
over 12 years ago
Overall, I have to say that this looks like you caved into the people crying out for an arc without you being ready. I think if you had more time to develop everything the combination would have worked. I for one like the idea of seeing more of what the TF2 people on days like that.
Bard (pt 2)
over 12 years ago
As for Revenue, there are a lot of other comics that do arcs and continuity, but I'm also willing to bet that only certain, major strips bring them in more people, the kind of thing you want to link to that can be easily to understand for new people.

Continued in a moment...AGAIN
over 12 years ago
The reason you lost revenue was because this arc was terrible.

Seriously? All that build-up for a hat joke?
over 12 years ago
Honestly, I think as a silent arc, it had problems. DnD on it's own tends to gain a lot from the interactions of players. Word Balloons would have helped you set up a lot of jokes and would have made a few things easier.

Bah, out of space, more in a moment
over 12 years ago
It's the lack of words that was making me want this arc to finish to be honest.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
"revenue down" means people are clicking less ads.
If you want More arc. More click.
Doctor Rover
over 12 years ago
While this arc peaked my interest in DnD I must admit this arc isn't your best, but maybe it's because I enjoyed the other arcs more than this one.

I don't know what it was exactly, but this sounds like you didn't have fun doing this arc at all.

Oh well good job internet.
over 12 years ago
I for one will click the ads so that Joe may earn his revenue. I mean why not give something to someone who is already giving to us?
over 12 years ago
I'm honestly quite disappointed that the arcs aren't doing so well.
One of the first arcs that involved a short and sweet love story between the Pyro and Engie was my favourite, and is how I got into enjoying this webcomic.
But I guess you can't please everyone, oh well.
over 12 years ago
You should make an Engie x Engie arc. In fact you should make a lesbian Engie webcomic. That'd get viewers.
over 12 years ago
Personally I prefer the gag a day strips, they're what got me interested in your comic in the first place and honestly I think you're a lot better at them than you are at arcs.

If you were to do an another arc i'd recommend you give it dialogue. Nothing says that arc strips have to be voiceless.
over 12 years ago
As I said before, "Do what you want to do."

I can completely understand wanting sweet ad revenue, and even if the arc was amazing (it was pretty bad) you still probably wouldn't get nearly as many visitors as you would with a "gag a day" strip.
over 12 years ago
The people who are shocked by the news that this guy is trying to make money off of this website are hilarious. I wonder how they'll react when they find out that every website on the internet is also out to get that sweet ad revenue money! ":closes browser: never returning to the internet again."
over 12 years ago
This arc was terrible, your other arcs were amazing.
Make more. If you won't make more, just make more TF2 things.
over 12 years ago
i still think this Arc could have been better.
over 12 years ago
So you only do this for profit? Thanks for the heads up; that's one less tab I need to worry about in my browser. :never returning again:
over 12 years ago
Blue engi is best troll lol
over 12 years ago
Reader from the beginning here, and I'll have to bandwagon up for this one Jo.

The problem wasn't the fact it was an Arc, it was just that it wasn't a very good one. Only DnD folk woulda really got most of it, and even then the payoff was still "meh". You can do better, you HAVE done better.
over 12 years ago
Good end to the arc. Sorry to hear that they are going, but maybe someday, they can come back again.
As always, I'll keep on reading.
over 12 years ago
Been reading for a while now. I love the arcs, and while I'm sad to see them go (especially after one as good as this) I understand your reasoning.
over 12 years ago
That being said, once you do feel like doing one, don't make it too long (just in case you don't want to finish it!), and make sure it's about the characters we love!
Heck, if you want steady revenue/visitors, you don't even need arcs! Just single-strips about the characters, like pyro and sniper.
over 12 years ago
This arc was cute, but really the only part I chuckled at was this one.
If you ever want to another arc (I hope so!), I say DO NOT do it until you are ready!
Good arcs like your beginning arcs are why you have so many fans now, and they were only that good because you wanted to do them!(continued)
over 12 years ago
Long time reader here. I just went back to see if the old arcs were as good as I remembered them to be, and ended up reading half the archive.
At least every other comic in every arc had a really clever punchline, and EVERY comic made us like whatever character it was about even more. (continued)
over 12 years ago
finally FUCKING OVER, shitty arc never make another one EVER AGAIN PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE more dota comics NOW
Me again
over 12 years ago
You shouldn't stop making arcs, but you should make better ones. The very first TF2 arc and the Starcraft arc unleashed real emotions and feelings. This arc was waiting for a punchline...and failed miserably.
over 12 years ago
Man, this was the worst arc of them all. Not because it was a silent comic, but because nothing has happened. it´s just the TF crew playing D&D and they only fight one enemy. Those early action-packed arcs, those were great.
over 12 years ago
Need more muffins... and ponies!
over 12 years ago
That arc was awesome. I used to be a DnD player. I never really played TF. But I totally dig that arc.

Too bad you'll never do anything like this again.

How about a compromise - short 3-4 strip arcs?
over 12 years ago
Man, lookit all them haters. I for one really enjoyed this arc, and found the whole "silent comic" aspect of it appealing. I just guess you can't appeal to the masses with a D&D comic, and if it really slashes into your revenue, by all means, do what poots food in yer belly. Well, except pimpin'.
over 12 years ago
Hello Jo. I am an avid reader, and I don't mind whether it's arcs or joke comics.

This arc was cute and fun. If it's not viable to make them, then don't, that's simple.

But personally, I enjoyed it.
over 12 years ago
Haven't read the comment below, but think the arc this time isn't that intresting, is because it's nothing about TF, or anything else. It's just a story that almost everyone could write :-/

Plus I've checked almost every day for a new arc, but some days they just don't come :(
over 12 years ago
If you look at it from the point of someone new to this website, your individual strips, while adding to the storyline, weren't very entertaining. Individual strips that end in a punchline give the viewer a reason to come back to the website and look forward to the next strip in the storyline.
over 12 years ago
As the rude person below me pointed out, the problem with the arc indeed was that there was no punchline to the individual comic strips that led to the ending. I'd look at giantitp's Order of the Stick or Questionable Content for a good arc driven comic strips to take example from.
over 12 years ago
I am gonna say you just suck at doing arcs. I have seen plenty of comics that have long arcs and do just fine. They do well because each strip, although related to the arc, has it's own punchline. Yours are like long drawn out stories that each strip leaves you saying "And?..."
over 12 years ago
Personally, I liked this Arc. It was different and the way you told the story was creative. Good on ya mate
BLack V
over 12 years ago
Or you could start an arc, do a normal comic, do arc comic, normal comic, arc and so on...

and er.. how do you actually get revenue from this?
over 12 years ago
I feel that the arc was fine, however a lot of people disagree with me, and it earned less money. As you said, you should conclude that arcs make less money, take longer to plan, and evidently doesn't please your fanbase, don't do them. THEY wanted it, and THEY didn't like it, so why bother...
over 12 years ago
This was a good arc, i liked the storyline, the irony in everything, and the tension between Red and Blu all times make it for a funny, yet suspicious story.
Thing is, it's been quite a while since you have been doing random strips, so people get used to these things. I like both thou.
over 12 years ago
*1/5 - Not THAT bad. Sorry.
over 12 years ago
DO. NOT. STOP. ARCS. This arc gets a 1/10 and felt like "I need to do some arc to test my idea. Better imagine a story in 10 Minutes." But I don't think that happened. Do some arc as soon as you get a really great idea. Then seed it into regular comics.
over 12 years ago
I also understand that, as a site, you are able to generate revenue, but is that really why you started this site? Is it really that bad to have steady visits/revenue instead of increased (day-to-day) visits/revenue? Don't be a sell-out, Jo! People like making big bucks, but don't exploit us for it.
over 12 years ago
This arc had little story, but lots of potential. I for one did not like how the story, what lil of it there was, was told and drawn out. The original arcs were great, this one sucks! One shots are easy because you include dialogue sometimes, I think you just got lazy when you did this arc.
over 12 years ago
Refreshing change of pace for the group; If some fans are not willing to venture outside the box and judge the comic only on snarky one-shots then who needs them? You have built up enough of a base that can experiment and still have visitors in a good clip.
over 12 years ago
Like, the story of the drone - I trully rooted for her. There was kind of sad, sad story some of the Zerg swarm payers experienced. Give us emotions, give us tragedy, drama, romance and comedy! :-) There was very little of it in the last arc...
over 12 years ago
I'm sorry dude, but this arc simply was nothing great. The StarCraft, heart-touching story of a sexy drone, that's was what I'm waiting for again. I couldn't care less for Dota2. I like your older TF2 arcs though. There was a feeling, there were emotions, here... just "what, that's it?".
over 12 years ago
I would focus more on current games + dota 2 (which is the current competitive esportish game everyone favours atm)
over 12 years ago
If Revenue is based upon how long we spend on the page, perhaps the issue is that the arc in question had no text whatsoever - it took me 10 seconds tops to read each page.
over 12 years ago
There is a third option.....
Monday through Thursday, do the usually random strips.
Friday, ARC STRIP.

Sure, it'll mean the arc will take a few months to complete, but it'll satisfy everyone. Arcs for the arc-lover, and you keep your income from the rest of the random strips!
over 12 years ago
Fuck em jo, I enjoy your arcs and all the little kids who just want to see tits can get lost!
over 12 years ago
I hope you get the chance to do more arcs at some point. It's always fun reading them and waiting to see what's gonna happen next.
over 12 years ago
Yay! No more arcs! Death to arcs! Thank you Jo! Best news I've heard all year! Now, back to actually good comics and fanservice!
over 12 years ago
the older arc is more original I suppose. A bunch of guys playing D&D and argue over loot is kind of terrible story for this arc.
over 12 years ago
I think if the TF2 teams actually do something TF2 related would be better. I love those first arc of neftnow. But to be honest, this one doesn't quite do it for me. The old arc's story have more dept in it, you can feel the character actually like they're from TF2 from some of the older arc.
Alpha Phoenix
over 12 years ago
All web-comics are hit and miss, an when this comic hits one, it knocks it out of the park. If I may be so bold as to recommend, maybe make story-arcs out of love and offer them as bonuses if people recommend you to webcomic lists or meet revenue goals. But keep the primary comic strip-based.
Alpha Phoenix
over 12 years ago
Revenue may be based on readers who are just finding you. I like some of your arcs [and would love to see a DotA arc] but people don't link other people/blog about arcs the way they do normal comics. It's great for stable readers, as you know, but it doesn't encourage 'hey guy check this out'
over 12 years ago
all this buildup for a shitty hat joke GG
over 12 years ago
It rather saddens me that arcs are less profitable. I'm a huge arc fan, so I mourn this passing. Oh well, this arc was great and I'll be compulsively checking this site twice a day for new comics regardless of their format.
over 12 years ago
May I suggest something, Jo? How about interspacing each batch of an arc's pages (or heck, each pair of individual arc pages!) with your usual standalone pages? Would that help compensate?
over 12 years ago
I personally liked this arc. You're very good at getting peoples emotions across only using expressions, even on the masked, pyro.
Because tomato
over 12 years ago
I got linked NerfNOW a while ago (a year? two?) and whether there are arcs or not I'll do what I always do with all webcomics. I pop back in on the site once in a while. Hope to see you go on for a good while longer. =)
over 12 years ago
I have to say, I love this arc. Also I love the comics in general. I don't believe comics should have a "Set" plot because lets face it some of the best ones had little main stream plot and more random stuff happening. I'm talking about Garfield.

Nerf Now >= Garfield
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195928]@Scow2[/url] The difference between you and me is constructive criticism. Telling him "It was better back when" and "It sucks now" is just gonna devalue your opinion.
over 12 years ago
OR, you could have just done an arc where the teams have to deal with the Mann Vs. Machine update, and offer dialogue-free commentary on the way it's going over, like you did back when this comic was actually good.
over 12 years ago
For what it's worth, I thought it was clever. But if you don't like doing arcs, by all means, it's your comic.
over 12 years ago
The sad part is that you could have done something with it... If you were THAT desperate for a D&D themed TF2 arc, you could have dumped the characters themselves into a dungeon crawl, and even actually thrust them into new classes similar to their TF2 ones, but preserving the characterization.
over 12 years ago
Maybe this arc didn't do so well because it was absolutely terrible?
So far, you've been doing nothing but re-hashing jokes ranging from 4-20 years old, all of which have been done better by comics dedicated to D&D gaming. Also, everyone was generic - Where was any characterization?
over 12 years ago
C2) An arc should be something you slowly build up over time, treating it almost like a rockstar meter in Guitar Hero. Hit each note(Short strip) right, then let it rip during an awesome guitar solo (Arc) I don't feel this arc had it's chance to shine.
over 12 years ago
C) Lastly, I can't help but feel you've been a bit biased about the outcome. ~_~ Whether you think it or not, this affects how you draw, how you work. The arc shouldn't have been something you say "Okay decide what my arc is! Okay I'll get right on that!", *continued*
over 12 years ago
I still enjoyed it
over 12 years ago
B2) In this arc you tried to make people laugh. Imagine a person jumping in to the middle of the arc. Without words. If he sees the middle of the joke, the punchline won't be as funny. If you start in the middle of ANYWHERE in the Starcraft arc, any number of emotions can be called on.
over 12 years ago
Also the ending for this arc is not funny, it is the same "everyone only cares about hats" that is a bad (and kind of true) stereotype of certain tf2 players.
over 12 years ago
B) This was a silent strip about Dungeons and Dragons. You mention Starcraft and the Heavy+Medic strips but they both had feeling to them. When Little Medic was bullied, people subconsciously cared(It was adorable). When the Drone lost everyone she loved, we felt sorry and wanted to defend her.
over 12 years ago
I have to agree with some people. While I liked this arc, this was not a tf2 arc. I think the reason that this arc was less popular was because people expected a tf2 arc, and we got a D&D arc.
Toaster on Fire
over 12 years ago
I liked this arc, but I think you're best when doing singles. Either way, you gotta do what you think is best!
over 12 years ago
Let's get this out of the system,
A) It wasn't a TF2 arc, the characters could be replaced with League of Legends and it wouldn't have made a difference on the plot, the outcome or the personalities.(Ie replace medic with Sona, Brand with pyro, Varius, Ziggs, Etc.) This was Dungeons and Dragons.
Your wake up call Joe
over 12 years ago
Wanna know why this arc sucked? Cause you promised us a TF2 arc, this is a Dungeons and Dragons arc with TF2 characters. You can't say "Ok, vote for what you want me to do next" get voted in for a TF2 arc then say "NEW ARC HERE BY REQUEST" which turns out to be the opposite of what you promised.
D. Ebdrup
over 12 years ago
I'm slightly disappointed you didn't go with "Rocks fall, everyone dies" after the DM had an evil glare in Rainy Day 13. Otherwise, lots of fun was had.
over 12 years ago
Before I forget: you could always take a risk and draw more jokes about anything else, except videogames or TF2 innuendo.

Sure, loyal readers may complain, but this is certain to attract new visitors. Now to make sure they become regular readers, that could prove tricky.
over 12 years ago
Honestly, I did really love this arc!

But Jo, if you're looking for an increase in the people visiting this site, I wonder: how many hits did those pages with fan-service got? Seriously, when it comes to webcomics, the more popular ones are those with fanservice, among other things.
over 12 years ago
I don't know, I personally loved this arc, reason being is that it touched upon many concept's in the "virtual world" which are hilarious from the side, but when one's in the middle it's a different ball game.
over 12 years ago
Personally I love arcs. They, and the TF2 funny stuff, are what made me start religiously checking your site. I have been waiting for a long time for another arc like back in the good old days. The fact that arcs are now never going to appear is saddening but we will survive.
A Gray Phantom
over 12 years ago
Funny, this has been my favorite arc so far :-)
anon fan
over 12 years ago
Kudos for transparency regarding arc vs strip. I liked both but do what you need to and thanks for being so open about it. You addressed a hard subject with maturity. Hats off to you (hehe)

I'm a gamer but never played TF; still enjoy all your strips. Also DND is a great base for a last arc.
over 12 years ago
Dude, I love you, I visit your website EVERY DAY since a looooooooooooong time... but no more arcs please, maybe "some" people love them... but for the ones who don't it's a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery boring thing.
No more arcs please

I hated the arc
over 12 years ago
Simply because it wasn't really a TF2 arc, because, as I've said before, it wasn't really TF2 related.

I did like the ending though, the last two pages were really well done, especially the hat scene.

Stick to whatever gives you more money honestly I think the whole "Sunday = Arc day" works
Aether McLoud
over 12 years ago
I like your oneshot comics WAY more because they are almost always funny and relevant to current (gaming) topics. Also, personally, fuck TF2 ;)
over 12 years ago
Also it's a great idea that arcs should be out once a week (sunday for example), and shorts could be release everyday.
over 12 years ago
moar fan service is all you need for more money.
Commenter #327
over 12 years ago
Personally I liked this arc. Why? Because I play Dungeons and Dragons. I know exactly how they feel when they find the 1 crown(long story lets just say never turn your back on the gnome)
Was this a good idea for an Arc? Eh... it was pretty good but not your best idea :P
over 12 years ago
Then it all ends in hat(single one).
I hope you can find a way to balance single comics and story arcs, because me, and many others, enjoy both.
sad face
over 12 years ago
Aw, man, see, I really liked this arc, along with other arcs. I mean, I'm still sticking around, but I still think the arcs are quite cool.
over 12 years ago
...I am now sad.
Haven't lost a viewer or anything.. but a lot of why I came here is now lost.
over 12 years ago
Jon, the problem with this arc was just htat it wasn't very interesting. TF2 cast plays DnD, and nothing really funny or interesting happens.

Don't drop arcs entirely just because you made one bad arc, you previous arcs (especially the spy vs engie arc) were fantastic
over 12 years ago
jo your arcs dont suck. i always love your comics whether they are arcs or single shots. your a great comic maker.
over 12 years ago
Damn troll engie.

Sell the hat and buy usefull stuff.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195857]@Dwarfling[/url]: No, I'm pretty sure that's not it, what with this arc not sucking.
over 12 years ago
So are we going to have some X-Com comics now?
over 12 years ago
Or maybe it was because this arc sucked.
over 12 years ago
Jo, you have very passionate readers. Remember, the reader who posts five comments in a row about how much they hate the thing you made that they can't stop looking at is just as committed to your material as the guy who praises you for every comic.
over 12 years ago
Today is a sad day.
over 12 years ago
I like all your story arcs, and I really liked this one. But the dosh has spoken - stick with non-arcs and use the extra money to buy more hats. :D
over 12 years ago
Goodbye arcs, will miss you. ;_;
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195820]@IV[/url]: Once again a good example why commas are important for the english language :D
Vilnius Belfast
over 12 years ago
Doesn't matter what happened, this arc was awesome and I love Engie as a Dungeon Master. Such a troll xD
over 12 years ago
Admit it, the arc was not all that great. Maybe instead you can get inspired by stories from others and feature them as comics here. With their permission of course.
over 12 years ago
Silent arcs is what made NerfNow special. I've stuck with it from the beggining, always hoping original style arcs will appear. If it's the definite end I guess there is no point, as I don't really enjoy the 'faservice' ones. I guess our ways part here =( Thanks for the good times nonetheless :)
over 12 years ago
Nerf Now for shorties, Nerf Later for Arcs :o
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
Arcs are good, mini arcs too, this arc reminds me of how to divide a loot can be stressful
over 12 years ago
Oh noes, no more arcs? What about mini-arcs? Yay more "easy" one liners ...
over 12 years ago
personally i liked this arc, could it have included dialogue yes but for the most part the pictures were just as descriptive, some more then dialogue would've been. in short good arc with an amusing ending.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195652]@Jarin[/url]: It wasn't to "prove a point" and he didn't make the arc bad on purpose. He wanted to see what would happen if he made an arc since Nerf Now is his current job.
over 12 years ago
He got to eat people!
some dude
over 12 years ago
I loved this arc and all your previous ones. I also love the one-off comics. Regardless, as a fan, I respect that it's your decision to make. I, for one, hope you start up that second website one day so that we can see the best of both worlds.
over 12 years ago
Honestly, I don't get it. I don't understand what the arc is all about. I may understand single pages like this one, but the whole story is kind of incomprehensible for me.
over 12 years ago
I don't care if you produce single strip or an entire arc. I Like both, and I keep visiting you every day, not because of the stories, but because you make a satire of the video game-verse, so to speak. That's what I like, no matter the format, ever since your first pages.
over 12 years ago
inb4 click on secret invisible button for secret second TF2 MvM arc
The MK
over 12 years ago
You didn't create an arc with tf2 you created an arc with tf2 characters playing dnd. The arc was really slow and if you involved the witty humor of say maybe the bugs and funny experiences of the MvM update then you would have more viewers. DnD is a slow paced concept that doesn't appeal to all.
over 12 years ago
I enjoyed this arc.
That Guy
over 12 years ago
as a Roleplayer and D&D aficionado I enjoyed this arc!
over 12 years ago
Actually I check more often when it's an arc because I'm eager to see the story.
Unfortunately this arc was a little boring, no fan-service (except one panel :P) and I didn't like the art style. So in my opinion the experiment is not valid :) It's like you wanted it to fail...
over 12 years ago
And then it turns out it's cursed.
over 12 years ago
If you still want to make arcs there's a way. When you publish a book with the strips you can make an arc as a kickstarter stretch goal.
over 12 years ago
I love your arcs, especially the character interactions like the heavy and medic and pyro's quest for love. I'm sorry to hear you say you're not doing any more, but I suppose I understand. I'll stick along for the rides, but I'll hope for seeing your arcs return.
over 12 years ago
I for one like arcs, but I can understand how dreaded continuity can give some folks the fits.
How about a compromise... Intersperse non-arc comics throughout the week, and once a week do the next page of the arc. Maybe on Fridays? I know that means this arc would have taken 3.5 months to do.
over 12 years ago
...be it with TF2 characters or not. Yet I would enjoy new Starcraft Arcs, and I am quite sure they would bring you more hits and revenues, as Starcraft has a) a huge playerbase and b) it allows for more fanservice (at least the way you used to portray Starcraft) than your TF2 strips.
over 12 years ago
I just want you to know, I greatly enjoyed this arc. I came every day to see the new developments and I found the D&D relationship with TF2 to be very funny and intelligent.

So while I cannot claim to speak for the majority, I speak for myself. I greatly enjoyed your wordless work.
over 12 years ago
Yeah.. I love D&D, and enjoyed this arc, but I was really expecting a TF2 arc. Not a D&D arc with TF2 characters. This really leaves me underwhelmed for a "final arc." Especially after I fell in love with Nerf Now! back in it's early days when it was just the TF2 arcs with character drama.
over 12 years ago
Well, having never played TF2, I am quite sure I could never get as attached to these as some others, but I _do_ like some of the characters by now thanks to nerfnow.

That being said, I did not enjoy the current arc very much. Tbh, the topic of pen&paper parodies is sucked dry, ...
over 12 years ago
I actually liked this arc. Yes, not as much as others, but I feel that arcs like these make your comic stand out more than other gaming webcomics, even if the usual gag-a-day format brings in more money.

That said, I support the idea of you having a second site for arc comics.
over 12 years ago
Your arcs would always make my day, and I'm always so happy to see when a new page is posted. I hope you can see the talent you have with storytelling.
over 12 years ago
Jo, just so you know you are amazing with silent arc comics. You truly are. Your first TF2 arc is what brought me to NerfNow!! and the arcs after that kept bringing me back. You do have a gift with them, so it's very sad to see you giving them up. I hope you truly don't though.
over 12 years ago
Oh, one last point.

It's TF2. What other universal currency exists that a player would want BESIDES a hat. Is it a hat joke? Yes, but only out of necessity within its own continuum.
over 12 years ago
That being said, some of the other commentators are right -- we expected a proper TF2 arc with character development and were subsequently disappointed.

Jo, it was a good arc. Don't let the poor reception discourage you from trying your hand again.
over 12 years ago
Here's the problem this arc had: it took too long to come out.

Go back and read the arc through in one shot. Yes, you, the guy sitting there reading this comment.

I'll wait.

Doesn't it seem MUCH more enjoyable now? It was a REALLY cute story arc, it just took too long to come to fruition.
Define... Arc.
over 12 years ago
the other characters. It's great that Engie and Engie get a lot of screen time. But personally, I'd just like to see more of the original cast make appearances in the gag strips.
over 12 years ago
Define... Arc.
over 12 years ago
Was looking forward to more relationship drama. Was what I really liked in the first place.

The arcs I really, really enjoyed were the old ones (the story based, continuity NerfNow!!) and the multi-part 3 panel gags. (Lusty Argonian Maid being the one that comes to mind.) I just miss all of
over 12 years ago
Screw the complainers, Jo. You do what you want! You're the one who has to work, and if you like to experiment to see which approach gives you the best means to support yourself, you go right ahead!
random guy from the internet
over 12 years ago
You made the whole thing without a single word, admirable, but most pages were just story tellers without any kind of joke... and that's the problem, people don't come here for art, they come here for fun.
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
also, why the hell did you not do a MvM arc? thats probably what most people were expecting afterall
Joe McJoeman
over 12 years ago
I just think this arc was boring... The other ones were funny and interesting, while this is just meh... D&D
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
people are right jo, they were expecting a TF2 arc, not a D&D arc with TF2 themed characters, its not the same thing and its left people disapointed, and i can believe that claim were people say you made a crappy arc in an attempt to justify yourself, but honestly no, you justified nothing.
over 12 years ago
This story arc was awesome. Lots of fun (I totally got the visual shorthand for "Rocks fall, everyone dies!") Thanks for doing it, Jo.
over 12 years ago
Well, congrats. Even of this wasent the funniest comic i saw here, you made an whole story with not a single word. Pretty nice work !
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195724]@Rukifellth[/url]: back when i was a painter i painted to make people happy and not for the money. it's this money greedy jewish attitude that gives artists a bad reputation.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195715]@Hitler[/url]: That's called making a living, dead man.
Annoying Phancakes
over 12 years ago
I don't care that if we don't get another arc for a while. It will be...worth the weight.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I actually really like the Heavy/Medic arc. Although it is sad to hear that they don't work as well for you business-wise. The idea of another site for that sort of thing is a decent idea. I like the stories that you can make so interesting with such limited character establishment.
over 12 years ago
lol sellout. way to care only for the revenue.
over 12 years ago
Smug face is smug.
over 12 years ago
you should still do arcs (they've always been my favorites) but maybe only update them once a week? (and have a new button on the page to go back/forth to the next/last arc page so that those that come in at the middle can go catch up on the arc) that way fans can still enjoy arcs without lost money
over 12 years ago
surely arcs of 2 or 3 weeks are fine?
It just ain't right
over 12 years ago
You've got a nice little comic here, Jo.
Too bad your fanbase is full of jerkwads.
over 12 years ago
I really liked this arc! Not only is it about TF2 *and* DND, it also showed off Engie's troll streak yet again. I'd say, keep it up, but do whatever you feel is best.
Fyi you idiot
over 12 years ago
You got less revenue because this arc sucked, not because you started an arc.
over 12 years ago
Damn, 14 parts? Alright, it needs to be shorter then.
over 12 years ago
Simple Problem: Generate Revenue

Simple Solution: Fanservice/Porn
over 12 years ago
But hey! You get slightly more money this way, so I guess it's a happy ending for all.
over 12 years ago
If you feel like throwing out your comic arcs' unique aesthetic, that's your business. NerfNow will just get thrown into the pile with all the other vapid, humor deficient gaming comics out there. You know, the ones I don't read and would never buy merchandise from.
over 12 years ago
Your often horrendously flat humor and apparent pathological need to make your one-shot strips as inane as possible has kept me from enjoying them to any worthwhile degree. Your stylish arcs and silent comics are the reason I've kept coming back. In my opinion that is what you are GOOD at.
over 12 years ago
Ha! An clever and almost perfect ending. Admittedly it started off a bit slow and uninteresting, but I really liked it once it picked up speed.


Now then, it certainly is disappointing that you will never make arcs again.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195679]@DSQ[/url]: Can I get you some cheese to go with that whine?
over 12 years ago
It does seem like the joke was stretched a bit too long, especially for a silent comic. That last page might've been more fun if it'd been done 3 strips ago. In fact... I might go as far as to say, it was the worst arc yet, if only by a very small margin and not at all bad.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195627]@Mugguffen[/url]: No. This arc just wasn't funny or entertaining. TF hat jokes haven't been funny for a long time and this was a 14 part agonizingly boring and drawn out version of that moldy old joke.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195663]@Jeff[/url]: "Jo was gonna draw more black engie, but Sniper rolled a twenty"
over 12 years ago
I enjoyed the arc, like I did most the others. But, unfortunately, understand business is a business and money is how food and vidya games are bought, so no real reprimand capable of being given. only sadness :(
over 12 years ago
this is sad. but we do what we must.
over 12 years ago
Add more fanservice. Problem solved.

It almost worked for that one page too
over 12 years ago
In the end, Engie-tan still won. Now, who wants cupcakes?
over 12 years ago
This "arc" could've been boiled down into three strips. They meet to play D&D, they play D&D, they finish playing D&D. Instead this was like what 6 strips to accomplish the same thing? There was no punch line, no comedy, nothing.
over 12 years ago
Okay, that was a bit dickish. Tone down my jerkwad meter a bit though, and I still stand by my statement. If you don't want to do arcs, don't do them. An experimental and uninteresting "silent comic" proves nothing.
over 12 years ago
Artist doesn't want to do arcs, so artist makes bad arc to "prove point".

Self-fulfilling prophecy much?
over 12 years ago
*Sigh* people just can't be pleased.
over 12 years ago
Come on guys, it wasnt that bad... it was a nice change of pace
over 12 years ago
It's not just you, if Penny Arcade doesn't like doing arcs of more than two or three comics, it's probably for similar reasons. I would say do what you feel like, because you'll do it better, but it's easier to say if you're not making a living from this. Good luck!
over 12 years ago
So where's the fanservice I was promised?
over 12 years ago
Even if the ending was great, the arc was really really bad. There were like 3 "pages" just for settling the DnD. Also: this is almost not tf2 related untill this page: HATS.
over 12 years ago
I feel I would enjoy this more if you had more real comics on the side, this arc was just too slow and uninteresting.
over 12 years ago
This arc sucked, Just go back and look at the old ones and you'll see why. The story was boring, slow and uninteresting. The last arcs were great. Jo is great too but this isn't what people wanted from an arc.
boring and unfunny
over 12 years ago
boring and unfunny
over 12 years ago
What if you did something to make the arcs less disruptive of regular comics instead?

Like... Only updating arcs on Mondays?
-The non-arc fans don't feel disrupted for long stretches of time
-Arc fans get what they want
-YOU get more time to work on story arc updates

Everybody wins!
over 12 years ago
OH YOU~ @ Engie-tan

How come your revenue goes down when you do arcs though? If you get the same amount of visitors, then how does revenue go down?
over 12 years ago
this is crap all the kids today have too short of an attention span, and to little of a sense of humor. This was a great arc, funny, suspenseful and all that. I really hope this isn't the last one
over 12 years ago
Oh boy, found a NN! Comic fresh from the oven!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_195616]@Vyse2487[/url] No no, you misunderstand. The hat has all unusual effects, but they're different styles. Default style is no effect, for some god-awful reason. @Jo Good to see another arc; understand completely about too much effort for too little gain; no intention to stop reading
over 12 years ago
The TF2 arc you were promised is on this very page. It was one long will-do-anything-for-hats joke.
over 12 years ago
I actually found this arc kind of boring. :( Maybe others did too, and that's why there was a decline?
over 12 years ago
So where's the TF2 arc I was promised?
over 12 years ago
I liked this arc, but it really had very little to do with TF2. Can we have a TF2 arc now please? :D
over 12 years ago
Well, I enjoyed it and kept visiting the website each day to see if you had updated (even though I knew better).
over 12 years ago
I've never played TF2, but I liked this little arc. :D